The war on ISIS.

  • Thread starter mister dog

Let's all get our hopes up that the fighters get infected by the nasty diseases that shall emerge as a result of this simple-minded decision.

They should know better....
Free Syrian Army is about to start talking to Russia (and, hopefully, the Syrian government).

That's what righteous airstrikes do! :D
Moscow earlier said it was ready to provide aerial support for the opposition forces (such as the Free Syrian Army), in the fight against Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) on the ground. The only obstacle according to Bogdanov is that they lack a unified command.
The amount of the inhumane sadism by these Jihadis still surprises me. Ethnic cleansing at its worst, and no regard for human rights whatsoever. Women and children are fair game for these animals, as long as they aren't Sunni muslims.
The amount of the inhumane sadism by these Jihadis still surprises me. Ethnic cleansing at its worst, and no regard for human rights whatsoever. Women and children are fair game for these animals, as long as they aren't Sunni muslims.

That goes for Assad too, of course.

Nothing to see here, Assad is obviously still the main bad guy in the region so let's focus all our attacks on his government. -The West

Assad does ethnic cleansings? Citation needed.
Think I already asked him that a while (maybe it was someone else). Got a link of with some accusations by some super secret people. No actual proof was provided. I did not bother to respond. Some people don't care about facts.
From my quick view on these articles (correct me if I missed something worth attention), I realised that the Sunni locals are running away because they fear "Oh my G-d, Alawites!", some pro-government paramilitaries were looting the houses of those who left, and no actual evidence of war crimes. But, if Assad hates the Sunnis so much, as these articles are trying to convince the reader, why do they serve in his army? (source:

And, since Assad is trying to gain loyalty of the Syrian population, why would he need to target such a large part of the society? One would think, such actions are suicidal to his regime, as he already compromised himself bad by dealing violently with the protestors in the very beginning of the conflict.

And it just causes me a facepalm when some media are trying to portray this as just "Sunni vs Alawite + Shia" conflict, like it's all about religion and dictator-led Alawites oppressing the poor Sunnis under support of Iran and Russia (where almost all Muslims are Sunnis, hehe). This reminds me of a story from some British press (BBC if I remeber) I've read last year, that Russia is "cleansing" the annexed Crimea of the local Muslims (Crimean Tatars) just like this.
Think I already asked him that a while (maybe it was someone else). Got a link of with some accusations by some super secret people. No actual proof was provided. I did not bother to respond. Some people don't care about facts.

Really, where?

You need a source for the claim that I don't care about facts...

From my quick view on these articles (correct me if I missed something worth attention), I realised that the Sunni locals are running away because they fear "Oh my G-d, Alawites!", some pro-government paramilitaries were looting the houses of those who left, and no actual evidence of war crimes. But, if Assad hates the Sunnis so much, as these articles are trying to convince the reader, why do they serve in his army? (source:

That's an opinion piece by a contributor to Jamal's site. Here's an article on the same site contradicting that view. The obvious answer to why some Sunni might continue to work for Assad is money, power and privilege. Makes the world go round.

Here's more on a particular incident.

The article and some of the links in it contain images of the dead.
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Really, where?

You need a source for the claim that I don't care about facts...

Ehm, page 42 where you said this

The fight shouldn't stop with defeating ISIS, a way has to be found to oust Assad and cease the crimes against humanity that he himself will undoubtedly continue.

I asked you for al list of the crimes against humanity that the Assad government had committed and you posted a link with accusations. You care about the facts? Then show me these facts. It should not be that hard since you are some how conviced that Assad is guilty of ethnic cleansing. Now convince me.
I asked you for al list of the crimes against humanity that the Assad government had committed and you posted a link with accusations. You care about the facts? Then show me these facts. It should not be that hard since you are some how conviced that Assad is guilty of ethnic cleansing. Now convince me.

The information in there was clearly cited and sourced. Here's a direct CJIA link for you, presumably you'll dismiss that too. Here are the UN links for you too, as quoted in the 'factless' link I provided.

