The Update 2.08 Undocumented Changes Thread

  • Thread starter RACECAR
But they're non-solid objects... physics wise it makes no sense for them to cause a draft effect. I would have been laughing if they didn't disable the draft with the collisions.
What if I want no draft but collisions?
Yeah. That's a problem. If you're trying to set qualifying times you're either going to have to somehow guarantee that nobody is close enough for a draft or make everyone travel in a pack. Neither is acceptable. PD is so thoughtless.

Well, enabling " disable collision" for a qualifying ghost race is a good idea, no draft, no crash, then also enable 1st race winner at the pole on the next race under grid option, would that be a good qualify method ?
Yeah. That's a problem. If you're trying to set qualifying times you're either going to have to somehow guarantee that nobody is close enough for a draft or make everyone travel in a pack. Neither is acceptable. PD is so thoughtless.

In that sense I don't see the problem, drafting is a part of qualifying. The real problem is that the draft effect is far too strong on the "weak" setting.
But they're non-solid objects... physics wise it makes no sense for them to cause a draft effect. I would have been laughing if they didn't disable the draft with the collisions.

I think it's a big improvement since you can now run a "race" for qualifying. No-draft, no-collisions, and I get to save the replay to police corner cutting. 👍
+ now in free-run you can run draft testing without needing to run a race and accumulate mileage.
+ free-run quali can be run with the draft which is technically more realistic.
Exactly. I don't see how people don't understand that the collisions off is for free run open lobbies and then the nonexistent draft when the collisions are off is good for qualifying.

In that sense I don't see the problem, drafting is a part of qualifying. The real problem is that the draft effect is far too strong on the "weak" setting.
Oh, is it? I figured race series ran qualifiers with the cars spread out on the track. It should be about personal best times without drafting if it's for qualifying. But not.
Exactly. I don't see how people don't understand that the collisions off is for free run open lobbies and then the nonexistent draft when the collisions are off is good for qualifying.

Oh, is it? I figured race series ran qualifiers with the cars spread out on the track. It should be about personal best times without drafting if it's for qualifying. But not.
Some people do other things than circuit racing.
Oh, is it? I figured race series ran qualifiers with the cars spread out on the track. It should be about personal best times without drafting if it's for qualifying. But not.

It's hard to avoid in races where there are several classes. Take Le Mans for example, there are prototypes and sports cars on a 13 km. track at the same time, drafting is unavoidable and a natural part of it. However, traffic is often regarded as a disadvantage in qualyfying sessions. The only reason that it isn't so in GT5 is because the drafting effect is too strong.
Draft is not realistic for qualifying. How many real series run qualifying with more than one car on the track (or at least more than one within sight distance of each other)?

Turning draft/collisions on and off is not much of an option, as you have to leave the track to do so and, therefore, concede your qualifying position.
The tire sounds themselves have been upgraded for better. If any of you guys drift you should notice this on a set of comfort hards. They seemed to have added new sounds to the tires a louder pitch comes out of them at certain angles that makes it sound that much closer to real life. Thumbs up PD on that. Also it seems as if you can hear the front tires gain and lose traction better instead of just hearing the back tires lose traction.

Here's another thing. Does anyone notice that they updated objects on the track again? I am pretty sure that at Monza when you come out of the pits on the left that the tower things wasn't there before. Anyone notice anything else?
Here's another thing. Does anyone notice that they updated objects on the track again? I am pretty sure that at Monza when you come out of the pits on the left that the tower things wasn't there before. Anyone notice anything else?

The tower things? Are you talking about those panorama windows on the left side of the main straight? They have been there all along.
Draft is not realistic for qualifying. How many real series run qualifying with more than one car on the track (or at least more than one within sight distance of each other)?

Turning draft/collisions on and off is not much of an option, as you have to leave the track to do so and, therefore, concede your qualifying position.

Only every series that doesn't run on an oval.
On free run (offline) you can no longer get all 4 tyres onto the concrete section before the first tunnel at Deep Forest Raceway without it invalidating your lap time.

This is quite insignificant but has actually F'd me off abit as I test my cars here and have only tested 75% of my premium cars.
On free run (offline) you can no longer get all 4 tyres onto the concrete section before the first tunnel at Deep Forest Raceway without it invalidating your lap time.

This is quite insignificant but has actually F'd me off abit as I test my cars here and have only tested 75% of my premium cars.

I say GOOD for this. That concrete section is not supposed to be part of the racing surface anyway.
The tower things? Are you talking about those panorama windows on the left side of the main straight? They have been there all along.

Toward the end of the straight by the pits? I guess i never noticed it
I say GOOD for this. That concrete section is not supposed to be part of the racing surface anyway.

Being a fictional track whos to say?

Just sucks for me. These little tweaks makes me think GT6 is closer than we think. Its been like that for so long why spend time mending somthing like that? Only reason I see is they dont want double standards between games.

Having never raced on this track online I dont know whether it causes problems or not but I cant recall ever reading a post about it.
Just sucks for me. These little tweaks makes me think GT6 is closer than we think. Its been like that for so long why spend time mending somthing like that? Only reason I see is they dont want double standards between games.

Having never raced on this track online I dont know whether it causes problems or not but I cant recall ever reading a post about it.

It saves problems. In the league I'm in we had to explain that was out of bounds and expect people to follow that rule. Of course we had video backup in case of doubt.

Oh, and the map itself says that is out of bounds, it is not the color of the track if you zoom in on the mini and look at it. Furthermore, if the AI doesn't drive there, the game likely doesn't consider it to be a part of the track.
In on-line lobbies the leader of the race name is in yellow or it the rooms host name in yellow.
In that sense I don't see the problem, drafting is a part of qualifying. The real problem is that the draft effect is far too strong on the "weak" setting.

True, although it makes absolutely no sense.
Extremely annoying anyway... why didn't they simply give us both options?

Why not separate options? Maybe because the code for these two options could not be de-coupled without a major redesign.

Independent options for collisions (on/off) and draft (on/off) would be better as it would offer more choice, but the change they gave us is still a big improvement. 👍
Well, that's nonsensical.

(Admittedly I don't watch qualification of any racing series)

haha! that's classic. I don't watch qualifying but I'm going to comment on what's realistic. :lol: 👍

You may have heard of Formula 1 or this little event called the 24 hours of Le Mans? But the other poster is correct, pretty much anything that doesn't run an an oval does open track qualifying.
Successfully played over 20 races without the tire sound cutting out. I could never get through more than 5 races before the tire screeching disappeared previously.

Will need a few more nights of racing or input from other members to confirm whether this issue has finally been fixed.

Thank God the tire sound glitch is gone!
Thank God the tire sound glitch is gone!

I'm a skeptic so I'll believe it when I hear it... But I hope it's true. That's really the only thing I wanted from the next patch. That bug absolutely ruins online racing as bad as the frame-rate timing skews we had before spec2.
Being a game the only thing we have to go on is visual and audio stimulus. Take 50% of that information stream away and it becomes pretty hard to drive at > 8/10.