The Political Satire/Meme Thread

  • Thread starter Danoff
That is true and at that we just kind of shake our heads.

Who is "we?"

I think the normal people are over it.

Oh. We're back to that, are we?

So you don't think there has been enough attention brought to the subject? How about we ask a citizen of Portland.

I'd say the action of many Portland citizens suggests that, no, they don't believe there is enough awareness yet. But of course, you didn't mean those Portland citizens. You just meant the ones who are "normal." Using "citizen" to delineate between those you agree with and those you don't is interesting. So now we're to the point where not only are we lefties not "normal," but we're not even Americans?
"I don't care, call Donald Trump. Do you know Donald Trump? If you don't know Donald Trump, I'm not going anywhere."

One of @Chrunch Houston's "normal people" throws fit at Florida restaurant; flashes genitals at patrons; assaults female employee.

Spoilered for language and depiction of violence (no gore).

So that disgusting video does not violate the AUP? Just a spoiler tag, that is all it takes?

I have been avoiding posting lefty loons rioting and beating people all this time, and to think, all I needed to do was put it behind a spoiler tag.
So that disgusting video does not violate the AUP? Just a spoiler tag, that is all it takes?
I provided ample warning and ensured two steps would be required for the content that I warned about to be viewed; a click to display the tweet that didn't itself contain offensive text and a click within the tweet to play the content that I warned about.

If you thought there was any chance of you getting triggered as you purport to be, you should have exercised more caution and not executed either of those steps. If you think the effort I went to insufficient or the content still inappropriate after executing the steps necessary to view it, feel free to report it to the moderation staff rather than bitching about it here.


That's awesome.
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If you think the effort I went to insufficient or the content still inappropriate after executing the steps necessary to view it, feel free to report it to the moderation staff rather than bitching about it here.
I wouldn't report anyone, well unless it was a spambot. I am just shocked that you posted that. I have been avoiding posting riot scenes, because the f-word is spray painted everywhere. Democrats love them some spray paint.

Oh, and it is the other picture thread that has no complaining in the title.
How is it that even in calling someone out for posting a video you feel attacks the right, that you still manage to continue to display your own political ignorance?
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I wouldn't report anyone, well unless it was a spambot.
If you think any content is inappropriate, including, as you previously alleged, that which is in violation of the site's Acceptable Use Policy (though I'm compelled to point out the fact that you declined to cite a specific violation), you absolutely should report it. Reporting inappropriate content so that moderation staff may consider removal makes this a more enjoyable place to be. However, I posit that the concern you showed was feigned rather than sincere, and I suspect it stems from the violent individual depicted being a Trump supporter; the dumbass actually thinks the dumbass can help him. I suspect you declining to cite a specific violation is a result of this feigned outrage, and that you're aware a report would be for naught.

I am just shocked that you posted that.
I'm definitely not shocked that you'd feign outrage. Trumpism, man.

I have been avoiding posting riot scenes, because the f-word is spray painted everywhere.
You can ensure others are warned of content that is likely to be deemed inappropriate before they are able to view it. The site's Acceptable Use Policy, which you previously invoked, actually makes it clear that you are required to do so.

Democrats love them some spray paint.
As a Democrat and a bit of a DIYer, I acknowledge that it does have some advantages over alternative methods of applying decorative and/or protective finishes. It also has some drawbacks. Save for little things, such as craft projects I've done with my daughter, I'd be more inclined to rent a pro-sumer HVLP spray system.

Admittedly, I briefly considered rattle-can urethane for a wooden gate I recently constructed, but I ultimately went with brush application.

Oh, and it is the other picture thread that has no complaining in the title.
Fair enough. You're free to disregard any attempt I may make--past, present or future--to get you to stop bitching if it's your prerogative to do so, as it seems to be.
I have been avoiding posting riot scenes, because the f-word is spray painted everywhere.
Democrats love them some spray paint.

How are they at exposing themselves in front of little kids and assaulting defenceless women like Schock did?

There's no way the picture wasn't bait.

The "I was only joking" defence.

This guy gets it.

Gotta love the "only criminals are in danger from the police" narrative. RIP Breonna Taylor.
This guy gets it.


Warning Language

Breonna Taylor may or may not have been remotely worried about being killed by the police, but she likely wasn't a "****ing criminal" and she likely wasn't "going around, committing ****ing crimes."

