The war on ISIS.

  • Thread starter mister dog
The Somalian terror group have called on its "soldiers" to attack my local mall:

Islamist terrorists have called for attacks on London’s Oxford Street and the Westfield shopping centres in the latest jihadist threat to the UK.

A video released by the Somalia-based fanatics al-Shabaab called on its followers to “hasten to heaven” by attacking some of the country’s busiest shopping areas.

It also threatened venues in America and Canada as well as “Jewish-owned” centres.

Counter-terrorism police in the UK were assessing the video while the head of US homeland security warned shoppers to be “particularly careful”.

Shame they didn't do it sooner, could have had the perfect excuse to duck out of going to that hell hole with my ex. As it is now I'll be sure to put up with the god awful artificial-ness of the place to show we won't be threatened.

Really then explain Cubans coming on 1950 Chevy and getting to stay (which may soon end) as long as they don't get seen by Coast Guards. Or the mass of illegals that still make it here from the border and live (though with some fear) in the states get a job. The real gem of why the U.S. has less issue is due to the mass data harvesting and readily use of government police task forces to stop something before it really is something.
Good intelligence is key too, but that's something we both have.

Some of you people make me see why Fox News is alive and kicking, cause you eat up the idea that the proverbial 🤬 is always about to hit the fan, cause you've see the "news". Though History dictates a far different and more difficult scenario of getting to the point if ever.
You might want to read up about the history of Lebanon before its civil war.

What harm could letting in Palestinian refugees possibly do....
You might want to read up about the history of Lebanon before its civil war.

What harm could letting in Palestinian refugees possibly do....

It led to nothing of global conquest like certain users are saying if we let ISIS run rampant, which no one is. Everyone wants to cry deploy troops and when the camp out after the skirmish ends and last 5-10 years those same people will claim it's stupid to have them deployed and the politicos that decided to do it are jack asses. Why? Because the media will portray it that way just like Iraq and those same people eating the media now without actually thinking on their own, will eat the media then.
Huh? You asked:

The claim you made was that they are treated better in law, a claim that you have not been able to support
The 'protection' they were given was not legal (hence the reason why charged are being brought against many involved and inquires started), as such they were not treated better in law at all.

For that to be the case a law would have to exists that affords protection from criminal prosecution based on one's religion being Muslim. Such a law doesn't exist.

Lost me again. You asked for proof to back up my point, I provided and you ask why this is significant? Let's trace this back to my original statement:

Benefits are given with no expectation of a payback to society at large (think the Somali population in my area) and they are free to have as many children as they like (which is considerable in comparison to the indigenous population).
If I recall this was part of your claim that they are treated better in law again, as UK/EU citizens are also provided benefits with no expectation of a payback and can have as many kids as they like, and that sources have been provided to show that the groups you have mentioned are given (in law) less assistance than UK/EU citizens you haven't supported the claims you made.

Quote me as saying it is not as bad as Pakistani and Bangladeshi attitudes. I've dealt with both, inside and outside my family and I can categorically say it is worse. Again I ask: WHERE are the sex gangs of other Asian descent?

Frankly I find your approach archaic and offensive. I go next week to a meeting exploring Bangladeshi integration and muslim culture in East London hosted by Bangladeshis and one of the topics talked about will be dealing with
"overly friendly cousins".
They can admit they have a problem, Pakistanis can admit they have a problem yet you seem hell bent on denying this is the case and falsely equating the terrible rights of women in Asian communities with the much worse treatment of a wider population of girls in Pakistani/Bangladeshi areas of influence.
Sex gangs have been found to exist in the White community, in the black community, in the Muslim community, in the Catholic community, in the rich and privileged community, in the '70's radio celeb community.

Are you honestly saying (given the supporting evidence of the treatment of women in India and the attacks and deaths that have occurred) that it is impossible for it to happen or be happening within the Indian/Asian community?

Quite frankly you can find that as offensive as you like, if you truly believe the Indian/Asian community to be immune to this issue then I think your being naive on a colossal scale.

No I want to see the offenders who aren't from these communities please before you say this affects all groups equally.

