The GTP Unofficial 2020 US Elections Thread

GTPlanet Exit Poll - Which Presidential Ticket Did You Vote For?

  • Trump/Pence

    Votes: 16 27.1%
  • Biden/Harris

    Votes: 20 33.9%
  • Jorgensen/Cohen

    Votes: 7 11.9%
  • Hawkins/Walker

    Votes: 1 1.7%
  • La Riva/Freeman

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • De La Fuente/Richardson

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Blankenship/Mohr

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Carroll/Patel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Simmons/Roze

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Charles/Wallace

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 15 25.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
It's a typical Trump rally consisting of the usual lies, gas lighting, "believe me", "yuge", "by a lot" and other nonsense. They attacked Warnock for his "military & God" verse, which from what I've learned, is directly from the Bible. Boy, that's hilarious how the religious side doesn't recognize a Bible verse unless it talks about abortion I guess.
Don't forget where he said "god damn America". ;)
I'm really ready for the ads to end. :(
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Don't forget where he said "god damn America". ;)
I'm really ready for the ads to end. :(
I just hope it's the last Trump rally broadcasted. Let his base continue to dump money into his pockets to hear him speak at Mar-A-Lago or one of his golf courses.
So we've reached the snide remarks portion of the evening then?

AOC ran on a progressive platform and progressive voted her in and supported her only for her to turn her back on them. She promised to promote things like Medicare for all and had a really good chance to force the issue only for her to blow it. Now she probably won't get that chance again and I can't see progressive supporting her again because they feel betrayed. I'm not progressive so I'm only going on what I'm seeing from those who are. I have a former teacher as a friend on Facebook who's very involved with progressive candidates and writes for a prominent progressive website, she traveled to help AOC campaign and was very, very supportive of her. Her most recent post says AOC is dead to her now. I feel like that's pretty telling.

You do know I know more people outside of Utah than inside Utah right? A vast majority of people I know live in Michigan and almost everyone I'd talk politics with lives there too. I know Trump supporters and I know people who are lightweight socialists. Everyone I've asked and who gave me an answer on why they voted for Trump came down to they thought he was better for the stock market or that he simply wasn't Biden. It's not that they even own stocks either, it's that they're under the impression (like many people are) that the stock market is an indicator of the economy, which it isn't. If I were to ask anyone in Utah why they voted for Trump, the answer would almost certainly revolve around abortion. I only know a handful of people here though that I would have those discussions and not one of them said they voted for Trump. I have no idea if that's true or not, but it seems like it would be a weird thing to lie about.

It's not "pretty telling" at all because Democrats in general & even AOC in particular, have to rely on a whole range of support in order to enjoy any success in elections. I would think that's self-evident.

More telling is this fascinating nugget from Fox:

GOP group targets 21 vulnerable House Dems who helped Pelosi win speakership

"On the heels of Democrats’ vote to re-elect Nancy Pelosi Speaker of the House, the GOP Congressional Leadership Fund launched a five-figure advertising campaign in 21 districts targeting vulnerable Democrats who helped Nancy Pelosi become Speaker for another term.

"When liberals like Pelosi push their radical agenda, we know who to blame," the narrator in the spots says.
Every lawmaker who supported Nancy Pelosi either by name or by cowardly hiding behind a vote of ‘present’ is directly responsible for enabling Pelosi and all of her dangerous agenda," leadership fund President Dan Conston said. Conston predicted that "Democrats will spend the next 24 months of their short-lived majority explaining why they sold out to Nancy Pelosi and the socialist left."

These are Democrats who are vulnerable, not because they've abandoned a progressive agenda, but because they support Nancy Pelosi's "radical agenda".

We've gone off on a weirdly contradictory tangent here. You seem to be implying that all politicians are scumbags willing to abandon their principles ... & that's what the problem is. And, strangely, you're using AOC to demonstrate this. What you're saying makes no sense at all. I have no idea what AOC's internal thought process is, but I'm going to guess that having entered the actual political arena - as opposed to libertarians who only ever stand on the outside critiquing ... not unlike radical leftists ... AOC might now be considering the real world strategies necessary to actually advance a progressive agenda, rather than just indulging in virtue signalling like so much of the radical left.

I don't know Utah at all. I do know a lot of "progressives" in Michigan, however. I can't speak to what all Trump voters think, and I'm sure there a fair number who think that Trump's leadership is responsible for the high stock market, but having spent a lot of time (too much really) exploring the opinions & comments on Fox News's website, I really don't think that's the major factor behind Trump's appeal for the majority of his voters.
I realize the Trump-Raffensperger phone call audio is fairly old news now, but on it the whiny little bitch called a US Attorney that he appointed a never-Trumper.

Shut the **** up.
Aside from the obvious "we've tried that" joke... this sounds like the setup for @Famine's ideal Muppet crossover movie, but in real life.

Don't forget where he said "god damn America". ;)
You're probably aware of this as the context isn't difficult to look up online but Warnock didn't just come out and say "God damn America. The end." He was quoting someone else who sounds like he wanted Him to damn America when it did bad things.

I don't know who'd want God to bless America when it does bad things. Isn't it possible to bless it when it does good things and damn it when it does bad things?

