Someone replied back citing Driveclub, whether it was to fill void for a lack of GT or suppose to be a good title to rival Forza 5 you'd have to ask bevo. I'm listing a lot of big well thought of games that Xbox has or coming very soon and PS4 is pretty lacking. Of course GT is coming, but when? We agree on the price, its a major sticking point.
I don't care for Titanfall that much, but can objectivly see its a good game and typical of the COD devs to produce something that GG have been trying to reproduce but can't. It has hundreds of awards and gamers buzzing after playing it after each event showing. Halo and Gears are much loved.
I'm not actually saying Xbox One will win or not win but PS4 worldwide is more than likely. My point is I feel the bad lead up for the Xbox and price have steered a lot people to PS4 but I don't see how the Order 1866, Killzone and the like will satisfy. It wouldn't surprise me once Gears Halo Titanfall are out with a price drop that PS4s specs and good sentiment will subside when people see how they have not many games to play. Destiny might well be the next big thing but MS has that too plus 3 big exclusive names and Sony have a bunch of single player games and a history of crappy online games such as MAG Killzone.
Summery is that MS need a substantial price cut and take a hit on the useless Kinect. This could be a good turnaround with the games due in 2014. Both systems are selling well but MS is losing the UK which it just won. I see some regret coming for some PS4 owners, almost duped by the noise when really you could be playing Titanfall instead of Resogun or a weekend game like Infamous.
The F you MS is still pretty strong but that won't help when your friends are having a blast playing Halo Titanfall Gears Forza.
My other point is Sony, to keep switchers need to get the online ecosystem going with some good online games with their own exclusive online games as well but history shows they can't. As agood as Heavy rain and stuff like Order 1866 are, as is God Of War, these are not where the money is and some getting quite dated, Killzone is a long running joke in the industry.
First, neither console has a steering wheel so I couldn't care less about any of the racing games. I didn't mean drive club would take the place of GT. To me GT is a bad game. I've just seen many people on here say they weren't getting a ps4 after drive club got delayed.
Second, as for Sony made online games, planetside 2 will probably be the best online shooter to come out in years on any console.
I really don't know why your dismissing the indie games either. Outlast and Resogun are both absolutely great games. Resogun is probably the best game out on either console so far. It's got great graphics, it's big and has perfect gameplay mechanics. It's also really, really hard to finish the game and get to hero mode do the replay value is extremely high. Outlast is probably the scariest game I've ever played by far and I hate those types of games but it got me to play it. Both of those games are also Free. Planetside 2 is also going to be free.
Even warframe and blacklight are better games than anything out on the Xbox right now as far as exclusives.
Dc universe is also great. It's also on the ps3 and PC but it's Sony made and a great mmorpg.
You've either not played these games or are putting games like halo ahead of them for reasons I don't know. I've been there and done that with halo. The last several just like COD have been really boring to me and I couldn't get into them.
You could literally buy a PS4 and not even purchase a game right now and have 5 or 6 not good but great games to play. Planetside 2 is really the most over looked game out there. It will be one of the best if not the best shooter to come out since the console launch.
Like I've said before. I've got both consoles and there's nothing to play on the Xbox except forza and I traded it in for madden the other day for the ps4 and I had already got rid of madden once. Without a wheel forza became worthless pretty fast.
I'm not really sure why you think the ps4 has nothing. It has a better lineup then the Xbox one with its free to play games alone.
In all honesty I'm really aggravated by the Xbox. I don't know how they've went backwards so badly. I played the 360 way more then the ps3 after people stopped playing socom confrontation. Microsoft dropped the ball with the Xbox one. It's inferior in every way to the ps4 so far including online gaming and exclusives. They will have to work wonders to catch up. I think they'll get it together eventually but it may be to late by the time they catch up.
I'll stop now. It's just weird how you're dismissing the best games out there so far and not even considering planetside 2. the ps4 seems to me it is embracing what PC gaming does. For them to give away games like Resogun, don't starve, warframe, dc universe, outlast, and that new top down zombie shooter is awesome. I can't see the Xbox ever doing that.
I came into these consoles open minded and previously an Xbox fan over playstation and the ps4 has won me over with its game library and ease if online play. Something I didn't expect to happen at all.