The GTP Unofficial 2020 US Elections Thread

GTPlanet Exit Poll - Which Presidential Ticket Did You Vote For?

  • Trump/Pence

    Votes: 16 27.1%
  • Biden/Harris

    Votes: 20 33.9%
  • Jorgensen/Cohen

    Votes: 7 11.9%
  • Hawkins/Walker

    Votes: 1 1.7%
  • La Riva/Freeman

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • De La Fuente/Richardson

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Blankenship/Mohr

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Carroll/Patel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Simmons/Roze

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Charles/Wallace

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 15 25.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
As much as she was the right's darling during 2019 impeachment proceedings, at one point conspiring with the highest ranking Republican member of the House Intelligence Committee, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA), to defy procedures established for hearings in the House in order to bait rebuke from ranking Democrats and subsequently play the victim, Trump loyalists surely can't be happy with Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY)'s silence regarding the 2020 election but for her own win to retain her seat in Congress. Sure, she was a signatory to the amicus curiae briefs on behalf of Texas, but she hasn't said much publically. That's borderline cuckservative behavior, Elise. Fie and shame! Speak up or be labeled a "RINO" (Republican In Name Only, for those unfamiliar with the term) and risk losing your seat to a "true patriot."

But is it? Is it really?

Trump has definitely done it better already. We're mostly inured to it but since Trump's been AWOL perhaps our sensitivities have readjusted. The worst thing is that this madness will not end on the 20th, no way.

This is fun.

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Do we though? It’s not like this is unexpected, in fact it was pretty much what was on the packaging.

This is exactly what happens when we stubbornly stick to a 2 party system and don’t bother holding politicians on either side accountable. The fact we are now hoping for a president to be “not horrible” should be a wake up call for everybody.

America doesn’t deserve better, because we seem to be content with mediocrity.

I don't agree. It's not a question of "mediocrity". Trump isn't "mediocre" - he's a crook & he's blatantly attempting to subvert the democratic process. The Republican party has become complicit in enabling all this ... & so are American voters supporting Trump. That's the immediate & most pressing issue. Certainly, the blind partisanship that comes with a 2 party system is a problem, but it's very hard to see how it's possible to move beyond this when 74 million voters are content - enthusiastic even - voting for someone like Trump.
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That trump phone call is one of the most disgraceful and embarrassing things i have ever seen from a "president" since Riccardo Rosello's infamous Telegram nonsense that had the whole island of Puerto Rico against him.
Are you in PR?

Have we posted the part about how Biden is making changes to Secret Service staff over Trump loyalty concerns? Staff changes are common but this reasoning is relatively unprecedented. Some Secret Service agents literally cannot be trusted to guard the leader of the free world. Spooky.
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Though not on YobTub (yet?), WaPo has also released the 62-minute audio tape of the call between Trump, Raffensperger and others. It doesn't appear to subject to the Post's typical free view limitations, though experiences by individuals may vary by location.

I'm seeing rumblings of the audio release having been an act of sedition, of course, because evidence of possible criminal conduct should be withheld.

"Sedition" really ought to be the word of the year, as it's being flung right-to-left, left-to-right, right-to-right (hilariously), and perhaps even left-to-left, though I have yet to see examples of this.
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Not even FN could bury this one for long...


It's at least a little heartening to see quite a bit of suspicion even contempt for Trump, even from claimed conservatives, in the comment section of that article.

Initially, the article appeared late and very low on the page (like in rank 10 the first time i saw it) and has then been promoted... By an internal algorithm based on popularity?

Meanwhile, on the FoxNews TV channel
No mere projection, that's practically astral, that's something else. Ultra projection? Hyper projection? Mega projection? Projectile projection?

Edit: That dude looks like the male organ of love. Very Bezos-esque.
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No mere projection, that's practically astral, that's something else. Ultra projection? Hyper projection? Mega projection? Projectile projection?

Edit: That dude looks like the male organ of love. Very Bezos-esque.
Combination of Bruce Willis and Michael Chiklis.
What would Libertarians do about that?

As a card-carrying Libertarian, I want to see those carrying out sedition to be tried and, if found guilty, to be punished by whatever sentence it carries (sounds like 20 years). Those who are advocating for treason should be tried, and if found guilty, be put to death. I think they all deserve a fair trial and to have a jury of their peers, just like every other US citizen has a right too.

While I know politicians are above the law, they absolutely should not be above the law here. Even sedition is a serious crime and should not be taken lightly.
As a card-carrying Libertarian, I want to see those carrying out sedition to be tried and, if found guilty, to be punished by whatever sentence it carries (sounds like 20 years). Those who are advocating for treason should be tried, and if found guilty, be put to death. I think they all deserve a fair trial and to have a jury of their peers, just like every other US citizen has a right too.
I gather the thrust of the solicitation was the difference between common allegations and sedition/treason as it's defined in Article III of the Constitution.

