The war on ISIS.

  • Thread starter mister dog
Haruna Yukawa has reportedly been beheaded. The new ISIS video, reportedly released today features the other prisoner, Kenji Goto, speaking on behalf of ISIS and showing the image of the beheaded Yukawa in a still photograph. Goto, speaking on behalf of ISIS, then made a new demand for his release, while threatening Prime Minister Abe's life. The new demands were to release a failed suicide bomber, Sajida Mubarak Atrous al-Rishawi held in Jordan, to ISIS custody.

US National Security Council is working on confirming the authenticity of the ISIS video.

Some TV agencies assert the video reporting the death of one of the Japanese hostages Haruna Yukawa is fake for the other hostage, Kenji Goto Jogo's voice tone and his shaky way of speaking English(A news said there were some other possible factors to be considered regarding the authenticity of the video, but can't remember them precisely at the moment) when he pleaded the release of a female suicide bomber Sajida Mubarak Atrous al-Rishawi, who attempted to commit suicide bombing in a hotel in Anman in 2005, at the end of the video(According to Goto's mother his way of speaking English for announcement of setting Sajida at liberty as a term for his release is unnatural claiming that he's fluent in some of the local languages including English he used when he flew over to others countries as a journalist for covering local incidents), but Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe and US president Obama believe the video to be authentic, and expressed their resentment and condolence for Yukawa's beheading and his family.

Another article concerning Yukawa's beheading and Sajida al-Rashawi.
So as long as all their activities are in areas that are open to the sky, then there's no problem.

I doubt it would take them long to think of countermeasures to that one, which would sort of defeat all the cost and effort of putting it into place at all.

Think about it, if someone were tracking you from a satellite how would you evade them? Spend lots of time indoors and in vehicles. Wear big hats. Change clothes a lot. A satellite has such a restricted point of view that it's really of very limited use trying to track someone long term, or even short term if the person has any idea that you have that capability.

The fact that the same countermeasures that are good for evading normal surveillance also stymie your satellite scheme mean that the only people you'll catch with your multi-million dollar operation are idiots. There are cheaper ways to catch idiots.
Well 2 points; they are out in the open when they present their victims in their orange jumpsuits for the promo video and also when they decapitate them, so there is a slight chance to spot that from space + they are already proven to be total idiots otherwise they wouldn't follow the ideology :D

And before someone replies that the videos are computer generated, i don't think they are, but yes there is always the chance.
Well 2 points; they are out in the open when they present their victims in their orange jumpsuits for the promo video and also when they decapitate them, so there is a slight chance to spot that from space.

Are you actually advocating spotting the location of the executions in real time and getting someone there to stop them?

I thought you were advocating tracking them, which seems not really feasible. Advocating identifying a potential beheading scene, from space, with enough time to actually do something about it? Good luck with that. I'd say there's good reasons why the military aren't using your "solution".

+ they are already proven to be total idiots otherwise they wouldn't follow the ideology :D

They're proven to be people who don't believe what you believe. Don't mistake being a psychopath with being an idiot. They are not the same thing. There are many examples of mass murderers and other hideous criminals who were extremely intelligent.

If you treat your enemy like an idiot just because you don't like what he's doing, you're handing him the advantage right from the start. I've seen no reason to believe that the people running this show aren't intelligent.
They're proven to be people who don't believe what you believe. Don't mistake being a psychopath with being an idiot. They are not the same thing. There are many examples of mass murderers and other hideous criminals who were extremely intelligent.

If you treat your enemy like an idiot just because you don't like what he's doing, you're handing him the advantage right from the start. I've seen no reason to believe that the people running this show aren't intelligent.
This is about more than "not believing what you believe". It's about people who have allowed primitive traits and ideology trump over rational and critical thinking.
The assumption that everyone is capable of exercising rationality at all times and that they are willing to overlook the basic principles of faith is, in itself, a pretty primitive trait. It strikes me as very odd that you should condemn people who condemn others for not thinking the way that they do on the grounds that they don't think the way you do.

They rigidly an unerringly apply their faith to every aspect of their lives, and force it upon others. You just take that in the opposite direction, rigidly and unerringly applying logic and reason to every aspect of your life. The idea of faith makes no sense to you, so clearly anyone who sees value in it is a sub-human who can only achieve enlightenment by abandoning their principles and adopting yours. I assume that reading Atlas Shrugged is a part of this process.

Can't you at least recognise that, for some people, faith plays the same role in their lives and is just as important to them as rationality is to you? Or would that mean acknowledging the existence of something that you cannot explain, and is therefore something that needs to be marginalised?
Are you actually advocating spotting the location of the executions in real time and getting someone there to stop them?

