The GTP Unofficial 2020 US Elections Thread

GTPlanet Exit Poll - Which Presidential Ticket Did You Vote For?

  • Trump/Pence

    Votes: 16 27.1%
  • Biden/Harris

    Votes: 20 33.9%
  • Jorgensen/Cohen

    Votes: 7 11.9%
  • Hawkins/Walker

    Votes: 1 1.7%
  • La Riva/Freeman

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • De La Fuente/Richardson

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Blankenship/Mohr

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Carroll/Patel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Simmons/Roze

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Charles/Wallace

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 15 25.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Literally gonna whine about Wisconsin when Biden already has enough points and you don't have a Senator. Let. It. Go. So everyone can go home and sleep.
More reports on injuries in a presser by DC Mayor Bowser and Police Chief Contee, via the BBC:

They said the woman who was shot was part of a group of multiple individuals that forced entry into the House room that was still in session. They were confronted by plainclothes officers, and an officer pulled out a weapon and fired it.
The woman was taken to hospital and proclaimed dead. Her ID is being withheld by authorities until next of kin are notified.

They said of the three other deaths today at the Capitol grounds, one was an adult female and two were adult males. All three involved unspecified, separate medical emergencies. At least 14 members of the Metro police department were injured. Two were admitted to hospital, one with serious injuries after being dragged into the crowd, and the other was hit by a projectile in the face.

'It's a revolution' :lol:

Complaining she got maced... if she's have been black, or a muslim, she'd have been shot.
He's still not going to stop. He will still never accept he lost it fair and square, nor will all his supporters who have believed his lies. Which is the big, ongoing problem for America.
Which is the big, ongoing problem for America.

The world. This is not the only place it's happened, it's not the only place it's happening. Still, America has the chance to come back from this - there are even signs from some of the more swivel-eyed Republicans that they're ready to try right now. How that comeback happens will hopefully teach other countries as much as the Trump presidency has.
The world. This is not the only place it's happened, it's not the only place it's happening. Still, America has the chance to come back from this - there are even signs from some of the more swivel-eyed Republicans that they're ready to try right now. How that comeback happens will hopefully teach other countries as much as the Trump presidency has.

Well, this is true. It surely won't be too long before a competent version of Trump gets into power somewhere.
The world. This is not the only place it's happened, it's not the only place it's happening. Still, America has the chance to come back from this - there are even signs from some of the more swivel-eyed Republicans that they're ready to try right now. How that comeback happens will hopefully teach other countries as much as the Trump presidency has.

His supporters around the world will never learn anything. They’ve had their whole life to develop any kind of critical thinking and they have failed miserably. Just this morning I saw some of his Swedish supporters claiming that it was actually antifa who stormed the capitol.

Such an irony of fate: as a fanatical Trump supporter, believing that you’re taking part in a revolution, you storm the congress, oh forward to glory! Then you’re shot and killed by security and how do your peers honour your memory? By spreading the lie that you were probably antifa.
He's still not going to stop. He will still never accept he lost it fair and square, nor will all his supporters who have believed his lies. Which is the big, ongoing problem for America.
I have seen a report that the protesters were admitted to the Capitol building by police. Also headlines such as this:
BREAKING NEWS: Trump mob storms Democrat Washington Gov. Jay Inslee's mansion as protesters surround Texas, California, Michigan, Georgia, Oregon AND Kansas state capitols
  • Trump supporters have surrounded state capitols in Texas, California, Georgia, Michigan, Kansas and Oklahoma after violent protests erupted in DC over Trump's election loss to Biden in November
  • They occupied the front lawn of Washington's Democratic Governor Jay Inslee's mansion where only one state trooper was keeping guard
  • Violence broke out in DC after thousands of Trump supporters breached security perimeters at the Capitol with lawmakers inside the House Chamber urged to put on gas masks
  • Armed militia members were seen standing guards on the steps of the Michigan Capitol in Lansing and Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger was evacuated from the state Capitol in Atlanta
  • Large protests have also been reported in Colorado, Oregon, Washington state, Minnesota and Sacramento, while swaths of demonstrators have taken to the streets in LA outside City Hall
I have no idea of the truth of any of this, or of the long-term effects, if any.
However, I do believe in the power and ubiquity of lies (and other frauds) to play a role in the human story.
I once spent days arguing with some foreigner about how my Constitutional rights had been taken away by Trump.
It turns out that living somewhere doesn't mean you understand its rules, and you don't have to live somewhere in order to understand them.

