The Things That Annoy You

  • Thread starter ScottPuss20
I'll go one step further on my tachometer/redline rant.

Why do so many cars in GT7 have incorrect redline displays on the overlay display? Cars with redlines of 10,000 have tachometers that go red at 9000. Likewise the shift bar below the tachometer can start blinking to shift over 1000 rpm before necessary on several cars. It's super annoying. The SF23 time trial highlighted this as well. A maximum engine speed of 10,500 and a hp peak around 10,000. Yet the tachometer went red at 9300 (along with the stupid shift bar blinking incessantly) making it very hard to see what the engine speed was. Red on red anyone?
I've said it previously, but the grind... It's like they've designed the game specifically not to be fun. Doing the same races, over and over and over, as the only remotely sensible way to earn enough money to buy a car you want (which is naturally then useless in any worthwhile races) just isn't fun.

The mindless, tedious grind leads to my other complaints:

The oblivious AI, that will meander all over the track / into you during the Tokyo 600, immediately losing you the clean race bonus (not that it tells you) despite the fact you can spend your whole time wall riding. The fact that is how they've arbitrarily defined the 'clean race bonus' for this one race too. Whereas Le Mans 700 a bit of contact is OK, but if you overtake under a yellow, which you have no indication of in VR, immediately lost the CRB. Or there's Sardegna of course. Where the CRB is seemingly guaranteed. Why are the conditions different for every race?

While we're at it, the stupid damage system where it just arbitrarily pulls to one side. When you're just miserably lapping the same tracks over and over to earn some credits, the damage model is nothing other than an annoyance, because the grind is dull, repetitive, uninteresting tedium, and oh look, you've been wall riding at 250mph and the car is fine, but oh no now you've nudged that wall at slightly the wrong angle so your car pulls to one side for a bit then just heals itself. It's just so poor that it becomes nothing more than irritating.

Annnd finally, the stupid wet wheelspin "physics" whereby the rear wheels somehow gain a sort of infinite momentum with dry tyres on a wet surface, a momentum so potent that changing gear, braking, traction control or throttle off makes no difference to whatsoever, but you can tap the handbrake so that the clutch is engaged and that instantly stops it. Again, it would be largely fine if not for the utter, utter repetitive tedium that is "the grind", that is the only way to realistically earn any credits in a reasonable time frame.

I have no problem putting the hours in to earn credits, the payout rate on the grind races is fine, it just needs to be that sort of rate per minute for every race, so that you can just choose any race you want and earn at the same rate, you're not forced down in to the same miserable 3 races over and over and over (or the Spa 1 hr of course) if some 20,000,000 credit car has appeared in the LCD for the first time in months etc.

Make Custom Races pay out 10x as much. That'll do, even with all the ridiculous ways Custom Races are still inexcusably broken.
"LSGs are also often designed to that it takes a very long time to make any meaningful progress in the game, while also offering microtransactions that allow players to speed up progress"
I am not sure if it was the reason they implemented thoses "features" but the price of MTX is so damn high that it nullifies its efficiency. You need so much MTX to buy any car above 1M Cr....
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I've said it previously, but the grind... It's like they've designed the game specifically not to be fun. Doing the same races, over and over and over, as the only remotely sensible way to earn enough money to buy a car you want (which is naturally then useless in any worthwhile races) just isn't fun.

The mindless, tedious grind leads to my other complaints:

The oblivious AI, that will meander all over the track / into you during the Tokyo 600, immediately losing you the clean race bonus (not that it tells you) despite the fact you can spend your whole time wall riding. The fact that is how they've arbitrarily defined the 'clean race bonus' for this one race too. Whereas Le Mans 700 a bit of contact is OK, but if you overtake under a yellow, which you have no indication of in VR, immediately lost the CRB. Or there's Sardegna of course. Where the CRB is seemingly guaranteed. Why are the conditions different for every race?

While we're at it, the stupid damage system where it just arbitrarily pulls to one side. When you're just miserably lapping the same tracks over and over to earn some credits, the damage model is nothing other than an annoyance, because the grind is dull, repetitive, uninteresting tedium, and oh look, you've been wall riding at 250mph and the car is fine, but oh no now you've nudged that wall at slightly the wrong angle so your car pulls to one side for a bit then just heals itself. It's just so poor that it becomes nothing more than irritating.

