This game does everything in its power to demotivate me to play it

  • Thread starter Alex p.
I can almost guarantee you that all the guys dropping poop emojis and complaining about this, have more hours than me..

It's why they're not dropping any facts, just opinions..
You notice I'm the first one in here to post cold hard numbers, these kids just want to whine.
And your point is? You might be the only one posting "cold hard numbers" (you're not), but those numbers say that you play a lot. That does nothing to support your argument that the grind isn't that bad, if anything it undermines it. 180 hours of play and you only have access to almost half the content? Ouch.
The game has issues. But it's paranoid and hyperbolic to say it's designed to stop anyone from playing.
Only a bad game would be designed to stop people playing. Even the most aggressive MTX schemes still want people to play, they don't get any money otherwise.

The point is to find the line between keeping the player engaged/playing and making some parts of the actual experience aggravating enough that they'll pay more money to skip those and get back to "the good parts".

That said, there are bad games out there that have overstepped the line and are consequently pretty much designed to stop people playing. Battlefront II 2017 springs to mind. GT7 isn't that level of catastrophic yet, but there does seem to be people dropping the game essentially over how it's chosen to structure it's economy and progression.
Eh I doubt it's anything like that, PD haven't really changed in 15 years. Remember, they wanted to do GT HD with cars and tracks for sale individually, that was long before anything like that was an industry wide thing or something from Sony. That was 100% their idea, and with MTs in all their games since GT6, I strongly believe those are all down to them as well. This is the game they want to deliver.
Yeah, you're right but Jim Ryan is relatively new in his position, as is Hulst. I know that it's unlikely, considering Gran Turismo's legacy, but there have been a lot of shifts at Sony and I get this feeling that they are trying to really consolidate studios in their tech sharing and such. Just an unfounded feeling, of course.

Just look at their other recent first party titles. Whatever criticisms one might have, lack of polish and design direction aren't one of them.
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They really need to limit the cars to their real life production numbers. The availability and pricing should also be determined by the player's region. That way the dynamic pricing will actually make sense.
You would fit in real well at Electronic Arts.
I'd be happy with 500k per hour in Sport mode. You're lucky to hit 100k even if you podium each race. The time in between races takes way too long also, so you're probably looking at >70k per hour. It's just sad...
It went down as well.

At Bathurst you could theoretically get 180K per hour, Victory with CRB
This week on Daytona that limit is 113K


1st 59,910
2nd 40,014
3rd 36,034
4th 32,055
5th 30,065
6th 27,081
7th 25,091
10th 22,505


1st 37,657
2nd 25,151
3rd 22,650
5th 18,898

50K per hour is more realistic, but still need to finish top 5 all the time.
TL;DR - people do want to actively earn money in games as long as it's worth the time investment. As of now GT7 isn't.

No sane person wants all the cars in the game within the first three hours of gameplay. Players are willing to play, but right now GT7 outright isn't worth the time investment it requires.
Take the recently killed Tomahawk grind - 15-18 minutes of gameplay for 825k credits. That's 2,4-3,2 million per hour which is okay, that's realm of reasonable in clear sight. Hell, tens if not hundreds of GTP members did this one event for hours on end precisely because it was a good payout given the time investment.

I see many GTP members smugly talking about being entitled and whiny when someone complains about this. Is it too much to ask for my time to be at least somewhat respected by a multi-million company? Am I really entitled for not wanting to play a game for 10 hours to be able to afford a cool classic car?

TL;DR - developers give me no choice when it comes to earning money in a reasonable time. This game's economy is designed around microtransactions and it's not going to be fixed because it's intended for it to be like this - it's inaccessible by design.

For MTX to exist, they have to offer a real boost to your experience, or people won't buy them. This directly means that I am going to be behind Andy who is willing to pay $20 for a few of the best Gr.3 cars. MTX are not "required", of course, but cars matter in this game, as you will surely see by e.g. online leaderboards very often being dominated by one particular car. I am either one real-life purchase or a three hours' session of boring grinding away from being able to afford a total of 6 or 7 cars that I might see doing top times in leaderboards. This aside, there's FOMO. Would be a great shame if the McLaren F1 disappeared from LCD before I have the money for it, so why not speed up the grind? :)

Furthermore, the game's economy is literally built around MTX. They are its central, essential element; there is no other explanation for it being so absurdly broken. No fixing to be done here, there is nothing to fix. It's like this by design.

