The GTP Unofficial 2020 US Elections Thread

GTPlanet Exit Poll - Which Presidential Ticket Did You Vote For?

  • Trump/Pence

    Votes: 16 27.1%
  • Biden/Harris

    Votes: 20 33.9%
  • Jorgensen/Cohen

    Votes: 7 11.9%
  • Hawkins/Walker

    Votes: 1 1.7%
  • La Riva/Freeman

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • De La Fuente/Richardson

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Blankenship/Mohr

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Carroll/Patel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Simmons/Roze

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Charles/Wallace

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 15 25.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

In Trump's defense, if he was running things like a mob boss, a lawyer as inept as Rudy would be in the foundation of a massage parlor.

What are they playing at here? Delay it enough and then have the state legislatures somehow rescind their electors after the safe harbor deadline has passed? Was that what this whole capitol riot/occupation was about today? Was it directed to delay the count as long as possible?
Sounds like the House's time is going to be cut short because the Senate is not going to agree to objection & they need both chambers to agree?
What are they playing at here? Delay it enough and then have the state legislatures somehow rescind their electors after the safe harbor deadline has passed? Was that what this whole capitol riot/occupation was about today? Was it directed to delay the count as long as possible?
I...don't know. You can't respond to this **** rationally because it's spectacularly irrational.
What's the lie? He sued, he lost.

Yes, he lost his lawsuits after publicly advocating for his followers to watch the polls, commit voter fraud themselves and engage in voter intimidation which, last I checked, were all illegal acts. Again, this was to the point that police in multiple cities had to be present at polling places to make sure things were on the up-and-up. Oh, not to mention the multiple attempts (including the call to the Georiga SoS) to have other GoP members fix the results in his favor, and in at least one case included threats of legal action if they didn't deliver. That's called extortion, and last I checked, that's also quite illegal.

But yeah, he just lost his lawsuits. Lawsuits that were designed to subvert the will of the people of this country, and to potentially destroy the integrity of the electoral process. No biggie! /s

You're making excuses and jumping to defend a person who has demonstrated on multiple occasions to be an enemy of democracy. Stop it. The fact that you're continuing to do so tells me that you approve of (up to and including) acts of sedition and treason if it means that your guy ultimately "wins" in the end. Even at the cost of the rights of American Citizens.
Sounds like the House's time is going to be cut short because the Senate is not going to agree to objection & they need both chambers to agree?
I believe what’s happening is the Senate is voting a simple majority to address House objections or not which they’re obviously not going to do. I think the Senate’s roll call was 93-7.
Are they basically telling the House wrap it up so we can go home? :lol:
Pretty much, except last I checked there were over 120 Members with sass to spare. CNN hasn’t provided an update on it in a while so I assume they’re still duking it out.
Does anyone have an update on where the House is? They sure seem to be taking their sweet time...
They just now started their vote this minute. About time.

What happens after this I'm not sure.

I find it really interesting that Pence, even though he's not often in the Senate, is way better at dictating and otherwise following procedure clearly than Pelosi. Maybe that's just because she's a walking ghost.
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Reading reports that the dems have won the senate which was locked before today.

I wonder if the Republicans will still back trump even with his 80mil supporters.
Reading reports that the dems have won the senate which was locked before today.

I wonder if the Republicans will still back trump even with his 80mil supporters.

With everything that's happened, once he leaves any support of him becomes a poison chalice.
Reading reports that the dems have won the senate which was locked before today.

I wonder if the Republicans will still back trump even with his 80mil supporters.
Democrats balanced the Senate 50/50, with the incoming Democratic Vice President having the tie breaker.

As for backing Trump, before today 14 Republican Senators were planning on objecting to the electoral college vote, but after today's events six of them backed down. That did actually make a difference, as only Pennsylvania's objection was able to be sustained, which the House of Representatives is completing a vote on right now. Because the Senate is smaller and surprisingly less "divided", they completely their vote concerning Pennsylvania two hours ago and they decided to reject the Pennsylvania objection. It's currently 2:40am in DC and they're still going.
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Just now.

Hopefully they can move on quickly.
The Republican vote to object PA has gone UP this time. The Nays have it but I predict at least 140 Yays.
Why are so many Democrats not even voting?

On another note, someone check hell for signs of any ice. Mitch McConnell has said something sensible and reasonable.

If this election were overturned by mere allegations from the losing side, our democracy would enter a death spiral. We'd never see the whole nation accept an election again. Every four years would be a scramble for power at any cost.
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Rough translation...

American films would have you believe they could defeat an alien Invasion. Reality is they couldn’t protect their parliament from the village people.



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OK pennsylvania sorted out is that a straight line now or is there more to come?
Yes. Ahem, the House took so long that I actually forgot what they were doing!

Now that they've sorted the Pennsylvania objection, which is the last of the objections, they can continue certifying electoral college votes for the rest of the states. They're only on letter P but this process goes pretty quickly. They'll keep going overnight until that is done but I'm not sure what comes immediately after that. Presumably some sort of formal declaration or motion that Biden and Harris are officially President-elect and Vice President-elect and will be sworn in on Jan 20.

@Stotty The Village People :lol: :lol:

Alright, it's 3:20 am in Ohio, I know I'm unemployed but it's still past my bedtime. I'll check back in at...noon or so.
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Reality is they couldn’t protect their parliament from the village people.

I still find it hard to believe there was even a proper attempt to do so. There had to have been some compliance, or at least purposeful lack of proper defence.
The Electoral College vote tally has crossed 270 for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris when Vermont was counted.

I imagine there is something similar to this happening with Trump in the White House right now.
