The UK Gran Turismo Party IV

  • Thread starter Famine
And the BEST bit about LAN is the banter. Top-notch laughs all weekend.
Especially when Mark was going round waaaaah corner....
Wow... sounds like a great and well-organised weekend! Congrats 👍 (Cool pictures too... )
I even used a green colour, but still didnt win....

quote of the day for me.

I had a lot of fun, as did everyone else, and we all express our thanx to Famine for depriving IKEA of any desk sales over the course of last week. Those lumberjax must be tired.

I believe the Saturday was a slightly more contact laiden day, and i learned from my mistakes in the last UKGTP i attended that i shouldnt hit anyone unfairly, so i made an effort to allow anyone i felt i had treated badly, the chance to retake their rightful position and let me attempt to pass them again.

However, there was still one moment which im sure Ron will recall when i shunted Famine a small amount and took the podium on cote, but he shouldve learned to use his brakes more effectively by the end of lap 5 as far as im concerned.

Thanx to Ron for the kind words, nice to finally meet the midfield legend, and his partner who definitely didnt get on with my wheel! Kel, i know you are one of the main reasons that Carys decided to attend, so i know she was glad you turned up.

Fun was had by all on the Sunday, and it was nice to race Mark without any contact (as far as i remember).
Indeed i felt it was a more relaxed "Sunday drive" or "Daan Drive" if you will, but that was only because the presence of one of the countries finest couples was missed, and therefore the pressure to perform was slightly lessened.
No offence to anyone else, everyone had their shining moments over the weekend, and i will be looking into what is needed and who i can get together for the next one, which i will be making lists of drivers early for, so as to avoid disappointment when they drop out.
Still being a FAN of GT in 2005, i believe there will be enough of us in early 2006 to fill the venue i have in mind, even if some cant catch their trains, and we will have more stories of nudging, downright thrashing and 7 or 8 360 degree spins off of a wall on high speed ring to talk about in years to come.

I know EXelero will struggle to get on here for a couple of days so ill thank famine and everyone else on her behalf, i know she had a lot of fun, and that is something we all need to as often as possible.

Im fetching Dion over for the next one.

Then we'll all be stuffed.

Still being a FAN of GT in 2005


Sorry i couldnt be there, one of the many joys of working for morrisons, they dont listen to you. Sounds like i missed a blast:( well, next time il flipping quit morrisons if they make me work on a weekend i book off. (better than being sacked:D)
I'm currently excessively drunk and tired (I got in at 11.45pm last night, and it's our anniversary today, so I'm tanked up on lager, Duvel, wine and champagne) so, for "some reason", I can't find the results for Sunday. Rest assured though that when I do (I think they're in a box with a PS2) I'll post them up.

But I must state that EXelero won a race. This much I can recall. :D

In retrospect and the cold light of day, though I was highly-stressed at the time, I enjoyed this tremendously. With more opportunity to test cars, I'd do it again in a heartbeat, though the units are on their way to a skip as we speak. If you want any of them for UKGTPV, vexd, let me know.
Meh, 2007 will be the earliest I could attend one. Unless you bring it down south that is. But I don't thing too many of you are from this area.

But I must state that EXelero won a race. This much I can recall. :D

Holy....You are really drunk, Famine, go to bed and then think about what you just said in the morning.

Ta. The Cracker looks younger than I would've expected him to be

Thanks, i think....

I am 33!

I'd like to thank Famine for inviting me along to the party, and his dad for 'hosting' the event. If you haven't already 'skipped' the platforms that you must have spent ages putting together - i have plenty of garage space for them so they can be used again in the future. It would seem a shame to trash them after a weekend's use.

It fell at an unfortunate time for me and i could only attend on Saturday for around 5 hours. It was great to finally put some faces to names (screen names) and everyone was very welcoming to a LAN nubie like me, i think you'd all met up at other events hadn't you?

I appologise for being a little off-form socially - my mind was elsewhere. It was a shame i could only be there for around 5 hours, i was gutted that i had to leave in the middle of things, especially when the closing stages of the Super Saloon Series was getting interesting. I also appologise for my fair share of paint swapping - old A.I. racing habits die hard and that M5 really has poor brakes! It takes a while to get used to racing against 'real' people and altering your race-craft accordingly, especially after the lunch-break's demolition derby session!

Lastly i must appologise to Famine for spoiling our last-lap team work at the La Sarthe race that should have got us both out of the dreaded Lotus Carltons. You were, however, already helping yourself to a large slice of gravel trap pie when i T-boned you under the Dunlop bridge!

I look forward to the next event, family crisis excepting.
Im fetching Dion over for the next one.

Thanks mate 👍 :D

Sounds like you all had lots of fun!!!, and im not so sure i could beat you in LAN David, you seem mighty fast! 👍

One day i may be able to attend a LAN :D. All you guys who live within 0 - 200km of these LAN's should jump at the chance to go to one!!. I know i will be.
I feel bad missing this, I was meant to be there on the Saturday but I got caught up with a few things.