I thought you were advocating tracking them, which seems not really feasible. Advocating identifying a potential beheading scene, from space, with enough time to actually do something about it? Good luck with that. I'd say there's good reasons why the military aren't using your "solution".
No, read back on my posts; i 'advocated' tracking the area permanently and then scanning the data of past days for 2 orange jumpsuits in the desert. Orange does stick out in a desert you know. Anyhow i know as much about spy satellites as you do so don't take my suggestion to seriously.

They're proven to be people who don't believe what you believe. Don't mistake being a psychopath with being an idiot. They are not the same thing. There are many examples of mass murderers and other hideous criminals who were extremely intelligent.

If you treat your enemy like an idiot just because you don't like what he's doing, you're handing him the advantage right from the start. I've seen no reason to believe that the people running this show aren't intelligent.
Of course they aren't retards... what happened to your sense of humor? I'm growing a bit tired of all this wise nose behavior around these sections of the forum to be honest, where nothing can be interpreted with a grain of salt and every post has to be dissected to gain the intellectual upper hand.
The assumption that everyone is capable of exercising rationality at all times and that they are willing to overlook the basic principles of faith is, in itself, a pretty primitive trait. It strikes me as very odd that you should condemn people who condemn others for not thinking the way that they do on the grounds that they don't think the way you do.

They rigidly an unerringly apply their faith to every aspect of their lives, and force it upon others. You just take that in the opposite direction, rigidly and unerringly applying logic and reason to every aspect of your life. The idea of faith makes no sense to you, so clearly anyone who sees value in it is a sub-human who can only achieve enlightenment by abandoning their principles and adopting yours. I assume that reading Atlas Shrugged is a part of this process.

Can't you at least recognise that, for some people, faith plays the same role in their lives and is just as important to them as rationality is to you? Or would that mean acknowledging the existence of something that you cannot explain, and is therefore something that needs to be marginalised?

I think it's been fairly well proven that in comparison to rational thinking, relying on faith to determine facts about reality is completely useless, and that it's virtually impossible to live your everyday life knowing nothing about how the world works. So it's not too great a leap to claim that relying on faith to make any decision isn't the brightest thing to do.
That's how you present yourself. You make Ayn Rand look moderate.

So it's not too great a leap to claim that relying on faith to make any decision isn't the brightest thing to do.
Perhaps, but Carbonox relies on rationality to the point of extremes. He is as single-minded as some of the people espousing faith as their absolute, guiding light, and he expects that anyone and everyone who practices religion should apply his rationality to their daily lives and come to the same conclusion that he did - that faith is unnecessary, useless and only holds them back, and so therefore should be abandoned in an instant.

It's one thing to rely on reason to make decisions, but just as with faith, you can take it too far.
Of course they aren't retards... what happened to your sense of humor?

What happened to your sense of not being a dick? I don't remember when calling people idiots was considered quality humour.

If you don't want people to dissect your statements, consider not saying stuff that's dumb.
What happened to your sense of not being a dick? I don't remember when calling people idiots was considered quality humour.

If you don't want people to dissect your statements, consider not saying stuff that's dumb.
My sincere apologies for offending you by calling Jihadi John and his decapitating crew a bunch of idiots. In light of this gathering of bright minded souls like yourself i should have remained serious and refrained from namecalling our dearest ISIS terrorists and underestimating their (and your) profound intelligence.

Also what was i thinking about bringing up a wild spy satellite theory in my very own topic...

Here; i hope this will make you feel better:

My sincere apologies for offending you by calling Jihadi John and his decapitating crew a bunch of idiots.

My sincere apologies for assuming that you could comprehend the difference between someone who is willing to kill for what they believe in and someone of low intelligence.

I don't think any conversation about psychopaths is helped by writing them off as mental defectives. It's merely a way of deflecting from the real problem, which is that they're probably intelligent and well organised people who are just out to get the rest of us. If you assume that they're stupid, then you're going to be continually surprised when they do stuff that isn't stupid, at least when viewed from their particular (and somewhat warped) perspective.

Also what was i thinking about bringing up a wild spy satellite theory in my very own topic...

Ah, so you get special treatment because it's your topic? Gotcha.

Continue as you were. I've added you to ignore so you won't get any more backchat out of me.
My sincere apologies for assuming that you could comprehend the difference between someone who is willing to kill for what they believe in and someone of low intelligence.

I don't think any conversation about psychopaths is helped by writing them off as mental defectives. It's merely a way of deflecting from the real problem, which is that they're probably intelligent and well organised people who are just out to get the rest of us. If you assume that they're stupid, then you're going to be continually surprised when they do stuff that isn't stupid, at least when viewed from their particular (and somewhat warped) perspective.
You think i didn't know that? Still gives me the right to call them idiots for what they are doing though, so there's no need to try to come off smart and state the obvious.

