The GTP Unofficial 2020 US Elections Thread

GTPlanet Exit Poll - Which Presidential Ticket Did You Vote For?

  • Trump/Pence

    Votes: 16 27.1%
  • Biden/Harris

    Votes: 20 33.9%
  • Jorgensen/Cohen

    Votes: 7 11.9%
  • Hawkins/Walker

    Votes: 1 1.7%
  • La Riva/Freeman

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • De La Fuente/Richardson

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Blankenship/Mohr

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Carroll/Patel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Simmons/Roze

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Charles/Wallace

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 15 25.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
A woman got shot and died. I guess we don't have the same concept of peace, or the same definition of the word mostly...
I chose those words, and italicized them because that is what the American media has been calling the months of nightly riots we have been having here.
I knew that, but only because I was the victim of your unprecedented vicious attempted attack.
He @ed you on a forum. Stop being such a snowflake.

The election was stolen.
Yes, Trump shouldn't have won in 2016 either, but alas the electoral college had to be used as strategically against him as he used it against Clinton since the 7 million additional people who voted for Biden alone weren't enough.

My thoughts on the mostly peaceful protest at the capitol building? It is being blown way out of proportion by the press.
They stormed a federal building and attacked onsite police officers; forcing the Vice President to evacuate and the rest of congress to shelter in place hiding among chairs.

Even as a bad attempt at satire this is pathetic.

When the national news is outraged as it shows a picture of some yahoo sitting with their feet propped up on Pelosi's desk, I just have to ask, is that all there is?
They stormed a federal building and attacked onsite police officers; forcing the Vice President to evacuate and the rest of congress to shelter in place hiding among chairs.

Even as a bad attempt at satire this is pathetic.
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This one entered the Capitol "more as a journalist" :rolleyes:
People voted Trump. Overwhelmingly, and I get it. I get that they wanted something different, something better, to see themselves better and to see better people around them. To see a better America. That has to be respected, whatever one's own politics. You have to listen to the people whose political ideologies you disagree with because they're part of the society, the nation, the idea, the life that you want to improve.

Trump took that hope and twisted it for his own narcissistic, insane needs. The America of this moment has the eyes of the world looking to it but for all the wrong reasons. In my opinion he's conned the people he vowed to honour and he's left a permanent stain, orange or otherwise, on America's history in a way that no other President has achieved. He should be proud, he's done it, he does the best stains. Hugest.
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He's only just begun posting here again. You can't expect it all to come out at once but you can expect it all to come out.
I once spent days arguing with some foreigner about how my Constitutional rights had been taken away by Trump.

I once spent days arguing about whether or not Trump was destroying the post office in order to steal the election.

I don't think so.

He @ed you on a forum. Stop being such a snowflake.
Get a sense of humor.
Oh. "Anglicism". I never never heard that word in french (outside of the use of the English word as such in an IT context).
Since it's a Monthy Python's quote, i'll be fine with this being a non-sense. (i picture myself in what scene it could have been said)
I figured Franglais was still a thing over there. Unless there's been some kind of dastardly scheme to stop the pidgin.

He didn't tell us he blamed Antifa, though. Maybe there's a glimpse of sanity.
I literally just showed a "friend" on Facebook a bunch of pictures of Buffalo Head and his pals invading the Capitol and he said it proved they were Antifa because otherwise they wouldn't've got in so easily.
I once spent days arguing with some foreigner about how my Constitutional rights had been taken away by Trump.

I once spent days arguing about whether or not Trump was destroying the post office in order to steal the election.

I don't think so.
To what is this meant to be a response? I have to imagine you clicked the wrong post to quote.
Federal law enforcement agents enforcing the law, but since they were sent by the Trump administration they are evil bagmen. You know vandalism is not a form of peaceful protests. Oh, and, we are all faceless now.
Republicans don't riot and cause chaos in the streets. so we really don't worry about unmarked cop cars. (unless we are speeding, we like to speed)

there's always a tweet

Get a sense of humor.
This is like when Interludes lied for multiple pages in a thread to try and trick people into just thinking he was joking about being an ass in that specific instance instead of just being Interludes.
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I knew that, but only because I was the victim of your unprecedented vicious attempted attack.

Sorry, but you are absolutely the last person that gets to play the victim card, given the actions by the president and his people/supporters that you've defended over the past year.

Also, he literally just tagged you in a forum post. It's not like he physically assaulted you.

My thoughts on the election, since so many of you seem to be interested. The election was stolen.

He lost by 7 million votes. And the only truly credible case of voter fraud found was committed by a Trump supporter using his dead mothers information.