Annnd finally, the stupid wet wheelspin "physics" whereby the rear wheels somehow gain a sort of infinite momentum with dry tyres on a wet surface, a momentum so potent that changing gear, braking, traction control or throttle off makes no difference to whatsoever, but you can tap the handbrake so that the clutch is engaged and that instantly stops it. Again, it would be largely fine if not for the utter, utter repetitive tedium that is "the grind", that is the only way to realistically earn any credits in a reasonable time frame.

I have no problem putting the hours in to earn credits, the payout rate on the grind races is fine, it just needs to be that sort of rate per minute for every race, so that you can just choose any race you want and earn at the same rate, you're not forced down in to the same miserable 3 races over and over and over (or the Spa 1 hr of course) if some 20,000,000 credit car has appeared in the LCD for the first time in months etc.

Make Custom Races pay out 10x as much. That'll do, even with all the ridiculous ways Custom Races are still inexcusably broken.
You must be doing something wrong cause in 50 grind races in Tokyo I'll lose the CRB 3 times at most.
You must be doing something wrong cause in 50 grind races in Tokyo I'll lose the CRB 3 times at most.
It's not as difficult to avoid now, you just have to avoid contact with the AI, though I find down the main straight, the AI move around a lot and can be difficult to avoid if you aren't careful, I've had them pull into the side of me, or right in front of me, just as I'm about to overtake. However, in the past you'd lose the CRB for pretty much anything, including the slightest touches against a wall or barrier, so it's not nearly as hard to get as it was.

Though to counter that, there was a golden period where the opposite applied and you'd be able to do pretty much anything without losing the CRM. This event has seen both extremes.
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The grind absolutely ruins this game, all it does is put frustration into the user which taints the overall experience.

I will never spend extra money on MTX’s for a game I paid $90 for that is ridiculous. My issue with the game is I play it quite a lot, almost every evening now for a couple hours. I still don’t have all the cars I’d like let alone all of the cars. I buy a game for the gaming experience not the grind to earn what I paid for. In my mind, I paid $90 to drive ALL the cars in the game, I’m playing the game, my hours are stacking up, but it’s mostly multiplayer so I literally have earned pennies on the dollar for my time.

This games economy is terrible, I’ve witnessed people just packing it in and deciding they’d rather play something else. The experience they offer has ruined the game and the second that GTR Revival comes out I’m gone. If PC2 had better graphics equivalent to GT7 I’d just be racing that game instead so I didn’t have to deal with the grind.
It's not as difficult to avoid now, you just have to avoid contact with the AI, though I find down the main straight, the AI move around a lot and can be difficult to avoid if you aren't careful, I've had them pull into the side of me, or right in front of me, just as I'm about to overtake. However, in the past you'd lose the CRB for pretty much anything, including the slightest touches against a wall or barrier, so it's not nearly as hard to get as it was.

Though to counter that, there was a golden period where the opposite applied and you'd be able to do pretty much anything without losing the CRM. This event has seen both extremes.
So its easier now to not lose the CRB so what's the complain about losing the CRB then?

If one is losing the CRB in Tokyo so many times maybe they need to look at how there driving.

Since last Thursday I done Tokyo 95 times now and I have lost the CRB 2 times and a few weeks ago I did Tokyo over 120 times and lost the CRB 3 times.

The AI isn't so bad once your learn there line.

But anywho back to the game. :)
So its easier now to not lose the CRB so what's the complain about losing the CRB then?

If one is losing the CRB in Tokyo so many times maybe they need to look at how there driving.

Since last Thursday I done Tokyo 95 times now and I have lost the CRB 2 times and a few weeks ago I did Tokyo over 120 times and lost the CRB 3 times.

The AI isn't so bad once your learn there line.

But anywho back to the game. :)
Its definitely easier now, but they may have been referring to how difficult it used to be. Depends how much they've done that race since, they might not have picked up on how different it is now.

On the rest of your post, no one can say you aren't committed 😀.
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I haven’t looked at the Tokyo thread in a long while. Didn’t realise CRB was lost to AI contact.
I haven’t looked at the Tokyo thread in a long while. Didn’t realise CRB was lost to AI contact.
Not always just yesterday I smashed into the back of a ai car going over 160mph making both cars lose control but I still got the CRB.

