The Un-official Petition (UPDATE: DEFINITELY READ OP)

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The ability to manually adjust gear ratios! The "top speed slider" has to be the most infuriating thing about the game for me. I used to be a gear ratio ninja with GT4. I even had a rather extensive spreadsheet set up for this exact purpose. Poof, gone. Why? Who the hell knows....
How about we all appreciate the game for what it is, go deep into it, come back in one month with suggestions..

Agreed. Sure there are a few rough edges (like any game) but I'm sure PD are already aware of them and they will be patched in due time
-livery editor
-More course editor themes

-THE RETURN OF THE MISSING GT4 TRACKS ( el Capitan, Midfield Raceway,Seattle Circuit,Seoul Central, and Infineon Raceway)
-Maybe a few more premiums ( prob be coming as dlc anyways)

-And maybe a bit more in-depth customization, possibly including a return to GT3's list of racing tire compounds.
-Machine test. Added to master list with no debate - no idea how I missed this one.

A combination of livery editor, more customization, and more premiums could easily lend itself to a highly complicated and in-depth OLR series, which is why I put them on the starting list.

-Hood view for standards
-Option to fully or partially remove HUD
-More precise control over the track maker
-Online leaderboards
-Full G25/G27 Support
-Fix jagged graphics

-More cars eligible for RM
-Remove the Car delivery system from SP
-Remove the paint collecting method and just give us a bloody pallet (W&N: That or allow us to buy colors independently of cars)

-Option to review paint on your car before you actually use it.
-A confirmation for the restart button in the pause menu of a race, so that when you accidentally press it you won't have to restart all over
-Be able to upload cars and credits from Prologue
-End copy protection on save game files
-Point to point option in course maker
-Change rims on standard cars

-More balanced car list - more American and less Japanese, especially duplicate Japanese (W&N says: What's done is done. There's still hope for more balance in GT6, however)
-More world real life tracks (like Mexican "Rodríguez Brothers Racetrack" )

And a Universal Cockpit For all standard Cars

Hood view for standard cars A MUST!

G25/G27 full support! A MUST!

Remove HUD option A MUST!

Head tracking option in all races A MUST!

PLEASE FIX THIS PD!!!!! they are easy fixes!!!!!!!!!
Fix the freezes and crashes, usually I can just hit the PS button, quit, lose recent results and restart GT5, but I had a crash tonight that required a power cycle of my PS3 slim.

Remove the cardboard cut-out 2D spectators, GT5 would look better without them.

Brake Upgrades.
Got most of them added through page 4. Due to the overwhelming number of suggestions I've decided to stop accepting them until we get some existing issues cleared. I'll add suggestions from pages 5-8 as I get to them. So, to start it off, does anyone oppose hood view for standards or should I add that to the master list right now?


I think you should split the list into 3 sections:

New features
New content (car, track)

Wishful thinking for new free content I think.

You're jumping the gun. We need to get a general overview of what we want first. Once we've got that done, we can flesh everything out.

Main menu locks and load time
Older Civic type r that is in the new dealer is not a new car.

I don't get the meaning of either of these, so they weren't added.
Three ideas to add...

1.) Choose your opponents' cars in arcade mode races.
2.) Include the ability to also race with the AI in split screen races.
3.) Adjust rain intensity.

Nothing important, just things that can make the arcade mode slightly more likable than ever before.
I can live without almost all the list.

What I can't live without is 1:1 mapping of my steering wheel (G25). It is not a simulator if I turn a wheel 90° and the actual wheels turn 45°. Can we please have a steering angle adjust.

I can use a pad of course. But its not then a simulator... but looks like I'm stuck with it unless it gets implemented (I'm sure GT5 Prologue had one in, somewhere in the Quick Setup options... anyone?)
In terms of customization, the features you're looking for are already in plenty of other games. You want 22's and neons on your Aveo, go play Need for Speed. Not only do these types of customizations have no place in a sim racing environment, PD would have to model even more parts and accessories leading to an even longer development cycle. Oh, you can slam the car to the ground by the way. It will drive like hell but its possible with the fully customizable suspension kit.

that's the most blunt way to look at something, you sound imbecile. this is GT we are talking about and the fact that you mentioned 22's and Neon lights shows your simplicity and lack of knowledge (or lack of taste and creativity) on "Customization/Tuning".

its a fact that wheel and tire size play a huge part in car handling.

obviously you aren't going to put Volks/Rays on a Zonda.

while we are on the subject of wheels... the wheels selection in GT5 is embarrassing.

wheels, tires and car stance play a MAJOR part in car handling.
Some things I want for GT6...

