Things that confuse/annoy you

  • Thread starter UnkaD
The price of this shirt makes no sense.

I don't mean the price itself, I'm fully aware of what $115 is. What I can't grasp is how a knockoff Nirvana logo (they are suing the designer, which is how I found out about it) screen-printed on a t-shirt somehow warrants that price. Seems like something you can find at a department store for $20 ($10 on sale). :lol:
The price of this shirt makes no sense.

I don't mean the price itself, I'm fully aware of what $115 is. What I can't grasp is how a knockoff Nirvana logo (they are suing the designer, which is how I found out about it) screen-printed on a t-shirt somehow warrants that price. Seems like something you can find at a department store for $20 ($10 on sale). :lol:
"Pair with jeans or tailored trousers for a simple yet stylish finish."

Because nothing says style like a graphic t-shirt and dress pants!
I'm fully aware of what $115 is.

Say what?

I’m a big Nirvana fan and I wouldn’t wear that crap if it was free.
It confuses me when cars such as a fiat 124 or Jaguar XJ6 or other saloons are called a '3 box' design. I see it as a 2 box design, one long box with a smaller one on top of it.
It confuses me when cars such as a fiat 124 or Jaguar XJ6 or other saloons are called a '3 box' design. I see it as a 2 box design, one long box with a smaller one on top of it.

Engine compartment
Passenger compartment
Luggage compartment

Each distinctly visible as a separate portion of the car.
I see where the 3 box terminology comes in as to how the car is sectioned, but to look at it I still see it as a big long box with a smaller one plonked on top of it!

@TexRex @MatskiMonk

I made a mess of my first multiple quote post :lol:
I see where the 3 box terminology comes in as to how the car is sectioned, but to look at it I still see it as a big long box with a smaller one plonked on top of it!
That's fair, and I imagine a significant portion of the population, if not the majority, also view vehicles similarly, with the beltline so often being so prominent. But because most any vehicle can be broken down into the same two volumes, dividing it that way isn't particularly useful.
The fact that I look no younger than 30 with a beard but no older than 16 when shaved. Especially when freshly shaved. :crazy:
That's a good thing. When you're 90 you will look 47. Or something like that
Those weird "How to hack Midnight Club Los Angeles" tutorials.
People on Youtube will often post video tutorials titled "how to hack MCLA", but all they really are is just videos showing how to copy a save game, nothing more. One thing that has always bugged me is they tend to refer to the save game as a "hack", but it is NOT a hack, it's a save game! I really wish people would stop calling them hacks.

What annoys me is when I search for videos on how to hack MCLA, those stupid tutorials are about all that I ever find. When I search for tutorials on how to hack the game, I am looking for ones that show how to hex edit my save game and such. Ones that actually explain how people hacked their save game and how I can hack my own, not how to copy someones elses. What confuses me is I don't see this happening with any other games, just MCLA. I'm sure people do this with other games as well, but MCLA is the only one I am aware of.

Call me anal, but if you're going to make a video titled "how to hack MCLA", actually show us how you hacked it and how you hacked your cars, not how to copy someone's save game. Now don't get me wrong and I don't mean to contradict myself, but I don't have a problem with people posting videos on how to copy save games, what I have a problem with is when they pass them off as hack tutorials. If you want to make a tutorial on how to copy your save game to another console, that's fine, just don't title it as a video on how to hack the game.
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Those weird "How to hack Midnight Club Los Angeles" tutorials.
People on Youtube will often post video tutorials titled "how to hack MCLA", but all they really are is just videos showing how to copy a save game, nothing more. One thing that has always bugged me is they tend to refer to the save game as a "hack", but it is NOT a hack, it's a save game! I really wish people would stop calling them hacks.

What annoys me is when I search for videos on how to hack MCLA, those stupid tutorials are about all that I ever find. When I search for tutorials on how to hack the game, I am looking for ones that show how to hex edit my save game and such. Ones that actually explain how people hacked their save game and how I can hack my own, not how to copy someones elses. What confuses me is I don't see this happening with any other games, just MCLA. I'm sure people do this with other games as well, but MCLA is the only one I am aware of.

Call me anal, but if you're going to make a video titled "how to hack MCLA", actually show us how you hacked it and how you how you hacked your cars, not how to copy someone's save game. Now don't get me wrong and I don't mean to contradict myself, but I don't have a problem with people posting videos on how to copy save games, what I have a problem with is when they pass them off as hack tutorials. If you want to make a tutorial on how to copy your save game to another console, that's fine, just don't title it as a video on how to hack the game.
At least it's something digital. I keep seeing links along the lines of "see how I hacked this umbrella" and "we hacked a salad fork and you won't believe..." :banghead:
The fact that some people care so much about their Snapchat score and number of views, which really should be nothing more than meaningless numbers.

