No, but I don't think breaking the system further is particularly helpful. As you say, the Republicans will use whatever they can in pursuit of power, so introducing something like the nuclear option is just a red flag to a bull. The Republicans will also abuse it the first chance they get, once it's there. The only way it could have not backfired is if the Democrats immediately afterwards got sufficient control to change the fundamental systems to remove the need for the nuclear option, and if that was the case they could have just waited.
I think there are times where it's necessary to accept that you're in an undesirable position due to people legitimately using a flawed system in unintended ways, and that there may not be anything you can do to improve the situation without fundamentally altering the system. Short term band aids like the nuclear option may work as a once off solution to the 2013 problem, but at the cost of making the system even more broken in the long term. It ultimately means that the Democrats have power as the primary goal just like the Republicans do, and nobody is actually interested in providing good government.
Instead I'd suggest biding your time, continuing to put up compromise candidates that will be refused for no reason, and making sure that it's clear to everyone how the system is broken and that their rights and democracy is at stake if this is allowed to continue. Demonstrate clearly the flaws to the electorate, and make it obvious how a balanced system is an improvement for everyone regardless of party. If you can't do that then you might be 🤬 out of luck, because if the citizens don't actually want a fair and balanced government then there's really not much you can do to force it on them without becoming exactly what you fear.
And that may be exactly the problem. Some of the major flaws of the US governmental system have been obvious to both parties for decades, but haven't been fixed by anyone. At that point, who is really to blame when someone turns up and starts exploiting those flaws? By leaving these flaws in place, is that not an implicit admission that this is exactly how people want the system to work?
Having a split system allows for compromise. Having a party holding all 3 is a disaster.Bottom line: the Democrats need to regain control of the senate. The electoral system is clearly heavily tilted towards Republicans. Americans need to vote heavily enough against the GOP to overcome the tilt.
Having a split system allows for compromise. Having a party holding all 3 is a disaster.
I think it's very telling that Trumpers can't see the light of the day in transpartisan discution groups (like r/politics). They need their self-confirmation group bubble.I made a new Reddit account to troll the Conservative sub. I started by debunking an article which claimed a string of cars parked in Arizona which was 96 miles long included 170,000 cars. I did some basic math and found out only about 26,000 cars could reasonably fit within that space. The car demographic of small-town Arizona heavily favoring full-size trucks would make that number even smaller by a couple thousand.
My work continues.
What's the predicted or estimated turnout percentage?
I simply do not know what it would take to get the other ~40% or so interested in voting.
This is fun.
White SUV is a Biden/Harris staffer that claimed to be immediately behind the bus, as you would expect them to be.
The video above purports to challenge this claim by depicting a scene well into the altercation, at which point the two vehicles are alongside one another and the SUV is labeled the aggressor.
There's a problem with that account, beyond the fact that it's been presented in this instance by alt-right propagandist Ian Miles Cheong, a video game vlogger turned "journalist" out of Indonesia.
The clip above shows the white SUV immediately behind the bus and the black truck flying its thin blue line flag alongside it in the nearer lane. The two vehicles have clearly not made contact at this point in the altercation.
Here's the white SUV after the altercation:
Nevermind the grain of salt...don't take what Ian Miles Cheong says at all.
But yeah, delusional Trump voters endangering themselves, any occupants of their own vehicles, the occupants of the campaign bus and the occupants of other vehicles on the road, breaking the law in order to harass and intimidate. "But as long as it is the opposition, it's all fun and games."
I simply do not know what it would take to get the other ~40% or so interested in voting.
I simply do not know what it would take to get the other ~40% or so interested in voting.
I simply do not know what it would take to get the other ~40% or so interested in voting.
A citation may well be justified for the driver of the white SUV.I'm actually a bit surprised that it wasn't more severe given the video. The impact looks pretty heavy, I guess crash safety engineering is doing its work here against a side impact.
From the start of that video it looks like the bus and the white suv moved over together, and the black truck refused to let in the white suv. For a while, the black truck and the white suv are sharing the same lane (no swerving, just a slow steady merging). At some point, the black truck decides to swerve to the left and muscle the white suv out of the lane. Which is very clearly intentional and almost certainly multiple crimes.
That being said, the white suv looks like it tried to pull a lane change into an occupied lane to stay behind the bus. I might give the white suv a ticket for that lane change, whereas the black truck driver should be facing charges. You don't ram someone with your truck just because they merged into your lane.
Judge: "What's wrong with the location?"Texas Republicans are trying to have ~127,000 votes in Harris County thrown out due to the validity of the voting location. The case was rejected by a US District judge. Repubs are planning on appealing the decision.
Laws and regulations are super important all of a sudden.
I hope the next judge & court come to ask the same question that judge did.Texas Republicans are trying to have ~127,000 votes in Harris County thrown out due to the validity of the voting location. The case was rejected by a US District judge. Repubs are planning on appealing the decision.
Laws and regulations are super important all of a sudden.
According to your thread the driver of the black truck is very chummy with the local police.Of course the driver of the black truck brags about his "accomplishment" with video record of the incident. I'd love to be a fly on the wall in the event that law enforcement comes for him, because something tells me he's merely keeping up appearances with regards to his respect for law enforcement due to those who he deems to be "the enemy" calling for police to be subject to the same laws they enforce...and I really want him to resist arrest.
Laws and regulations are super important all of a sudden.
I normally wait up to watch the results of the UK general election, but the results of the US election will no start coming in until the small hours in the UK.
That said, I seem to recall watching the US election results last time around and going to bed thinking that Clinton was going to walk it, only to find out in the morning that the :censored:gibbon had won.
I'm going to bed really early at the moment anyway, so I might use that to my advantage and get up early to watch the significant results coming in. I guess someone will make a declaration of victory by around early morning UK time... presuming Trump can last longer than 1 minute after the polls close to declare himself the winner. I sincerely hope that he is trounced and that the hideous era of Trump is consigned to the garbage bin of history, even though that may be wishful thinking, even if Trump is defeated... Trumpism, sadly, may linger for much longer - like a bad fart in a lift.
They're already starting to block intersections and our police force could not care any less than they already do.