The GTP Unofficial 2020 US Elections Thread

GTPlanet Exit Poll - Which Presidential Ticket Did You Vote For?

  • Trump/Pence

    Votes: 16 27.1%
  • Biden/Harris

    Votes: 20 33.9%
  • Jorgensen/Cohen

    Votes: 7 11.9%
  • Hawkins/Walker

    Votes: 1 1.7%
  • La Riva/Freeman

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • De La Fuente/Richardson

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Blankenship/Mohr

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Carroll/Patel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Simmons/Roze

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Charles/Wallace

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 15 25.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Haven't several agencies who look into this stuff say that it was actually the least fraudulent election ever? I think the DOJ and some other agency like the NSA said that.
Haven't several agencies who look into this stuff say that it was actually the least fraudulent election ever? I think the DOJ and some other agency like the NSA said that.
Organs of the government, business and all right thinking citizens put calm, order and routine as first on the list of priorities. Under no conditions whatever is doubt, panic or anarchy to be countenanced.
Haven't several agencies who look into this stuff say that it was actually the least fraudulent election ever? I think the DOJ and some other agency like the NSA said that.

I'm not sure if it's the least fraudulent, but I have to imagine it's no more or less fraudulent than any other year. Overall, the US elections are pretty sound year to year. Does shady stuff happen? Yup, but it happens on both sides so it probably just cancels each other out.

I think the only proven case of fraud this year though was someone using an absentee ballot of their dead mother to vote for Trump. I'm sure there are other cases, but that's the one that keeps coming up.
I mean, sure? They'd still have to be up for election at some point, and one would have to assume that hard-right Trumpist Republicans are going to be in general less appealing to the overall American public than Republicans that are "moderate" enough to certify a vote that they legitimately lost. That whole democracy thing seems to be quite well thought of.

Or like, if this plan turns out to actually be incredibly popular and the whole thing devolves into the National Capitalist American Worker's Party then the rest of you normies are welcome to come and live in Australia. You'll feel right at home, we have dingbat politicians too but at least they tend to stay in their lane and it's socially acceptable to call them all Fosters.
Climate may be something to which I'm accustomed as well.

It's crazy how many crackpots have been seated as of late, though. These people should have been and should always be on the fringe, but Republicans have gone full tilt on Trump. People like Marjorie Greene, Lauren Boebert and Tommy Tuberville are apparently very appealing to the right.

Lin Wood's Twitter attacks on John Roberts is throwing a tantrum when you don't get what you want from the Supreme Court, and is completely unhinged. At this point, he must have given up completely on any legal case; this can't look good for him or any lawyer associated with him when they are in court.
It doesn't actually matter how it looks in court. Court appearances are meant to appease those who are also appeased by his rhetoric on social media. Populism works and it's ****ing disgusting.

Organs of the government, business and all right thinking citizens put calm, order and routine as first on the list of priorities. Under no conditions whatever is doubt, panic or anarchy to be countenanced.
You possess the uncanny ability to use lots of words and still manage to say absolutely nothing. It's as though you've given up on everything other than this and spouting off conspiratorial claptrap.

I'm not sure if it's the least fraudulent, but I have to imagine it's no more or less fraudulent than any other year. Overall, the US elections are pretty sound year to year. Does shady stuff happen? Yup, but it happens on both sides so it probably just cancels each other out.

I think the only proven case of fraud this year though was someone using an absentee ballot of their dead mother to vote for Trump. I'm sure there are other cases, but that's the one that keeps coming up.
It happens, but it's actually discovered and prosecuted.

Honestly, I'd be in favor of some seemingly disproportionate penalties for those who have reasonably been found to have perpetrated malicious acts of voter and election fraud because it marginalizes my vote and that of every other American who legitimately casts theirs. But I'm talking about cases with legitimate evidence to support allegations rather than the garbage we're seeing from Trumpkins this cycle. Seriously though...who was that little idiot woman with the hair and the vocal fry that Rudy brought out?
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1. Lin Wood is overdue for a day in court or whatever to answer for these tweets. I can't imagine any other citizen not getting some sort of visit/notice from a certain 3-letter agency about such tweets.

2. With the recent tantrums of Cruz, Gohmert, & Cornyn, could be time to dip out of Texas before we all get penned as backwards ass cowboys who haw-yee & love dried ass briskets and ketchup.
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I think the only proven case of fraud this year though was someone using an absentee ballot of their dead mother to vote for Trump. I'm sure there are other cases, but that's the one that keeps coming up.