Lets start with the fact that those who actually investigate and prosecute the cases say its not as simple as you are making out.....

....and then I will simply leave my jaw on the floor if you are unaware of the issue with the rape and murder of women in India across all religions.

Good luck saying such words in the UKIP/far right strongholds of Bradford or any other areas these victims are. Just a friendly warning is all.
And you know that I haven't challenged members of these groups how?

For the record I've been a member and active participant in a number of anti-fascist and anti-far right groups since I was in sixth form college, I've been quite happy to challenge the views of the likes of UKIP and far worse for a good 25 years (and face to face). Given that my children and wife are of mixed race its also a situation I have had to deal with and address in schools and public for near twenty years.

I don't need or want your friendly warnings and I would ask that you stop making assumptions about what I do and don't need warning about, as so far your track record is rather poor.

Wait, what? You are really comparing Islam with the faith that was behind key members of the abolitionist movement? Really? When did Saudi Arabia ban slavery?

I'm sorry, are we forgetting the quasi slavery in effect in several mid-east countries (think the uproar about Qatar's migrants)?

Slavery is still an issue, but saying the "biggest contemporary issues" are from Christian countries is a little odd.
Saudi, that would be 1962. Now if you want to play cherry-pick an example and use it to try and prove a point, that would be over 30 years before the Catholic church closed it last Magdalene Laundry (indentured servitude posing as an asylum).

Now I would agree that a good number of Christians were central figures in the abolitionist movement, just as a good number of Christians were central figures in the pro-slavery movement. Funnily enough the exact same is true of Islam.

Both faiths have pro and anti leaders in the slavery (which is why I have an equal issue with faiths of all flavours), yet you see one as anti-slavery and one as pro-slavery. Odd that?

Oh and for the record I have rather major issues with Saudi and the way its governed (and I base that in part in having been to the country), but given that its run by a sect of Islam that is a small minority (even in Saudi) its hardly representative of the entire religion.

From the second of your links:

Whether the percentage of Catholic priests who abuse children and youths is much greater than for other Christian and non-Christian religious leaders (such as gurus, imams, ministers, pastors or rabbis) is unclear, as no reliable data exists about these groups. It’s also difficult to find consistent reliable statistics as to what percentage of adult males in the general population sexually abuse children.

So what I'm getting is the Catholics are, starting with their CEO the Pope acknowledging there is a problem and working (not fast enough we both agree) to minimise it? Could this be a symptom of transparency since there is a greater awareness of Catholic abuse (as your source points out, we have no idea if gurus are just as paedophillic as priests).
Did you bother to read any of the UN reports on this matter?

The Catholic church is not working to minimize this at all! Its dragging its heels, blocking investigations, using legal blocks as often as it can and pretty much refusing to work with UN investigation teams. That's in part why we still have no idea of the true scale involved and those working on it believe we have only started to scratch the surface.

I'm quite sure its just a coincidence that the same blocking actions and lack of cooperation is happening with regard to the Magdalene laundries and the UN investigations into slavery and torture in regard to them.

I'm saying it's the cultural norm for them to treat women worse, sexually than any of the other Asian immigrants to the UK. It seemed you were insinuating that I therefore believed all Pakistani men treated women in such a way, but if I misread that then I apologise.
That's exactly how you posts have come across, you have effectively described it as a cultural norm for Pakistani/Muslim men.

I counter that with the argument that its far more complex than that and many other factors also come into play in regard to this, including (but not limited to) socio-economics and the ability to be 'protected' from potential punishment from the crime.

Is there some OED definition I have to quote?
No its a logical definition of multicultural. Everyone being allowed to openly practice their culture as long as it doesn't impact on the rights of any other individual.

Given that anytime it does impact on the rights of an other individual, if it were permitted or protected that would favour that culture over others and be mono-cultural not multi-cultural.

I can't really help since the link appears to be on a timer before it becomes inactive. All I can suggest is googling The Economist article. The opening lines are:
I've been at the hospital with my mother-in-law all day so I will have to read that later and get back to you with my thoughts on it.
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Lets start with the fact that those who actually investigate and prosecute the cases say its not as simple as you are making out.....