I think there's a definite grey area, and though I'm not a libertarian or Libertarian (I'm a frustrated moderate Democrat who tends toward liberty and can relate to some "lite" libertarian positions but who has difficulty with some of the more hard-lined views), I do think it's important to err on the side of the Constitution's definition because it definitely relates to First Amendment rights.
Unfortunately yes i live in PR and our goverment is a bunch of corrupt bs
At least Puerto Ricans took to the streets in huge numbers to protest this and when Ricky didn't resign you protested some more until he did. If that happened in the US they'd be denounced as Antifa by the same guys who are street protesting in their dozens to actually support their own brand of corrupt BS.
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This is fun.


(Not directed at you, Tex) Yes, it sounded really good hearing the president basically threaten elected officials with criminal charges if they didn't illegally alter the votes that the people of their state submitted, thereby disgracing their own duties as representatives. (/s) As you said, the man is being a whiny bitch and the idiots in power that continue to regurgitate and fight for this nonsense are traitors to democracy.

Also, while I am no fan of the GOP, I'm really tired of his fellow constituents seemingly just taking hits from this man and either not doing anything or trying to remain professional. I would've honestly loved nothing more that to see/hear Ryan Germany and/or Brad Raffensperger just cut the dude off and tell him off, since it was clear that they weren't going to change anything, and The President was not going to stop being a 🤬 to them.

On a completely separate note, and I may be looking too deeply into this, but I really don't get The Right's obsession with how Trump "sounds" while he's advocating for the destruction of democracy. I imagine it's to try to avoid criticism similar to the crap they shoved at Biden (at which point, they need to re-read the first rule of trash-talk). Either that, or there's some secret Trump ASMR tape that the GOP keeps for itself.
On a completely separate note, and I may be looking too deeply into this, but I really don't get The Right's obsession with how Trump "sounds" while he's advocating for the destruction of democracy. I imagine it's to try to avoid criticism similar to the crap they shoved at Biden (at which point, they need to re-read the first rule of trash-talk). Either that, or there's some secret Trump ASMR tape that the GOP keeps for itself.
It's weird. I don't think you're reading too much into it.

I think there are a number of things at play here. They're figuratively fellating Trump, for sure. I think they may well believe they're "owning the libs" as well, the way some seem to wear Trump swag like "more of us wear this stuff to show our support for our guy than who wear stuff to show support for the other guy." They're also just broken toys.

I saw a house with, in order from left to right normal, a Trump/Pence flag, the American flag, a "Don't Tread On Me" flag and a thin blue line flag. Sure, of note is those priorities, but the last two together made me mouth "what the ****." They were apparently also too patriotic to employ a level or measure when affixing the receivers to their house as the variation in heights stuck out like a sore thumb against the horizontal siding.
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Yes, it sounded really good hearing the president basically threaten elected officials with criminal charges if they didn't illegally alter the votes that the people of their state submitted, thereby disgracing their own duties as representatives.

Press Association:

"In a year in which the former British colony has been rocked by racial protests and ethnic conflict stemming from extrajudicial killings, it may finally be on the brink of a newly elected President. However the outgoing despot is desperately trying to cling to power with a humiliating attempt at crying wolf over electoral fraud. The troubled incumbent is widely rumoured to be facing litigation and prosecution once out of office and is trying anything to avoid it. As this landmark breakthrough appears to indicate a new President is ready to take office, the rest of the world watches on with bated breath."

No, it's not an African or Caribbean country I'm talking about.

Sounds like someone needs to "liberate" the United States and spread democracy there. If only there was a country which acts like it's the World Police who can do that...
"RINO, never-Trumper traitor Paul Ryan."

Good for him. It'll fall on deaf ears, of course, but good for him.
Initially, the article appeared late and very low on the page (like in rank 10 the first time i saw it) and has then been promoted... By an internal algorithm based on popularity?

Meanwhile, on the FoxNews TV channel
View attachment 982529
Who the **** is Steve Hilton and what the **** is this The Next Revolution w/ him?

Did Fox not get the memo? They’re dead to the Trump herd.
Unfortunately yes i live in PR and our goverment is a bunch of corrupt bs
What's your opinion on the statehood situation and other PR politics? Perhaps we have another thread on this but @TexRex I don't feel like checking my sources lol.

I've heard that PR politics trend more "traditional" Republican which I perceive as very different than this modern disaster of a GOP we have. But if that were true, I would have expected the GOP to act on their official party policy of supporting PR statehood, which as far as I know they've never actually done. Seems like a bunch of flim flam to me.

Given the economic and infrastructure situation in PR and the need for federal aid, I would assume PR would lean Democratic these days which is why the Republican party won't bother with statehood. For example, people have been discussing DC statehood for decades but DC leans heavily Democratic so obviously the GOP won't touch it. But if DC and PR were both opposites, that actually fits perfectly into our tradition of admitting one red and one blue state together, to even things out. Soooo, why hasn't it been done?

Hopefully Dems get the Senate tie-breaker and both DC and PR are admitted. Combined, they have 4,000,000 Americans who aren't afforded the rights they deserve.

