The Un-official Petition (UPDATE: DEFINITELY READ OP)

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Just bring the game into present times, that's what I want. I don't want to feel like I'm playing an updated PS2 game, which is what it feels like,

- Customization - I don't care if it doesn't effect the driving experience, jesus, just because master 'Kaz' doesn't enjoy it doesn't mean it isn't fun for anyone else. Let me paint my car whatever colour I want, let me paint my wheels and choose the sizes, let me put decals, let me slam the car to the ground if I want, if it isn't suitable for racing then that will be reflected in the game, but let me do it anyway

So you mean to tell me that the drop-dead gorgeous cars and photorealistic backdrops aren't "present time"? This game is using every bit of the PS3's power, I'm pretty sure its way more advanced than a PS2 game.

In terms of customization, the features you're looking for are already in plenty of other games. You want 22's and neons on your Aveo, go play Need for Speed. Not only do these types of customizations have no place in a sim racing environment, PD would have to model even more parts and accessories leading to an even longer development cycle. Oh, you can slam the car to the ground by the way. It will drive like hell but its possible with the fully customizable suspension kit.

As a few wise posters have already said, the game has only been out for 24 hours or so. Keep playing, keep discovering things, and look at your playing habits. Then come back after a few weeks and look at what features you truly need. Anyone can make a massive wish list of features, but it would just slow down production even more to put in some random feature the 3 people would use. That being said, I love the game right now. Having tons of fun with it and I'm looking forward to seeing how it progresses, develops, and updates in the future.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone btw! And happy driving!
I couldn't make a new topic as I've only just created my account so I thought here would be a good place to post.

I have to say overall I'm extremely dissapointed with GT5, so far it's fallen very short of what I expected.

The biggest kick in the teeth is probably the lack of any mechanical damage and the lack-luster cosmetic damage we've been given so far.

The standard cars look pathetic by todays standards. Kazunori has obviously lost the plot and spent far too much time on the premium cars rather than actually developing content, I wish he would just get his head out of his own ass on focus on making a good game, rather than going overboard on things that don't matter to anyone.

Some of my favorite cars from previous games will be almost impossible to ever get as the randomly generated list of used cars is meager to say the least. For instance, TVR is one of my favorite brands out there, yet there are only 2 models available from the dealership, where is the speed 12? a car that was held in high esteem surrounding GT4 and the only example in exsistance appeared at the games launch debut, but now it's only available as a used standard car and only if you're lucky enough to see it on the used car seriously?

In terms of actual events there doesn't seem to be many of those either, 9 per diffuctly teir?

In regaurds to physics no big change from GT5P, on my G25 it feels almost identical just a little more twitchy.

How did they decide it was a good idea to remove break settings from the tuning options, that feature has been available since the first game so why remove it I ask? Break balace is an important feature in any racing and should be there.

Overall i'd give the game 4.5/10, if it wasn't for the fact that I already own a G25 I'd go out and buy an X-box, GT3 wheel and forza 3 tomorrow, well if it wasn't for the stupid re-wind feature, at least GT doesn't have that but it will probably get patched into GT5 at some point with the way things have shaped up so far:(
1. Remove Save Game Copy Protection or change it to be linked to the PSN account.
2. Remember Driving Options between menus. At the moment I have to keep on resetting traction control and abs settings, especially on the licence tests, it resets traction control to 5 each time.
So you mean to tell me that the drop-dead gorgeous cars and photorealistic backdrops aren't "present time"? This game is using every bit of the PS3's power, I'm pretty sure its way more advanced than a PS2 game.

In terms of customization, the features you're looking for are already in plenty of other games. You want 22's and neons on your Aveo, go play Need for Speed. Not only do these types of customizations have no place in a sim racing environment, PD would have to model even more parts and accessories leading to an even longer development cycle. Oh, you can slam the car to the ground by the way. It will drive like hell but its possible with the fully customizable suspension kit.

As a few wise posters have already said, the game has only been out for 24 hours or so. Keep playing, keep discovering things, and look at your playing habits. Then come back after a few weeks and look at what features you truly need. Anyone can make a massive wish list of features, but it would just slow down production even more to put in some random feature the 3 people would use. That being said, I love the game right now. Having tons of fun with it and I'm looking forward to seeing how it progresses, develops, and updates in the future.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone btw! And happy driving!