With GT7, PoDi have stooped to having MTX direct one of the game's core design elements. They have all the means to bring the economy to a level mindful of the players' time and money, but I guess it's more important to instead pursue this lunatic notion of having real-life classic car prices be reflected in a bloody video game for reasons PoDi pretend are relevant to anything else than wink-nudging us to buying MTX. PoDi are forcing them on me and I can't just tell them to go away.

It's inherently wrong, especially at the AAA price point. Microtransations simply don't belong in games that have an entry pricetag, period.

It's 100% reasonable to expect a developer to be better than this, particularly one with 25 years of racing games in their portfolio.
this should be pinned everywhere. Perfect.
What has me most disappointed right now in this game is the lack of events. They could fix it so easily by increasing payouts in custom races. For example, the new menu book 42 gr.1 daytona race pays out 115k. If I set up that same exact custom race, it only pays out 16k. That's a sick joke.

The worse part about this whole thing is that gran turismo has absolutely zero competition right now so pd and Sony can pretty much get away with anything. Its astounding to me that there isn't 1 single other solid linear racing game on playstation that feels good to play on controller. it feels like its probably been almost a decade since we had one (driveclub). I'll never forgive sony for killing evolution studios. Driveclub is one of my favorite racing games of all time and it would have been a fine companion to gran turismo.
It went down as well.

At Bathurst you could theoretically get 180K per hour, Victory with CRB
This week on Daytona that limit is 113K


1st 59,910
2nd 40,014
3rd 36,034
4th 32,055
5th 30,065
6th 27,081
7th 25,091
10th 22,505


1st 37,657
2nd 25,151
3rd 22,650
5th 18,898

50K per hour is more realistic, but still need to finish top 5 all the time.
Race A win including CRB is 11k 😆
The game has issues. But it's paranoid and hyperbolic to say it's designed to stop anyone from playing.

This type of overreaction has become standard in gaming culture. Everyone is imitating sensationalized news for clickbait. I guess it still works for some. Hopefully it gets old soon.
Not stop playing, I would say more..
May be not STOP but PAUSE the enthusiasm
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Eh I doubt it's anything like that, PD haven't really changed in 15 years. Remember, they wanted to do GT HD with cars and tracks for sale individually, that was long before anything like that was an industry wide thing or something from Sony. That was 100% their idea, and with MTs in all their games since GT6, I strongly believe those are all down to them as well. This is the game they want to deliver.
Namco did this with Ridge Racer Vita. Went down like a lead balloon. Not to mention killing the franchise stone dead.
You want facts?

Total cost of all cars 435 million and rising thanks to inflation in the LCD.
Total credits required to modify a large number of those cars - at least 50 million

Current best rate of earning credits - 1.7M per hour.
Earning credits rate if you play online only - 500k per hour

That's a best case scenario in time of around 300 hours of driving the same four races over and over and over and over.
If you just play online, see you in 1,000+ hours.

I have every car in the game except one now, so what’s the issue? There are workarounds, just like there used to be rubber banding in old games. Heck, I haven’t even had to grind a single mile in well over a month now.
I have every car in the game except one now, so what’s the issue? There are workarounds, just like there used to be rubber banding in old games. Heck, I haven’t even had to grind a single mile in well over a month now.
Was the workaround you used scripting, grinding using the glitched Tomahawk, or buying microtransactions? You can't say that the prices in the game are fine as long as you choose to either break the game or to spend thousands of dollars on credits. Clearly there's an issue here, otherwise you wouldn't have done that.
I have every car in the game except one now, so what’s the issue? There are workarounds, just like there used to be rubber banding in old games. Heck, I haven’t even had to grind a single mile in well over a month now.
Doesn't help with terrible game economy and PD doing their best to make the game unappealing for anyone who is not interested in such workarounds.
I mean I did my fair share of botting in the past in MMOs too, because GT7 is nothing compared to some of them in terms of grinding. Just 300 hours for "everything" at this point, while a single item or level in said MMOs could take well over 3-4k hours.

But when your last resorts are either exploring the glitch (which I did) or botting (which you did), then perhaps something is not designed right, especially when it comes to relatively casual (compared to some other racing sims) game is that not F2P to begin with. Intentionally designed I might add, as adjusting credits numbers for events requires absolutely no work, and adding a few more high payout races does require very little work as well.

If anything, last patch made it even more obvious that apology from PD with the slight fix of the economy was just the good old tactics so many companies do.
Make something terrible/expensive>then make that something even worse (the nerf for payouts in GT7's case)>bounce back to the original state if/when there would be too much complaining and make it appear like a customer won and company is "listening to feedback". But on practice they do not, not even close.