Here's a PR specific question: What are you opinions on the US Virgin Islands being admitted as a combined state with Puerto Rico? There are another 100,000 people there who need representation as well. Makes sense from a practical standpoint that all those islands could be combined as a state but I don't know if culturally that would be a bad idea or not.

Edit: I'll be honest, I know about as much of PR's government as I do Michigan's (I don't give a damn about Michigan) but I imagine the whole corruption problem would come to a halt upon statehood because the entire system would have to be revamped to be in line with other states and the federal government.
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I love this bit that aired on CNN, particularly the example of an airplane hijacking. The hijackers claim to be heroes - we know this, we've heard the cockpit recordings - and yet the media reports the truth, that in fact the hijackers are not heroes, they're hijackers who are attempting to kill innocent civilians.

"Is it accurate to call this a coup attempt? ... Is President Trump betraying his oath of office? Are the lawmakers supporting him seditious? These words matter a lot right now," Stelter said at the start of his show.

But Fox News says the hijackers are heroes. OANN says the hijackers are heroes. Dozens, possibly hundreds of government officials across the country including our own president and millions of voters believe that the hijackers are heroes. So many people believe that hijackers are heroes that honestly some of us are questioning what the real reality is. Are they heroes? They...don't seem like heroes. But what if they were? Am I going crazy? Maybe I'm sane and everybody else has gone crazy. How could literally millions of people go crazy at the same time? That seems crazy in and of itself.

But that's what happens during coups. The power of propaganda is immense and can literally topple societies without warning. Effective gaslighting can instill such fear that people begin to effectively hallucinate an alternative reality like cult members on drugs. It's terrifying but it's literally happening in front of our faces.

I'm not crazy, am I? Am I crazy? Or are they crazy? I can barely tell anymore.

Edit: I don't understand how pundits like Rush Limbaugh et al are not implicit in this. Why are they still allowed to speak? I think the weight of their influence over this sedition and their power over the psyche of Americans who believe in it is obvious. Why is nothing being done about it? Most speech is free speech, but seditious speech is absolutely not free. It's very expensive, and the cost, according to US law, is decades of jailtime. So why is our law enforcement not working?

Oh yeah, they all work for a traitor, that's why.
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It's weird. I don't think you're reading too much into it.

I think there are a number of things at play here. They're figuratively fellating Trump, for sure. I think they may well believe they're "owning the libs" as well, the way some seem to wear Trump swag like "more of us wear this stuff to show our support for our guy than who wear stuff to show support for the other guy." They're also just broken toys.

All of these are for sure factors, and I do acknowledge them, but...I dunno. I feel like there's still a part of my brain that tries to hold onto a sliver of naivety, because the behavior objectively makes no sense. It's like, even though I know it'll likely never happen, I'm waiting for the GOP as a whole to have an epiphany and realize, "Hey, our leader is A) A Grade-A 🤬, B) literally hates democracy, and C) will throw us under the bus when we're no longer useful to him, and won't think twice on it." Nevermind the fact that they seem to instinctively make excuses for Trump, which has to be so freaking exhausting at this point.

I almost wish I had a bull-horn to scream out to the GOP saying "Stop being bitches, stop allowing corruption to fester, grow a pair and do the right thing (or at least show something resembling individual thought)." I wish I had a similar horn for the "owning the libs" crowd so I could yell at them for being nothing but cringe and supporting people that are effectively attempting a coup, which will bite them in the ass later, if successful.

Again, I'm no fan of the GOP, because they ultimately promote ideals that tend to hurt me and the people I most care about, but I almost want to Bat-slap them to jump off this long-doomed ship.

I saw a house with, in order from left to
right normal,a Trump/Pence flag, the American flag, a "Don't Tread On Me" flag and a thin blue line flag. Sure, of note is those priorities, but the last two together made me mouth "what the ****."

I'm honestly not too surprised, and despite my previous rant have become somewhat desensitized to those specific instances. At the risk of reviving a long-dead, but still (imo) socially important horse, it reminds me a lot of the discussions both ont his forum and elsewhere in regards to BLM over the summer and fall. Primarily the fact that people (such as the owner(s) of the aforementioned property) don't seem to get that it's not hard for the "Thin Blue Line" to end up treading on them, with the victim having little-to-no recourse.

But, since it primarily happens to people they don't like, no lessons get learned, and they're willing to cheer on the people that hurt the "infidels" (for lack of a better term), in spite of the fact that the "infedels" tend to be other Americans with the same rights as them. And since they're also Americans the potential jump from hurting American minorities to hurting Americans in general is about as short as Craig Mack's music career.*

They were apparently also too patriotic to employ a level or measure when affixing the receivers to their house as the variation in heights stuck out like a sore thumb against the horizontal siding.

Something Something Owning the Libs by Hating Symmetry...?

*90's Rapper, accidentally jump-started Notorious B.I.G.'s career, music career basically stopped in 1997, dropped off the face of the planet from the early 2000's until news of his death came in 2018. Yes, that is legal name.
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