The war on ISIS.

  • Thread starter mister dog
Your missing the scale of the thing. It's explosive force is around 2/3 that of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima.

It's going to do plenty of damage to structures, as it's an airburst but not at a higher altitude.
I think you're off by a factor of a more than a thousand there. Still, it would be an effective weapon in a smaller area than a nuke, destroying everything within a large area including underground caves.
Syria sarin attack was staged, sys MIT boffin.

His analysis of the shell suggests that it could not have been dropped from an airplane as the damage of the casing is inconsistent from an aerial explosion. Instead, Postol said it was more likely that an explosive charge was laid upon the shell containing sarin, before being detonated.


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Khan Sheikhoun crater
"The explosive acted on the pipe as a blunt crushing mallet," Postol said. "It drove the pipe into the ground while at the same time creating the crater.
The implication of Postol's analysis is that it was carried out by anti-government insurgents as Khan Sheikhoun is in militant-controlled territory of Syria.

Postol, formerly a scientific advisor at the Department of Defense (DoD), has previously outlined similar inconsistencies with US intelligence reports. Following the 2013 chemical weapons attack in eastern Ghouta, Postol again said the evidence did not suggest Assad was responsible – a finding that was later corroborated by the United Nations.

In his latest reports, Postol hit out at what he says is a "politicisation" of intelligence findings.

Postol said: "No competent analyst would miss the fact that the alleged sarin canister was forcefully crushed from above, rather than exploded by a munition within it.

"All of these highly amateurish mistakes indicate that this White House report, like the earlier Obama White House Report [from Ghouta in 2013], was not properly vetted by the intelligence community as claimed.

"I have worked with the intelligence community in the past, and I have grave concerns about the politicisation of intelligence that seems to be occurring with more frequency in recent times – but I know that the intelligence community has highly capable analysts in it.

"And if those analysts were properly consulted about the claims in the White House document they would have not approved the document going forward."

This is not the first time I've heard that maybe Assad didn't really do it. Scott Adams raised the question in a blog post. Not saying I agree, but it is an interesting question.
This is not the first time I've heard that maybe Assad didn't really do it. Scott Adams raised the question in a blog post. Not saying I agree, but it is an interesting question.

Of course, nowadays there are always going to be contrary opinions floating around on every topic. However, I'm having a hard time understanding why Assad would have used chemical weapons at this point. Assad does not seem like an impulsive, irrational player & there doesn't seem a logical reason for him to use chemical weapons - the risks to him far out way the potential benefits.
Trump has compromised his possibilities of a better relationship with Russia, and prospects for defeating ISIS, on the altar of improving his poll numbers with an illegal attack on a foreign power based on fabricated intelligence. No better than GW Bush. That is a big disappointment.
Less than 100 days into Trump’s presidency, the White House has failed to pass a single major piece of legislation. Instead, beyond placing a right-wing justice on the Supreme Court with the GOP-majority U.S. Senate’s help, Trump has already committed an act of war: an unauthorized attack on a foreign power. And his administration has fabricated the evidence for that attack, an intelligence report that doesn’t prove what it purports.
his administration has fabricated the evidence for that attack

The French are getting ready to show their evidence that it most likely was Assad who threw the fart bombs.


It still isn't a independent investigation, so unless it has overwhelming evidence to support their findings :

The French are getting ready to show their evidence that it most likely was Assad who threw the fart bombs.


It still isn't a independent investigation, so unless it has overwhelming evidence to support their findings :
Finding evidence after the fact doesn't validate the action. If Trump did not have the evidence or did not have sufficient evidence to launch the strike, then that's pretty serious.
Finding evidence after the fact doesn't validate the action. If Trump did not have the evidence or did not have sufficient evidence to launch the strike, then that's pretty serious.
How do know when they found the evidence?
How do know when they found the evidence?
That's the question that needs to be answered - was the evidence sufficient enough to justify the strike, and when did they have it? If Trump ordered the strike before they had the evidence to prove Assad was behind the bombing, then that's a pretty serious problem.
That's the question that needs to be answered - was the evidence sufficient enough to justify the strike, and when did they have it? If Trump ordered the strike before they had the evidence to prove Assad was behind the bombing, then that's a pretty serious problem.
At first I did not believe that Assad would be so stupid as to use chemical weapons. I thought it was an ISIS or rebel attack aimed at blaming Assad.

But, according to ABC (American Broadcasting Company) News, the flight path of the aircraft using the chemical weapons was tracked by US radar.


As any of you that have read my posts know, as a general rule I don't trust the American main stream media. But I see no reason for them to defend Trump and lie about this.
Err.. doesn't that just say where a plane went. But not what it was carrying?

They only defend Trump because the MSM ARE warmongers, so it suits them. Not defending Trump would be to go against that.
ISIS have claimed responsibility for a gun attack on Paris's most famous street, the Champs Elysees, which has left one police officer dead and two others injured.

Paris is obviously on a high state of alert in the run up to the beginning of France's Presidential elections, which begin on Sunday. One thing that appeared obvious from the outset last night as this story broke was the almost picture-postcard imagery of the Arc de Triomphe and Champs Elysees with police cars everywhere - about as striking a symbol of France's current problem with terrorist attacks...