In terms of the Constitution, we see that every time an American claims social media - or GTPlanet's moderators - are denying their freedom of speech (which they aren't), and we saw it with you when you didn't comprehend that a President justifying the execution of a suspect by federal troops on a street in an American city as "the way it has to be" was denying due process to all Americans (which it is).

Yesterday's events are no surprise when we have folk who are willing to excuse literally any behaviour from someone if they stand in front of the right flag.
Yesterday's events are no surprise when we have folk who are willing to excuse literally any behaviour from someone if they stand in front of the right flag.

In some cases, also the flags of lost rebellion causes, Klan chapters, Neo-Nazis, and other militant groups.

I could go on, but I'm not going give these jackasses any more recognition.
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There's a live stream of some third world banana Republic where the outgoing President for life is not taking defeat at the ballot box at all well. Armed militia said to be involved. Have the UN been informed?

More images being inspected shows at least one person wearing a black Camp Auschwitz hoody. The guy with the deer horns is supposed to be a fruitloop QAnon guy with ties to Nazi groups.

Perfectly normal people.
In some cases, also the flags of lost rebellion causes, Klan chapters, Neo-Nazis, and other militant groups.

I could go on, but I'm not going give these jackasses any more recognition.

Now, I'm not saying that Trump himself is a Nazi, nor that everyone who - still, for some baffling reason - supports him is a Nazi, but these are the exact people that his rhetoric attracts and emboldens:



Surely, surely by now you'd be reaching the point of asking yourself if it's just possible that when your movement not only includes people who wear Holocaust-promoting (not denying, promoting - 6MWE means "Six million wasn't enough", as in Jews murdered) Nazi merch, but the leader of the movement and his genetic swamp calls them "special people" and "American patriots"... he might be a bad guy and it might be a bad movement to be a part of? Surely?

You'd think these protests would slow or stop now that the Electoral College vote is certified, Trump has conceded there will be an orderly transition of power, and particularly once Biden is inaugurated. Freezing weather and heavy snow might be desirable this year.
Now, I'm not saying that Trump himself is a Nazi, nor that everyone who - still, for some baffling reason - supports him is a Nazi, but these are the exact people that his rhetoric attracts and emboldens:


Surely, surely by now you'd be reaching the point of asking yourself if it's just possible that when your movement not only includes people who wear Holocaust-promoting (not denying, promoting - 6MWE means "Six million wasn't enough", as in Jews murdered) Nazi merch, but the leader of the movement and his genetic swamp calls them "special people" and "American patriots"... he might be a bad guy and it might be a bad movement to be a part of? Surely?

Before she deleted it...

Ivanka Patriots.jpg

...more that's aged well...

Kirk Aged Well.png
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Google both these men. It wouldn't end well for one of them. :lol:

I know next to nothing about Harris, including not knowing what he looks like, and I know it's Harris. Based on what I do know about Harris, Allred is likely justified in that labeling him as he's supposed to have done.

Yesterday's events are no surprise when we have folk who are willing to excuse literally any behaviour from someone if they stand in front of the right flag.
Or molest that flag on stage.

Before she deleted it...

View attachment 983275
Gosh, why'd she delete it? That seems like an important message. Oh...