The 'feel' of the game is not in present times. It feels the same as GT4. I appreciate the graphics greatly, but they obviously concentrated on the details more than the overall game. When I say 'feel' I mean basically everything other than the graphics and car handling/physics is last-gen. This means menus, music, tuning options, customization, gameplay, game modes, licensing, about 800 cars too, but I'll pretend they aren't there.

I really don't get the separation between sim racing and customization. GT is NOT a full simulation game first of all, it is definitely leaning towards simulation but it is still somewhat arcadey. If it was a full simulation PD would pay more attention to cosmetic and mechanical damage. The game doesn't even have brake fade, which is such a significant aspect of racing and probably the first issue you are likely to encounter on the track.

It would slow the production down to have features that only 3 people use? Every single person on this forum would use all of the features I listed that aren't in the game and they wouldn't miss all of the features I listed that are in the game.
Better menu navigation:
A small but annoying thing for me...

when I press 'circle' to go back, I don't want to go to another icon where I have to press 'x' to go back.

'circle' should act like a normal 'back' button and just automatically go backward without having to press anything else.
An event creator, choose track, the number of laps, choose weather, set # of opponents, select opponents cars, select AI difficulty for each car etc.
Guy's have you notice... every one knows standar cars doesn't have extra wheels but.... not all premium has them either :nervous:

Example: the premium Civic tipe R (ek)... -no rims for it !!!! :grumpy:
Love the game... still finding everything...

- Would love to be able to have the same mag wheel upgrade system as GT4 though, but with a way of keeping the old mags you've taken off other cars in order to use them on others.

- 2 Player splitscreen seems to have been nerfed somewhat. Would like to have an easier car election process, by being able to go to manufacturers and choose... also being able to choose standard cars. Nothing like doing the Nbrg Ring in a Sub-360 and Pao at 4 in the morning, throwing things at each other. Also increasing the "Favourite" list from 100 to at least 250 would be great. Also, replays to see when I managed to fly across a corner, and T-Bone my brother into a wall to win the race... not exactly simulation, but fun none-the-less. :) I know everythign is about the online these days, but there's nothing better than having teh person sitting in the same room as you so you can try and punch their accelerator thumb. :)

- The stepped car shadows area littel offputting... nice to see those cleaned up a bit, even if they are just relined and AAed a bit.

- More modern standard cars... I think a download pack of a few hundred more cars, even standard (and not 30 versions of a same car) models is fine, but with updates of teh cars seen in GT4. Newer versions of everyday street cars from JPN, EU, US woudl be nice. I'd pay for the pack even.

- The livery from GT2 was awesome, no doubt... but I can't see how they'd easily implement it into GT5... maybe just a few different stripe/flag/flame options? I'm not saying NFS style, but just something basic that we chuck onto 100 or so of our faves. :)

- In GT Life, being able to look at 'ALL' cars, not just STD or PREM at once.

- Being able to tick all tickets at once, and get through things quicker after winning them.

- Be able to clear the cup wins from events, and redo them to win the cars over again. Same as in GT2. If this is a cheep way of getting money faster, then those people who don't want to do it... won't. :)

Anywho, otherwise... I love this game, and will spend countless weeks thumbing my car (no $ for a wheel) across my 46" plasma. :) I'm a huge fan of the splitscreen mode, and would love to see soem more features come back to that. I thought I'd read somewhere that up to 4 plaeys at once could play?.. obviously not though.

I think this thread is not really set good, so I am not sure is there any point to post here requests. Do you plan to place requests that got most votes to first post or ?

Here is my list :

- mechanical damage
- old GT tracks ( Midfield, Apricot, Seattle, El Capitan etc. )
- OPTIONS !!! ( like for example for turning off the HUD, this is specialy needed in split screen multiplayer )
- online statistics and ability to allow to use those statistics as condition for players that are trying to enter the race
I forgot to also add in (if they aren't already mentioned)

-after a rain shower, the road should be a bit darker and the water spray should be toned down
-after buying/receiving any car in gtmode, the stock version (without custom tuning) should become available in arcade mode and can be selected like the other cars in arcade mode (choose color etc.)
For now, i just want VSync working and some anti-aliasing. Shadow jaggies are STEPS, ffs. Goddamnit, Shift really spoiled me, with beautiful cockpits, 8x anti-aliasing and 16x anisotropic filtering.

I tried all three picture qualities and it's all the same.
Leaderboards, lots and lots of leaderboards.
Ability to invite a friend to a race.
Some settings for pedals deadzones. Can't get full throttle on my PWTS.

Some options to place restrictions on online races when desired such as HP, weight, make, country, drive type and such.