When you accuse another poster of "not being interested in facts" perhaps you mean "not interested in VolkswagenX's apologist agenda"?
The information in there was clearly cited and sourced. Here's a direct CJIA link for you, presumably you'll dismiss that too. Here are the UN links for you too, as quoted in the 'factless' link I provided.

When you accuse another poster of "not being interested in facts" perhaps you mean "not interested in VolkswagenX's apologist agenda"?
Still can't find your facts. Wouldn't be to hard for you to quote the parts that have real proof of something like ethnic cleansing would it?

And I mentioned you not being interested in facts. It's what I said. You should reserve you apologist agenda comment for people who have replaced the word terrorist with moderate rebel.
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Can you get back to showing proof of ethnic cleansing by Assad? This is just annoying..

You haven't addressed the official sources I posted for you yet. Nor have you explained...

reserve you apologist agenda comment for people who have replaced the word terrorist with moderate rebel. saying who those people are or who you believe they're referring to. All we've had is...

You know what I ment. This 'moderate' thing is just silly.

...when I think it's clear we don't know. Less patient people might think you were wriggling out of answering questions about your own posts in the face of clear answers from others to your questions?
"Moderate Syrian rebels" exist in name only, a fiction to placate the Turks as we supply Kurds with advanced weapons.

IMO, US bombing and now commando raids in Syria are an act of naked aggression, lacking either permission of the sitting government or a UN resolution.

Even so, English-speaking enthusiasts of neo-liberal social engineering in foreign countries are still having loads of fun, demanding and getting regime changes on a regular basis. Perhaps it won't be quite so much fun when the toll of refugee immigration and terrorist revenge comes due in their own snug little communities. But it's okay, since any level of catastrophic consequences are justifiable in the liberal mind by high-minded intentions to do good and move the world ahead in progressive fashion. The conservative mind may have its doubts. But these are mollified as we provide weapons to both Sunni and Shia and watch them destroy each other, Sun Tzu and Machiavelli looking down upon our works with a pleased mien.
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You haven't addressed the official sources I posted for you yet. Nor have you explained...

You posted a link, that is all. Can you perhaps highlight that evidence that Assad is ethnically cleansing people in Syria in one of your links? The first time I asked you, you posted a link of accusations. Show us facts. saying who those people are or who you believe they're referring to. All we've had is...
Who was I replying? Was it you? Are you going to tell me what my apoligist agenda is?

...when I think it's clear we don't know. Less patient people might think you were wriggling out of answering questions about your own posts in the face of clear answers from others to your questions?

Like you dancing around without providing actual evidence of Assad's ethnic cleaning?
You posted a link, that is all. Can you perhaps highlight that evidence that Assad is ethnically cleansing people in Syria in one of your links? The first time I asked you, you posted a link of accusations. Show us facts.

I'm not the UN, the people on the other end of the link are. Did you bother to read any of the statements or do the facts as presented there simply disagree with your view?

Who was I replying? Was it you?

Yes, if I understand you correctly, it was me you were replying to when you said...

You should reserve you apologist agenda comment for people who have replaced the word terrorist with moderate rebel.

...but still you seemingly can't answer who is doing the replacing or who they're talking about? Blimey.

Are you going to tell me what my apoligist agenda is?

You seem to be apologist on behalf of Assad's regime, my own impression is that you either think that because there's more than one set of "baddies" in the area that somehow Assad must be a good guy or you simply like his style.

Like you dancing around without providing actual evidence of Assad's ethnic cleaning?

UN depositions aren't fact enough for you? You either didn't read them properly or you refuse to accept them, which is it?

It's the consensus of the world powers, it seems, that Assad should not continue to hold government. Even Putin doesn't think he needs to stay.
Cool, good thing the cold war of words is over. Putin's intervention was what we needed as it forced the Americans to up their game.

Really? Have you seen the other countries that the "powers that be" have 'liberated' from their despotic leaders. Some people never learn.

Putin isn't saying that Assad needs to stay, in fact he's distancing himself from him. Perhaps he has read the links? :D :D