Also, as an EMT, she likely did interact with the police, but likely not by fighting cops or resisting arrest "like a ****ing moron." As an EMT, she likely responded to scenes previously responded to by police or was already performing duties of an EMT when police responded to the scene.

Had Breonna Taylor not been engaging in the "****ed up, ****** behavior" that being at home, asking who is pounding at the door is, she may not have been killed by police. The "dumb, stupidass mother****er."

Breonna Taylor's boyfriend may or may not have been worried about getting killed by the police, he may or may not have been a "****ing criminal" or "going around, committing ****ing crimes," but he was in possession of a registered firearm that he was licensed to carry and fired on intruders who he may well have been worried would kill him and who ended up being police officers who didn't announce themselves.

Not surprisingly, Trumpkins are using this idiot's video to deflect from the actual issue of cops using excessive force and killing people, an indeterminate number of whom are or are not black and who are or are not "****ing criminals" or "going around, committing ****ing crimes," and the number of such incidents isn't known because these incidents tend to be covered up and the perpetrators tend to not be held accountable.

I'm also compelled to point out that that video was posted to TikTok before Trumpkin BIGDAVE posted it on Twitter. TikTok, which Trumpkins are supposed to hate, totally because it's a data-mining app based in China and totally not because kids who use it embarrassed Trump by reserving seats to a Trump rally that they didn't intend to attend, but which Herman Cain attended, maskless, having touted that masks wouldn't be required, before dying of COVID-19.

Trumpism, man.

Edit: Because I just know someone's going to misrepresent this remark, I should probably make it clear that I called the guy in the video an idiot because he's an idiot, and not because he's black. I couldn't give the furry crack of a rat's ass that he's black. I don't care about others' race, skin color, nationality, religious belief, gender or sexual orientation. I bet the Trumpkins just love that he's black, though. I bet they think his being black bolsters their narrative.
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How are they at exposing themselves in front of little kids and assaulting defenceless women like Schock did?
Do a Google image search for naked protesters. I'd be willing to bet none of them are Republicans.

Also why just hit a woman with your fist, when you can use two by fours.

Warning, violence foul language

Gotta love the "only criminals are in danger from the police" narrative. RIP Breonna Taylor.
Breonna Taylor may or may not have been remotely worried about being killed by the police, but she likely wasn't a "****ing criminal" and she likely wasn't "going around, committing ****ing crimes."

Also, as an EMT, she likely did interact with the police, but likely not by fighting cops or resisting arrest "like a ****ing moron." As an EMT, she likely responded to scenes previously responded to by police or was already performing duties of an EMT when police responded to the scene.

Had Breonna Taylor not been engaging in the "****ed up, ****** behavior" that being at home, asking who is pounding at the door is, she may not have been killed by police. The "dumb, stupidass mother****er."

Breonna Taylor's boyfriend may or may not have been worried about getting killed by the police, he may or may not have been a "****ing criminal" or "going around, committing ****ing crimes," but he was in possession of a registered firearm that he was licensed to carry and fired on intruders who he may well have been worried would kill him and who ended up being police officers who didn't announce themselves.

Not surprisingly, Trumpkins are using this idiot's video to deflect from the actual issue of cops using excessive force and killing people, an indeterminate number of whom are or are not black and who are or are not "****ing criminals" or "going around, committing ****ing crimes," and the number of such incidents isn't known because these incidents tend to be covered up and the perpetrators tend to not be held accountable.

I'm also compelled to point out that that video was posted to TikTok before Trumpkin BIGDAVE posted it on Twitter. TikTok, which Trumpkins are supposed to hate, totally because it's a data-mining app based in China and totally not because kids who use it embarrassed Trump by reserving seats to a Trump rally that they didn't intend to attend, but which Herman Cain attended, maskless, having touted that masks wouldn't be required, before dying of COVID-19.

Trumpism, man.

Edit: Because I just know someone's going to misrepresent this remark, I should probably make it clear that I called the guy in the video an idiot because he's an idiot, and not because he's black. I couldn't give the furry crack of a rat's ass that he's black. I don't care about others' race, skin color, nationality, religious belief, gender or sexual orientation. I bet the Trumpkins just love that he's black, though. I bet they think his being black bolsters their narrative.
That's some rant there TR.