Obviously, the timing is pretty significant as well - many people are expecting some high-profile incident to occur during the Presidential election campaign which runs for around a month. One suspects that such incidents will play into the hands of the far right leader Marine Le Pen.
Can't wait to see what excuse will be used to never actually show any evidence.

- Site of attack has now been forensically cleaned up and sanitized by parties known or unknown. Evidence gone.
- UN discord blocks international investigation.
- Evidence classified top secret, as it would betray "sources and methods" if revealed.
- Interest peters out in stale evidence as fresher and even more horrific "regime delivered" gas attacks materialize in other ISIS or rebel controlled locations.
ISIS have claimed responsibility for a gun attack on Paris's most famous street
Interestingly, ISIS statement used a name that doesn't match the identity of the author (who already shot at policemen years before ISIS exist) but point to an other man, from Belgium. The name used by ISIS has been circulating on the web following a warning from Belgium authorities looking for that man (it turned out he was in Belgium last evening), but is wrong, it seems.

Obviously, the timing is pretty significant as well - many people are expecting some high-profile incident to occur during the Presidential election campaign which runs for around a month.
The official campaigns stops today (TV and radio won't be allowed to talk politic saturday and sunday, the voting day). The attack occurred during the very last big TV show with all 11 candidates, on public TV and radio: all candidates had to react to the attack. Worst timing possible, since ISIS has not been a noticeable subject during the campaign: Le Pen jumped on this to unleashed all she can about security in an ultimate populist burst.
Edit: According to Ifop's rolling poll update of today, the impact seems to be limited on opinion.

(i made an other post for convenience, i don't know how to paste an image in a message edition)
Edit: According to Ifop's rolling poll update of today, the impact seems to be limited on opinion.
View attachment 642689

(i made an other post for convenience, i don't know how to paste an image in a message edition)
I just learned Macron's wife, his former high school teacher, is 24 years older than he. Over here, that would be considered scandalous and perverted if not exactly criminal.
I just learned Macron's wife, his former high school teacher, is 24 years older than he. Over here, that would be considered scandalous and perverted if not exactly criminal.
Over here, claiming to grab women by the pussy is scandalous and perverted. Having 24 years between husband and wife is not.
Macron's wife was a french teacher, but not his (it's a common mistake made by foreign media). He met her during a off-school theater class. He wrote a play with her, then leave the town for a few years telling her he was in love and would come back to marry her. Which he eventually did. It looks more romantic than perverted.
Err.. doesn't that just say where a plane went. But not what it was carrying?

They only defend Trump because the MSM ARE warmongers, so it suits them. Not defending Trump would be to go against that.

I wouldn't describe the MSM exactly as "warmongers", but they, & Americans in general, always seem extraordinarily ready to to support military action by the US armed forces. It's one of the unfortunate consequences of "patriotism" being considered a primary virtue in US political & social life.
I distilled your remarks in order that I may lavish upon you my (rare and coveted) unqualified approbation. ;)

I am, of course, grateful for any scraps you cast my way ... but I would maintain that it's the "patriotism" BS that leads to the wide support for military action.
I am, of course, grateful for any scraps you cast my way ... but I would maintain that it's the "patriotism" BS that leads to the wide support for military action.

To consign the militarist tendencies of the American media and people as completely down to "patriotism" seems to me to be mentally flabby, incomplete, lacking novelty, lacking tautness and missing the punchiness associated with Dotini's favor.

For instance, a substantial part of our media and academia stridently and perpetually shouting for war are our neocons. These blood-drooling monsters have as much or more patriotism for Israel than they do for the USA. You are on the right path, Biggles, but you have more work to do.
To consign the militarist tendencies of the American media and people as completely down to "patriotism" seems to me to be mentally flabby, incomplete, lacking novelty, lacking tautness and missing the punchiness associated with Dotini's favor.

For instance, a substantial part of our media and academia stridently and perpetually shouting for war are our neocons. These blood-drooling monsters have as much or more patriotism for Israel than they do for the USA. You are on the right path, Biggles, but you have more work to do.

You're mistaken. Sure there's a strong Israel lobby, but I don't think most of the American media or people are intrinsically "militaristic". They are, however, easily convinced whenever the Neocons, or anybody else, comes up with the idea of going to war in some distant part of the globe, that it would be "unpatriotic" not to support the adventure. Patriotism is next to godliness in the pantheon of American values. It's why American politicians feel obliged to walk around with little American flags pinned to their lapels. Patriotism is one of the biggest cons in human history.

No, it is you who are wrong. And disappointing. You're struggling to explain why Americans so easily go to war. This deals with motivations, which are the hardest of all things to understand and express. To say patriotism, without qualification, is the only motivation is facile. I'm losing patience with your one-track mind. Please don't bother me anymore until you've got a broader approach.
Patriotism often gets muddied into National Exceptionalism and people have no idea.

Either way Nationalism is easy to push in any country as it appeals to the human desire to be part of something.

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