There are still a lot of things to sort out. At Le Mans (invitational) i had no problems, but in "Team" I had to restart several times at Watkins Glenn 3hrs (LMP1 car), because the game kept crashing after some time, mostly around 2 hours, sometimes after half an hour.
Each time I got directed back to that event, without being able to proceed on anything else from the calendar.
In my last try, I reduced AI from 80 to 60%, drove one stint and then gave the wheel to Bob, while leading by 4 laps. He lost between 6 - 12" each lap, but he finished the race with just a lap ahead and there was no game crash.
Weird thing: in this last race the hud showed position 1/6 the whole time, while there were 30 (or 40 ?) cars competing in several classes. The results also only show place 1 to 6 !?
I am pretty sure that during the first races the HUD did show the right amount of cars.
Going to start Sonoma Raceway 3hrs race now, see if that is trouble free...

Practice 1 - 2 and qualifying were OK.