The Oscars controversy surrounding the lack of diversity

  • Thread starter A2K78
@Imari, obviously this is about the minorities not having a say because the majority is holding them down. No blacks were nominated and we're all sitting here conversing about. Obviously no one is holding them down.

When you say two things that are opposites in the same paragraph, I have no idea what point you're actually trying to make. Clearly some of it is sarcasm, but I honestly don't know which bit.
When you say two things that are opposites in the same paragraph, I have no idea what point you're actually trying to make. Clearly some of it is sarcasm, but I honestly don't know which bit.

I guess I'm not speaking well because of my temper on the situation.

What I am trying to say is that the minority is holding the power here, and a lot of other places, in my opinion. I mean, no minority actor got nominated. Instead of dealing with the fact that maybe no minority put in a good enough performance, the rules have to change as prisonermoneys pointed out. I find that utterly disgusting. It's crap. Instead of seeing what could very possibly be a fact, they want to ensure that no matter what, a minority will be nominated. At this point, this isn't a talent competition as it's billed. It's a power play. It's racism at its finest. If no white person where nominated, this wouldn't even be an conversation. It wouldn't even be a non-issue.

Edit: This shouldn't be a conversation about race. This shouldn't be a conversation at all. This should only be about talent in the movies in the given year. Or the movies themselves. But here we are.
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Funny how many people only seem to care about the actors being discriminated against at the Oscars, with almost no recognition at all for the writers, editors and cinematographers, the people that actually make the film. Directors can be an exception. You could have an ensemble cast of the biggest names in Hollywood in your film, but if the film crew was a bunch of clueless high school students, it would still be a POS. :lol: Or an even bigger one. :P

I'd like to add that I even think stunts people should have an award available to them. Some stunts coordinators and stunt performers can be quite creative in their roles. Some will even put in more realistic performances for the sake of the film, at the cost of disfigurement, concussions, and more.
I'd like to add that I even think stunts people should have an award available to them. Some stunts coordinators and stunt performers can be quite creative in their roles. Some will even put in more realistic performances for the sake of the film, at the cost of disfigurement, concussions, and more.
There has been a push to try and get stunt work recognised in the past, but the Academy has been pretty hesitant to recognise it. They feel that it comes under the heading of production design and that there is a disparity between what you see on the screen and how it was actually shot that doesn't really justify recognition as an additional award. For example, when the Underground train comes crashing through the roof in Skyfall, the whole thing was mounted on train tracks fixed to the ceiling to safely guide it into the position Chris Corbould - the film's production designer - wanted it to finish in. On the other hand, the pre-title sequence features Daniel Craig's stunt double crashing a motorbike to catapault himself onto a moving train, leaping from the extended arm of an excavator into a train carriage, and riding dirt bikes across the rooftops of Istanbul's Grand Bazaar. While this was also filmed inder controlled conditions, it's far more apt to call this stunt work, but because the film contains both, it would be hard to justify giving it an award because the Academy might be forced to give them the awards for Best Production Design and Best Stunt Work.

There has also been some concern that by making stunt work a category, film-makers would push the envelope and film extremely dangerous stunts to chase the award.
Because, just like Straight outta Compton it wasn't all that great of a movie. And if my memory serves me correct, Oscars are given for performances and such, not for picking a hot topic.

Tell it to Leo. Or the auto win that goes to DDL any time he puts out a movie, and the only reason no one won in Gangs of New York is cause Leo was in it, so to keep consistency they went with just denying both (Leo and DDL) an award.

Funny how many people only seem to care about the actors being discriminated against at the Oscars, with almost no recognition at all for the writers, editors and cinematographers, the people that actually make the film. Directors can be an exception. You could have an ensemble cast of the biggest names in Hollywood in your film, but if the film crew was a bunch of clueless high school students, it would still be a POS. :lol: Or an even bigger one. :P

I'd like to add that I even think stunts people should have an award available to them. Some stunts coordinators and stunt performers can be quite creative in their roles. Some will even put in more realistic performances for the sake of the film, at the cost of disfigurement, concussions, and more.

