Things You Want To See In GT6 Besides Vehicles and Tracks

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More visual customization and faster loading times. It takes me about 2 minutes to buy 1 single car.
I liked how GT5 introduced a Kart Series in the game,I hope to see karts but i would also like to seen SuperTrucks(which are Racing Semi Trucks)this would be a awesome touch for GT5 or GT6. What do you think?? re:
Adjustable steering lock. 900 degree for road cars, 200-300 for open wheel race cars. How is this not an option already?
Free roam and realistic car sounds, turbo spool and vtec kick in.

This is great! A lot of us want this too.

But you can hear the turbo spool on a lot of cars in GT5.
I want to option in online rooms for the driver to remain in control of the car entering and exiting pit lane and to follow a known and posted speed limit. Penalties would be assigned for speeding and drivers would have a set number of laps to serve a drive through or other penalties. Could add a new dynamic to online endurance races.
Gameplay - Replay Section : Could be cool if it was possible to watch a replay of the driver who got the fastest lap during free practice / qual. Then it could also be used to see if the pole was a clean lap or if the driver cut any chicanes (When penalty is set to off) :)
I want to option in online rooms for the driver to remain in control of the car entering and exiting pit lane and to follow a known and posted speed limit. Penalties would be assigned for speeding and drivers would have a set number of laps to serve a drive through or other penalties. Could add a new dynamic to online endurance races.

In alot of racing they have Automatic Pit-Speed Control. But the ability to steer would be neat. R.I.P pitcrew :lol:
Yeah I realize it's common in games, but I would like to at see the option to remain in control of the car 100% of a race, especially in the 2.4 Hour endurance races that I participate in. It would add a whole new element to races.
The pCARS developers explained pretty well why full pit control is extremely hard if you want the pit animations to work properly and avoid many other issues that come with it. I'll post some extracts later.
The pCARS developers explained pretty well why full pit control is extremely hard if you want the pit animations to work properly and avoid many other issues that come with it. I'll post some extracts later.

That is an interesting aspect I haven't thought of. It will be interesting to read what they say.
Improve engine/exhaust Sounds, louder transmission whine, louder BOV sound
Improve Track Environment
Cars with Full Race Suspension should bottom out in some tracks, needs better suspension physics too
More refined graphics
Better Physics and crashing physics
More Customization
Some NFS-like tracks (Tight street circuits, highway circuits etc) and touge tracks
For Dyno, we should be able to get the privelege to tune the car's ecu data sheets, and we must be able to purchase the ecu's in-game performace parts, with such companies as apex and we can be able to tune the maps for the best tune, torque curves and powerbands. we should also have the ability to drive it on the dyno, and dynoing the car while on track. and we can save these ecu tunes and lock the tunes incase we want to sell it for in-game credits and therefore we can make this driving simulator more open in variety not only to tuners but also the rest of cars jdm, edm and usdm. The variety of parts must also affect the exhaust pulse tuning and the ideas become more broad. Pretty much an optimistic perspective. :D
This is great! A lot of us want this too.

But you can hear the turbo spool on a lot of cars in GT5.

Yeah but not much, I still play forza 3 offline on Xbox. I've got a dc2, I lie the spool and vtec on it. I would like to see this in gt6
-Faster Loading times/faster loading menus?? Customizable menus? Streamline menu! Black screen with white text! lol

I really hate starting up GT5. I can turn off the intro movie, but I hate that main menu screen. Just take me to my GT Home!

Edit: and no AUTO SAVING. What the hell are saving for, GT!!!!!!
replay exporting/editing,bigger online rooms, variable wheel sizing, engine swaps, front end conversions, make a better online experience, body kits, stickers and vinyls, camber/caster/toe adjustment, rev limiters, realistic engine sounds, no spoiler option, non-screwed up s-chassis type x 180s are not 240s, skid pad/drag strip, steering angle adjustment, tougue/mountain course, ability to look at other people's car setup online, bumpers that fall off,hard tops for convertibles, basically make the last Gran Turismo that we'll ever need. I really hope the game developers read through some of these threads and take in what the gamers want, but they probably won't.
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replay exporting and editing, variable wheel sizing, engine swaps, front end conversions, make a better online experience, body kits, stickers and vinyls, camber/caster/toe adjustment, rev limiters, realistic engine sounds, no spoiler option, non-screwed up s-chassis type x 180s are not 240s, skid pad/drag strip, steering angle adjustment, tougue/mountain course, ability to look at other people's car setup online, bumpers that fall off, basically make the last Gran Turismo that we'll ever need. I really hope the game developers read through some of these threads and take in what the gamers want, but they probably won't.

This is exactly what everyone else wants to see! I hope they do put this in the game.