In another race I just slightly hit a ai car from behind and lost the CRB so its almost like playing Russian roulette when you hit the ai sometimes you get the crb sometimes you don't, so its best to just avoid the ai if possible.
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I've said it previously, but the grind... It's like they've designed the game specifically not to be fun. Doing the same races, over and over and over, as the only remotely sensible way to earn enough money to buy a car you want (which is naturally then useless in any worthwhile races) just isn't fun.
I'm at the stage where I don't need more credits and have most of the expensive LCD cars.

But the four grind races are often still the only worthwhile races to play because 90% of the other events in the game are 5-10 minutes long appetizers with no tire or fuel strategy or even damage/track limit penalties.

Once you've finished the singleplayer "grind", you're left with bug infested Custom Races, Sunday Cups, and time trials. :lol:
24 Heures du Mans Racing Circuit has that brake zone that does not always work properly on Mulsanne Bend. Lost the CRB a few times now zoning out on the Hyper Car event.
So its easier now to not lose the CRB so what's the complain about losing the CRB then?

If one is losing the CRB in Tokyo so many times maybe they need to look at how there driving.

Since last Thursday I done Tokyo 95 times now and I have lost the CRB 2 times and a few weeks ago I did Tokyo over 120 times and lost the CRB 3 times.

The AI isn't so bad once your learn there line.

But anywho back to the game. :)
Agreed that avoiding the CRB isn't difficult, and it's not a 'problem'. Especially in a relatively stable car, as opposed to some of the ludicrous engine swapped builds that one uses on occasion to try and make the grind a bit more interesting.

My complaint was about the somewhat arbitrary nature of the 'Clean Race', how it varies between events, how there's no indication that you've lost it, and how when you're pushed down in to mindlessly grinding for hours on end, the CRB is not a bonus of any sort, it's just an additional irritation when an AI strays into the side of you on the straight, or you're on worn tyres in a 580bhp Cappucino lapping backmarkers and having to crawl around utterly terrified of the AI driving in to you if you get a bit sideways etc.

It's just annoying. It's only annoying because of the ridiculous nature of the grind. Familiarity has bred contempt in this instance :)
Just remembered another annoying feature, multiplayer lobby… get rid of the slider and let me type in the PP limit I’d like to set. Takes so long to go from zero to 600. And no I don’t want to have a ton of premade rooms saved, I usually just change the track, PP and tires.
The AI.

Too stupid to make actual races out of, so they're rolling roadblocks instead. That don't acknowledge the player and gladly push them off.

Half my restarts on the WTC 600 at Grand Valley trying to get a clean race are from running into the cars because they're too slow in the turns and leave no space. About 30% are from trying to drive alongside the AI and getting hit by them.

I've reached my breaking point, I'm uninstalling the game until Sophy becomes a permanent feature. Meaning it's probably never being reinstalled. Whatever. PS2 quality AI isn't acceptable anymore and I'm having far more frustration than fun. I always have been. I just desperately want a fun GT style racing game again, and the game looks pretty, so I keep coming back. It's not worth it.
The AI.

Too stupid to make actual races out of, so they're rolling roadblocks instead. That don't acknowledge the player and gladly push them off.

Half my restarts on the WTC 600 at Grand Valley trying to get a clean race are from running into the cars because they're too slow in the turns and leave no space. About 30% are from trying to drive alongside the AI and getting hit by them.

I've reached my breaking point, I'm uninstalling the game until Sophy becomes a permanent feature. Meaning it's probably never being reinstalled. Whatever. PS2 quality AI isn't acceptable anymore and I'm having far more frustration than fun. I always have been. I just desperately want a fun GT style racing game again, and the game looks pretty, so I keep coming back. It's not worth it.
With just the smallest amount of patience and skill getting the CRB is not at all difficult.
Why do I keep getting invitations when I've purchased all the brand central vehicles? 😑
... because of the chance to buy a second one (for another set of permanent parts)?

The problem imo is not, that we keep on getting them. The problem is that we need them at all. I was waiting for months (grinding the marathon every day) for an Aston Martin invitation. Just random whether you get it or when...

