The GT6 Epic Whining and Crying Thread

  • Thread starter HaylRayzor
Didn't bother reading it all. Dang there's a lot of whiners here. Did you guys even see the presentation vid or read the interview GTPlanet did with Kaz? Most of the standard cars will get more details. So they won't be as ugly and pixelated as they are in GT5. They will be better looking. He said it himself. There. Happy?
Didn't bother reading it all. Dang there's a lot of whiners here. Did you guys even see the presentation vid or read the interview GTPlanet did with Kaz? Most of the standard cars will get more details. So they won't be as ugly and pixelated as they are in GT5. They will be better looking. He said it himself. There. Happy?

Whining about whining? Please, Most standards still won't have cock pit view, and we still have 2 tiers of cars in a racing game./....

Don't cry because people want better quality. It's us non sheep that drive change and make games better, bot the people whi blindly accept what ever devs throw out. Up your standards bro.
Whining about whining? Please, Most standards still won't have cock pit view, and we still have 2 tiers of cars in a racing game./....

Don't cry because people want better quality. It's us non sheep that drive change and make games better, bot the people whi blindly accept what ever devs throw out. Up your standards bro.

^This, a product can't be improved without costumers' feedback, all this "whining" is feedback, the problem is that PD don't want to listen to their costumers
^This, a product can't be improved without costumers' feedback, all this "whining" is feedback, the problem is that PD don't want to listen to their costumers

Oh really? Than why are PD improving the standard cars for GT6 than? ALL THE COMPLAINTS about the standard cars, have led PD to update them to have ALL cars be in photomode and be customized.

Plus, the costumers have given their feedback about GT5's physics not being so good. Look what PD has done, NEW improved physics with a tire and suspension models helped by both Yokohama and K&W.

Now you tell me that isn't listening to the comtumers... Mind you those were just examples of PD listening to their costumers. I ain't staying in here to hear any BS further than that.

Good day.
Disagree, what is more important for the long term health of GT and sony? Ps4 is, not one gt game. No matter how well Gt6 sells it will be miniscule compared to what a large conglomerate like sony will need.

rumour is now MS is preparing forza 5 for Next xbox, Sony and PD making a major mistake here.

GT would move PS4's off the shelves.

Exactly why I can also see it going the other way for Sony/GT, Forza and MS will either appear at the end of this year or early next year, and that may take a massive chunk if the next XBOX is priced right and has such an impressive technical system on par with PS4.
^This, a product can't be improved without costumers' feedback, all this "whining" is feedback, the problem is that PD don't want to listen to their costumers

Someone who said that he wasn't going to buy the game the instant it was announced as a PS3 title, then went on to list other reasons that he won't buy the game over in other threads about various other topics, probably doesn't fit the mold as one of their customers anyway. Nor does anyone else, really, who writes off the entire game in response to the initial announcement.
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Didn't bother reading it all. Dang there's a lot of whiners here. Did you guys even see the presentation vid or read the interview GTPlanet did with Kaz? Most of the standard cars will get more details. So they won't be as ugly and pixelated as they are in GT5. They will be better looking. He said it himself. There. Happy?

They say a lot of things, and in the end it doesn't come to fruition as they explained it pre-release...obviously most of us here read and watched, hence why were are commenting. It's actually you that seem painstakingly new, and not realizing that we do our homework and have played this game series for a very long time.

Great irony by the way, you crying about other people crying. Pot. Kettle. Black
Since this is a whining thread is it ok to whine about all the whining ?;)

Seriously my only gripes worth whining over from GT5 were
It did not have a proper leaderboard. I was sure it would based on GT5P and it did not.. /whine
It did not have a proper hood view and I really wanted that .... /whine
It did not have Motegi, El Capitan and Seattle which I also really wanted .... /whine
A-Spec races had no tire restrictions and the tire wear was not right which meant you could run race soft in pretty much any event and it made them way to easy.... /whine
The first seasonal events were good and a bit difficult but then came the whiners... oh they are to hard and so much for the difficulty back to easy and boring.... /whine

My biggest gripe of all though is the whiners. There are so many people who gripe about trival little things that it would be very difficult for anyone to find the more legit things that need to be addressed in the game to make it better.

