The Weather Thread

  • Thread starter dbartucci
@Moglet That is just insane over there. My friend in Yorkshire said his place got tore up really bad with the 100mph winds last night. Luckily he hasn't been effected too much by flooding. Those are some scary pics.

It's mostly the Somerset area that's been affected, and some people think a lot of it was caused by the lack of river dredging but there are arguments against that. We've been hit by 80mph winds here on the Isle of Wight but the main issue we're having is that ferries can't run so we're stuck here and can't get to the mainland UK!
Sorry for the poor pics but the ONLY way to get shots of this building is while on the highway. There is no public access to this building. So with that said, this is the building I have been talking about with 12 foot to 14 foot snow drifts!! It is supposed to start warming up so these drifts are going to disappear over the next week or so. This was my very last chance to get a picture of THE most snow I have ever seen. The snow banks on the highway are over 3' high so I was barely able to capture these pics.
IMG_20140213_171010.jpg IMG_20140213_170938.jpg IMG_20140213_170931.jpg IMG_20140213_170935.jpg IMG_20140213_170940.jpg IMG_20140213_170955.jpg IMG_20140213_171008.jpg
Windy and drizzle this morning, windy and sunny this afternoon. Not had the storms that the UK is experiencing.
Today has been a pretty bad day for flooding, landslides and road closures across the island:


Although the 'vehicle accident' icon looks like a happy robot! :D
Waves are flooded roads
No Entry signs are road closures
Ferry icons are cancelled ferries
Exclamation marks are flood warnings for this evening's high tide
The beige icons are sandbag locations
and the 2 in the south west are landslide warnings along one of the main roads!
Nasty. You also appear to have some burnt bacon to the South East. Or is that a jumpy spider?
I believe that was heavy fog, although that's now gone and been replaced with 2 fallen trees in the road. :indiff:
Forecast for the rest of the month is showing no below zero temps, even for the low. I'm not sure I remember what to do when it isn't freezing. I seem to recall something about a sundress, though...?

Surely there are places other than the UK getting these storms? Each storm we've had for the past month has been worse than the last. Brighton's West Pier is gone, the only railway into Cornwall has been destroyed, Staines has become the lost city of Atlantis, the Thames is officially a river delta, it just won't end! It's gonna be months before the flooded communities have finally dried out.
You get actual weather, tonnes of snow and tonnes of sunshine. How it should be. The UK gets confused and tries to mash them all together, and the end result is constant overcast and rain. Neither of which anyone wants ever.
Apparently the wind at The Needles has hit 103mph this evening and quite a few houses have been evacuated for fear of them being hit by/falling with a landslide! A ferry got stranded in The Solent, too. Lots of flooding again, even more so than last time as it hit at high tide :( I wish it would just end now.
Some plastic fencing around roadworks go blown over like dominoes in front of me on my way home this evening.
You get actual weather, tonnes of snow and tonnes of sunshine. How it should be. The UK gets confused and tries to mash them all together, and the end result is constant overcast and rain. Neither of which anyone wants ever.
We just have Thunder Snow. And blizzards. :lol:
Apparently the wind at The Needles has hit 103mph this evening
That. Is insane! :eek:
Burst of snow yesterday 3 inches in 3 hours. Tonight another burst of snow, about 4 inches expected, then 30s and maybe 40?
The weather was finally calm and nice over the weekend for once. Sun was out almost all day yesterday and we were a few degrees under freezing. With that said, the fun is over.... We are supposed to get ANOTHER 4-6 inches tonight. That means we really could get any amount of snow tonight since the weatherman has been more accurate than ever this year. Could be 2 inches could be 12 inches. Really wont know until it is over.

The good news is it is supposed to get above freezing this week..finally. So whatever snow we get tonight will slowly start melting this week. Flooding will be our next major concern for sure. There are multiple feet of snow everywhere. Some places have 3 feet some have MUCH more as I have shown in recent pics.