This game does everything in its power to demotivate me to play it

  • Thread starter Alex p.
Anyway, the take away here is a basic game design principle being broken.

A game is a toy. This is one of the first things I have taught students. It is for entertainment purposes. If you aren't having fun, it isn't fulfilling it's purpose.

Whenever I fire up the game, my first thought is if I am using my time efficiently to gain credits. I am sure this is true for many.

In GTS, I had 10 RCZ GR3. I loved that car as a canvas for liveries. I can't imagine that now. There's a trophy for owning ten of the same car. How many people are choosing the least expensive car to get this trophy rather than a favourite? I see cars that I'd LIKE to drive, but I am constantly having to do the math..."is this worth it? What am I giving up in exchange?" Once a car surpasses about 3 mil credits, it ceases to be a decision. I have to think long term and skip the car. That puts many of the cars out of reach.

That's not entertainment.

The AI slamming into you SHOULD be a simple collision avoidance feature. I don't want to claim incompetence. I think it's more of a matter of efficiency and that check has been removed, but that's a pretty big deal to remove it.

That's not entertainment.

And single could write a book on what could be done. Simple things like, make the AI WORSE drivers. If they make mistakes, and crash or spin, it makes the races less predictable, and also more realistic. Have them blow some engines. Have them blow the braking point. Have them accelerate too hard, too soon, and spin. Make it more open ended. Allow me to "pressure" them into a mistake (basically increase the likelihood of an error with increased proximity).

It's just not entertaining.

And, of course, collecting and this Hagerty collection nonsense...

Ever take a toy away from a child? It rarely goes well. That's what GT7 is doing. They show me a toy, and then they say "NO, YOU can't have this because you're a bad boy :P"

If I could get a refund for this game, I would.
Anyway, the take away here is a basic game design principle being broken.

A game is a toy. This is one of the first things I have taught students. It is for entertainment purposes. If you aren't having fun, it isn't fulfilling it's purpose.

Whenever I fire up the game, my first thought is if I am using my time efficiently to gain credits. I am sure this is true for many.

In GTS, I had 10 RCZ GR3. I loved that car as a canvas for liveries. I can't imagine that now. There's a trophy for owning ten of the same car. How many people are choosing the least expensive car to get this trophy rather than a favourite? I see cars that I'd LIKE to drive, but I am constantly having to do the math..."is this worth it? What am I giving up in exchange?" Once a car surpasses about 3 mil credits, it ceases to be a decision. I have to think long term and skip the car. That puts many of the cars out of reach.

That's not entertainment.

The AI slamming into you SHOULD be a simple collision avoidance feature. I don't want to claim incompetence. I think it's more of a matter of efficiency and that check has been removed, but that's a pretty big deal to remove it.

That's not entertainment.

And single could write a book on what could be done. Simple things like, make the AI WORSE drivers. If they make mistakes, and crash or spin, it makes the races less predictable, and also more realistic. Have them blow some engines. Have them blow the braking point. Have them accelerate too hard, too soon, and spin. Make it more open ended. Allow me to "pressure" them into a mistake (basically increase the likelihood of an error with increased proximity).

It's just not entertaining.

And, of course, collecting and this Hagerty collection nonsense...

Ever take a toy away from a child? It rarely goes well. That's what GT7 is doing. They show me a toy, and then they say "NO, YOU can't have this because you're a bad boy :P"

If I could get a refund for this game, I would.
Valid points. I don't want a refund myself, but the game does need many improvements and your points are very valid. Well said.
Whenever I fire up the game, my first thought is if I am using my time efficiently to gain credits. I am sure this is true for many.

This is precisely the reason I can't agree with you and many others reasons for not liking a driving game. If the main point for you is not the cars, modification, the driving, races (whether they be made by you, online, or custom) etc., then I think your motivations for playing are way off base, and I don't know why you bought it in the first place. It's a driving game, not a savings simulator.

I've never once picked up GT, another driving title, or any other game for that matter, thinking "how much money can I efficiently gain". In this game, it's about cars, and it's already been proven that the in game content provided is on par with many other huge titles, so I think your expectations and what you need from it set you up for disappointment before GT7 was even released.

I'm not saying there aren't many issues with the game, but you don't even seem to be able to enjoy the things it is fundamentally about.

In GTS, I had 10 RCZ GR3. I loved that car as a canvas for liveries. I can't imagine that now. There's a trophy for owning ten of the same car. How many people are choosing the least expensive car to get this trophy rather than a favourite? I see cars that I'd LIKE to drive, but I am constantly having to do the math..."is this worth it? What am I giving up in exchange?" Once a car surpasses about 3 mil credits, it ceases to be a decision. I have to think long term and skip the car. That puts many of the cars out of reach.

So your complaint here is that you want 10 RCZs, but you also want other cars, and you can't have them all? I don't understand this line of thinking at all. And sure, there's a trophy, but if that in any way plays into your motivation to play it, then once again, I don't agree with that at all. Who honestly cares about meaningless trophies? You can also make many liveries for the same car... so why do you need multiples?

