The GTP Unofficial 2020 US Elections Thread

GTPlanet Exit Poll - Which Presidential Ticket Did You Vote For?

  • Trump/Pence

    Votes: 16 27.1%
  • Biden/Harris

    Votes: 20 33.9%
  • Jorgensen/Cohen

    Votes: 7 11.9%
  • Hawkins/Walker

    Votes: 1 1.7%
  • La Riva/Freeman

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • De La Fuente/Richardson

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Blankenship/Mohr

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Carroll/Patel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Simmons/Roze

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Charles/Wallace

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 15 25.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
They don't believe the results of the original election. They don't believe recount results. They don't believe the findings of appointed officials whose placement they oversaw. They don't believe countless court losses. Why would they believe the results of a 10-day audit of select contested states by an "independent commission" that can't even change the victor regardless of its findings? It's an exercise in the constant moving of goalposts until the desired result is achieved. They'll add contested states as they see fit so that the effort has the potential to find their bronzer daddy as victorious, which is the only result that they will accept.

These may be the saddest sacks of **** ever to have blighted the face of the Earth.
Ted Cruz: "Joe Biden's win is illegitimate despite no evidence of widespread fraud and I won't validate it."

Also Ted Cruz: "Critics of my attempt to overturn the election need to calm down."
Can't be burdened with disregarding pesky facts if you don't read them to begin with.

Nope, can't be bothered to read something with vague insults. Facts or not. You actually had me interested till that...
You just can't help yourself. You want to inform people don't insult them. They might actually read it. What a thought...
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The Washington Post obtained a recording of the conversation in which Trump alternately berated Raffensperger, tried to flatter him, begged him to act and threatened him with vague criminal consequences if the secretary of state refused to pursue his false claims, at one point warning that Raffensperger was taking “a big risk.”

“The people of Georgia are angry, the people in the country are angry,” he said. “And there’s nothing wrong with saying, you know, um, that you’ve recalculated.”

Raffensperger responded: “Well, Mr. President, the challenge that you have is, the data you have is wrong.”
Nope, can't be bothered to read something with vague insults. Facts or not. You actually had me interested till that...
You just can't help yourself. You want to inform people don't insult them. They might actually read it. What a thought...
You quoted my criticism of tactics being employed this election cycle, and even leading up to this election cycle, alluding to purported comparable tactics employed by the other side, thereby alleging hypocrisy...a personal attack on the critic because it's easier than addressing the criticism.

You did this recently in another unsolicited response to my criticisms, except in said allegation of hypocrisy you alluded to events comparable to those recently and presently transpiring but have repeatedly declined to substantiate the claim. You brushed it off by saying you don't have time to go looking, but the reality is that there is nothing to find because there is nothing even remotely comparable.

You allege hypocrisy a lot. It seems, at times, to be all that you have. You basically never directly address criticism itself.

I wasn't present for the original allegation--I had better things to do and I chose to actually do them--but a previous altercation between you and others was brought to my attention, wherein you alleged hypocrisy of those who would defend the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution, particularly the bit regarding a well-regulated militia, but who also referred to a group with "Militia" in their name, who conspired to abduct and murder Michigan's governor, as terrorists. You later claimed to not be aware of the aforementioned plan but, curiously, you remarked on the notion that Trump may have incited them to this action in a tweet, citing the amount of time that had passed between said tweet and news of the investigation that foiled the aforementioned plan. Also, the only person to refer to the "militia" as terrorists directly quoted the post that referred to the foiled plot (in big, bold letters, no less) and also explained how the group is less a well-regulated militia and more an actual terrorist group. Now I don't know that I agree with the individual who believed you were advocating for those terrorists, but it definitely seems like the allegation of hypocrisy was your knee-jerk reaction and your defense of your remarks really doesn't add up.

You say that you don't support Trump, but that's really the only thing you say that would lead anyone to believe it, and you say plenty that would lead people to question the legitimacy of the claim.
Holy crap.


That audio.


Whiny. Little. Bitch.

"But they are shredding ballots, in my opinion, based on what I've heard."
We have widespread sedition and arguably actual coup attempts on The United States of America. Dozens of government officials appear guilty of attempting to overthrow our government.

What would Libertarians do about that? @Danoff

I'd hope they would do what they do best and interpret the Constitutionally allotted punishment as it were originally intended.

Edit: Let's take a less emotion look at our actual laws in 18 US Code Ch. 115 covering treason, sedition, and subversive activities.

S2381, Treason. Arguable in my opinion, I don't believe there is *strong* public evidence of aiding and abetting our enemies.

S2382, Misprision of treason. Arguable again, but possibly easier to get ahold of by admission from other parties

S2383, Rebellion or insurrection. Absolutely, this has definitely occurred on live television and other theaters numerous times. Dozens of US officials have openly committed sedition and incited rebellion. The punishment is a fine or imprisonment not more than ten years, and a ban from public service.

S2384, Seditious conspiracy. Absolutely, and in virtually every Republican-led state. Punishable by a fine or imprisonment not more than 20 years.

S2385, Advocating overthrow of governemnt. Both fine and max 20 years, ban of public service for 5 years.

S2386, Registration of certain organizations (revolves around militarization of organizations). Absolutely, and unfortunately on virtually all sides of our current political spectrum.

I could continue. I think you get the point. In my opinion, there is absolutely plenty of evidence for the FBI to turn around and arrest literally dozens of US officials and hundreds of other people the very second Biden swears in. He should order it himself.
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... and looking at the Fox website Ted Cruz Cruz is still carrying water for the guy who called his wife ugly, his father a murderer, and accused him of cheating when he won the Iowa primary in 2016. What is wrong with these people? Have they no self-respect, no dignity at all?
It's sad enough that this is happening at all - but, for it to be happening right now under these circumstances is heartbreaking and downright tragic...

The American people deserve better. America deserves better.

Anyone who doubted that Trump was a traitorous rat before should now be under no illusions of what he is. I hope he and his lackeys get what they all deserve, which is a very long time in jail.
Anyone who doubted that Trump was a traitorous rat before should now be under no illusions of what he is. I hope he and his lackeys get what they all deserve, which is a very long time in jail.

I don't see this happen at all, they probably have talks and out of goodwill the rats remain free and some of their minions will lose their jobs.
The American people deserve better. America deserves better.

Do we though? It’s not like this is unexpected, in fact it was pretty much what was on the packaging.

This is exactly what happens when we stubbornly stick to a 2 party system and don’t bother holding politicians on either side accountable. The fact we are now hoping for a president to be “not horrible” should be a wake up call for everybody.

America doesn’t deserve better, because we seem to be content with mediocrity.
Several places seem to think that aspects of the phone call - I'd imagine suggesting that a governor "finds" votes is among them - are actually illegal. This is surely grounds for impeachment (again)?
Several places seem to think that aspects of the phone call - I'd imagine suggesting that a governor "finds" votes is among them - are actually illegal. This is surely grounds for impeachment (again)?
Well, if he somehow is in office after January 20th then he will have to worry about that. I cannot imagine they will be able to get anything on that path in the next 2 weeks.
That trump phone call is one of the most disgraceful and embarrassing things i have ever seen from a "president"

But is it? Is it really?

Trump has definitely done it better already. We're mostly inured to it but since Trump's been AWOL perhaps our sensitivities have readjusted. The worst thing is that this madness will not end on the 20th, no way.