Bit of a gross simplification. There's no mention of the part where the guy who gave nonces a free pass stood up and defended Trump by saying that Chuck Yeager flew supersonic 44 years after the Wright Brothers' first flight, and the USA landed a man on the Moon, because the USA is a great nation and the people who did that should lead the country.
No, that actually happened.
This video is the perfect example of what some of us can right fully label it as "
deep fake", but then others will somehow confused it as is shown here as their own (alternate) reality, and then they themselves call (our) reality as "
deep fake".
No, it doesn't throw the election into doubt unless you want to say that every election ever held in the US is in doubt. You're never going to have a 100% fraudulent free election in any country. There's always going to be a subset of people who will try to game the system, and of those people, they'll get away with it. Most people won't though.
The point is, there wasn't any evidence of widespread voter fraud that would've changed the outcome of the election.
Exactly. Republicans are a different sort of idealist, who at the same time reject the notion of government overstepping bounds, but they themselves demand total respect/compliance/abidance to every single rules to the cross and dots of T and I...
I agree with you Joey.
Why can't these people understand we do not live in a perfect world and as much as we ALL (on both sides of the aisle) want fraud free elections, it just is not going to happen...
If there is fraud which everyone seems to admit. Does it not give one side a distinct advantage and the other a distinct disadvantage? Does that not bother 75 million voters or you or I ? Were the votes fraudulent for the winning side? It puts the whole process of Democrocy in the garbage can. Call it what you want. The Democratic process is a fraud.
Either you are playing dumb/devil's advocate, or you truly are not Canadian... I thought you people up north are very nice and respectuous of one another... you sound more like an American Southerner... sorry for generalizing... my bad lol
but more seriously:
It is still acceptable to have fraud so long as we are able to control, minimize, mitigate the risks and the impact to a low margin...
That is why we have a margin of error.
Just like in production chains... you will always have junk and scraps, you dont reject the entire set of products... there will be acceptable loss.
you move on and you learn to better control next time...
The majority is still the majority...
It is only an major issue if the majority of the votes are fraudulent, which is not the case...
anything above the 5% is worrisome, anything less is an acceptable loss... I am being generous here...
can you substantiate beyond what the officials that we have more then 5% fraud ?
if not, the shut up and let the process work.
There is already quality gates and control in the voting and election process... no need to over worry.