The Racers & Chasers Club

  • Thread starter jwesson1
Hey y'all,

I just wanted to let you know that I picked up a new job recently and I work every Saturday, so I'm usually only available for Sunday sessions. I've kinda fallen away from the Xbox since I've been working so much. (Almost 90 hour paychecks)
Anyone interested in an A Class Open Patrol lobby at Broadway on Saturday at 7PM GMT (2PM EST)? Also thinking of having all cross country offroading being banned in this lobby and seeing how that goes.

Dirt trails and light off-roading (like the grass leading up to the church ramp) is fair game but cutting across fields isn’t.

Please like this post if you can attend
Sorry, I’m away this weekend. However, I will be available next Thursday/Friday, next weekend and all the way through to Christmas.

EDIT: I agree with you on the cross-country aspect. Spending most of the pursuit charging across fields, especially in a little Mini, just gets ridiculous.
Anyone interested in an A Class Open Patrol lobby at Broadway on Saturday at 7PM GMT (2PM EST)? Also thinking of having all cross country offroading being banned in this lobby and seeing how that goes.

Dirt trails and light off-roading (like the grass leading up to the church ramp) is fair game but cutting across fields isn’t.

Please like this post if you can attend

I work until at least 5 PM CST that day. Darn. But hey, more work means more money for my real life toy. (2005 CTS-V)
Thank you for the opportunity to play with you guys but I think that you can remove my gamer tag from the members section as I won't be joining any further events. It was fun but not as much fun as I thought that it would be. I think playing with a wheel is a disadvantage in this type of event. It seems like it would be better with a controller. Good luck going forward.
Thank you for the opportunity to play with you guys but I think that you can remove my gamer tag from the members section as I won't be joining any further events. It was fun but not as much fun as I thought that it would be. I think playing with a wheel is a disadvantage in this type of event. It seems like it would be better with a controller. Good luck going forward.
Thanks for coming along, Paul. Was a fun time with you in the 1 or 2 lobbies you joined. 👍
@JR98 something popped up for me tomorrow (Saturday), but it should be done right when the lobby starts. Consider me 50/50 at this point.
Well good news and bad news-

Good news is I might be able to join today's lobby. Bad news is that I'm sick, so that's why I'm not at work today.
I'm going to be late; my brother's graduation lunch took longer than expected.

Edit: Actually I might not make it at all. Really sorry about that.
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Thanks for hosting a good lobby @JR98,

Have to say that i really enjoyed playing in & around Broadway in tonight's lobby, Think that the Broadway & Ambleside maps suit lobbies with smaller lobby numbers otherwise they feel to overpopulated with cops.
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Just got home a few minutes ago. :(

Sounds like it went well according to Panda's post. How many people were there?
Will be hosting a room this Saturday before anyone decides to steal that day. More information to come either tonight or tomorrow.