-No repeat cars in NASCAR. License enough NASCAR cars so we can race a 16 or even 20 car field of different NASCAR cars

-20+ car fields

-More NASCAR tracks

-Ability to create banked ovals in course maker
Ok. thanks for doing this.

1) If I didn't win anything (already have silver & going for gold...but fail to get it) - PLEASE don't play music & show me the same cutscene.

2) I may be going crazy, but it feels to me like the clock fails to stop accurately on license tests...maybe a 0.1 sec delay. And the replay feature conveniently cuts off before showing the finish so...?
- Have a system in place like the used car dealership where new, old or broken car parts are made available every now and then or flown in like. Having said that engine swaps is a must.
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2p replays, seriously where are they.

2p split replay will do, but 2p single screen was a feature that was in way back in gt1,2 and i think 3. Theres no reason for it to be missing.
Be able to save at least 1 setup per car per track
Dont revert to default driver setting every race online
Prize money in online races
Car layout specific races

Make pad throttle linear.

Seriously. Easy fix.

It is linear. Fix your thumb or buy a race wheel.

Some things I want for GT6...

-No repeat cars in NASCAR. License enough NASCAR cars so we can race a 16 or even 20 car field of different NASCAR cars

Licensing costs a lot of money. Especially considering its Nascar. Be happy it exists in GT5

-20+ car fields

Wont happen

-More NASCAR tracks

Go play Nascar 09. Road courses is where its at.

-Ability to create banked ovals in course maker

Agreed beside the oval part. I want to adjust the road surface myself as well

Look in quote

that's the most blunt way to look at something, you sound imbecile. this is GT we are talking about and the fact that you mentioned 22's and Neon lights shows your simplicity and lack of knowledge (or lack of taste and creativity) on "Customization/Tuning".

its a fact that wheel and tire size play a huge part in car handling.

obviously you aren't going to put Volks/Rays on a Zonda.

while we are on the subject of wheels... the wheels selection in GT5 is embarrassing.

wheels, tires and car stance play a MAJOR part in car handling.

Unsprung weight, Tire compound, and Suspension travel are the major parts of handling not DUBZ 24'' rims slammed to the ground.
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For all our years of fandom....

a GTP User Cars DLC pack - 25 cars or variants thereof owned or once owned by prominent GTP members?
It is not linear. Do you even use a pad. Don't talk about things you don't understand, fool.

BTW: Don't double-post....or even quadruple post, as you have done.

Good job correcting someone instantly after breaking forum rules. I don't know how you expect anyone to believe your theories when the only way you can back it up is with a pathetic insult.
I have lots of suggestions and I didn't see any of these in the OP, so hopefully nobody has said them yet. Maybe some of this stuff is already in the game, I only played for about 5 hours last night and am still doing the amateur races. If any of this is in the game let me know, I'll be super happy :P

Most of my update suggestions have to do with how you search for and buy cars. I'm very picky about the cars I buy, I hate having tons of cars in my garage when I only use like 5 of them. Maybe I'm weird, but I only like buying cars I plan on using for a long time. Having like a hundred cars makes me feel like I should be using them all.

There are over 1000 cars in this game, and if you don't already know what you want to buy it's a huge pain to find and compare cars.

1. The ability to tag cars for comparison. As you go through the dealerships you could press L1 or something to tag the car for comparison. When you have a bunch of them selected, you press a button that says "Comapre Cars" or something and it shows you a list of all the cars you tagged and their stats in a nice table. You can move around the table, sort by different things (Press the BHP title to sort the cars by BHP) and when you find the one you want, you can click the "Buy Car" button next to its name. I don't know very much about the differences between cars, and trying to remember more than just the difference between BHP and weight between several cars is a huge pain. I would love, love, love a way to be able to put two or more cars side by side, see what the differences are, and choose accordingly.

2. The ability to search for cars in the dealership based on different parameters. Rather than look through every single dealer to find what you want, you could open the Search menu and enter what you want. So if you want to do the pre-1970's Japanese Classic car race, you could put in Year: Pre 1970 Country: Japan and get a list of all the cars that fit the description. You could toggle showing new cars, used cars, or both in the same list.