The Breonna Taylor case was a tragic accident. Police serving a warrant, Boyfriend thinks it's a home invasion, shoots a cop (justified). When cops get shot at, they shoot back (also justified). This had nothing to do with race.
The Breonna Taylor case was a tragic accident. Police serving a warrant, Boyfriend thinks it's a home invasion, shoots a cop (justified). When cops get shot at, they shoot back (also justified).
She was black. She wasn't a criminal. As an emergency medical technician, she was just about the exact opposite of a criminal. She may or may not have been worried that police would kill her, but they did.

The police that killed Breonna Taylor didn't identify themselves. They were acting on a warrant that permitted them to not identify themselves. It literally was a home invasion. A battering ram was utilized to aid in the invasion of the home. Kenneth Walker defending his home from invaders was justified. The individuals invading his home returning fire was not a justified was just a response. The individuals invading his home were the police. The police were in the wrong. At least twenty rounds were fired in Kenneth Walker's direction and at least eight of them struck Breonna Taylor. Neither Walker nor Taylor were the subjects identified in the warrant on which the police were acting.

The incident report filed by police indicated that there was no forced entry, despite a ram being used to break the door down, and that Breonna Taylor hadn't actually sustained any injuries, but...spoiler alert...she did. The police tried to cover their asses, as they do, and they got caught. Had there not been so much attention on police over a culture of misconduct and a lack of accountability following the filmed killing of George Floyd by a police officer perpetrator, someone who is tasked with protecting people, using excessive force, kneeling on the victim's neck for more than eight minutes, it's very possible they wouldn't have gotten caught.
Remember the idiot in your video? Remember how he said that black people shouldn't be worried about getting killed by police unless they're criminals? Breonna Taylor was black. Breonna Taylor wasn't a criminal. Breonna Taylor was killed by police.

Trumpism, man.
If you can't see that that was an accident then you are the idiot. You actually believe these cops killed an EMT, Taylor because she was black?

This is the Democrat party today folks.
If you can't see that that was an accident then you are the idiot. You actually believe these cops killed an EMT, Taylor because she was black?
Breonna Taylor was black. Breonna Taylor wasn't a criminal. Breonna Taylor was killed by police.

The idiot in your video said he wasn't worried about getting killed by police because he's not a ****ing criminal, he's not going around, committing ****ing crimes and he's not resisting arrest like a ****ing moron.

Breonna Taylor wasn't a ****ing criminal. Breonna Taylor wasn't going around, committing ****ing crimes. Breonna Taylor wasn't resisting arrest like a ****ing moron.

Breonna Taylor was killed by police who invaded her home, after her boyfriend attempted to defend their home using the registered firearm for which he had a license.

You cannot refute this. The facts are not in your favor. You don't have a leg to stand on.

Trumpism, man.

Edit: You people have to deflect from the facts. You have to deflect from the issue of police brutality by bringing up black-on-black violence, and justified police shootings, and Uighur Muslims in China. You can't win this argument by playing straight. You simply can't play straight.
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Breonna Taylor was black. Breonna Taylor wasn't a criminal. Breonna Taylor was killed by police.

The idiot in your video said he wasn't worried about getting killed by police because he's not a ****ing criminal, he's not going around, committing ****ing crimes and he's not resisting arrest like a ****ing moron.

Breonna Taylor wasn't a ****ing criminal. Breonna Taylor wasn't going around, committing ****ing crimes. Breonna Taylor wasn't resisting arrest like a ****ing moron.

Breonna Taylor was killed by police who invaded her home, after her boyfriend attempted to defend their home using the registered firearm for which he had a license.

You cannot refute this. The facts are not in your favor. You don't have a leg to stand on.
I said the boyfriend was justified in shooting, but so were the cops. Being black had nothing to do with it.
The Breonna Taylor case was a tragic accident. Police serving a warrant, Boyfriend thinks it's a home invasion, shoots a cop (justified). When cops get shot at, they shoot back (also justified). This had nothing to do with race.
It was an accident, to say it was more is idiotic. Show me some evidence that this was racially motivated.

Democratism man.
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I said the boyfriend was justified in shooting, but so were the cops. Being black had nothing to do with it.
The boyfriend was justified because he was attempting to protect his home from the people invading it. The people invading it were in the wrong when they invaded it and they were in the wrong when they returned fire. Them being police doesn't justify the response. When they returned fire, they managed to hit the unarmed woman with nearly half of the rounds they volleyed at the man defending his home.