....and then I will simply leave my jaw on the floor if you are unaware of the issue with the rape and murder of women in India across all religions.

OK I will hopefully address the other points but stop, just stop please. It's almost laughable how out of touch you are coming across and shows your ignorance of not living and working in Pakistani communities. By peddling your views as facts you are unintentionally trying to undo progress made by influential muslims such as Nazir Afzal, the CPS lead on child sexual abuse:

Your source (taken from the paper that lest we forget tried to play down the Trojan Horse scandal as not being a muslim problem):

-is quoting a study that has been ridiculed by government workers (cough, cover up again? What are the chances)
-mentions grooming statistics but not grooming gangs
-doesn't take into account the scale of victims abused
-doesn't factor in religion (what, suddenly whites and blacks can't be muslim?)
-quotes that "Asians are recorded as having Pakistani heritage and thus highly likely to be Muslim, and only five are recorded as being from a Bangladeshi background. The heritage of 366 of the Asian group is not stated in those figures." Yet doesn't acknowledge that the 366 could all be of Pakistani or Bangladeshi origin anyway

If I told you that black on black crime is a huge problem in London and that Afro-Caribbeans (half my ancestry) are far more likely to be perpetrators than Black-Africans I'm hoping you would have the sense not to wade in with nonsense like "Well it's equal amongst all blacks".

Child sexual abuse from a family member has affected someone I care about greatly and PC attitudes such as yours are beyond unhelpful, so I ask again please check your facts thoroughly or refrain from denying the obvious.
OK I will hopefully address the other points but stop, just stop please. It's almost laughable how out of touch you are coming across and shows your ignorance of not living and working in Pakistani communities. By peddling your views as facts you are unintentionally trying to undo progress made by influential muslims such as Nazir Afzal, the CPS lead on child sexual abuse:

Your source (taken from the paper that lest we forget tried to play down the Trojan Horse scandal as not being a muslim problem):

-is quoting a study that has been ridiculed by government workers (cough, cover up again? What are the chances)
-mentions grooming statistics but not grooming gangs
-doesn't take into account the scale of victims abused
-doesn't factor in religion (what, suddenly whites and blacks can't be muslim?)
-quotes that "Asians are recorded as having Pakistani heritage and thus highly likely to be Muslim, and only five are recorded as being from a Bangladeshi background. The heritage of 366 of the Asian group is not stated in those figures." Yet doesn't acknowledge that the 366 could all be of Pakistani or Bangladeshi origin anyway

If I told you that black on black crime is a huge problem in London and that Afro-Caribbeans (half my ancestry) are far more likely to be perpetrators than Black-Africans I'm hoping you would have the sense not to wade in with nonsense like "Well it's equal amongst all blacks".

Child sexual abuse from a family member has affected someone I care about greatly and PC attitudes such as yours are beyond unhelpful, so I ask again please check your facts thoroughly or refrain from denying the obvious.
Firstly I am not pedaling anything as fact, I am simply saying that this issue affects all communities and groups and to claim otherwise (as you appear to have done) is naive (and as I have already said I have direct experience of sexual abuse being carried out by a group of Catholic Goan Indian boys, so I would suggest you also remember that before dismissing me as being unaware of certain facts or inferring a PC brainwashing).

I'm not the one making the broad and sweeping generalizations that abuse is a cultural norm among Pakistani and Muslim men or dismissing that other factors could play a part in this.

I'm not the one making the totally unsubstantiated claim that those who carried out such offences were protected in law (which law was that again).

The argument I am presenting is that trends and patterns of abuse and what drives offenders is far more complex and involved than simply stating its a cultural norm for a certain group; and that simply looking at this in those narrowly defined parameters is not going to help prevent future attacks and identify accurate patterns of behavior from abusers.

I also find it odd that you criticizes the Guardian as a source by using the Guardian! I do note however that the sources for that criticism was from 'unknown government sources' speaking to the Daily Mail and from an unknown Government minister speaking to the Telegraph (and given the similar words used most likely the same source). You do however omit to mention that the report was using information gathered by government agencies and the report itself took issue with the fact that much of the data was incomplete (so could ministers be actually taking issue with the issues raised against them in the report?).