I tried to start a conversation about cats with a girl on my friends list on there since we both like them a lot. The response I got was basically "I don't ever want to talk to you" so I asked why she even added me in the first place, and that's when she told me she only added me for a higher number of views on her story.

That's also another thing I don't like, being used for views or a higher number of followers on social media. Add me because you actually want to talk to me and interact with me, not just to boost your ego. :rolleyes:
I didn’t know Snapchat had scores. Isn’t Snapchat the same a Twitter?
Lol, not sure if you're joking or trying to be funny.

But to answer your question, they are significantly different from each other.
Lol, not sure if you're joking or trying to be funny.

But to answer your question, they are significantly different from each other.

Not joking or trying to be funny, I’m just late to the party I suppose. I know the Twitter because a lot of screenshots end up in the funnies thread, but I’ve only ever heard people talk about Snapchat so I don’t actually know what it is, other than some kind of chat app judging by the name.
Checks out.

:lol: The first time I heard of Twitter I was in a pig face restaurant in China drinking over dinner and my Canadian buddy asked “Have you seen this **** posting thing? I think it’s like text messaging on the internet... Twatter it’s called. We should **** each other.”

2011 I believe. We’re still laughing about it to this day.
Homophobia, racism, right wing politics, dansbandsmusik and most of all, religion. Yeah, that’s about it. Oh and yes, all of them both confuse and annoy me.

Oh, a thought could get me started right here. At the moment, identity politics, modern left- and right-wing nonsense, the whole orange man bad thing everywhere that will never seem sane or credible and the weird fixation Brits have over arguing to the death over the Brexit comedy/tragedy are all far beyond any comprehension I'm capable of.

Sure, I could post about all of the above with complete and open feeling and probably end up risking my welcome at GTP.
The problem with talking about left/ right wing politics and identity politics these days is that the definitions seem to be subjective. I might be called racist and/ or sexist for suggesting that races and genders aren't equal in nature as evidenced by things such as the Olympic; all the best cyclists are generally Caucasian whereas all the best track sprinters are generally Negroid. If men and women were equal in sport they'd be allowed to compete together (transgender in UFC that smashed all the XX women springs to mind) and there's a reason that women make better kindergarten teachers than men.

I've been called a Nazi in the past just for mentioning the state of third world, economic immigration in to Europe and it's predominantly negative effects on the region. Am I right wing for pointing out an observation made by many others? I don't think so.

Politics really confuses and annoys me. I should stay away.
It's the same experience I have whenever I take exception to the various types of rubbish from both sides. Any kind of criticism I have for the basis of someone's opinion or whatever line a group is repeating doesn't really yield any kind of conversation. It's just accusations of being an abusive misogynist if I tell feminists that what they are saying isn't really making a difference in the place and way that they are saying it. Same with right-wingers whenever I disagree with their inclinations toward inter-class and interracial relations. Same with the left and thoughts about socialism and the weird LGBTAFVUAROGVBHDQIA++ game that's being played right now.

Somewhere, I think that logic and moderation was horribly lost on the minds of the masses...
orange man bad
This. This annoys me. But then I suppose that's the intent.

Just to be clear, @AbsoluteBarstool, I'm not suggesting that you've just used it with such an intent, because it seems you've merely pinpointed it as one element of the aforementioned identity politics, but it's a quick way for someone on "the right" to dismiss any concerns over policy decisions presented by someone on "the left" as motivated only by hatred for the individual responsible for them and therefore lacking any real substance. Because it's easier to attack the person than address their position.
Heres one. Anytime I can't find something my mind immediately goes to it being stolen. Even if its completely impossible.

I guess that's what happens when you're a former victim of theft and have to put up with the thief everyday because they're a family member.
It's the same experience I have whenever I take exception to the various types of rubbish from both sides. Any kind of criticism I have for the basis of someone's opinion or whatever line a group is repeating doesn't really yield any kind of conversation. It's just accusations of being an abusive misogynist if I tell feminists that what they are saying isn't really making a difference in the place and way that they are saying it. Same with right-wingers whenever I disagree with their inclinations toward inter-class and interracial relations. Same with the left and thoughts about socialism and the weird LGBTAFVUAROGVBHDQIA++ game that's being played right now.

Somewhere, I think that logic and moderation was horribly lost on the minds of the masses...

I think the problem now is that people want to be right, instead of doing what is right. There is no listening to what the other has to say because the matter in their minds is that all who oppose are wrong, and all who agree are right, even though the truth is probably somewhere in the middle. So if you're not on the left or the right and just call it as you see it, you're just a guy standing in the middle of a dodgeball field, on neither team.