I only need 13 more cars from LCD now and have 100m saved for those too, so can't say I even care too much anymore. But I feel for any player who would be starting now. Especially kind of a player that would end between a complete casual type, which wouldn't care about the full collection or most expensive cars and will just move onto another game after a few weeks anyway, and between the hardcore racing/GT fan that doesn't mind to play the game for years to acquire everything.
They need to give to us a proper experience at multiplayer & lobbies, then things will change. Host migrations, saving settings for races, an icon which actually tells you if the race already started or not, no more filter reset every time you back out from a lobby......little but IMPORTANT things.

PD, wake the F_ck up once and for all!
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PC script?

Yup, it makes 10-12M a day while I work and/or sleep. To heck with manually wasting my free time grinding on a game.

I think all the players writing here know about workarounds, but don’t use it.

Then why are you still complaining, when there is an answer? You’re just choosing not to use it then.

Was the workaround you used scripting, grinding using the glitched Tomahawk, or buying microtransactions? You can't say that the prices in the game are fine as long as you choose to either break the game or to spend thousands of dollars on credits. Clearly there's an issue here, otherwise you wouldn't have done that.

GT has required grinding/rubber banding ever since the first one. Anyone who expected anything different with this game has no one but themselves to blame for getting there hopes up with PD, Sorry, but that’s the truth. PD will never change.
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I haven’t played in weeks now and just think it’s funny how all the backlash and media attention went away with their PR apology. They haven’t done anything since to address those issues at all. They even just killed the best method to make money in the game.

They trickle out a couple events for cafe or missions that are played once. Still can’t even sell cars back for like 10% value.
I mean, the grinding was very bad as is, but with the recent update, not even the Tomahawk race works anymore. With the best grinding method NOW you're only at 50% of what you could grind with the Tomahawk. Yikes.
THEN there's the FFB "update". Seriously: I thought yesterday that my wheel is broken. I was about to contact Fanatec. It is that bad.

So considering all I do in this game is hotlapping, and grinding, which I need to buy all cars, to be able to hot lap them all, both of these recent "updates" COMPLETELY destroyed the game for me, and took ALL joy and fun away from it. I am literally at a point, where I want to give up on this game entirely, although it is literally the ONLY game I play. So yeah, just a lot of disappointment, anger, frustration and resignation on my side.

How do you feel about all this?
Yep. I feel the same way. The game feels like it's finished already, game over!

Now we get these drip-fed updates that are awful excuses for game content. They hardly add anything at all. If they do add anything, it's dictating to you what to race and when to race.

As for you being de-motivated, this game puts me in a coma everytime l play it, and i'm only doing the daily workout, already.

There's nothing to do in the single player aspect. The game lacks innovation and vision etc. It's lifeless, dull and boring.

The more people get real with this game and tell it like it is then maybe things could change for the better...just don't hold your breath in anticipation.
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Yup, it makes 10-12M a day while I work and/or sleep. To heck with manually wasting my free time grinding on a game.

Then why are you still complaining, when there is an answer? You’re just choosing not to use it then.

GT has required grinding/rubber banding ever since the first one. Anyone who expected anything different with this game has no one but themselves to blame for getting there hopes up with PD, Sorry, but that’s the truth. PD will never change.
How is running a script in the background all day enjoying the game? And how is that not considered grinding? If the game had more content that was worth replaying, instead of the same stupid 4 races that actually reward you decently, then most people would not care about grinding. I wouldn't even consider it grinding
How is running a script in the background all day enjoying the game? And how is that not considered grinding? If the game had more content that was worth replaying, instead of the same stupid 4 races that actually reward you decently, then most people would not care about grinding. I wouldn't even consider it grinding

Because I haven’t wasted hours of my time/life grinding away at the same race over and over again? And I haven’t spent a penny on MTX’s, and I have every car now whilst never grinding a single mile, and only cost is $50 in my power bill going up. That’s 1/6th the cost of one single 20M credit car in MTX’s. So Pd gets none of my mind et, I waste none of my time, and when I do sit down to actually play, I have every in the game car available to use, tune and enjoy, however I see fit. Instead of wasting my life away grinding.