All additions and improvements are a good thing but all things take time and effort and that time and effort should be spent on the aspects of the game that make it a driving sim and the other things should take a back seat until those are 100%
Someone who said that he wasn't going to buy the game the instant it was announced as a PS3 title, then went on to list other reasons that he won't buy the game over in other threads about various other topics, probably doesn't fit the mold as one of their customers anyway. Nor does anyone else, really, who writes off the entire game in response to the initial announcement.
And the conclusion is that fixing problems didn't help? But anyway, I know what you actually wanted to refer to, XIII was so bad that people lost trust in the FF franchise.

Even though XIII-2 was an apology game it still kept many things from XIII people did not like. And that was pretty much the final nail in the coffin of Final Fantasy and Square Enix as a respected, AAA developer.

Same looks to happen with GT5.5. OK they're going to improve the physics. But heres the problem. In my opinion the physics were by far and away the best part of GT5. They were the last thing that needed improving. Cant get upset over them improving the physics though, but you can get upset for them yelling from the rooftops about physics while they announce no changes or improvements to AI, damage, sound, and car list.

And the horrible Square Enixish excuses. 'We dont want damage on the cars to make them look ugly'. 'The sound is too real already'.

You'd expect a smaller drop if they release it for PS4? They'd sell even less on the PS4.

Not necessarily. PS3, at $599 US dollars and without a good early game lineup moved 20 million consoles the first 2 years. A hypothetical $400 US dollars PS4 with GT6 released some time in 2014 would easily surpass those numbers for the first 2 years. So with perhaps 25 million PS4 consoles on the market within the first 2 years 1/5 people could buy the game moving around 5 million copies of GT6.

I dont expect much more then 5 million copies of GT5.5 on PS3 to be sold. When you make an apology game, which Polyphony Digital has no interest in doing, it must come out in a timely fashion. 3 years after GT5 is not a timely release. Releasing at the same time of the new Xbox and Playstation is not a timely release. But again, Polyphony Digital has grown big and arrogant, and they think they can do anything now, announce it how they want, take as long to create it as they want, and release it when they want, and their game will still sell. It wont.

GT6 on PS3 Holiday 2012 would have been the perfect fit. But Polyphony Digital needs to release games every 3-4 years, when their nearest rival can do it every 2 years while maintaining AAA quality.

GT5 will soon hit better sales numbers than GT4 with 11.7million units. At the moment it sold as good as GT1. This would make it the second most succesful GT game of all time behind GT3.
Funny thing, which honestly isn't really related to this, is the fact that GT5 only sold worse because of the NA market. Surely due to the PS3 launch disaster and GT5s big delay, which let many people buy an XBOX and Forza. But let's better not discuss about this (vs will not end well). See it as an interesting fact.

GT6 doesn't have to sell as good as GT5, like it's always been the case with the respectively second title per console gen.

It wont be a 10% drop in sales this time. The 10% drop in sales we saw from GT1 to GT2 and from GT3 to GT4 was simply a portion of the consumers deciding against upgrading because they were either happy with the first game or werent interested in getting another racer.

GT5 was the first game in the series that was received almost universally with negative reception. Add onto that the long wait for the next game, which had absolutely zero hype and build up until the behind closed doors announcement casuals know zero about, the distraction and competition from next gen consoles, GTR3 and rfactor 2 and Project CARS all coming within the next year and you have a pretty bad storm brewing for GT sales.

You want an apology game? Spec III only with bugfixes would be a apology game. GT6 is apparently going to be quite different in it's core. And no, with core aren't meant superficial things such as cars, tracks, etc.

Also, saying PD is repeating mistakes from GT5 with GT6 is very subjective. I personally see a new GT with huge improvements in core elements such as new suspension model, new aero model, new tyre model, etc.
Sorry, but in my eyes those points are a thousand times more important than a funny livery editor, no standards, or whatever.

True apology game to GT enthusiasts: Come and and say you're working on the sound, AI, and gameplay. Nope. Instead Kazxunori Yamauchi has to be prodded into speaking about issues, saying they are constantly researching such items. They have truly learned nothing from GT5. Physics in GT5 were the best part of the game, yet the biggest thing they want to address in the announcement is physics? Oh I forgot. The sound is already too real.

