The Weather Thread

  • Thread starter dbartucci
It's winter and it's going to be 13°C.
It was 80° today and cool wind. Tomorrow, cooler by 8° and going down from there for the next few days. Down to low 60's to high 50's. I just hope we get rain with this next cold front.
It's winter and it's going to be 13°C.
^^^ wrong.

It's going to be 14°C tomorrow according to the weatherman. Kikie, I suggest you pay more attention to what the weather man has to say.

The sun is shining at the moment. There is a light haze, high up in the sky though.
Looks like it is going to be very cold again for at least another week. High tomorrow is about 6°f with wind chill much lower than that. Still just so dang cold out. Hate when its this cold. 30°f is tolerable but anything lower than that is just miserable. Almost March, so I know spring is ready to appear at any time.
Same here, except a little warmer. Not that that's anything to brag about :lol:. I opened my phone's weather app and it said 45F and I got excited the I realized I was looking at weather for northern Tennessee. :( Our one above freezing day is Saturday and that's barely above freezing, then we go on another freezing streak.
We weren't supposed to get snow today but it started snowing quite heavily right when I walked out of the door. Shouldn't be anything too serious, I think it stopped after about 30 minutes (for now).
Same here, except a little colder. :lol:

Highs right around 0F (not including windchill) and lows around -20F.

I got 3F (not including windchill) :P
However I do have a Blizzard Warning for tomorrow :banghead:

So Here we go again. #stupidcold
Bright blue skies, but much cooler temps. Low 70's and a very cold wind. Big storm with RAIN coming our way. Low temps, too. Low 60's to mid 50's. But, I've heard that before and it never happened. But, this time they say it's a sure bet. We'll see.
I think the winter is over. No more snow or temperatures below zero, I hope.

Very sunny at the moment. Some white fluffy clouds.
2-3 inches of snow expected for my area, and it's supposed to start snowing at 9am. :indiff:

Ugh. Hurry up Spring.
Around 2C, not snowing anymore and lots of snow has melted away. Its now hoodie weather, about a month and it will be shorts weather.
Forecast says rain tonight, and then a non-stop rain storm since Friday through Sunday

That's what the forecast say :boggled:

At least we're getting some drops this season :D
Its now hoodie weather, about a month and it will be shorts weather.
You suck. :lol:

Right now it's -1F, windchill of -36F, windchill tonight of -45F. This was old two months ago. Now it's just inhumane.
Going to be -5F tonight with around -20F wind chill. This is a very stubborn, cold, relentless, winter. No sign of us getting above freezing for at least another week.