The GTP Unofficial 2020 US Elections Thread

GTPlanet Exit Poll - Which Presidential Ticket Did You Vote For?

  • Trump/Pence

    Votes: 16 27.1%
  • Biden/Harris

    Votes: 20 33.9%
  • Jorgensen/Cohen

    Votes: 7 11.9%
  • Hawkins/Walker

    Votes: 1 1.7%
  • La Riva/Freeman

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • De La Fuente/Richardson

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Blankenship/Mohr

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Carroll/Patel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Simmons/Roze

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Charles/Wallace

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 15 25.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
This is like when Interludes lied for multiple pages in a thread to try and trick people into just thinking he was joking about being an ass in that specific instance instead of just being Interludes.
Show me where I lied for multiple pages before claiming it was humor? Show me you liar.

The guy tagged my first post here in two months. I replied with this ludicrous response.
I knew that, but only because I was the victim of your unprecedented vicious attempted attack.
I don't know what percentage of people in this forum are half-wits, but I'd be willing to bet 90% of them got that.

Just not you.
Damn, I had him muted for a minute whilst I was doing something else. Waiting on Cruz & Hawley's remarks, see if they still think today's events are worth keeping Trump for another 4 years.

Edit* Thanks Blitz.

Don't worry Mike Lee never says anything worth hearing anyways.
Show me where I lied for multiple pages before claiming it was humor? Show me you liar.
If I wanted to bother I probably could do that since by this point I'm sure you have done it before during other discussions, but that wasn't the point.

The guy tagged my first post here in two months. I replied with this ludicrous response.
The actual point, which was the reason for comparing to when Interludes "pretended" to be a self-important ass as an elaborate act to try and make it obvious that he was joking that time he was acting like a self-important ass, was that your "ludicrous response" is indistinguishable from your normal responses to these sorts of topics.

Such as when you argued that something Trump did couldn't be corrupt because Trump did it and he's too smart to be corrupt; then vanished from the thread after accusing other people of lying when people pointed that argument was, you know, ludicrous. Or in this very discussion where you blew off a detailed discussion you ran away from about 4th Amendment violations as being silly rantings of some foreigner. Or in this very discussion about the President of the United States goading his followers into attacking a Senate meeting that his Vice President was presiding over, where you chose it as the rallying cry to mock BLM protests (something not consistent with how this situation was handled by police, nor your responses to them at the time).

But yeah, this is the "ludicrous response" everyone should have understood as a joke. Gottem.

I don't know what percentage of people in this forum are half-wits, but I'd be willing to bet 90% of them got that.
I fell for it, and really, the "falling for it" seemed almost universal.

Though I'm still not sure that you've fathomed the light that it paints you in. I understand it that you thought you had manufactured an unreasonable and ridiculous false front. However, that people couldn't distinguish that from your usual behaviour says a lot.

"Deliberately dumb" humour is possibly exclusively done by smart people. The context of that person being smart, and their audience knowing that they're smart is crucial to it's success. Let's just say that using that as an analogy......... no-one "laughed".
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Can anyone help me with a quick recap? I'm simply lost. :eek:

Please stay safe guys.
Trump supporters call to protest the vote today ahead of time; Trump even mentions it and calls it "a wild time". Trump during his speech today mentions marching to Capitol Hill. Trump supporters arrive, and push into the building, frightening everyone inside as an attack on democracy. Trump makes half-ass video telling protesters to be polite to law enforcement and go home whilst majorly continuing to cry about how the election was stolen. Trump double downs by making more inflammatory tweets citing today's events are "what happens" when...; gets banned from Twitter & Facebook. Major government officials are now calling for Trump to resign, be impeached, or have the 25th invoked against him for inciting his protesters to go to Capitol Hill.

Right now, members of the Congress are making remarks on today's event including the Republicans who originally planned to oppose the election results changing their mind. As of right now, news is citing Trump's cabinet may be invoking the 25th before Pence, and many are resigning.
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Can anyone help me with a quick recap? I'm simply lost. :eek:

Please stay safe guys.

Some of this might be wrong, as this has been a rapidly chaotic event. To my knowledge:

  • Trump supporters showed up in the capitol a couple days ago to protest the electoral confirmation. The mayor of DC the asked for the deployment of the National Guard as a pre-empitve measure.
  • Not quite important to the current situation, but Enrique Tarrio, the leader of the Proud Boys, which are a group of racist, Neo-fasisct jackasses that engage in political violence, was arrested for, amongst other things, felony firearm charges. He had two weapons with high-capacity magazines. Not hard to figure out what he probably was wanting to do with them
  • Today (someone correct me if I'm wrong), the EC was set to officially confirm the results of the vote. Since the votes were actually confirmed previously, this event is mostly a ceremonious affair, and would have no impact of Biden attaining The Office of President. Some Republican leaders had planned to object, but it would've effectively had no actual effect (except for confirming these people as traitors of democracy).
  • Earlier this afternoon, protestors started moving towards the Capitol Building, and started attacking police officers and security present. They were somehow able to successfully breach 4 lines of defense with relatively little resistance (that is, compared to some of the anti-protest measures seen during the BLM protests in the summer).
  • The protestors were able to penetrate and storm the Capitol building, and generally cause chaos. Security was able to slow them down, but they were able to breach several sections of the capitol building, including the office of House of Representative Speaker (aka the leader of one of our two pillars of congress) Nancy Pelosi.
  • The capitol building was put on lockdown, and Vice President Mike Pence (as well as several other officials) were evacuated from the building.
  • At some point, a civilian woman inside the capitol was shot, and later succumbed to her wounds. No information has been given on who she was or who shot her.
  • The mayor of DC enacted a 6PM EST curfew. Reportedly the dust is starting to settle.
  • Hilariously, in light of the events that transpired today, it seems that several Republican leaders have decided to withdraw their objections to the Electoral College announcement. Basically the objective of the protests today not only failed, but completely backfired.
Let's not get bogged down by people who don't want to have their minds changed. Move past that. We have important business to discuss.

