The war on ISIS.

  • Thread starter mister dog
Those supposed rockets hitting Iran, Turkey downing a supposed Russian helicopter. We are being manipulated by biased western media here! :dopey:

Funny how us westerners perceive only other state controlled media to release propaganda material, whilst our own 'independent' news agencies basically do the same. 'The Russians are acting like a loose cannon and they have come to disturb the relative peace and our well thought through battle plan in Syria, by bombing everything that has a pulse' is what they want you to believe. My hunch is that the Americans are just jealous of them actually coming in there and finishing off all the Jihadis, whilst they basically did nothing in the last years.
The idea America, or the pre-Russia allegiance have done nothing is ridiculous.

7000 air strikes in Syria and Iraq before Russia woke up, 3000 by America alone with a Carrier Battle Group, strategic bombers and cruise missiles.

Russia sends couple dozen Sukhoi, Hind and fires somecruise missile and suddenly the tide has turned? Don't be ao gullible!

Both sides are 'at it'. They have been since WW2, but you have to read both sides and then read between the lines.
When it comes to Syria, the coalition basically did nothing so far. Only some countries have started to bomb there and in the overall scheme of things that didn't produce much results yet. Iraq yes but even there they just contained the threat a bit and stopped IS from expanding even more. As long as there aren't a decent set of boots on the ground you won't beat them, and arming some shady groups here and there isn't going to do the trick.
2400 Western Coalition strikes in the 12 months and 1 week since Syria opened its airspace to allow air strikes with the country.

It's well understood that there is an issue with having no boots on the ground, but that's as big an international political issue as it is a domestic political issue for the nations involved.
2400/372 days equals 6 strikes a day in Syria. Although that is something 6 strikes a day won't make the terrorists go away.
2400/372 days equals 6 strikes a day in Syria. Although that is something 6 strikes a day won't make the terrorists go away.
What will then? And what is the present tempo of operations the Russians are working too? How long can they sustain that tempo (pilot, aircraft availability? )?
2400 Western Coalition strikes in the 12 months and 1 week since Syria opened its airspace to allow air strikes with the country.

It's well understood that there is an issue with having no boots on the ground, but that's as big an international political issue as it is a domestic political issue for the nations involved.
Unlike the Western Coalition, Russia has boots on the ground - the Syrian boots. The army with 4 years of battle experience cooperates closely with RuAF (and with the Russian support finally arrived, their "morale" parameter has greatly increased). While the pro-American rebels have failed their tasks officially.

Plus, the coalition strikes were mainly directed at the fighters (AFAIK), while Russia focuses on objects like command posts (they do have to coordinate their actions somehow) and munition/fuel depots (they don't take them all from civilians, do they?), and direct fire support of the loyalist forces. As a result, from the intercepted radio transmissions, the RF command tells that the islamists have problems with fuel and ammo supplies. Plus their actions have become more chaotic and uncoordinated, one may assume they're also demoralized.

There is also a joke:
"The United States cannot confirm any serious damage taken by ISIS from the Russian Air Force, because someone destroyed the wrong headquarters."

2400/372 days equals 6 strikes a day in Syria.
...while Russian Airspace Force has recently increased their daily flight rate to 70 flights a day (which is comparable to the NATO operations in Afghanistan in the 2000's).
Not all of them may be strikes, there are also reconnaisance and electronic warfare flights, but that's a seriouly higher number.
What will then? And what is the present tempo of operations the Russians are working too? How long can they sustain that tempo (pilot, aircraft availability? )?
Annoying as it may be Assad's party is still the legitimate government of Syria, so the Russians have a point in using his army (which is an actual army), to do the dirty work on the ground, as opposed to the tactic of the West which was arming some rough rebel groups and hoping they would commit. With regards to the costs and the scale of the effort, if the coalition would be willing to coordinate and exchange intelligence it would be a lot more efficient for everyone involved.

Anyhow i appreciate someone stepping up the game, it was necessary IMO.
Putin as Dark Helmet.


Да прибудет с тобой сила
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At first, there were news like the British pilots were allowed to shoot down Russian jets:

But then, the UK defence attache in Moscow was summoned by the RF Defence Ministry to explain this, and it turns out that he hears this for the first time. He contacted London, and they called The Sunday Times report 'inaccurate':

And how can such combat happen if the Royal Air Force doesn't operate in Syria and the Russian Airspace Force (yes @unit-one , I love this name, too :D) doesn't fly in Iraq, remains a question.

Journalists... :mad:
The EU demands that Russia stops immediately with bombing the 'moderate' rebels.

Because they fear that Russia is trying to help Assad maintain his position.

The EU demands that Russia stops immediately with bombing the 'moderate' rebels.

Because they fear that Russia is trying to help Assad maintain his position.

You can’t beat Obama’s policy people for their timing. The same week Russia opens up a well-planned, vigorously asserted military campaignthat goes far beyond antiseptic bombing runs, the Defense Department announces that, several years and $500 million later, there’s no point training “moderate” Syrian rebels after all.
You can’t beat Obama’s policy people for their timing. The same week Russia opens up a well-planned, vigorously asserted military campaignthat goes far beyond antiseptic bombing runs, the Defense Department announces that, several years and $500 million later, there’s no point training “moderate” Syrian rebels after all.

Yes, I pointed that out already:

The Iranian government denies that there were Russian missile mishaps in Iran.

And apparently the Pentagon can't confirm CNN's 'news' .


The US stops with training and arming the Syrian rebels. They see no improvement with the rebels, even after spending quite a bit of dollars.

But there are still talks going on to keep supplying them with them sweet bombs and bullets.
But there are still talks going on to keep supplying them with them sweet bombs and bullets.
Yes, US policy has come to a dead end in the Middle East. With Moscow allied with Teheran and the Kurds, the pieces are in place to prevent Syria going the way of Iraq and Libya. Reportedly Putin offered Obama a role in this new coalition, but apparently the US administration prefers an ISIS victory to a Russian one. A shame, that.
And how can such combat happen if the Royal Air Force doesn't operate in Syria and the Russian Airspace Force (yes @unit-one , I love this name, too :D) doesn't fly in Iraq, remains a question.

Journalists... :mad:
Because both countries are utilising the same airspace. They may not be dropping bombs, but I don't doubt they're both in Iraq and Syrian airspace. Don't forget, the UK is contributing significant airborne intelligence over Syria, which would include the Tornado's Recce pods. If Russia is firing cruise missiles over Iraqi and Iranian airspace then I'm damn sure they're flying jets over it too.

However, back to your main point. It appears someone thought they saw an A2A missile on a Tornado (possible, they all fly out of Cyprus) and thus made up a 🤬 story that the RAF were equipping for A2A combat.
I assume she would've been killed otherwise :scared:
Under Sharia, four possible fates can happen to a non-Muslim captive by order of the Caliph or by the person who captured the person themselves who refuse to convert.

1. The captive could be sold into slavery. If a woman, Sharia grants explicit permission for Muslims to rape the captive.
2. The captive's family could be allowed to ransom the captive.
3. The captive could be executed on the spot.
4. The captive could be set free and/or exiled from the Caliphate (in this sense, ISIS).

In this case, Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi granted an order that explicitly stated that if a female captive was raped 10 or more times, "she converted" even though no formal declaration of such a conversion took place.