The report is (in my opinion) quite open about the fact that in 68% of cases no information was available about perpetrators (does that not even remotely concern you?), nor do they deny that an issue exists with the Pakistani communities in Rotherham ("Yes there is an issue for a particular community in a particular area,......") but then goes on to note the point I am also bringing in "but even in Rotherham we have seen recent cases of white males using the same modus operandi".

If we focus on only one group it leaves the rest open to slip through the cracks, targeting patterns of abuse across all communities using data and information that is 100% complete is not being politically correct (at no point have I said that the abusers in the Muslim communities should be given special treatment or consideration should be given based on ethnic or religious backgrounds) its being effective.

Oh and in regard to this......

"If I told you that black on black crime is a huge problem in London and that Afro-Caribbeans (half my ancestry) are far more likely to be perpetrators than Black-Africans I'm hoping you would have the sense not to wade in with nonsense like "Well it's equal amongst all blacks"."

....given that I've not made any claim that "its equal amongst all *insert groups*" I would suggest you refrain from the strawman arguments.

I have said it occurs in all groups and to ignore that is naive, I have never stated that it is equal among all group (as that would be patently absurd), so you may want to check what your own biases are reading into things before making such accusations.
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Erm ok, well I will leave it by saying if the Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Sikhs, whites and blacks can see it around my ends then I'll take that over trying to convince you 👍

All groups do it, that I never denied, but their particular attitude towards women is legendary, so much so that it is openly mocked by the community.
Erm ok, well I will leave it by saying if the Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Sikhs, whites and blacks can see it around my ends then I'll take that over trying to convince you 👍
And around your end is representative of the whole country?

Your taking a specific situation and applying it as a global rule, which quite frankly doesn't work.

All groups do it, that I never denied, but their particular attitude towards women is legendary, so much so that it is openly mocked by the community.
That attitude towards women I came across from some 'lovely' members of the entirely white council estate I grew up on, that same attitude my wife came across from members of the Afro-Caribbean community, that kind of attitude exist in large sections of both urban and rural India, that kind of attitude comes to horrific ends in parts of South Africa.

This particular attitude towards women is not limited to any one group and is far more common than you seem to be aware of.
ISIS, facing the threat from a Kurdish offensive, kidnapped 90 Assyrian Christians during their retreat. This marks the first time since 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians were executed that ISIS actually kidnapped people. According to the British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, Some will be executed, married off, or be used as a negotiation tool against the Kurds.
That attitude towards women I came across from some 'lovely' members of the entirely white council estate I grew up on, that same attitude my wife came across from members of the Afro-Caribbean community, that kind of attitude exist in large sections of both urban and rural India, that kind of attitude comes to horrific ends in parts of South Africa.

This particular attitude towards women is not limited to any one group and is far more common than you seem to be aware of.
The difference I have found, at least in the Pakistani community in comparison to the estates I grew around is the numbers actually physically affected and that it pervaded even the higher echelons of the the socio-economic spectrum of Pakistanis (yes I know you could say this is like rich white men/MPs, but in my estimation it is far more widespread in the Pakistani community). I'm talking grooming gangs, cousin rape, and physical abuse - all found in each community but overwhelmingly abundant in the Pakistani community (I have not as much experience with Bengalis as they are predominantly East London, although my only Bengali tutor's mother has been royally stitched following an arranged marriage so it's not hard to imagine much differences).

Whether this is down to Islam's pretty shambolic historic treatment of women or the village cultures of Pakistan and Bangladesh I can't say, but I can say that growing up in the area with one of the highest proportion of Indians outside India I can safely say that grooming gangs were never an issue. This instead is an East London issue - the side with a high proportion of muslim immigrants from south Asia.