I think anyone black listed or low balled by such a hollow shell of itself award group is wrong. It's just easier to side with actors cause they're more spot lighted when this issue comes up, and it does quite often.
Annette Benning
Harrison Ford
Johnny Depp
Tom Cruise
Leonardo DiCaprio
Sigourney Weaver
Albert Finney
Michelle Pfeiffer
Ralph Fiennes
Julianne Moore
Glenn Close

Probably 30+ nominations combined and zero Oscars.

Jeff Daniels
Isabella Rossellini
Donald Sutherland
Scarlett Johansson
Alan Rickman
Meg Ryan
John Turturro

Never nominated.

Oh and Will Smith has never won an Oscar, but that's because of racism.
Annette Benning
Harrison Ford
Johnny Depp
Tom Cruise
Leonardo DiCaprio
Sigourney Weaver
Albert Finney
Michelle Pfeiffer
Ralph Fiennes
Julianne Moore
Glenn Close

Probably 30+ nominations combined and zero Oscars.

Jeff Daniels
Isabella Rossellini
Donald Sutherland
Scarlett Johansson
Alan Rickman
Meg Ryan
John Turturro

Never nominated.

Oh and Will Smith has never won an Oscar, but that's because of racism.
The Oscars are on par with the Rock and Roll hall of fame as far as biggest joke of who wins/ gets in goes. They both are a farce. Don't get me started on the rock and roll hall of fame lol.
Annette Benning
Harrison Ford
Johnny Depp
Tom Cruise
Leonardo DiCaprio
Sigourney Weaver
Albert Finney
Michelle Pfeiffer
Ralph Fiennes
Julianne Moore
Glenn Close

Probably 30+ nominations combined and zero Oscars.

Jeff Daniels
Isabella Rossellini
Donald Sutherland
Scarlett Johansson
Alan Rickman
Meg Ryan
John Turturro

Never nominated.

Oh and Will Smith has never won an Oscar, but that's because of racism.

I'm not sure how that helps your argument in a thread about the lack of diversity in the nominations of the last two years? Nobody's asking to be more equal than anybody else - if you read the arguments of the people involved at the centre of the issue you'll see that they want fair consideration as opposed to unfair ignorance.
if you read the arguments of the people involved at the centre of the issue you'll see that they want fair consideration as opposed to unfair ignorance.

No, they don't, as there will never be any way to satisfy them.
I seem to recall reading a breakdown of the industry somewhere that came to the conclusion that there is only a very small handful of African-American actors who can consistently receive top billing for films and have those films be a commercial success. Will Smith and Denzel Washington are the only two names that I can recall from it. It was published just before the release of that science fiction film Smith did with his son, so it's a little out of date.
I'm not sure how that helps your argument in a thread about the lack of diversity in the nominations of the last two years? Nobody's asking to be more equal than anybody else - if you read the arguments of the people involved at the centre of the issue you'll see that they want fair consideration as opposed to unfair ignorance.
My argument is that there is no argument. Pulling out a couple of years of data that don't follow the longer trend to prove a point is misleading and meaningless. Oh look, it's snowing outside, no global warming here!! Plenty of good actors never get nominated, plenty of good actors never win. It's not a fair contest and it never was. It's a popularity contest, it's politics, members vote for who they like most or their friends or they trade votes with other people to ensure their films or the people whom they work with or for, win. These things are well known and have been going on since the Academy Awards were first given out nearly 90 years ago. Statistically, blacks are as successful in the last 15 years as their proportion of the population in the United States would predict that they would be.
The only way reform can ever come if is the market demands it and in this case there haven't been any real demand. Thats beauty of the principal of supply and demand..

Your usual mis-written economic arguments aside... are you saying that there "hasn't been any real demand" for films with non-white actors?
Nobody's asking to be more equal than anybody else - if you read the arguments of the people involved at the centre of the issue you'll see that they want fair consideration as opposed to unfair ignorance.

