I gotta stop using only the "latest post" buttons, I'm getting responses to my posts a month or two afterwards
Leonidae: I'm not talking temperatures, I'm talking pure-D
SALT up here in the rustbelt. salt, stones, road debris, potholes that can swallow the likes of a Cinq (and in ASPHALT) train tracks that stick up three miles (that's what it FEELS like) out of the road bed. I don't know what the "roadkill" quotient is in europe, but when a medium sized critter can wipe out a lorry, imagine what hitting a rabbit with a cinq will do to it!
Jondot: in my area, it's like this; imagine running the cotswalds, Yorkshire, or the Scottish Highlands (which are Geologically related) all the time, on dirt roads that are all boulders the size of your tyres that shake you around like old cobblestones with chunks missing out of the set. now picture driving straight up and down grades with absolutely NO curves, or a single sharp, literally squared off right or left (like their was a crossroads there) on the steepest part of the grade. no switchbacks, no curve grading, a cliff on the inside of the turn, a dropoff on the outside, almost straight down into a coal mine, the road leaning to the inside next to the hill at an angle that would make a supercar tip over. now, imagine climbing that hill for 3 MILES, and
running into a stop sign or traffic light at the top !
if you people ever wondered why americans need these huge powerful engines, huge tyres, and cubic shapes, our old roads are why. they go straight over hills and straight down valleys with no thought of braking (because they'd insta-fry), follow old farmer's boundary lines (thus, the L turns), and deliberately jig hard to avoid lawsuits by property owners who are too stubborn to give right of way (eminent domain or not). on a major highway (that I would normally be on right now) there is a 9% grade that runs for about 3 miles, and has a couple straight stretches on the steep bits, and a couple deadman's curves on the steeper bits! I have to scoot into the Trucker's lane, mash the pedal, and hope the hell I don't run out of gas trying to keep up with traffic, crawling at 30/50 and having guys in old pickups laugh their butts off when they blow my doors off.
I'm gonna take a couple good batteries, tape my cam to the windshield/screen, and show you guys the horror of old roads in a state dominated by the oldest mountians in the world.