I also don't expect the PS4 GT to need again 4 years for release. I count with at maximum 2, which isn't a ridiculous assumption since Kaz gave us a hint about this topic.

You know, it wouldnt surprise me if we got GT on PS4 within a couple of years. Classic double dip. Pay now for a PS3 version that should have existed last year if at all, and then pay again for the same game ported over to the PS4 in 2 more years.
GT5 was the first game in the series that was received almost universally with negative reception.

Wat. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat.

The mid 80s or whatever Metacritic score GT5 ended up with, regardless of whether or not you agree with how high it was, is not almost universal negative reception. Nor is it a patch on GT PSP, which got (and deserved) a considerably lower critical response, and came out first. When you overstate your case that far, it devolves into nonsense.
i want engine/transmission swaps and able to make slammed cars again. a livery editor would be nice too. forza has all these things, why can't gran turismo?
i want engine/transmission swaps and able to make slammed cars again. a livery editor would be nice too. forza has all these things, why can't gran turismo?

Not enough time, Now they have a bigger staff then before can be possible. Up to Kaz.
Most of the standard cars will get more details. So they won't be as ugly and pixelated as they are in GT5. They will be better looking. He said it himself. There. Happy?

Oh really? Than why are PD improving the standard cars for GT6 than? ALL THE COMPLAINTS about the standard cars, have led PD to update them to have ALL cars be in photomode and be customized..

Because at the moment they're just words, we haven't seen the evidence yet. Call me crazy but I don't hang on every word Kaz says and just take it as gospel then give him the thumbs up.

So no, just because "Kaz said it himself" that doesn't mean people should be happy.
Call me crazy but I don't hang on every word Kaz says and just take it as gospel then give him the thumbs up.

So no, just because "Kaz said it himself" that doesn't mean people should be happy.


I don't personally get all the over enthusiasm and defence over what Kaz says, we've been listening to his promises for over 15 years and even the biggest of PD's International Fanboy's Brigade should know not to clinch on to every word, but I guess not :indiff:. That's no dig at anyone here, but if my absolute hero failed to deliver on what they promised for that long, well, I would have stopped believing in them a long time ago.

People seem quick to forget the past and believe that every word from now is gospel, and I'm not particularly sure why. I find it better to expect something realistic than viewing things through rose tinted glasses, saves yourself a lot of disappointment.

ALL THE COMPLAINTS about the standard cars, have led PD to update them to have ALL cars be in photomode and be customized.

I mean, shouldn't this ability have been included from the start? Many features were listed as being worked on in 2007 IIRC, nearly 7 years before they finally reach implementation, that's if they even make it into GT6.

Meanwhile I'll happily play some other games that have already been providing all of Kaz's promises in the meantime, rather than limiting myself to just one franchise and having a very long, painful wait 👍
Because at the moment they're just words, we haven't seen the evidence yet. Call me crazy but I don't hang on every word Kaz says and just take it as gospel then give him the thumbs up.

So no, just because "Kaz said it himself" that doesn't mean people should be happy.

I'm with him.

I'll believe it when I see one of these "improved" standards.

And then I'll believe it some more when I see evidence that it's actually been done to a significant portion of the roster.

There's so many things that could be underwhelming with these so-called improvements, I think it's way too early to start getting hopes up that they'll be significantly better than GT5.

Frankly, I expect to be able to take some standard cars to Trial Mountain and make like it's 2001 all over again. How's that for some low expectations? :P
Because at the moment they're just words, we haven't seen the evidence yet. Call me crazy but I don't hang on every word Kaz says and just take it as gospel then give him the thumbs up.

So no, just because "Kaz said it himself" that doesn't mean people should be happy.

