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I also understand Dr. Plank's feeling: there just don't seem to be enough variables possible to produce such different results. It's the "monkey typing Shakespeare" syndrome - you would think that enough repetitions would eventually result, if only by chance, with a perfect, or at least a better lap time. It IS hard to comprehend.
Not really. The closer you get to your theoretical perfect time, the less likely you are to beat your previous best. Hell, you might even have hit your own personal best and never be able to improve on it. Various things conspire against you - losing concentration, getting frustrated at making mistakes etc. I know that happens with me.
However, I have seen "impossible" times set in a variety of racing games for the PS3 - F1CE, FC, SCC & GT5P - so I have come to accept that what intuitively seems to be "impossible" does actually happen - that some racers are consistently just faster - quite a lot faster.
I'd agree. I refer to my previous example of me vs. my brother. I'm simply not as quick as him. I don't thing it's down to mumbo-jumbo or magical anomalies, I'm just not as quick...
At the top of the leader boards knocking hundredths, or even thousandths off, requires, I am sure, not only skill but a major commitment of time & effort.
Again, yes it does. My brother has done hundreds of laps to get to where he is. Virtually all of those laps are quicker than anything I can manage. Every so often, he'll get certain corners just right, maybe knock a couple of hundredths off, and then not make a mistake through the rest of the lap too, and set a quicker time. It's not because the game has allowed him to go quicker, it's because he's managed to pick the right line - one he's wanted to hit but not quite managed before - and it's allowed him to go quicker.
It really isn't anomalies, however much someone not managing to beat the top guys might think. It's life. Some guys are better than others.
To be honest, my best attempt so far is not my best attempt, its just the quickest full lap. I can guarantee i've done each and every corner faster on other attempts, i just need to commit the time to the game to become more consistent.
This is the essence of it - it's not just about being momentarily quick, it's about stringing together all of your best corners to make a complete lap. One time you might go two tenths quicker on a particular corner, but if you lose another three through the rest of the lap it doesn't make a blind bit of difference.