The war on ISIS.

  • Thread starter mister dog
All the armies of the world should assemble and march to the Middle East to exact revenge and justice! A final, apocalyptic battle for control of Earth is exactly what's called for. :rolleyes:
All the armies of the world should assemble and march to the Middle East to exact revenge and justice! A final, apocalyptic battle for control of Earth is exactly what's called for. :rolleyes:

A nuke would be better it fixed Japan.
I say nuke em!
Perfect, final solution. Chernobyl and Fukushima have proved how harmless nuclear radiation really is. The scientists were right all along. There should now be no inhibition to the Japanese and Saudis to have and use their own nukes in a great fire of ritual purification in the Muddle East. :rolleyes:

@Furinkazen by lowering others (into their graves), the survivors are elevated on high.:rolleyes:
The iron laws of logic prove we are better. We have human rights, democracy and capitalism; all the proof and justification needed to subjugate, convert or liquidate our inferiors. :rolleyes:

Well then we should nuke them their is no such thing as rules in war.
Perfect, final solution. Chernobyl and Fukushima have proved how harmless nuclear radiation really is. The scientists were right all along. There should now be no inhibition to the Japanese and Saudis to have and use their own nukes in a great fire of ritual purification in the Muddle East. :rolleyes:
Agreed, it's all sand over there anyway so we could turn it into a parking lot after the radiation settles down in a couple of thousand years. Ps there's this emoticon hanging on the end of your sentences each time, better check out your browser.
Agreed, it's all sand over there anyway so we could turn it into a parking lot after the radiation settles down in a couple of thousand years. Ps there's this emoticon hanging on the end of your sentences each time, better check out your browser.
That emoticon is the only thing that allows me to get away with posting such crap!
All the armies of the world should assemble and march to the Middle East to exact revenge and justice! A final, apocalyptic battle for control of Earth is exactly what's called for. :rolleyes:

Cant we just find 72 virgins and create an elaborate boobytrap?

Pretty sure they will kill each other for them - the last man standing misses out.
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Well then we should nuke them their is no such thing as rules in war.
Yes there are (very detailed one in fact) and should you continue to advocate genocide you will find that GT Planet is not the place for you.
Maybe my first idea was better a wall.
There is an old saying in New England that good walls make for good neighbors.

The Romans built Hadrian's wall to very good effect.
The Great Wall of China served their Empire well.
Israelis have built an admirable high wall protecting them from terrorists.

Wrong because International shouldn't rule over National.

There is an old saying in New England that good walls make for good neighbors.

The Romans built Hadrian's wall to very good effect.
The Great Wall of China served their Empire well.
Israelis have built an admirable high wall protecting them from terrorists.

Very good points.
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All the armies of the world should assemble and march to the Middle East to exact revenge and justice! A final, apocalyptic battle for control of Earth is exactly what's called for. :rolleyes:
Isn't that a videogame?:sly:

Right... killing 200,000 civilians makes us better how?
Actually it does. Dropping the nukes ended the war immediately and avoided the necessity of a ground invasion of Japan which would have cost the lives of millions of soldiers and civilians. It also kept the Russkies from entering the country and potentially ending up with a divided Japan akin to a divided Germany for half a century.
Haruna Yukawa has reportedly been beheaded. The new ISIS video, reportedly released today features the other prisoner, Kenji Goto, speaking on behalf of ISIS and showing the image of the beheaded Yukawa in a still photograph. Goto, speaking on behalf of ISIS, then made a new demand for his release, while threatening Prime Minister Abe's life. The new demands were to release a failed suicide bomber, Sajida Mubarak Atrous al-Rishawi held in Jordan, to ISIS custody.

US National Security Council is working on confirming the authenticity of the ISIS video.
What i wonder about is why don't they aim some spy satellites at the area of these beheadings and try to track down 2 orange jumpsuits in the desert. Then they can follow where these Jihadi hatebeards are taking the hostages.
What i wonder about is why don't they aim some spy satellites at the area of these beheadings and try to track down 2 orange jumpsuits in the desert. Then they can follow where these Jihadi hatebeards are taking the hostages.
CNN was reporting the videos appear (due to shadows) to have been made in a sound stage, with desert background blue-screened in, or whatever it is they do.
What i wonder about is why don't they aim some spy satellites at the area of these beheadings and try to track down 2 orange jumpsuits in the desert. Then they can follow where these Jihadi hatebeards are taking the hostages.
That sounds like an excellent idea!

There's just one tiny problem with it - they need to know where to point the satellite in the first place. Iraq and Syria make up several million square kilometres to search. And given that ISIL are constantly on the move (because they know they can be watched from a satellite), they could be gone long before the satellite is even in position.
That sounds like an excellent idea!

There's just one tiny problem with it - they need to know where to point the satellite in the first place. Iraq and Syria make up several million square kilometres to search. And given that ISIL are constantly on the move (because they know they can be watched from a satellite), they could be gone long before the satellite is even in position.
I read somewhere that when those beheadings started they were able to pinpoint the location to a hill outside Raqqa, and that Jihadi John was a resident there, so what you do is permanently monitor the area and then backtrack on the satellite data to look for clues of what occurred in the last days. But that's just me being 007 here.
Yup but you will have seen them move (with my ideal spy satellite that has real time view and records everything).
But in order to use it, you need to know where ISIL will be before they get there. Concentrating on that hill in Raqqa won't do much good because they know they're being watched.
But in order to use it, you need to know where ISIL will be before they get there. Concentrating on that hill in Raqqa won't do much good because they know they're being watched.
It could keep an eye on the whole city and surroundings, and then you get some analysts to study it sector by sector. Lot's of work and probably very far fetched, but it's something i think the US would posses as military technology.
It could keep an eye on the whole city and surroundings, and then you get some analysts to study it sector by sector. Lot's of work and probably very far fetched, but it's something i think the US would posses as military technology.

So as long as all their activities are in areas that are open to the sky, then there's no problem.

I doubt it would take them long to think of countermeasures to that one, which would sort of defeat all the cost and effort of putting it into place at all.

Think about it, if someone were tracking you from a satellite how would you evade them? Spend lots of time indoors and in vehicles. Wear big hats. Change clothes a lot. A satellite has such a restricted point of view that it's really of very limited use trying to track someone long term, or even short term if the person has any idea that you have that capability.

The fact that the same countermeasures that are good for evading normal surveillance also stymie your satellite scheme mean that the only people you'll catch with your multi-million dollar operation are idiots. There are cheaper ways to catch idiots.