Of course, such an argument may have a little too much nuance for a carefully filleted and quote-mined thirty second attack ad but I don't watch US television so I wouldn't really know.
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Something something extradition something something.

I'm joking, of course. The whiny little bitch is less likely to be held accountable once he's gone than he has been in office with enough members of Congress on his side.


Like the private phone call that was no longer private once it ended and was the subject of lies on Twitter. But let's be real here, Ken, they're going to lie about it whether it's public or not.

Oh, snap...

(Why is it the black people who are subject of Birtherism?)

Aaaaand boom goes the dynamite...

I hope that was as good for others as it was for me. This is the point at which I'd light up if I smoked.
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(Why is it the black people who are subject of Birtherism?)
I know what you mean but I'm sure birtherism extends in theory to other ethnicities (except one)... wait until a SE Asian candidate enters the race, for example. There was that lady who claimed Native American ancestry and experienced birtherism in reverse due to not looking the part.
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Though he has no personal party affiliation, US District Judge Mark H. Cohen, who ruled today that Georgia’s certification of Biden’s victory was carried out validly under state law and that the court can’t tell Congress which Electoral College votes it can count, was an Obama appointee.

You just know this fact is going to come up in criticism of the ruling, because that's exactly where we are these days.

Side bet: That Cohen supported Georgia's voter identification law, a law opposed by civil rights advocates on the basis that it disproportionately affects blacks, is going to be provided by the right as a reason the left should be critical of today's ruling.
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US Attorney Bobby L. Christine serves Georgia's Southern District and will not be replaced in that role as he assumes the new acting USA role in these last days of Caligula. The highest ranking attorney in the office vacated by Trump appointee Pak was skipped over to install Christine in an odd but undoubtedly calculated move that may have taken into consideration Christine's allegiances.
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Call your boys, have them close all the plausible airports at the moment the plane is near, forcing them to divert to mainland Europe.

The difficulty for that plan is that the USAF bases in the UK could easily take the 757. However, that might be bad for Trump as they're within US diplomatic jurisdiction. However hard he clasped that little case of dollars to his chest they'd get them off him.
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Something something extradition something something.

I'm joking, of course. The whiny little bitch is less likely to be held accountable once he's gone than he has been in office with enough members of Congress on his side.


Like the private phone call that was no longer private once it ended and was the subject of lies on Twitter. But let's be real here, Ken, they're going to lie about it whether it's public or not.

Oh, snap...

(Why is it the black people who are subject of Birtherism?)

Aaaaand boom goes the dynamite...

I hope that was as good for others as it was for me. This is the point at which I'd light up if I smoked.

MAGA chuds after the ruling:

Judge Cohen is a traitor! We will still win! Go... I mean, Trump bless America!

I’m guessing Sturgeon is Scotland’s PM? There’s an article stating his words that Trump will not be allowed into the country without valid reason.
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That's awkward.

As petty as Trump has gotten about people not attending his inauguration and various other ceremonies, a part of me wants Biden to hammer him relentlessly over this when the time comes. I don't imagine he will and it'd be better if he didn't, but that same part of me just says "**** it."

Always been a fan of his music but I had no idea his career took a political turn!
You lost me.

MAGA chuds after the ruling:

Judge Cohen is a traitor! We will still win! Go... I mean, Trump bless America!
I can't argue with this and I wouldn't want to if I could.
I’m guessing Sturgeon is Scotland’s PM? There’s an article stating his words that Trump will not be allowed into the country without valid reason.
Sort of. She's the "first minister", so she holds effectively the equivalent of a state governor's role.
Sort of. She's the "first minister", so she holds effectively the equivalent of a state governor's role.
Ah. First off, I apologize for assuming it was a dude. The article I found had a picture of a guy I didn’t recognize and I assumed that was Nicola Sturgeon. Should really consider posting in these topics on the desktop. :banghead:

Secondly, also found this news story. Iran issues Interpol request for Trump and others.
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Ah. First off, I apologize for assuming it was a dude. The article I found had a picture of a guy I didn’t recognize and I assumed that was Nicola Sturgeon.
I wouldn't worry about it.

Considering she's actually been mistaken for an escaped silverback gorilla on live TV, this is mild by comparison.

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If I was to speculate, Scotland is a stopover on his way to Russia.

That's awkward.

As petty as Trump has gotten about people not attending his inauguration and various other ceremonies, a part of me wants Biden to hammer him relentlessly over this when the time comes. I don't imagine he will and it'd be better if he didn't, but that same part of me just says "**** it."
He wanted to squeeze in a round of golf while they fueled the plane and restocked the galley with Soviet-style saltine crackers and unbranded bottles of tap water. Maybe hang a rug on the wall. I've flown to Cuba, I know how this works.

You lost me.
Anderson Paak! Good music, very funky.

Secondly, also found this news story. Iran issues Interpol request for Trump and others.


They're probably trying to inflame the situation further rather than legitimately seeking relief, but damn this is entertaining.
Iran can have his ass for all I care. Hopefully they keep chasing him while Biden reinstates the nuke deal which was working just fine.

Edit: Texas is definitely back when it comes to the game of formatting
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