Which black actor, black actress and predominantly "black" film weren't given fair consideration? Unless the people like Spike Lee throwing this fit are simply after some sort of racial quota system for nominations to an award show, what specifically is this in response to?
Which black actor, black actress and predominantly "black" film weren't given fair consideration? Unless the people like Spike Lee throwing this fit are simply after some sort of racial quota system for nominations to an award show, what specifically is this in response to?
I have to agree. Generally speaking, people who are after equal rights really mean special rights. Just take a look at how the politicians are bending over backwards to appease the Muslim community for example.
That blinkered approach is probably how you feel comfortable writing this;

Blinkered approach (regarding A2K78's disbelief in the concept of diversity)? Never mind the rest of his misguided post... I think what he was getting at regarding "not believing" in diversity is that diversity for diversity's sake doesn't always make sense. If The Oscars is about awarding the best films, diversity should not be a factor for inclusion just as much as it shouldn't be a factor for exclusion.

Whether The Oscars is actively excluding minorities or if it's merely a coincidence that the things they genuinely felt were Oscar-worthy just happened to be whiter than the driven snow is another can of worms entirely, however. And I don't have a can opener, so I'll leave that be.
You're right. When will society give up the ghost and give equal rights to rich, white men?
For someone who claims to know the ins and outs of satire and parody, you're not very good at spotting it, are you?

Do I need to hold up a SARCASM! sign, Sheldon?
Why are we still obsessing about skin color? People are people. Whatever person does the best deserves the award.

The point is usually the best isn't the one that gets the award, but those that spotlight the most publicity among other things that favor the academy overall. And that really is the point, it's not about racism or sexism or anything else, it's about the fact you have a group that his held in high regard and purposely goes out of its way to black list those celebs that have either said bad things about the academy or Hollywood in general and so on. Why this thread only takes on a sub plot of this issue/agenda and not the entire thing is beyond me, but I have my own beliefs to why that is.
Why is this even a controversy????

Because some black people said there aren't enough black nominees.

There's no quota system. You want the recognition, do the work!

Sidney Portier, Denzell Washington (twice,) Halle Berry, Forest Whitaker, Jamie Foxx, to name a few winners, and that's just the actors' catagories, and there are lots more nominees. There are also numerous black nominees and winners in other categories, especially in music.

I've never looked at the Oscars and thought to myself, "What a bunch of racist ignoramuses." Can't quite say the same when I look at the complainants here.....
For someone who claims to know the ins and outs of satire and parody, you're not very good at spotting it, are you?

Do I need to hold up a SARCASM! sign, Sheldon?
In the context of this thread and his post, your response makes no sense whatsoever.
Why is this even a controversy????

Because some black people said there aren't enough black nominees.

There's no quota system. You want the recognition, do the work!

Sidney Portier, Denzell Washington (twice,) Halle Berry, Forest Whitaker, Jamie Foxx, to name a few winners, and that's just the actors' catagories, and there are lots more nominees. There are also numerous black nominees and winners in other categories, especially in music.

I've never looked at the Oscars and thought to myself, "What a bunch of racist ignoramuses." Can't quite say the same when I look at the complainants here.....

I don't see any nominee's that are over 6' 5", and so I'm really disappointed over the blatant heightism expressed by those bigots running the Oscars. I urge everyone not to watch/attend the Oscars until those of the taller nature are better represented, regardless of their acting ability.
Your usual mis-written economic arguments aside... are you saying that there "hasn't been any real demand" for films with non-white actors?



I think it's pretty much accepted that good films with black actors and actresses can do good at the box office. Straight Outta Compton made a killing at the box office, pulling in much more than it cost to make.


The central problem of the Academy is not necessarily one of race, but one of politics, demographics and marketing. When studios spend a lot of money and time hyping up their movies and campaigning for Oscars, a lot of deserving films, directors, actors, actresses and etcetera get left by the wayside. It's not enough to make a successful movie. You've got to make one that appeals specifically to the voters. There's a reason studios spend so much money on Oscar-bait films.

Unitl the votership shifts to become more "hip" and "in tune with the times", this system is not likely to change.

Huf. Who really cares? I follow the Golden Globes, which, although it was mostly won by whites this year, actually gave the awards to people who deserved them.

Huf. Who really cares? I follow the Golden Globes, which, although it was mostly won by whites this year, actually gave the awards to people who deserved them.

Thank you x1000 for saying that because this is the main stay to the point I made which is similar to yours. I too meant to say this but forgot. So sincerely thanks Niky.