I'll have to arrange affairs better if I plan on going next time.
But I must state that EXelero won a race. This much I can recall. :D
That would be the one where she crossed the line at the end of the 4th lap, put her controller down, threw her arms in the air and yelled that she'd won, only to find out it was a 5 lap race....

She still won though. 👍
That would be the one where she crossed the line at the end of the 4th lap, put her controller down, threw her arms in the air and yelled that she'd won, only to find out it was a 5 lap race....

She still won though. 👍

OH MY! Not to show any disrespect to EXelero, but after reading that, I laughed my a** off at what might have been going through her mind when she did that!

Glad to know she kept her composure and still won the race though! :D

This sounds like it was a total blast of an event! You blokes are lucky to have an opportunity to hold such an event!

I may have to cash in on my American Airlines Frequent Flyer miles and come on over to participate in one...Just I'd get my a** thoroughly slapped by all of you...!
Well if you guys are holding another one of these events i would really like to attend 👍

I was told about it by vexd and was waiting to hear back about it when i saw that it had already been held...... :grumpy:

But looks like a great event and loads of fun, stick me down for the next one :)


What time did you all drive til on sat night? - did you all go out and grab some beers afterwards?
We only went to about 8.30/9.00pm - tiredness was creeping in, and the Persistances had to go relieve the babysitter.

But beer (and wine. And cider...) was available throughout the day :D

DG - vexd mentioned you might like to attend, but he wasn't able to contact you on the Saturday to drag you along on the Sunday. I'd have been as happy with 50 people there (as long as there were no stock-car types...) as 5.
Are there any pics of the weekend?

I'm gutted I missed out on it again.
GT4 LAN parties, wow, nice. 👍
Not interested in being a member of any fan club though.

Did it once with a friend (he and me) We used the older PS2's with the I-link!!

Can't attend though. It is just too far for me to drive. Need to find a hotel to stay the night, maybe 2. And not being English, I probably won't say a word, all day long. Don't want to make a fool of myself talking with a stupid accent.
With daan & Ron's Scottish accent, Kelly's Mancunian, Sukerkin's Staffordshire and my Yorkshire/Posh, a stupid accent wouldn't be on your list of worries... :D

It must be said though, everyone MUST meet Ron at least once. He's a laugh a minute.

Ron: "I'm on a promise not to ****ing swear, man."
Next time it's on I'm going to tell the guys to screw anyy work that needs doing. Besides that I'll probably drive over if I plan to go again, I wasted £15 quid on unused train tickets.
Any intentions of making these LAN parties an international event???? Just a question.

Members from all over Europe, USA, Asia, etc....
I'm sure if anyone wanted to fly over to take part they'd be happily accepted.
Anyone who wants to come is more than welcome to come, if they can make their way to the venue. As I said, if we could get 50 people in, I'd be happy (though with a field of people you don't know, "fair" racing can be tough to guarantee).

I believe there are events in the BeNeLux area all the time - speak to sjaak68.
Your Yorkshire? Where? Posh, yes, Yorkshire, no.


It takes one to recognise one ;)

Theres no such thing as a 'posh' south yorkshire accent anyway.

...north yorkshire on the other hand...
I didn't think posh and Yorkshire acent could be put together ever :lol:, I've been to places in Yorkshire plenty of times, I've proably been called duck more times than mate, I don't think I've once met anyone with a posh Yorkshire accent. It's like saying thim with the posch Scouse accent, well actually it's not like that at all, the Yorkshire accent doesn't make your ears bleed and give you a migrane, but I've never heared a posh accent from either.
Accents aside, i will look into organising a UKGTPV just cos it has a V in it, and there will be more then enough room for 50 people when the time comes, if i get the venue i want.

Dave, im sorry i didnt get in touch with you to get you over, and i wanted to grab Timbrad as well, and i really want Dion flown over here for the weekend too, and i have had experience of people being flown in and paid for by lots of others just so they can attend Lan parties in the past, and it worx a treat.
The way it all worked out, i didnt get chance to get in touch with mr George, and that is a mistake i wont make again, but you see it was a personal address this time, and i couldnt invite you without speaking to Famine, which i didnt do till it was too late.
Like i said, i wont balls it up again.

Next time, even GT_Fan2005 will be there.

And im hoping Mr P. will make it too, as well as Mrs P.

The idea of sticking things at TheCracker's house isnt a bad one, how soon does everyone want one of these Lan's sorting?

I would have the same problem as Famine, which would be that i dont have the equipment, or the savvy to put it together, and i would need someone to come and sort that.

Maybe a joint effort between us would produce a very successful meet, which even GTP would recognise and report on.
That would be nice.
But maybe ill just have a small doo with a few friends first.

Holy Cotton-Holding-Cardboard-Cone-Shaped-Things Phattman!!!!
The Things Phattman......... they're........... Bobbins!

I hope we are all happy to help each other and get a really good attendance for the next one.


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