The Weather Thread

  • Thread starter dbartucci
@kikie Raining here this morning but clearing this afternoon... so it's your way. That'll shut you up. :P
Nooooo, I don't want your rain. :nervous:

Shutting up now.

The weather is perfect as it is. Nice sunny - with some clouds - weather. The air feels a little bit colder than the actually temperature though but I'm not complaining.
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Heat wave incoming! :D

It's supposed to be in the mid-to upper 40s by the weekend. I'll be in Tennessee then (hopefully) and it will be in the 50s!!!
No cloud to be seen in the sky. There is so much sunshine at the moment that everybody has to be in a very good mood.
Heat wave incoming! :D

It's supposed to be in the mid-to upper 40s by the weekend. I'll be in Tennessee then (hopefully) and it will be in the 50s!!!

Apparently this was a bit too optimistic. :( The current forecast (it can still change, of course) is much lower than it was...
-3 f degrees this morning, NOT including wind chill. We are middle way through February so it should start slowly warming up day by day. Hopefully today was the last bone chilling day we have this winter. Its also starting to stay light longer too, which helps with the winter depression. Which has been very bad this year. Some day I will move out of this state....some day. Even if that means waiting for retirement.
It's literally a raging storm outside.

Here are some phone snaps of it.

Although they aren't the best, you should get the feel of how wet and bad it currently is:

This happened in the space of 2 minutes:


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The sun shined, it rained, the sun shined, it rained, it hailed and then the sun shined shone again. Temperatures were around 7°C, so quite an okay day. If that wasn't Steve and Chris' rain, it's probably coming tomorrow. :boggled:
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The wind is howling around the corner of my building, outside the rain is going sideways, and I'm going out tonight. This should be good.
Holy crap. Just... :eek:

And that's coming from someone that lives where it floods every spring.

You can see the water spurting through the keyhole....scary stuff. That was taken not far from where I live.

Also 100mph winds were recorded in a few places in the UK last night.

This is a major rail link between Cornwall and Devon:


A harbour in South Wales:


Some more waves:


And a weather map:

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There are quite a few roads closed around here now due to surfaces washing away, landslides, floods or a triple combo of all 3. I'm glad I sold off the RX8 when I did now. :lol:
It was 42C yesterday and today it was much cooler and rainy almost all day, finally!
@Moglet That is just insane over there. My friend in Yorkshire said his place got tore up really bad with the 100mph winds last night. Luckily he hasn't been effected too much by flooding. Those are some scary pics.

We are finally half way past February and it is indeed finally starting to warm up in Michigan. Upper 20f degrees today and possibly 40f by next week. Spring is slowly on its way. :D Good thing too since its been so cold my garage door has been freezing shut. And sometimes freezing open. Its getting so cold the door track is contrasting enough to seize up the garage door wheels. When this starts melting the northern states are going to have problems with flooding for sure. Unless this melts nice and slow. I have 2'-4' of snow in my yard. Yes that depth is in feet! A building off of the highway has 12 foot to 14 foot snow drifts. :eek:
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