There's never a low enough point for the bar to drop.

The plot thickens.

WHAT IF Trump has actually be detained of sorts inside the White House? The Secret Service surely must do their job and remain loyal to the President, however there is a multitude of evidence that the President is committing sedition, and therefore his agents are effectively held hostage by a terrorist. What to do, what to do, besides make sure the President doesn't leave the White House for his own safety? What to do but to make sure he doesn't compromise his security by contacting others in any way, including to give orders. If the President isn't the one giving orders then who is? Where is the President? If formal proceedings for trading that power were to take place, when would they?

Video of the police just letting the mob in . This needs to be followed up on .

Agreed, this is interesting. However I also notice that people are already standing in that area...they're literally holding the camera. So wherever they are, somebody was already allowed to be there. Perhaps the cops are simply moving barricades to allow access to an area where access is already allowed.
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Hawley has NOT withdrawn his objections and is saying that Pennsylvania acted improperly with mail-in ballots.
This is why the 25th amendment is being discussed with a lot more emphasis by the President's cabinet this evening. I was skeptical that anything would be done but since the President effectively endangered his own 2nd in Command (among others who have been "faithful" to him), I can't see Pence ever wanting to be a part of anything related to Trump for the rest of his life.
Major government officials are now calling for Trump to resign, be impeached, or have the 25th invoked against him for inciting his protesters to go to Capitol Hill.

Right now, members of the Congress are making remarks on today's event including the Republicans who originally planned to oppose the election results changing their mind. As of right now, news is citing Trump's cabinet may be invoking the 25th before Pence, and many are resigning.

I'm really concerned about actually invoking the 25th Amendment in this case, and it comes down to just the reality of where we're at. There's a process to it; once the VP and majority of Cabinet declares Trump unfit, Trump gets the chance to contest. If Trump contests, it then goes to BOTH the House AND the Senate for a vote, and 2/3 majority is needed to remove Trump. Congress has 21 days to vote once Trump contests (more than the remaining time that Trump is in office). Trump is not going to go quietly, and I'm not convinced that there are 2/3 of the House AND Senate that would vote Trump out, even after today. After all of today, Hawley is STILL objecting to Electoral College results.

Also, if Trump is removed via the 25th Amendment, between removal and Biden's inauguration, Pence becomes President. Pence is in the doghouse with hardcore Trump supporters right now. What better way to get back into that base's good graces for his future political career than to immediately pardon Trump?
Holy crap, Lindsay Graham is being...good? What a weird day that people like Mike Pence, Mitch McConnell, and Lindsay Graham aren't being complete blood-sucking scum. I mean they are still blood-sucking scum, but at least they have a spine.
Holy crap, Lindsay Graham is being...good? What a weird day that people like Mike Pence, Mitch McConnell, and Lindsay Graham aren't being complete blood-sucking scum. I mean they are still blood-sucking scum, but at least they have a spine.
The stream I'm watching made what I think is a good point.

It's theater. Where was this enthusiasm before to speak out against Trump? Your life has to be threatened by his supporters to finally think, "Gee, maybe he's not fit to have another 4 years after all".
Live Senate roll call right now, it seems they will not be able to uphold the objections.

Lindsey Graham's speech was pretty powerful and humorous, you can tell he's highly respected and very experienced. To paraphrase his speech, I don't like him, but I accept him.
I'm really concerned about actually invoking the 25th Amendment in this case, and it comes down to just the reality of where we're at. There's a process to it; once the VP and majority of Cabinet declares Trump unfit, Trump gets the chance to contest. If Trump contests, it then goes to BOTH the House AND the Senate for a vote, and 2/3 majority is needed to remove Trump. Congress has 21 days to vote once Trump contests (more than the remaining time that Trump is in office). Trump is not going to go quietly, and I'm not convinced that there are 2/3 of the House AND Senate that would vote Trump out, even after today. After all of today, Hawley is STILL objecting to Electoral College results.

Also, if Trump is removed via the 25th Amendment, between removal and Biden's inauguration, Pence becomes President. Pence is in the doghouse with hardcore Trump supporters right now. What better way to get back into that base's good graces for his future political career than to immediately pardon Trump?
While the process would likely be symbolic, I cannot imagine Congress would drag their feet on this after said individual tried to have them thrown to his idiot wolves. I cannot even imagine Pence wants anything to do with his soon-to-be former boss.
The stream I'm watching made what I think is a good point.

It's theater. Where was this enthusiasm before to speak out against Trump? Your life has to be threatened by his supporters to finally think, "Gee, maybe he's not fit to have another 4 years after all".

They were still probably holding out hope that Trump would win or at least win some challenges.

To paraphrase his speech, I don't like him, but I accept him.

This I agree with. I don't like Biden, but I accept him.
Earlier when McConnell began his speech, Bernie was in the hallway on the phone with CNN. God damn liberals are even late to work on live TV!
Agreed, this is interesting. However I also notice that people are already standing in that area...they're literally holding the camera. So wherever they are, somebody was already allowed to be there. Perhaps the cops are simply moving barricades to allow access to an area where access is already allowed.
It's possible that the police weren't all friends with mob members but there is this one video of a cop taking a selfie with one.

Another video has cops providing physical support for them as they descend the stairs of the Capitol building but I can't find it right now.
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93-6, Senate rejects objection to Arizona electoral votes. May the 6's names be published so we can see who still supports this nonsense.
My guess is Cruz, Hawley, Cotton, Tuberville, Scott, and Blackburn. Probably not totally correct though. Rubio too.
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