Ability to chat with friends while in other areas of GT besides race lobbies and lounge. Would be nice to be able to chat while tuning a car or browsing the dealerships or running career races. Right now we are using XBox live for party chat while we play PS3. Somehow that just don't seem right.

Oh and more Leaderboards :)
-AI Pace increase
-AI Pace increase
-AI Pace increase
-AI Pace increase
-AI Pace increase
-Ability to plonk the B-spec guys on a track to practice together maybe with option to join in.
-Possibility for rain at ANY race in ANY league.
-More events.
G25 G27 menus

moving hands on inside view

fast forward and rewind on replays
when you end watching a replay, possibility to watch it again immediately

more options in the circuit editor like real elevation, bumps and A to B races ( rally stages and touge stages )

something more realistic with tyre smoke, i mean it's already looking really really good but it's too much for low power cars...

rims on standard cars

i wish i could at least paint my own helmet...

those are just ideas...i love this game like it is now
To me they REALLY need to hire an interface engineer, or at the very least just watch some people play the game. There are soooo many times where you have to do three or so button presses to do a task you do all of the time, when it should only take 1.
Excessive confirmations on everything.
Car delivery. Yes I want to use this item, I just selected it. And why isn't there a deliver all button?
I should not have to go and turn off the driving aids on every single car I drive! Having to do that in every online race, every license test, every car in my garage is just insane. Give me the ability to set my own default for all cars.
There's lots more. You know what I'm talking about.
Better replay system. Rewind and Fast forward easy to add. Maybe full control so you could make your own sequences like Driver 1 on PS1.
UI changes:
- Removal of the [ok] prompt about switching off the PS3 during HDD access, at game start.
- Back button should always be Circle and exit the current screen. (and should never point the mouse cursor only to the exit-symbol only to be followed by X)

For online modes:
- Remove the online 'race start' option from non-host people
- Make Free Run a separate online mode, with no 'race start' option. Include option to treat other traffic as ghosts or not. Store laptimes to the timetrial boards.
- Improve the allowed-car list for online mode.
- Let users store their entire online lobby settings to a profile that can be saved / loaded
- Allow some HUD elements to be hidden during racing, such as the chat / users joining / leaving.
- Include a time-limit as well as a lap-limit
- Include more weather options. (chance of rain / intensity)
- Where is the 'sync time and weather to current real situation' ? Please add it.
- Add a unit to the time-compression numbers (1-60 [60 what?]) so it is understandable, such as 10x real time or 1:10.
Are you guys serious? how about something important like a complete overhaul of the car sounds? almost every car sounds like a vaccum or a leaf blower. when you first buy cars and get into them and they start up, they sound like the cars in real life, and when you race them they barely sound like the real thing, all of the hondas are a good example. the s2000 sounds nothing like it should no matter what exhaust is on it. I think this game is perfect besides the sound aspects, which happen to be more important to me than graphics.

take this civic for example, this is underground 2 and it sounds more like a real civic than in GT5. I know theres 1000 cars but come on, i havent been happy with any of the car sounds.

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- Proper G25 and G27 support
- Adjustable rotation range for steering wheels, with "hard" end stops provided by FFB (ala GTR *)
- Look to apex function in cockpit view (ala GTR *)
- Adjustable seat position in cockpit view (ala GTR *)
- Option to remove steering wheel from cockpit view (ala GTR *)
- A generic cockpit view for standard cars, using the bonnets from the actual models
- Some of the classic English tracks, Donington, Silverstone, Brands Hatch etc..
- Targa Florio track (in sections maybe...)
- More Italian cars, especially Ferrari (!!!) and Maserati

(* That's right, GTR is my benchmark for cockpit perfection :))

What happened to Spa and other real world tracks? We need a lot more of them. Imola, Magny-Cours (SP?), Silverstone, Circuit de Catalunya, Hungaroring, Interlagos, etc.

Also, when using a G25/27 you have to be completely off the throttle when you shift, or else the car goes into neutral. So even if you're at 1% throttle the car will go into throttle. I think it would be reasonable and more realistic if you could shift with at least 10% throttle. I know PD doesn't want people to cheat, but now the sequential shifting seems to be just as quick as with the H shifter.
Nice thread. =) I hope Kaz-sama (or his team) really checking forums from time to time.
I agree with many stuff from the 1st post, but the most i wanna see this:
-Option to fully or partially remove HUD
It should be very easy to patch/implement and it would be awesome to have this option.
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