And he doesn't get to bitch about the vote being stolen when he's been guilty of doing every under-handed tactic to commit voter suppression, as well as effectively green-lighting vote watching and voter intimidation, to the point where police had to be present at voting places in several cities across the country (my own included) to stop it from happening.

My thoughts on the mostly peaceful protest at the capitol building? It is being blown way out of proportion by the press.


🤬 outta here. A bunch of idiots stormed the capitol building, with encouragement from the president himself, breached several portions of the building, forced the VP and several other officials to evacuate, forced the capitol building to be put on lockdown, and forced the mayor to enact a 6PM curfew on the entire city, after the mayor had pre-emptivley authorized the deployment of the :censored:ing National Guard into our :censored:ing capitol 2 days ago. Oh, and a civilian was literally shot and killed inside the capitol building.

You are actively defending, at minimum, people who are traitors to democracy and the pillars of what our country stands for, but since it's not BLM or Antifa, you're willing to let it slide. Disgusting.
I've been following the news and watching this insurrection at the Capitol today, and I am absolutely appalled. I had been pretty desensitized to Trump shenanigans over the past 4 years, but I never imagined this would have happened. Now that this has gotten to physical violence and led to an actual coup attempt, can we prosecute people for sedition or treason? Also, when are we going to start calling this like it is, this is domestic terrorism and those who participated today are terrorists.
There's never a low enough point for the bar to drop.

This is why the 25th amendment is being discussed with a lot more emphasis by the President's cabinet this evening. I was skeptical that anything would be done but since the President effectively endangered his own 2nd in Command (among others who have been "faithful" to him), I can't see Pence ever wanting to be a part of anything related to Trump for the rest of his life.
He's only just begun posting here again. You can't expect it all to come out at once but you can expect it all to come out.

Probably best it doesn't come out since GTP doesn't allow false or misleading information and we're all smart enough here to know all the BS Trump is pushing is false and misleading.

And since I can see someone's panties being in a bunch, this is meant as a joke and no I'm not going to report wild Trump sponsored conspiracy theories.
I've been following the news and watching this insurrection at the Capitol today, and I am absolutely appalled. I had been pretty desensitized to Trump shenanigans over the past 4 years, but I never imagined this would have happened. Now that this has gotten to physical violence and led to an actual coup attempt, can we prosecute people for sedition or treason? Also, when are we going to start calling this like it is, this is domestic terrorism and those who participated today are terrorists.
Chuck Schumer called them that as well as sedition during his opening remarks tonight as they resumed.
My thoughts on the election, since so many of you seem to be interested. The election was stolen.

"Thoughts" mean nothing. Anyone can have "thoughts". What you need is evidence. Repeated recounts, repeated attempts to bring the matter before before Republican election officials, before Republican nominated judges, before state courts, before federal courts, before the Supreme Court - all have failed to provide any verifiable evidence that the election was "stolen". Your thoughts are completely worthless.
Listening to the speeches going on in Congress right now, it sounds to me like the Trumpist Insurrection not only failed, it backfired. All the Rs who planned on objecting to the elections and dragging this out are now backing down and in fact are embracing the constitution and the results of the election.
Listening to the speeches going on in Congress right now, it sounds to me like the Trumpist Insurrection not only failed, it backfired. All the Rs who planned on objecting to the elections and dragging this out are now backing down and in fact are embracing the constitution and the results of the election.
Am I behind in the broadcast as so far, it sounds like they're condemning it without coming out and saying it's Trump's fault. Do you know which ones so I can listen for them?

Facebook has banned Trump for 24 hours following his remarks.
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Am I behind in the broadcast as so far, it sounds like they're condemning it without coming out and saying it's Trump's fault. Do you know which ones so I can listen for them?
Lee of Utah is one. EDIT: I should say the Rs aren't necessarily saying Trump is to blame, but they are definitely backing down.
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I think federal prosecutors will have some runway for Sedition charges:

The federal law against seditious conspiracy can be found in Title 18 of the U.S. Code (which includes treason, rebellion, and similar offenses), specifically 18 U.S.C. § 2384. According to the statutory definition of sedition, it is a crime for two or more people within the jurisdiction of the United States:

  • To conspire to overthrow or destroy by force the government of the United States or to level war against them;
  • To oppose by force the authority of the United States government; to prevent, hinder, or delay by force the execution of any law of the United States; or
  • To take, seize, or possess by force any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof.
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Am I behind in the broadcast as so far, it sounds like they're condemning it without coming out and saying it's Trump's fault. Do you know which ones so I can listen for them?

Facebook has banned Trump for 24 hours following his remarks.
Schumer, an individual from Arizona, Lee of Utah (thank you @Populuxe Cowboy) and senator of Colorado (can't identify who they are). There are very few who are going to go on record saying they still support the President after this.