But I don't want to complain. PD fixed a lot of things the last updates, making the game more fair.

The AI.

Too stupid to make actual races out of, so they're rolling roadblocks instead. That don't acknowledge the player and gladly push them off.

Half my restarts on the WTC 600 at Grand Valley trying to get a clean race are from running into the cars because they're too slow in the turns and leave no space. About 30% are from trying to drive alongside the AI and getting hit by them.

I've reached my breaking point, I'm uninstalling the game until Sophy becomes a permanent feature. Meaning it's probably never being reinstalled. Whatever. PS2 quality AI isn't acceptable anymore and I'm having far more frustration than fun. I always have been. I just desperately want a fun GT style racing game again, and the game looks pretty, so I keep coming back. It's not worth it.
I’d say just play online with a good group of drivers, but the payout is so low. It blows my mind the way this game is setup. Honestly I swear all they do with each release is polish up the graphics and physics. The usual grind is always there, so many overlooked little issues.

And yes the AI doesn’t really seem any different from old Gran Turismo games. They were always on train tracks, now the only difference is they move off of it, but usually to try and block you. I don’t know how to upload a video capture, but one race I did, right after the race started the car in front of me moved right some, I moved left a little, he moves left, I have a faster car, I move way right and he moved over a lot! I managed to have him not hit me, I get past him, what does he do? Move back into formation aka back onto the train track he’s programmed to follow lmao.
Why do I keep getting invitations when I've purchased all the brand central vehicles? 😑
PD didn't put much thought into the invitiations thing. They become useless once you buy the car unlocked by the invitation.

To be fair, there should be invitations for ALL Manufacturers. Not in the way all manufacturers should have a car locked behind that stupid mechanic, but each invitation should unlock more things: Maybe a discount in parts (tires, brakes, ECU, etc), or a discount on some of the already available cars themselves, or a discount on visual upgrades. Heck, I'd even take free paint chips.
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With just the smallest amount of patience and skill getting the CRB is not at all difficult.
I'm looking for a race where I don't make contact with the AI at all.

I'll accept blame for missing braking points and hitting them, but they are far too slow in corners by design. It's the only way they can maintain their "chase the rabbit" system instead of having actual races.
I'm looking for a race where I don't make contact with the AI at all.

I'll accept blame for missing braking points and hitting them, but they are far too slow in corners by design. It's the only way they can maintain their "chase the rabbit" system instead of having actual races.
Yes, they have to be slow else no one would ever be able to catch up with them. Its a really silly race design.
... because of the chance to buy a second one (for another set of permanent parts)?

The problem imo is not, that we keep on getting them. The problem is that we need them at all. I was waiting for months (grinding the marathon every day) for an Aston Martin invitation. Just random whether you get it or when...

But I don't want to complain. PD fixed a lot of things the last updates, making the game more fair.

Am I missing something with these invitations? Are the cars cheaper if you have one? Maybe I am grossly overlooking something here?
Why does anyone "wait" for an invitation? You can buy the car any darn time you you want!
... You can buy the car any darn time you you want!
Unfortunately not all cars of each brand (at least as long I collected them). For some "premium models" invitations are required to buy it (for the regular, not very cheap price).

La Ferrari., Ferrari Enzo or Porsche GT are examples.

I'm looking for a race where I don't make contact with the AI at all.

I'll accept blame for missing braking points and hitting them, but they are far too slow in corners by design. It's the only way they can maintain their "chase the rabbit" system instead of having actual races.
You can not make contact with the AI in all races if you race with patience. I run the WTC600 race daily without AI contact. Sometimes you might need to move offline when passing, happens in real racing too.
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Am I missing something with these invitations? Are the cars cheaper if you have one? Maybe I am grossly overlooking something here?
Why does anyone "wait" for an invitation? You can buy the car any darn time you you want!
You cant buy the cars any darn time you want, thats the problem. You have be invited to buy the cars that require an invitation for each brand seperately. The invitations expire after a certain amount of time and you get them as random prizes from tickets. But if you want a La Ferrari for example, you can't just go and buy it without a current invitation.
And you can’t even get rewarded with an invitation, by being “loyal” to the brand(any brand), by acquiring any said brand’s models.