As usual I agree with SimonK

Since this is a whining thread is it ok to whine about all the whining ?;)

Seriously my only gripes worth whining over from GT5 were
It did not have a proper leaderboard. I was sure it would based on GT5P and it did not.. /whine
It did not have a proper hood view and I really wanted that .... /whine
It did not have Motegi, El Capitan and Seattle which I also really wanted .... /whine
A-Spec races had no tire restrictions and the tire wear was not right which meant you could run race soft in pretty much any event and it made them way to easy.... /whine
The first seasonal events were good and a bit difficult but then came the whiners... oh they are to hard and so much for the difficulty back to easy and boring.... /whine

My biggest gripe of all though is the whiners. There are so many people who gripe about trival little things that it would be very difficult for anyone to find the more legit things that need to be addressed in the game to make it better.

All additions and improvements are a good thing but all things take time and effort and that time and effort should be spent on the aspects of the game that make it a driving sim and the other things should take a back seat until those are 100%

What exactly is a whiner and a critic to you? I mean you sound rational, and when I read this I wonder which is me. (I'm weird) Anyways, what trivial things are we talking about here cause the only thing that I sort of laughed at were smaller items like, 2D trees (oh that thread is full of laughs). However, I tend to go with the latter, I'm a critic. When a game takes long in portions that others have already conquered and beat them at...then it becomes an issue. However, 2D trees behind 3D trees or moving mudflaps isn't an issue when you look at horrible sounds, needed upgrade on physics engine (tire model, suspension and aero).
OK they're going to improve the physics. But heres the problem. In my opinion the physics were by far and away the best part of GT5. They were the last thing that needed improving. Cant get upset over them improving the physics though, but you can get upset for them yelling from the rooftops about physics while they announce no changes or improvements to AI, damage, sound, and car list.
This will vary person to person. The physics are most of the reason I care about GT6 at all. They were in dire need of improvement compared to what was in 5, and I think that PD has their priorities right by focusing on them. Second would be online mode.

Also, it's not upsetting that they did not say those things in their first and only announcement.
I agree with Exorcet, how anyone can sit their and find the tire physics (lack of them) rational to the real world emulation PD claimed to have produced, needs to go back and recheck. The mechanical grip model in general was horrible
This will vary person to person. The physics are most of the reason I care about GT6 at all. They were in dire need of improvement compared to what was in 5, and I think that PD has their priorities right by focusing on them. Second would be online mode.

Also, it's not upsetting that they did not say those things in their first and only announcement.

Physics (and with it enhanced tuning abilities), gameplay, game structure, these are the things that needed the most work in my opinion, or should be the highest priority. A game that involves racing with no proper qualifying set up for racing, no rolling starts on most tracks for example is a much higher priority than damage modelling or being able to take photos of all cars in photo mode. This game needs many more options available for hosts setting up races both online and off for it to progress. If we get more bells and whistles with the game but the guts aren't improved dramatically, I'll be very disappointed.
..., the costumers have given their feedback about GT5's physics not being so good. Look what PD has done, NEW improved physics with a tire and suspension models helped by both Yokohama and K&W.

Now you tell me that isn't listening to the comtumers...

Besides the pseudo fanatics of real physics who expect GT to become the most realistic driving game ever (yes I'm exaggerating a bit here) I didn't see too many complaints about GT5 physics being thaaat bad... most criticism about GT5 I've seen was rather about sounds and AI racing for example. And look how far they went on improving that from what they've shown us (or rather haven't, the absence of any exciting actual racing in the released trailer says a lot about the game's focus).

Yes PD seem to try to listen to their players, but they still make weird decisions and set priorities that we don't understand/like.
Because at the moment they're just words, we haven't seen the evidence yet. Call me crazy but I don't hang on every word Kaz says and just take it as gospel then give him the thumbs up.

So no, just because "Kaz said it himself" that doesn't mean people should be happy.

Well. You're not forced to be believe nor be happy about it, so you're not crazy. I wasn't around when whatever those promises were made, so I don't know what happen with you guys here on GTPlanet, but I'll stick to Kaz's word for now till E3 at least. Just being hopeful. Not that I care though, the new physics and upgraded course maker has me sold already. :sly:

I mean, shouldn't this ability have been included from the start? Many features were listed as being worked on in 2007 IIRC, nearly 7 years before they finally reach implementation, that's if they even make it into GT6.

