The positive

  • Thread starter whatbrown
that vid doesnt work for me for some reason, but i still hope to see some DLC packs on playstation store or something
Ok the car list and track list may not meet the high expectations but there is good reason to be excited with what we already have. I can't wait and I'm glad that GT5 Prologue is still such an entertaining piece of software. I really enjoy playing it knowing that I'll have a similar game within two weeks which probably will be a thousand times better. I don't really struggle to see what Polyphony Digital have been doing the last five years.

Most other racing games have bored me after a week except Gran Turismo. Why? Not because of the massive amount of content it offers. Rather because of the solid gameplay which seems to feel better with each step of improvement you make as a player. People who are genuinely disappointed may have missed or forgot what make the GT games so great.

There is so much to look forward to and just about 210 hours left now. :)
ummm gt6 anyone ?
gt5 is to gt6 as gt3 was to gt4

im expecting gt6 in 2 years
it will have more tracks and more modern cars judging from the history og the gt series

they have to save somethings for gt6

or of course dlc would solve alot of issues


for me none of the bad news is bad enough for me to not want this game

Positives? It's finally getting released! :dopey:

But seriously, other than that, I'm looking forward to driving the new premium cars on the new tracks, seeing how the physics are different from Prologue, experiencing the time and weather effects in action. In other words, seeing all the stuff that we've been waiting for for five years.
Oh no.......don't bring the arguments in here 'K'

There was a vid that had the PSP conection thing going on, think it was to upload your garage of the PSP into your GT5 garage.....can't be 100% sure though. The thing is that's kind of missing out on the game quite a bit, want to work my way up through every painfuly slow club race LOL

No new photo mode shots as yet, I'll post them in here when they surface, few people have mentioned a GTP photo comp, at the very least there will be a thread for in game pics on here (if there isn't I'll start one LOL) looking foreward to it, good fun playing around getting pics when you want a break from racing or have picked up a particularly sexy car in the game.
GT psp data to GT5? what about GT5 prologue to GT5?

Good question? no idea, it's possible and I've heard this before but no info on it, anyone ?

Still wouldn't do it mind, starting GT5 with the full roster of cars from my GTP save would be......well, taking the F40 to a club race full of micras would be a little too easy. I can see the apeal for some people though, and will admit that I'd be tempted a few weeks down the line.
If I said this anywhere else on this godforasken forum I would be crucified, but I must admit... I am very much looking forward to driving the standards and my old favorites on the new game engine! Moreso than many other aspects of the game! Every single standard car is an absolute 100% POSITIVE for me.
No, Daves post whch apeared he was argueing with himself.....though I know who or rather whom he's argueing with......just there not posting in here. As the great man said....

And did Dallasa just say "this fish is good enough for Gehova"?

Positives thread "enough with the negative waves"

Jokes over, and yeah the standard cars run with adsactly the same physics engine as the premiums and I user the bumper cam so for me there's no difference either, they look real nice as well.
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LOL, I guess the only way to make GT5 come sooner is to stop thinking about the release date. I've actually got like 3 reports to finish up and a job application to send out before GT5 comes out. I'm already stressed out trying to get everything done that I don't even have time to think about GT5 release. :indiff:
LOL, I guess the only way to make GT5 come sooner is to stop thinking about the release date. I've actually got like 3 reports to finish up and a job application to send out before GT5 comes out. I'm already stressed out trying to get everything done that I don't even have time to think about GT5 release. :indiff:

I'm considering a self induced comma I'll either do it with copious amounts of drugs such as night nurse or by watching a few episodes of the X factor back to back, the night nurse may be less painful.......The waiting is the worst bit, it was easier without the release date, and the closer it get's.....the worse it gets LOL
I'm considering a self imposed comma.......The waiting is the worst bit, it was easier without the release date, and the closer it get's.....the worse it gets LOL

Easier without the release date? I think it was harder waiting for a new release date.
Most of the negativity comes from a few dozen ego-centric people who are simply stating a personal opinion. Nothing is based on fact. The only true fact is that there isn't anything in the marketplace that even comes close to this title for pure entertainment and enjoyment. All I've read is that one individual doesn't like this track or is disappointed in the absence of another, same for cars. I have to laugh because these few dozen people can't possibly speak for the millions of us who are just fine with the game as it is. That's not to say, it couldn't be greatly improved with DLC. I've owned every racing game ever made for the Playstation systems and there is simply no substitute for Gran Turismo :)
GT5 hits my ps3 in less than 9 days!

And I have a new favourite word: FALE!
almost 8 days now. check Gran turismo's website, ( they have the countdown, almost 8 days now
it says 9 days, 51mins on gran turismo's website, go check it's almost 8 days now. Anyway, i have the feeling it's going to be released on November 23rd, at around 9:00pm because that's when the timer on GT's website would hit 0
so it's full 1080p for sure? because I plan on playing on my 1080p monitor but most monitors if not all suck at scaling, so since most games on the ps3 are 720p, it stretches the image on the monitor and it doesn't look very good, can't compare to any modern lcd tv. if it's true 1080p then it would look just as good as my tv on my monitor, correct?
so it's full 1080p for sure? because I plan on playing on my 1080p monitor but most monitors if not all suck at scaling, so since most games on the ps3 are 720p, it stretches the image on the monitor and it doesn't look very good, can't compare to any modern lcd tv. if it's true 1080p then it would look just as good as my tv on my monitor, correct?

Yeah it's running in full 1080p at 60fps, pretty awesome right? :D
Random, but i have the feeling that when tomorrow, when it hits 8 days, everyone's gonna be posting pictures of Audi R8's
I'm pretty close to buying a copy of the best racing game on PS3. Has to be. Prologue was the current best, and now I'm getting prologue with a career mode, better online (surely but unconfirmed), updated physics, 20+ more tracks with assorted goodies, larger grids, proper tuning and almost all of GT4 tacked onto it for good measure.

I'ma have me some fun with this.