Ah, so you get special treatment because it's your topic? Gotcha.
Well i think i can state a theory in any topic. You were trying to ridicule it having misunderstood, hence why i suggested you read back on it.

Continue as you were. I've added you to ignore so you won't get any more backchat out of me.
NOOOOoooooooo well i suppose you didn't read this reply then neither. Bye bye.
That's how you present yourself. You make Ayn Rand look moderate.

Perhaps, but Carbonox relies on rationality to the point of extremes. He is as single-minded as some of the people espousing faith as their absolute, guiding light, and he expects that anyone and everyone who practices religion should apply his rationality to their daily lives and come to the same conclusion that he did - that faith is unnecessary, useless and only holds them back, and so therefore should be abandoned in an instant.

It's one thing to rely on reason to make decisions, but just as with faith, you can take it too far.
Do you even bother to investigate before spewing that as a fact? Here, have a quote:

Because of the after-death questions, I'm not a complete [STRIKE]atheist[/STRIKE] nontheist and prefer to keep my options open, but one thing's for sure, organized religion will never be my cup of tea. I can see through them, they like to instill false hope into any followers they can gather while milking money from them as well.
Pardon my stupid mistake of using the word 'atheist' in that post, as a certain member with his false meanings had confused me previously, not that that's the point of why I brought up the post... Thing is, even though I've grown to see afterlife concepts as irrational and full of empty promises, for some reason I still wishfully think they're real. Not so rational now, don't you think? So much for applying reason to every aspect in my daily life.

I'd also be interested to see where I have actively called for other people to follow my model and discard their own. Or even considered my position to be perfect, for the record.

Sweden is a wonderful, equal country where every soldier gets the same amount of help once they return home, except ISIS combatants, because they obviously deserve better. But hey, from the point of view of a country whose new government considered recognizing Palestine as a state was their most important mission of all after they gained power last year, maybe the Daesh are seen as fighting for a good cause, and they're rewarded for it upon their return to the homeland and the generous social services. 👍

Sweden is a wonderful, equal country where every soldier gets the same amount of help once they return home, except ISIS combatants, because they obviously deserve better. But hey, from the point of view of a country whose new government considered recognizing Palestine as a state was their most important mission of all after they gained power last year, maybe the Daesh are seen as fighting for a good cause, and they're rewarded for it upon their return to the homeland and the generous social services. 👍
I dont know if that story is true could be fake or misleading, but its unfortunate as I view the less authoritarian countries like Sweden as superior in culture to the way it is here in my country.
Do you even bother to investigate before spewing that as a fact?
I never said that you were religious. I said that you pursue logic and reason in the same way that others pursue faith.

Criticising someone for not reading your posts only really works when you read their posts.
In a long-overdue moment of moral clarity and political wisdom, Israel has opened fire with artillery and jet strikes along the Lebanon/Syria border. Hopefully, an aggressive new front has now been opened in a war that up til now has seemed intractable. When the big players, including fresh armies from Europe, bring their biggest guns and bombs to the scene, only good things can happen. At last, the transcendent light of a new epiphany of reckoning with ultimate evil dawns for mankind and all its children.
In a long-overdue moment of moral clarity and political wisdom, Israel has opened fire with artillery and jet strikes along the Lebanon/Syria border. Hopefully, an aggressive new front has now been opened in a war that up til now has seemed intractable. When the big players, including fresh armies from Europe, bring their biggest guns and bombs to the scene, only good things can happen. At last, the transcendent light of a new epiphany of reckoning with ultimate evil dawns for mankind and all its children.

Or. Or. Or.

Hear me out now.

We let Israel go in all by themselves and see what happens!
Or. Or. Or.

Hear me out now.

We let Israel go in all by themselves and see what happens!
I don't want this to happen but I still wonder if Israel still has the power it had years ago.
Israel has so much power we pay them not to use it.
Some in the region seem to forget that in some of the wars waged against Israel ('48 and '67 in particular) the country was declared war upon and handily won both wars despite the odds against them.
I don't want this to happen but I still wonder if Israel still has the power it had years ago.

That's why I want to know what happens. Israel is a pretty powerful nation and now that most of their 'enemies" armies are either in shambles or pre-occupied, they can create a pretty large demilitarized zone around them.
Some in the region seem to forget that in some of the wars waged against Israel ('48 and '67 in particular) the country was declared war upon and handily won both wars despite the odds against them.
Not to mention that after said wars, their borders expanded. The 1948 war doubled their land overnight whereas the 1967 war secured them the West Bank and the Golem Heights.