The most significant one I recall was the fraud regarding the mayor election somewhere in California. It was a pretty sloppy attempt. I don't know if this would be on the same ballot as the presidential election.
1. Lin Wood is overdue for a day in court or whatever to answer for these tweets. I can't imagine any other citizen not getting some sort of visit/notice from a certain 3-letter agency about such tweets.

2. With the recent tantrums of Cruz, Gohmert, & Cornyn, could be time to dip out of Texas before we all get penned as backwards ass cowboys who haw-yee & love dried ass briskets and ketchup.

In response to #2: As a former Texan I can empathize, but can I instead ask you to stay and help vote these clowns out? :lol:
In response to #2: As a former Texan I can empathize, but can I instead ask you to stay and help vote these clowns out? :lol:
Born and raised in Texas, I sometimes I think of moving back. I'd look at Tyler, Weatherford and Abilene.
1. Lin Wood is overdue for a day in court or whatever to answer for these tweets. I can't imagine any other citizen not getting some sort of visit/notice from a certain 3-letter agency about such tweets.
I suspect it'd take criminal acts reasonably linked to rhetoric in order for substantive action to be taken against the asshat, and that's really how it ought to be.

The Nuge said some super questionable things regarding Obama that resulted in a stern talking-to, but what he said was deemed to be hyperbole...which it very likely was.

2. With the recent tantrums of Cruz, Gohmert, & Cornyn, could be time to dip out of Texas before we all get penned as backwards ass cowboys who haw-yee & love dried ass briskets and ketchup.

Don't forget Lieutenant [CDR] Dan and the catastrophically inept Abbott.

It cost Chris Krebs his job as I recall.
I like to think Krebs and Vindman are poker buddies. The number of civil servants thrown under the bus for doing the right thing these last four years is sickening.
1: Romney is a RINO.

2: Romney was the Republican candidate in the presidential election not even a decade ago.

3: Romney was the highest profile Republican in the entire party up until something like March of 2016; to the extent that they trotted him out specifically to give a speech warning voters about the dangers of Trump before he even secured the nomination.

4: No one is a real Republican.
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I think we're gonna need more of you "Commiefornians!" to help.

Dan Patrick, Ken Paxton, Abbott, Crenshaw.... :crazy:

It is funny to me that Abbot Patrick Paxton and Co gleefully celebrate Austin and other cities sucking up California techies with zero irony. Greg, buddy, they ain't voting for you. 70/30 Greg, 70/30.

@Dotini are you, by chance, from Behind the Pine Curtain?
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It is funny to me that Abbot Patrick Paxton and Co gleefully celebrate Austin and other cities sucking up California techies with zero irony. Greg, buddy, they ain't voting for you. 70/30 Greg, 70/30.
Also sounds like the folks who say, "No more Californians! We've got enough people!", but love touting about how California companies are moving to Texas b/c it's so much better for them. Yo, ya'll realize these companies aren't moving entire infrastructures here empty-handed right?
The most significant one I recall was the fraud regarding the mayor election somewhere in California. It was a pretty sloppy attempt. I don't know if this would be on the same ballot as the presidential election.

I think this just goes to show how difficult it is to commit voter fraud. If they were able to catch someone doing it for a mayoral election, I have to imagine there's even more scrutiny to weed out fraud at the national level.
I think we're gonna need more of you "Commiefornians!" to help.

Dan Patrick, Ken Paxton, Abbott, Crenshaw.... :crazy:
Well at least you're not Mississippi!

That though shouldn't be much of a relief.
Sounds familiar...

Seriously ryzno - do you not see that there is a difference between what Biden has been trying to do in consciously calling for national unity & reconciliation & what Trump has done from the start in stirring up division & naked partisanship? All things are not the same.
Seriously ryzno - do you not see that there is a difference between what Biden has been trying to do in consciously calling for national unity & reconciliation & what Trump has done from the start in stirring up division & naked partisanship? All things are not the same.
True, but did we know Trump was going to hit this level?
I already know the answer...
Sounds familiar...

That. Was. The. Point.

On February 2nd, United States Senator Joni Ernst, junior senator representing Iowa, spoke to proposed impeachment proceedings against Joe Biden, prospective presidential candidate. Three days later, Ernst, part of the Republican majority Senate, voted to acquit your bronzer daddy of actual criminal acts for which he was actually impeached. Joe Biden wouldn't become the actual Democratic presidential candidate for another four months.

What was the basis for these proposed impeachment proceedings? Nothing allegations of impropriety in Ukraine; allegations that themselves came about from a "whatabout" in defense of your bronzer daddy because Biden--occupying the office of the Vice President and simultaneously representing parties in the United Kingdom as well as the International Monetary Fund--threatened to withhold loan guarantees until a corrupt prosecutor explicitly not investigating Ukrainian natural gas company Burisma Holdings, a company whose board had included Biden's remaining son, Hunter, was replaced by someone who would actually investigate the firm.