Meanwhile I'll happily play some other games that have already been providing all of Kaz's promises in the meantime, rather than limiting myself to just one franchise and having a very long, painful wait 👍

Well of course, isn't anyone happy to play different games? :irked: Play Mario, MGR: Rising, play anything that isn't Gran Turismo is that so hard dude? Disappointment will always be made no matter what devs that were known for years by fans who hold hope and high expectations for them, it's natural and I understand. IMO, the only one to blame, is yourself.

I'll believe it when I see one of these "improved" standards.

Oh brother here we go. You need to tell me you couldn't just done that instead, WOW. :rolleyes:

Besides the pseudo fanatics of real physics who expect GT to become the most realistic driving game ever (yes I'm exaggerating a bit here) I didn't see too many complaints about GT5 physics being thaaat bad... most criticism about GT5 I've seen was rather about sounds and AI racing for example. And look how far they went on improving that from what they've shown us (or rather haven't, the absence of any exciting actual racing in the released trailer says a lot about the game's focus).

Yes PD seem to try to listen to their players, but they still make weird decisions and set priorities that we don't understand/like.

Lol, I highly agree about the sounds, Enthusia and TXRD2 also had bad engine sounds too, so I can understand why GT has it too but it's strange how they do record a car's sound but sounds bad in game. :\ But what I wrote were just examples (well one now). Ignoring the trailer, the A.I. aren't said about yet (or should I say there weren't asked about at all yet)

It's just everyone wants this and that. than it gets all confusing.... Than they wonder why they're little wishes never comes true.

I do however, agree that PD seems to make the weirdest decisions ever though. :indiff:
What am I supposed to be blaming myself over TokoTurismo? That I will seek out other Sim racers while other people simply refuse to try anything else and stand by Gran Turismo no matter what? There are plenty of "die hard fans" that will do this and claim that there is nothing wrong with GT or the way that it is developed, while blocking out all other opinions or in game footage that proves otherwise.

Many problems with the game are blamed on hardware, where we have seen that it is simply a matter of PD needing to pull their socks up - the same core problems have been there for 5 games and 3 consoles now. I always used to think GT5 was not that bad, and to some extent it's not in places, but that's before I tried out various other Sims on the market which get much closer to the real experience. This doesn't mean I don't have fun on GT, if I didn't, I wouldn't play it, but I can't honestly class it as a full Sim racer at the moment.

It will still be a few decades before we have full simulation mind you, hope I haven't killed myself off by then.
There are some people who are never pleased, and that's fine.

There are other people (like me), who are easily pleased, and that's fine.
What exactly is a whiner and a critic to you? I mean you sound rational, and when I read this I wonder which is me. (I'm weird) Anyways, what trivial things are we talking about here cause the only thing that I sort of laughed at were smaller items like, 2D trees (oh that thread is full of laughs). However, I tend to go with the latter, I'm a critic. When a game takes long in portions that others have already conquered and beat them at...then it becomes an issue. However, 2D trees behind 3D trees or moving mudflaps isn't an issue when you look at horrible sounds, needed upgrade on physics engine (tire model, suspension and aero).

I was on the forums a lot in the first few months after release and then a bit recently but was away for a while. You pointed out a couple of examples in the 2d trees and mud flaps. I also seem to remember people whining about the drivers hand motions in cockpit view, shadows, paint chips, the one a day trade rule and different things of the sort. Many going so far as to say that they would not buy GT6 if it has these issues.

Don't get me wrong there were also posts that made perfect sense and pointed out real and important issues that needed to be addressed right away but they had a tendency to get buried in the whinning about trival things or things that clearly were not going to be changed anytime soon. Standards for example, clearly they were not going to be removed nor could all of them be changed to premium but the number of posts calling for and whinning about this is off the charts. Just think how many great cars we would not have access to in GT5 if not for the standards.
What am I supposed to be blaming myself over TokoTurismo? That I will seek out other Sim racers while other people simply refuse to try anything else and stand by Gran Turismo no matter what? There are plenty of "die hard fans" that will do this and claim that there is nothing wrong with GT or the way that it is developed, while blocking out all other opinions or in game footage that proves otherwise.