How is wasting an hour 2 of you night grinding every day fun? I’d rather spend those hours actually enjoying my cars in game, than grinding for them.
Was the workaround you used scripting, grinding using the glitched Tomahawk, or buying microtransactions? You can't say that the prices in the game are fine as long as you choose to either break the game or to spend thousands of dollars on credits. Clearly there's an issue here, otherwise you wouldn't have done that.
I done bout 8 mill on the glitched Tomahawk (was pretty boring) done maybe 20 mill on the afk when mowing the lawn or other odd jobs about the house (it often glitches out so don't bother with it now). The rest i done using the detuned gr1 cars on easy to win high paying races (is plenty off cars and a few races to do not boring just fun to drive cars on tracks i like driving) also done a heap off fisherman's ranch races in all the GR.B cars with different tunes before it was nerfed. i will never buy a microtransaction on a game i payed full price for. I'm at 99% car collection need 4 more cars the Alfa Romeo 8C 2900B Lungo Berlinetta 1937 for 20mill and the redbull cars for 7mill, Its pretty easy to get 4 or 5 mill a day doing about 3 or 4 hours a day it doesn't have to be a grind fest if you know what races to do and what cars to use for that are fun to drive. When i get all the cars i will do the sport mode races and get golds on mission challenges licences and circuit experiences i could only get bronze or silvers on n then start doing livery's on my fav cars
Because I haven’t wasted hours of my time/life grinding away at the same race over and over again? And I haven’t spent a penny on MTX’s, and I have every car now whilst never grinding a single mile, and only cost is $50 in my power bill going up. That’s 1/6th the cost of one single 20M credit car in MTX’s. So Pd gets none of my mind et, I waste none of my time, and when I do sit down to actually play, I have every in the game car available to use, tune and enjoy, however I see fit. Instead of wasting my life away grinding.

How is wasting an hour 2 of you night grinding every day fun? I’d rather spend those hours actually enjoying my cars in game, than grinding for them.
You're completely missing the point of a video game worth playing. You should not have to run a background script all day to acquire the content. It's the sole topic of this thread. You just proved the OP's point, and I'm sure a large percentage of players will agree with him.
If PD wanted to make money from mtx maybe something like a car pass like fh5 has pay $50 up front for a car a week (that non payers can get after 6 months) and a expansion pack or 2 with new tracks (that only car pass users can drive on for a few months) instead of a mtx that costs a hundred bucks for a 20mill car even at a rate off a $1 a million credits they would make more money than how mtx are atm
Race A win including CRB is 11k 😆
That is ugh.

I had time for a marathon run yesterday, did 18 races, basically 9 hours together (5:42 actual driving time) and made 385,378
I was very consistent, made 7,400 DR despite one modem crash setting me back a bit.

So with top 5 finishes all day it comes to 43K per hour doing well on race C. (avg 21,410 per race)
To get all cars with online racing is over 10,000 hours. That is, if the payouts don't go down further or the prices up further.

I do have all the cars I want now, did it with Tomahawk grinding on Tokyo. At least I like high speed cars and the track, challenging myself to get penalty free runs and get under 14:30 kept it from getting too boring. Still a bit over 300 runs in that thing... 250 mil grinded. Over 20 hours I could have spend on Endurance races like I was doing before starting to collect cars to be able to create more races (create custom grids without VGT and Hybrid trash)

(I did grind some on the rally tracks before Tokyo as well, not sure how much, maybe another 5+ hours worth)

My stats are all tainted again from grinding. GT Sport same thing with Blue Moon Bay, but it went faster there. The grind there was for lvl 50. I'm not grinding for trophies anymore. (Can't anyway since essential trophies are split between ps4 and ps5, been playing on both)

I don't remember grinding in GT6, but in GT5 it was B-Spec, GT4 it was winning a rally car and selling it repeatedly. The grind is part of GT, but should it be. And why does it keep getting worse.
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You're completely missing the point of a video game worth playing. You should not have to run a background script all day to acquire the content. It's the sole topic of this thread. You just proved the OP's point, and I'm sure a large percentage of players will agree with him.

Why not? GT has always required you to pay in time, for the cars. iRacing just straight up charges for you each car, and with reasonable rates compared to GT7. I’m done paying for cars in time, so the PC can grind all it wants and I’ll take my free cars. Like I said before, anyone expecting PD to change after 20+ years and 8-9 games, might as well just go beat your head against the wall, there’s no difference. Why waste your time/breath? Just skirt their system and take your free cars man, it’s so much easier.
Why not? GT has always required you to pay in time, for the cars. iRacing just straight up charges for you each car, and with reasonable rates compared to GT7. I’m done paying for cars in time, so the PC can grind all it wants and I’ll take my free cars. Like I said before, anyone expecting PD to change after 20+ years and 8-9 games, might as well just go beat your head against the wall, there’s no difference. Why waste your time/breath? Just skirt their system and take your free cars man, it’s so much easier.
I’ve many reason not to do it.. but again.. i think it’s out of topic here