This threat was purported to be comparable to your bronzer daddy's withholding of congressionally appropriated funds in an attempt to secure damaging information on--and a potentially even more damaging announcement of investigation into--the relative of a potential challenger in an upcoming presidential election. Of course these things weren't and aren't comparable, most significantly because congressional appointment of funds is effectively a law that the Executive cannot veto per the Impoundment Control Act of 1974, legislation passed explicitly to reinforce Congress' control of the purse and separation of powers. Per the Impoundment Control Act of 1974, the Executive may appeal to Congress for consideration on rescinding said appropriation, but this requires specific action that was not executed, indeed action that, if disregarded, means funds must be distributed as determined by Congress in a period of time that was exceeded in this particular withholding. The funds were eventually distributed as determined by Congress...curiously, immediately after it was discovered that they were withheld.

And what of those nothing allegations? The only evidence that linked presidential candidate Biden himself to supposed (but not substantiated) impropriety in Ukraine was manufactured and reported on in a hit piece published by a garbage right-wing rag, itself published by ****-eating Rupert Murdoch, which has a propensity for printing paparazzo-peddled popular personality pussy pics (dig that alliteration).

You have no "whatabouts" left.

Calls for impeachment came the equivalent of a full term human pregnancy prior to when then prospective presidential candidate Biden won the election that countless ****-eating Republicans are seeking to overturn, usurping the will of a positive majority of the voting public of the United States (something not secured by any candidate four years ago). Among those ****-eating Republicans are 126 members of Congress, joined as signatories of since-quashed amicus briefs brought before the United States Supreme Court on behalf of the state of Texas seeking to contest the results of four other states by the Attorneys General of 19 states and even a lawyer representing two more made up states, "New" California and "New" Nevada.

You still haven't presented evidence of events subsequent to the 2016 presidential election that are remotely comparable, to which you previously alluded. You can't. There are none.

Trumpism, man.

I know, I know, you say you don't support Trump, but here you are indirectly defending actions in support of Trump by alleging hypocrisy. You've chosen this manner of defense because the actions themselves are indefensible and it's easier to attack the critic than address the criticism.
I don't understand how impeaching Trump for threatening to withhold aid to Ukraine unless they dug up dirt on Biden and his son justifies impeaching Biden before he even takes office for... what, exactly?

EDIT: tree'd
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I stopped reading at "your bronzer daddy"... Happy New Year Tex. :cheers:
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I stopped reading at "your bronzer daddy"... Happy New Year Tex. :cheers:
Can't be burdened with disregarding pesky facts if you don't read them to begin with.

True, but did we know Trump was going to hit this level?
I already know the answer...

I can't speak for everyone, but personally - no. I thought Trump was going to be a terrible President based on his prior history, his personality, & the way he acted & spoke during the primaries & presidential campaign. However, his conduct as President has far exceeded my worst expectations ... with the single exception that he managed to refrain from involving the US in a major military confrontation (although he did do his best to provoke Iran).
1. Lin Wood is overdue for a day in court or whatever to answer for these tweets. I can't imagine any other citizen not getting some sort of visit/notice from a certain 3-letter agency about such tweets.

2. With the recent tantrums of Cruz, Gohmert, & Cornyn, could be time to dip out of Texas before we all get penned as backwards ass cowboys who haw-yee & love dried ass briskets and ketchup.
We already do that lol. Come to Ohio, it’s miserable, and somehow we skirt the fact that the state has voted red for decades.

Plus, we play real football.
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I can't speak for everyone, but personally - no. I thought Trump was going to be a terrible President based on his prior history, his personality, & the way he acted & spoke during the primaries & presidential campaign. However, his conduct as President has far exceeded my worst expectations ... with the single exception that he managed to refrain from involving the US in a major military confrontation (although he did do his best to provoke Iran).

This past-tense bit is uncomfortable for me.
@Dotini are you, by chance, from Behind the Pine Curtain?
Thank you for your question.
If by that do you mean do I hail from East Texas? If so, then the answer is only "sort of". During WWII, my mother, a Washingtonian studying at Mills, met my Oklahoman father, a geologist on leave from duty in the Pacific theater. They married in Shreveport. I was probably conceived there. My father had returned to field geology, following the quest for oil in Texas. My early life was a blur of movement east to west and back again across Texas, passing through Midland, a tiny town somewhere near the end of the Earth.
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