I only said you have yourself to blame only because you had high expectations in a game, but I take it back and isn't your fault, it's natural for every fan and every game. I didn't blame you for only playing GT, you can play any game you have intrest in. I just like staying with GT because I feel comfortable and think its fun. :) For the hard dies however. lol

Many problems with the game are blamed on hardware, where we have seen that it is simply a matter of PD needing to pull their socks up - the same core problems have been there for 5 games and 3 consoles now.

Apparently Kaz said it was hard making GT5 on the PS3.

Kazunori: "GT5 was really hard to develop, because the PS3 is a really complex piece of hardware, and it was the first time we built anything with an extensive online component."

Not sure about the other issues. You're not one of those PS4 folk who think GT6 will be better off being on PS4 are you? :lol:

I always used to think GT5 was not that bad, and to some extent it's not in places, but that's before I tried out various other Sims on the market which get much closer to the real experience. This doesn't mean I don't have fun on GT, if I didn't, I wouldn't play it, but I can't honestly class it as a full Sim racer at the moment.

That's truthful, and I understand that. You see, for me; I don't class GT as a sim at all but instead a game I enjoy playing. I don't go after sim racers because they're to life-like for me, and (in my opinion) I don't really enjoy them to be honest. If you do, and tried other sim racers that's better than GT, I give you a 👍 for it. :)

It will still be a few decades before we have full simulation mind you, hope I haven't killed myself off by then.

No worries, you haven't at all. I don't mind if GT wouldn't reach to the full simulation. To be honest, I hope it wouldn't. If it did though, I will than feel sad about it. But if it did for you, again you earn a 👍 for it. I will than have to move on to something else that'll be my new GT, but I'll feel depressed about it though cause it'll won't feel the same. :(
I was on the forums a lot in the first few months after release and then a bit recently but was away for a while. You pointed out a couple of examples in the 2d trees and mud flaps. I also seem to remember people whining about the drivers hand motions in cockpit view, shadows, paint chips, the one a day trade rule and different things of the sort. Many going so far as to say that they would not buy GT6 if it has these issues.


I suppose it varies from person to person, but I think issues like shadows, the paint chip system, and the one a day trade rule, are all pretty major issues for some people. It all depends on how each individual prefers to enjoy the game. For someone who does a lot of picture taking in GT, the issues with shadows (and lets throw smoke pixilation in there as well) are a pretty big deal. For people who enjoy the trading and collecting aspect of GT, the one a day trade rule made the whole marketplace aspect of GT5 a real headache. And lets be serious, I don't think anyone actually enjoys the paint chip system :lol: Don't get me wrong, I actually like the idea of having "real" paint colours (ie an authentic Midnight Purple, Bayside Blue, Subaru World Rally Blue etc etc) in the game....but the organization of the paint chip system is enough to make the calmest of people flip out now and again.

And even though I would agree that the driver hand motion in cockpit view is not a "major" issue, it is enough of an issue for me to have basically abandoned using cockpit view. As someone who mostly drifts in GT5, having the steering wheel limited to 180', no hand-over-hand steering motion, and zero animation when using the handbrake, kills the authenticity of using cockpit view for myself.
I was on the forums a lot in the first few months after release and then a bit recently but was away for a while. You pointed out a couple of examples in the 2d trees and mud flaps. I also seem to remember people whining about the drivers hand motions in cockpit view, shadows, paint chips, the one a day trade rule and different things of the sort. Many going so far as to say that they would not buy GT6 if it has these issues.

Don't get me wrong there were also posts that made perfect sense and pointed out real and important issues that needed to be addressed right away but they had a tendency to get buried in the whinning about trival things or things that clearly were not going to be changed anytime soon. Standards for example, clearly they were not going to be removed nor could all of them be changed to premium but the number of posts calling for and whinning about this is off the charts. Just think how many great cars we would not have access to in GT5 if not for the standards.

