^How am I supposed to keep quiet when Prexy does THAT? To-the-bone Badass!!! A supermodel equipped with Quattro. Keep em coming Daddy-O!!! GT, thats crazy better!
Great job Premixer, GTracer and SMFan👍.
Easy. Go to Google, find pic of car drifting in snow, take pic of car in GT5 with same angle, crop, past into said Google image, tweak it, bam done.![]()
Hi, guys!)
some pics here
others are mine)hope you enjoy!)peace)
Your pics are very dark and out of focus. Not very "Real" looking in my opinion, but there is always time to get better.
I disagree, the Evo pic is actually ok. It's he's friends that aren't that good.
But I think that someone maybe able to do something with the first GT shot. Maybe NBDesign?
He said the last two were his own shots. Edited or not, considering that this is the "realistic photo thread" he still has far to go. I'm not going to hold anyone's hand here, If a picture is obviously lacking ill tell the person. I want people to develop their skills, not comfort their flaws.![]()
You know what? I misread his post. The first (Evo) is his friends shot. Sorry markito, your right pal.
Happy holidays buddy! Lets go have a friggin drink!![]()
Nice job, especially how you mixed LMP with Group C and GT1.![]()
Easy. Go to Google, find pic of car drifting in snow, take pic of car in GT5 with same angle, crop, past into said Google image, tweak it, bam done.![]()
Horde, that's bad ass.
This thread is becoming insane with people like Flamedog, Preximer, Nbdesingz, smfan, horde...
Such top quality these days...
Are you sure this is not real? xD
Great job Premixer, GTracer and SMFan👍.
This thread is becoming insane with people like Flamedog, Preximer, Nbdesingz, smfan, horde...
Such top quality these days...
Absolutely love it. 👍 👍 👍