Edit: Charlie Kirk is low hanging fruit. That's not a homophobic slur, mind, it just requires no reaching to take him down.
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Surely, surely by now you'd be reaching the point of asking yourself if it's just possible that when your movement not only includes people who wear Holocaust-promoting (not denying, promoting - 6MWE means "Six million wasn't enough", as in Jews murdered) Nazi merch, but the leader of the movement and his genetic swamp calls them "special people" and "American patriots"... he might be a bad guy and it might be a bad movement to be a part of? Surely?

The problem is that for a significant amount of people, that would require acknowledging reality, admitting that they were indeed wrong, and admitting that the guy they backed for the past 4 years is a sack of 🤬. Pride (or in this case, extreme stubbornness) is a hell of a thing, and a lot of people would rather hold onto their pride than calling out the super obvious villain present, even if it means allowing the destruction of the foundation of this nation and people getting killed as a result.

Like, Trump literally called for yesterdays events to happen, which involved, among many things, domestic terrorists attacking police (funny how almost nothing is being said about this, wonder if it has to do with who's doing it...) stealing a representatives mail, which could potentially compromise our nations security, domestic terrorists planting literal :censored:ing IEDs in the capitol building, and four civilians losing their lives. That's all on Trump, and yet even that isn't enough to get some of his supporters (including at least one member of this forum) to realize that Trump and the people he encourages are genuine enemies of this country and want it destroyed if it means he can continue to be president (or Dictator, to call it what it is).
As a non-Republican, it's hilarious watching the Republican party completely implode. Around the time of the election, an argument could be made that what the GOP establishment versus the average Republican wanted were two different visions. Establishment wants the GOP to drop Trump and regress back to a George W. Bush or Mitt Romney-like candidate who is soft spoken, evangelical, very neocon in terms of foreign policy, always talking about the debt and deficit, and continuing to giving tax cuts the rich and deregulate. Republican voters though, who are not part of the elite class, wanted one thing, and that was Trump. His approval rating within the party has always been somewhere around 90%. That's not to say that Trump isn't also a neocon who gave tax cuts to the rich and deregulated. But with Trump, at least there was this veneer of populist, anti-establishment-ness, standing up to "RINOs", the "deep state" and "draining the swamp", being the savior for the little man that has been forgotten for decade, which is the main reason why he is so popular amongst Republicans. The Bushes and Romney were never like this, and that is why the Republican voter base will never vote through a Bush or Romney type candidate through a primary again.

After yesterday's debacle though, and trump (somewhat) finally conceding, I'm willing to bet that a good enough number of the Trump base has left the Trump train (though obviously he will always have his fair share of yes-men because thats how cults work). As others have said, he is no longer the most popular Republican. And right now, there seems to be no popular Republican. The base, as aforementioned, isn't going to revert back to Bush or Romney, and they also seem to have contempt for people like McConnell, Perdue/Loeffler, and many other "establishment Republicans". In the 2024 election, I predict that the RNC will try to completely erase Trump and act like 2016-2020 never happened, and force someone like Nikki Haley, Lindsey Graham, or even Mitt Romney again, down Republicans' throat, and they aren't going to buy it. At this point there's no way Trump will run in 2024. He'll either be locked up, dead, in too poor of health, or simply disinterested by that point. So, the GOPs strategy right now seems to keep doing their same old neocon policies, but embrace the "anti-establishment" rhetoric, though without the unhinged aspect of Trumpism. You can already see this with Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Tom Cotton, among others, formerly "establishment-types" who have changed their rhetoric to suite whats popular. Whether the base will buy into this is yet to be known. Or, the winner of the primary could be a non-politician outsider who runs on and continues the legacy of Trump. What's to say that Donald Jr. or Trump's other children, Cucker Tarlson, Charlie Kirk, or some of the other OANN/Breitbart/NewsMax goons that are popular couldn't run? Regardless, it's for certain that the GOP is in a very volatile and frankly, terrible place right now. But I don't think this is the death of the party nor will they be going any time soon. After all, money talks. And its not like the GOP doesn't have a history of breaking the rules and being brazenly corrupt to win an election.
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