3. For races with restrictions, a button which goes to the dealership showing you all the cars that satisfy the restrictions. Some races have like 20 cars that fit the description, and usually I don't know what any of them are. This would make finding the right car so much easier than writing down all the cars that fit and searching through the store to find the one you want. Especially if it showed all the cars that match in the comparison table like I suggested in my first point.

And some non-car-purchase ideas:

4. Being able to see the prize pool of a race before you start would be just dandy.

5. A "Retry Race" button when you finish a race. As it is now you have to quit the race, get XP and money if you earned any, load the race up again (yay minute++ long loading screens), then click start. Since the track is already loaded being able to retry the race before it quits would save so much time.

6. Offline leaderboards + multiple profiles. My housemates and I are setting up a leaderboard for our house. Right now we just have pieces of paper taped to my housemates door... an actual in-game, offline leaderboard would be awesome. Finish a time-trial and when it logs your lap time you should have the ability to specify your name rather than just use your PSN name so you can tell who did what lap.

7. Four player splitscreen! I don't care if it runs at less than 60 FPS and the graphics get worse, I REALLY want to be able to play 4-player splitscreen!

8. More classic American cars. There's a crappy Subaru 360, but no Chevy Malibu, no Pontiac Bonneville, Cadillac Fleetwood or Coupe de Ville. So many awesome old cars that aren't in the game that I'd love to drive.

also, first post on these forums!
online time trial rankings
top speed test track from GT4
porsche, i dont care whos dick you have to suck, get those cars. and model them quick, we dont have to wait 5 more years for around 10 bloody cars.
having the ability to BUY paint.
Hood view for standards
hyundai genisis coupe << anti korea much?
enable backup for save files, no need for copying it onto a flash just have 2 separate saved games so if one gets corrupted we dont lose the other.
fast forward in B spec
change our racing suit, or at least give us separate options for helmet and suit.
REPLAY DIRECTOR MODE FROM GT4 << where you can choose any camera fr each frame of the race..
NO MORE RANDOM CARS IN USED DEALERSHIPS, once a car is unlocked there it stays there ffs.

ill have an official petition for the dealership thing set up soon and post a new thread.
The clutch is better than in GT5p - but still useless. Suggestions:
  1. Penalty for flatshifting should not be "N". Instead, why not just impose the same shifting delay as the paddle shifter has, when the game decides you have flatshifted?
  2. Do not require the gas pedal to be lifted while shifting. Holding it down has uses. It can also wear and break the clutch (calling out "simulator": Then break my clutch)
  3. Allow everyone to use clutch; map it to analog stick or some button. That should end the discussion about unfair advantage.

Other stuff:

Youtube upload. What happened to it?

Replays must play full length again, instead of stopping a few seconds short of race end. They are totally useless otherwise.

Where are the endurance races??

Count in my vote for proper G27 button remapping. That wheel is close to useless now. No horn, headlights, left/right view, or anything else that is not magically hardwired already. I can not even turn off the ghost car when it gets annoying.
The HUD is my nagging issue at this stage. We need full control over what on the screen when racing. Simple on/off options in the pause menu isn't too much to as is it Kaz!!!!

I prefer to have only the rev counter, speedo and lap time on the screen.
Some things off the top of my head:

A spec points having anything to do with limiting the cars you can buy needs to be deleted.

Autosave off

Copy protection on save data off

Proper tuning options (I only have the ACR, so I don't know if this applies to all cars, but I can't adjust the downforce or suspension, as you can on the real car. Yet it has brake bias??)

All garage cars available in Arcade.

Qualification for all races.

A real paint editor without the need to unlock ridiculous paint chips.

All standard cars in dealerships.

A well thought out tuning screen would be nice (AKA, GT1 tuning, so you can actually tell what your gearing looks like without trial and error).
@veyron, I take it your another ignorant NASCAR hater?

-They already have 11 cars. Thats an incomplete field. I'm only asking for 5 more cars so the field is complete. I guess thats too much to ask...

-Just because you think "road courses are better" doesn't me I can't ask for more ovals. No one said they needed to add 20 more ovals. I was thinking like 2 or 3 more. Quit being so selfish. There are actually some people out there who like NASCAR and oval racing (real shocker I know...), and we'd like to see a better representation in GT5 and hopefully GT6. We aren't asking for all 43 cars and 23 tracks, we just want enough content (16-18 cars, 4-5 tracks tops) so NASCAR is at least done justice. If you actually gave any attention to the NASCAR portion of GT5, you'll notice that parts of it are very incomplete. Excuse me for asking for what I like...
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