I never said them being black had anything to do with it. It's a fact. The individuals in the home were black and the ones invading it were police. Facts.

The idiot in your video said black people needn't worry about being killed by police unless they're ****ing criminals.

Breonna Taylor was a black person who got killed by police despite not being a criminal.

It was an accident, to say it was more is idiotic. Show me some evidence that this was racially motivated.
To say that black people needn't worry about being killed by police unless they're criminals is idiotic. It's idiotic because black people who aren't criminals do get killed by police.

It's worse than that, because an indeterminate number of people killed by police never get posthumous justice when there's a "thin blue line" culture that protects those who are in the wrong.

You can't refute the facts so you distort my remarks into something you can better argue against. This is deceitful.
The boyfriend was justified because he was attempting to protect his home from the people invading it. The people invading it were in the wrong when they invaded it and they were in the wrong when they returned fire. Them being police doesn't justify the response. When they returned fire, they managed to hit the unarmed woman with nearly half of the rounds they volleyed at the man defending his home.

I never said them being black had anything to do with it. It's a fact. The individuals in the home were black and the ones invading it were police. Facts.

The idiot in your video said black people needn't worry about being killed by police unless they're ****ing criminals.

Breonna Taylor was a black person who got killed by police despite not being a criminal.

To say that black people needn't worry about being killed by police unless they're criminals is idiotic. It's idiotic because black people who aren't criminals do get killed by police.

It's worse than that, because an indeterminate number of people killed by police never get posthumous justice when there's a "thin blue line" culture that protects those who are in the wrong.

You can't refute the facts so you distort my remarks into something you can better argue against. This is deceitful.
You keep saying you don't care about race, yet you bring up race every time.

What the hell does it matter what color they are?

It was a botched raid that tragically took this woman's life, not this black woman's life.


We had a botched raid here in Houston, with real police corruption, the dead, a married couple were white. But we deal with it and move on.
You keep saying you don't care about race, yet you bring up race every time.
It's a fact.

What the hell does it matter what color they are?
You posted a tweet from a Trumpkin that included a video of a man saying the he, a black man, isn't worried that police are going to kill him because he isn't a ****ing criminal.

Breonna Taylor wasn't a ****ing criminal but she was killed by police. Like the man in the video, Breonna Taylor was black.

It was a botched raid that tragically took this woman's life, not this black woman's life.
Breonna Taylor was a black woman. That she was black is relevant because the idiot in the video said black people, using himself as an example, needn't worry about being killed by police unless they're ****ing criminals. Breonna Taylor was a black woman and was killed by police despite not being a criminal.


We had a botched raid here in Houston, with real police corruption, the dead, a married couple were white. But we deal with it and move on.
Oh, you deal with it and move on. That's just dandy.

This is still deflection. You're deflecting from the fact that Breonna Taylor was a black person killed by police despite not being a criminal, something the idiot in the video said he, as a black person who isn't a criminal, isn't worried about.

You're not equipped to debate this straight so you employ bad faith tactics like misrepresentation of remarks, deflection and personal attacks. It's very Trumpy.
It's a fact.

You posted a tweet from a Trumpkin that included a video of a man saying the he, a black man, isn't worried that police are going to kill him because he isn't a ****ing criminal.

Breonna Taylor wasn't a ****ing criminal but she was killed by police. Like the man in the video, Breonna Taylor was black.

Breonna Taylor was a black woman. That she was black is relevant because the idiot in the video said black people, using himself as an example, needn't worry about being killed by police unless they're ****ing criminals. Breonna Taylor was a black woman and was killed by police despite not being a criminal.


Oh, you deal with it and move on. That's just dandy.

This is still deflection. You're deflecting from the fact that Breonna Taylor was a black person killed by police despite not being a criminal, something the idiot in the video said he, as a black person who isn't a criminal, isn't worried about.

You're not equipped to debate this straight so you employ bad faith tactics like misrepresentation of remarks, deflection and personal attacks. It's very Trumpy.
Let me ask you then, was Breonna Taylor killed because she was black? Did racist cops shoot her down in cold blood, because she was a black woman?