So changing the degree of immigration control, or even just suggesting it, is racist?
Again, is just a trivial concept.
I never said stricter immigration control would fix terrorism, but it most certainly won't make it worse unless you're singling out certain groups on purpose. But if you were to just allow in immigrants who can contribute to society and the economy, that speak good English and have useful skill set/qualifications, and put in place some sort of cap so that you didn't get any issues with unemployment, that wouldn't discriminate against anyone (sort of).
Already has, and such thing was already broken.
9/11 was executed by Saudis with student visas, they were well educated, "westernised", Marwan al-Shehhi had a couple of scholarships going in Germany, apart from speaking English flawlessly.
Also, if local population is not competent enough to actually compete in a competitive market, then the problem is from the local population for not being competent enough, that's like the whole point of capitalism, increase the competence on an equal ground for everyone to make the most out of things, breaking such freedom of competence is categorization, and thus, another form of racism by categorize them and then not letting them compete in a free environment.
As for controlling transit of people from one country to another, people have as much of a right to freedom of travel as I have the right to just walk into someone else's home. They only have the right to enter if the country allows it, saying anyone can go anywhere if they want to is nonsense.
And that's how it works, and people from Iraq or any middle east country have to go through a lot of crap to get a visa to even visit the US.
I don't understand why people have the conception of building a safe heaven for their race, is ridiculous. Osama Bin Laden was killed and it didn't stopped terrorism from happening everywhere, US got into Afghanistan thinking that they would go there and get rid of Al Qaeda, only to find themselves just as the Russians were in the late 80's, after all the killing ... which fuels more anti western sentiment.
The US alone has nearly 200 million inhabitants, UK and France have roughly 60 million each, even if you get rid of all the foreign population you would still have both Muslims, and extremists. So again, even if you get rid of all the immigrants you would still have the same problem.
Media gives the people the illusion of security but it doesn't really exist, the police force is not enough to cope with all the crime, some institutions are not design to cope with the amount of illiteracy they have to rid of, in summary the systems are not design to cope with the demands, is just an illusion that they can.