Ah I see now, I would say though that standards are important in the sense of quality an illusion that PD think we're under. The problem with standards is they obviously have a distinct difference from Premium, and this shows us the under lying problems of GT in general. The fact that we can drive a realistic car with a cockpit view and then for the first year and the 4 iterations before GT5 drive cars that don't have it in the same game clearly shows that quantity is the goal. I don't care about the numbers and it is a good argument to say that none of us will get around to all these cars anyways so a reduced number seems more reasonable. Plus having them all with the same features great realistic sense, cockpit views and other needed tools to accomplish realism.

I really can't say that standards are a whining type issue, they are a QC issue that should have been addressed, not to have as a number on a box so people would go "oh wow!". Then go home open it up and wonder why a 5th of the cars had better looks and a realistic cockpit, while the others had nothing and then later on a shadow box.

I must also say, that things become whining when a person doesn't make a good argument and just says "yeh gt suckz real bad" and doesn't explain why. That irritates a lot of people.
I suppose it varies from person to person, but I think issues like shadows, the paint chip system, and the one a day trade rule, are all pretty major issues for some people. It all depends on how each individual prefers to enjoy the game. For someone who does a lot of picture taking in GT, the issues with shadows (and lets throw smoke pixilation in there as well) are a pretty big deal. For people who enjoy the trading and collecting aspect of GT, the one a day trade rule made the whole marketplace aspect of GT5 a real headache. And lets be serious, I don't think anyone actually enjoys the paint chip system :lol: Don't get me wrong, I actually like the idea of having "real" paint colours (ie an authentic Midnight Purple, Bayside Blue, Subaru World Rally Blue etc etc) in the game....but the organization of the paint chip system is enough to make the calmest of people flip out now and again.

And even though I would agree that the driver hand motion in cockpit view is not a "major" issue, it is enough of an issue for me to have basically abandoned using cockpit view. As someone who mostly drifts in GT5, having the steering wheel limited to 180', no hand-over-hand steering motion, and zero animation when using the handbrake, kills the authenticity of using cockpit view for myself.

The paint chip system is a bit silly I think but I was happy just to be able to change the color of the car after having played GT4 so I was not complaining about that at all, it would be way down on my list of things to change. The smoke is so much better than Forza 2,3,4 also not something I would complain about and even farther down the list. Cockpit hand motions and such... please do you actually watch your hands when you are driving? personally I watch the road and glance at the gauges and mirrors from time to time. I suppose shadows may be an issue to those who are picky about taking pictures but really compared to proper tire wire, cars, tracks, leaderboards, race events and such where should that be on a list of things that need to be addressed? For me it would be several pages deep.

Then we have the trading rule. Being that most people were simply making a copy of the car and trading it that made a lot of sense to have the limit on it. It allowed people to copy and trade their cars but made them go through some effort to do so and prevented them from flooding the network with 100s of copied cars everyday. Forza would have simply banned those users for sending the copy of a car but GT handled it more gracefully.

I did not like the 20 mil credit cap but I never once mentioned it until now because there were other things that were far more important and being a developer myself I know that it takes time to make changes, any changes and some of them take a lot longer than you might think. It is very important to prioritize things and work on the things that are most important to game play first and those "little things" mentioned should take a back seat unless by some chance they are something that could be changed in 10 minutes and make sense to do so.

Unfortunately we also have the issue where whoever cries the loudest is the one who gets heard and often the loudest cries are not for the most important issues and that bugs me quite a bit.
Then we have the trading rule. Being that most people were simply making a copy of the car and trading it that made a lot of sense to have the limit on it. It allowed people to copy and trade their cars but made them go through some effort to do so and prevented them from flooding the network with 100s of copied cars everyday. Forza would have simply banned those users for sending the copy of a car but GT handled it more gracefully.

PD could just as easily prevent the sending of duplicated cars and then left trading open to purchased or prize cars only, unlimited. That would have preserved the integrity of the trading system and the rarity of cars within the system, while still allowing us to duplicate cars for our own purposes and opening up trades of multiple cars simultaneously. That's a win win for everybody, instead of adopting a "Big Brother" attitude and limiting the enjoyment of a segment of players by artificially limited the trading function. Throw in a trading "approval" process where both sides have to click a "yes" box to approve a trade before it occurs and you also eliminate people getting ripped off in trades.

Two small and easy changes that would have revolutionized trading.