However, if you want to talk about gang violence then that is more equally spread amongst the Asian immigrant population.
And in the latest update from our bearded friends, they decided they had to destroy ancient/priceless statues and manuscripts dating back 2 -3000 years in the museum of Mosul, because 'people used to worship them'...:

And in the latest update from our bearded friends, they decided they had to destroy ancient/priceless statues and manuscripts dating back 2 -3000 years in the museum of Mosul, because 'people used to worship them'...:

It fits in well with their policy of killing those of other religions for worshiping deities they don't worship.
Cool Jihadi John went to my sisters uni. What was someone saying about "6 degrees of separation?"
Off-topic trivia: I have two degrees of separation with Adolph Hitler, if certain stories are to be believed.:odd:
We may have an unnatural propensity for attracting fascists. Not sure there's a test (or cure) for it unfortunately.
Flashpoint Intelligence: Boko Haram pledges allegiance to ISIS.

An audio recording surfaced though Boko Haram's usual social media channels today that claimed that Boko Haram and its leader, Abubakar Shekau, submitted to the will of the Islamic State and its leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, calling him the Caliph of Muslims.

This recording was independently verified by NBC News, but could not be verified through USAToday.
I've heard of jihadis in Libya pledging their allegiance to Daesh and becoming one of their "provinces", I wonder if Boko Haram are doing the same.
The ancient city of Hatra, declared a World Heritage Site in 1987, was destroyed by ISIS, according to claims by the legitimate government of Iraq. This follows the destruction of Nimrud and of the Mosul museum artifacts, which they were destroyed with the justification that someone "may have worshipped those a long time ago" and decared un-islamic.

The destruction of Hatra, according to a tourism and antiquities spokesperson in a interview with Reuters, took place on Saturday, despite receiving no video confirmation. However, a resident in the area told the news service that he heard a powerful explosion early on Saturday and said that other people nearby had reported that ISIS destroyed the larger buildings in the city and were bulldozing other areas.

Hatra is about 70 miles south of Mosul, the largest city under ISIS control. About a week ago, the militants released a video of them smashing statues and other carvings dating back 3,000 years.

On Thursday, they attacked the remains of Nimrud, south of Mosul, with bulldozers. The United Nations cultural agency UNESCO condemned the actions as "cultural cleansing", and amounted to war crimes.
I wonder if this is what Obama wanted when he decided to support the rebels in Libya.
In essence, yes. It's the old Trotskyite idea of permanent revolution. Progressive reforms can never be realized until the ancien regime - whatever the existing order is - is creatively destroyed. It's what keeps putting the "neo" into neoliberal or neocon, different sides of the same coin. Keep destroying existing orders (put your enemies, whether Sunni or Shia, tribal or national, religious or secular, at one another's throats) until one emerges which you can control and profit from. It's a brilliant and wildly successful idea. More and more failed states until all states are subsumed into a supranational order with guess who holding the whip hand?
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Israeli hospitals, to their great credit, treat anyone and everyone that comes through their doors equally, even those that would kill them if they had a chance. Thank you for bringing to light this wonderful attribute of the Israeli people:tup:👍

The fighters in the Israeli hospitals are all from the rebel side. The Israeli military have an official policy of not commenting on how the transportation of the wounded takes place. The army medics at a field hospital, often the first point of aid, say they do not try to ascertain the allegiance of the young men.

“I don’t know and I don’t really care, my job is to help anyone who arrives here injured”, stressed a 19-year-old soldier. “I don’t ask questions, we treat everyone who comes; my family is part-Arab, I speak Arabic and that obviously helps with communications. It’s very hard when you have to deal with children, I sometimes tell the mothers to look away. But it’s also great when it goes well and you have helped them. They are very grateful, it’s nice to have their thanks.”

Are some of the men fighters? Probably, but I don’t know their backgrounds. No one is ever turned away.

“These people have been brought up to believe that Israelis have horns and tails and drink children’s blood. Some of them in the past would no doubt have cut our throats under other circumstances. They come here and see what we are doing for our natural enemies.”
Israeli hospitals, to their great credit, treat anyone and everyone that comes through their doors equally, even those that would kill them if they had a chance. Thank you for bringing to light this wonderful attribute of the Israeli people:tup:👍

The fighters in the Israeli hospitals are all from the rebel side. The Israeli military have an official policy of not commenting on how the transportation of the wounded takes place. The army medics at a field hospital, often the first point of aid, say they do not try to ascertain the allegiance of the young men.

