Drag racing. With dragsters, funny cars, pro mods, street cars, etc.
Salt flats. With various cars that go between 200-1000 mph.
OK.... I would love to have that also. Since we are talking about the salt flats, how about tyre pressures?
Remove rev limiter (default for old cars), with a tuner/chip.
YES! I hate running into a limiter on a Mach 1 Mustang.
"Live" commentary throughout races, similar to sports games like FIFA, which is pretty believable.
This will be hard to do. FIFA is simple yet complex at the same time... When a player presses "X"/"A", the commentator will say 'so and so, passes'/ 'to so and so...'. Crossing has its own, shooting has its own, fouling, taking penalties and so on and so forth...
Now, think about racing... how hard it will be. You can't have a random name generator anymore. Speaking of names, PD will have to get random people/commentators from certain countries to sit down in a room, and record them saying a driver's name. Then you have overtaking, blocking, punting/hitting, spinning out, drifting, etc... Plus GT6 is pretty close with its rumored release date of Nov. 28... hopefully in future GT games we will have the live commentary.
Replays with the commentary, and realistic cameras (or choose classic camera views). Just stationary, on board, or helicopter cams that switch between the leader, groups, crashes, and interesting things (such as a car rapidly moving up the pack or on fire).
This. Furthermore, when taking a picture, more camera angles... (helicopter)
More lively events. I liked the intro videos that show the fireworks, jets, crowds, drivers getting in etc. More like a big event, and less like some random zombies came to stare at some cars taking a few laps.
I would like to have more lively events for ACTUAL events... not 5 laps in a K-car on Tsukuba... not a lot of people would show up for that.
Furthermore, I don't think anyone has mentioned this, but, proper Fast Forward and Rewind options in replays. I am sick and tired of having to go all the way back to the beginning of the clip just because I missed a backfire from the exhaust.
Also, how about a rewind option while racing like Forza has it? I for one would love that because I am the only person who goes through an entire 24 hr Le Mans race and ***** up in the last few minutes....