“I don’t know and I don’t really care, my job is to help anyone who arrives here injured”, stressed a 19-year-old soldier. “I don’t ask questions, we treat everyone who comes; my family is part-Arab, I speak Arabic and that obviously helps with communications. It’s very hard when you have to deal with children, I sometimes tell the mothers to look away. But it’s also great when it goes well and you have helped them. They are very grateful, it’s nice to have their thanks.”

Are some of the men fighters? Probably, but I don’t know their backgrounds. No one is ever turned away.

“These people have been brought up to believe that Israelis have horns and tails and drink children’s blood. Some of them in the past would no doubt have cut our throats under other circumstances. They come here and see what we are doing for our natural enemies.”
That position is sooooo debatable... I see what you are saying and I was on the edge when I finished the story, but those guys go out there and behead innocent people after they get good treatment in those hospitals... You can help them right, but then lock them up. This is not about a "great" attribute of the Israelis.... It's misleading, smart - I give them that, but counterproductive in the long term... Some other commentators were afraid of ISIL attacking Israel... Never gonna happen... By your definition, they are providing medical help to the terrorists... Or how do you call ISIL operatives? Lambs?
That position is sooooo debatable... I see what you are saying and I was on the edge when I finished the story, but those guys go out there and behead innocent people after they get good treatment in those hospitals... You can help them right, but then lock them up. This is not about a "great" attribute of the Israelis.... It's misleading, smart - I give them that, but counterproductive in the long term... Some other commentators were afraid of ISIL attacking Israel... Never gonna happen... By your definition, they are providing medical help to the terrorists... Or how do you call ISIL operatives? Lambs?
It speaks volumes about the character of the Israeli people that they will not turn away an injured person from a hospital even if that person is their mortal enemy. I have no idea how you can find fault with this or even question it. The alternative is to refuse to treat sick, injured or dying people. That's what savages do.

So again, about that holocaust?
It speaks volumes about the character of the Israeli people that they will not turn away an injured person from a hospital even if that person is their mortal enemy. I have no idea how you can find fault with this or even question it. The alternative is to refuse to treat sick, injured or dying people. That's what savages do.

So again, about that holocaust?

So you are saying that, in case an ISIL operative (or more), shows up injured to a field military american hospital, out of presumed character, the doctors need to treat him(them) and let him(them) go? I barely keep myself from laughing outloud. They will be captured, and eventually given the medical help.

What you are showing in your link posted above is a little different. Hospitals treating soldiers (that were fighting AGAINST ISIL), and/or innocent civilians.

You probably forgot how Israeli military forces deliberately bombed and killed UN peacekeepers in 2006, or how they attacked, stopped and destroyed humanitarian convoys headed to Gaza Strip...

I'll be careful with statements like "character of Israeli people" because generalizing is a huge mistake. People are different and we are talking about help to people accused of crimes against humanity... I see how you avoid to mention that, but there's no problem... All we can do here is to point out the anomalies of a protected society, looking for a pattern and think out of the box the corporate media puts your mind into. You are kind of missing that opportunity, which is sad and unfortunate.

If you want to speak about character, i'll invite you to read "Welcome to Israel, you subhuman" (click on the first link, because a direct access is blocked by Haaretz due to membership subscription). You will understand how occupation can change people's attitudes towards any other people, not just arabs or africans. It creates a complex of superiority which is synonym to being delusional. That is how a part of the jewish population behaves in Israel.

At this point my friend, I know what is going on. Soon, the US government will cease support for Israel at the UN, and that will be the moment when the entire country will face the reality, because up to this day, the only barrier between THE ENTIRE WORLD applying sanctions to Israel was United States. Nobody else. That says everything about the "character of the Israeli" leaders.

If you want to learn about the holocaust, you will need to choose. I have a blue pill and a red pill. Which one you want to take, Neo?.. but I am telling you, you are not ready for any of them? You are on the wrong thread anyway, so stop trying to hijack, please! Here is about Israel attacking Gaza.
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