And single could write a book on what could be done. Simple things like, make the AI WORSE drivers. If they make mistakes, and crash or spin, it makes the races less predictable, and also more realistic. Have them blow some engines. Have them blow the braking point. Have them accelerate too hard, too soon, and spin. Make it more open ended. Allow me to "pressure" them into a mistake (basically increase the likelihood of an error with increased proximity).

In my experience the AI make many mistakes. I've seen spins, crashes, offs and what have you multiple times. The AI does suck, but more for their all-or-nothing "ability", complete blindness to your car, and terrible pit strategies. What you want is a more complex model like what should be coming from Sophy, so patience would be a virtue in this instance.

Ever take a toy away from a child? It rarely goes well. That's what GT7 is doing. They show me a toy, and then they say "NO, YOU can't have this because you're a bad boy :P"

If I could get a refund for this game, I would.

They didn't take anything away from you, anyone will be able to get any car they want in game given time, they're not gone forever.

It's telling that you equate the way you feel about a game with the attitude of a child, and I'm not sure why you thought that was appropriate if you wanted others to relate to your point. It surely makes sense when it comes to explaining the way you feel about a game that's no doubt given you well over $70 worth of entertainment and play.
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I've seen multiple accounts of this line of reasoning both on these forums and on Reddit that the players who grind Tokyo on Tomahawk just simply don't understand how to play the game "correctly". Given that most players somehow were able to play previous installations of GT in the way it was intended, I find it odd that a significant proportion of the playerbase just somehow collectively lost their minds somewhere between the release of GT Sport and GT 7 and decided that they want to play GT 7 in the most repetitive and least enjoyable way possible. Or, you know, perhaps there's an issue with the game design?

Imagine this fictional conversation with your past self and a representative of PD
You: Man, I cant wait to play the next installment of GT finally returning to its roots so I can again experience the different cars and racing disciplines while earning all the wonderful different cars GT has to offer!
PD: Yeah, we're not gonna have a career mode. You'll spend a few weeks doing catch up events with rolling starts which sort of resembles racing and you can earn some cars while you're at it. It'll be shortlived though. We call them the Menu Books. After that there are of course Circuit experiences and Missions akin to previous games.
You: Well that doesn't sound so bad, I can just experience the single player in a different way then while still collecting my favourite cars.
PD: Actually, most of the stuff in our single player doesn't reward you with much of anything in terms of credits or cars so if you're into collecting cars you're out of luck. We do have some lottery tickets though which can award you a customized suspension for your '14 Golf GTI - if you're lucky, that is.
You: Ok... So how do I buy cars then? I thought that was kind of the thing in GT games.
PD: We'll, you can play the game like we intended and earn a coveted collectable every 4 months or so. Or... you can repeatedly drive Spa 24h, Le Mans or a fictional track event if you'd rather earn them in a more reasonable timeframe.
You: That... doesn't sound great, although I do love Spa and I hear that the weather effects and driving in the night will look amazing. I'll just do a few races here and there and then spend the rest of my time doing what I actually enjoy and buy the cars when I feel like it.
PD: Except you can't. We decided that the rarest cars will show up for sale between intervals of a month or two for a window of few days. If you happen to fancy a McLaren F1, it'll be worth 12 to 13 24h Spa events or in terms of time invested, 12-13 hours. So better get those tire strategies ready!
You: That sounds a bit rough. I have a job, wife and two kids, how am I supposed to find the time for that? I'd also rather not wait for two months for it to show up again.
PD: Well, we actually have an event just for that. Basically you drive around the streets of Tokyo in an endless loop in something that looks like a mix of a Red Bull concept car and the Batmobile and is in every imaginable way the antithesis of a real driving experience. To add some flavour, you'll occasionally crash into the much slower AI vehicles and be rewarded with a time penalty and a temporary breakdown to the cars handling. Sounds great right?
You: ...
You forgot about the part where the game is online based so the moment the servers go down for anything, you are basically out of luck. Not a big problem unless you have a job and want to play the game to relax, only to find out its unplayable. Oh and roulette tickets, no car selling, a severely broken painting system.
So your complaint here is that you want 10 RCZs, but you also want other cars, and you can't have them all? I don't understand this line of thinking at all. And sure, there's a trophy, but if that in any way plays into your motivation to play it, then once again, I don't agree with that at all. Who honestly cares about meaningless trophies? You can also make many liveries for the same car... so why do you need multiples?
He wants 10 RCZs to make 10 different liveries for each one of them (this can apply to any other car). And why 10? Because if he wants to make a custom race with all 10 liveries, he needs it in 10 different cars... A bit extreme, but I can see his train of thought.

Look at this other example:

Consider that you want to have fun making these custom races say with cars with different liveries and setups(widebodies, etc), you actually do need to buy duplicates of cars.

In fact, if you want to have a stock and a fully modified version, you can't have one car... You need to have 2, potentially 3 of the same car (usually a road car which is the one that allows for permanent engine tunes and widebody kits).

However, he can't do this for free. And of course, he's not asking for it to be free. But it can be optimized so that you don't waste hundreds of hours grinding to the point that it blows your mind.

I can't get a live preview of the car i wish to paint like in almost every single other racing game. I have to buy a paint color that is shown on a Toyota Supra, and if i do somehow think paint on a Supra looks like the M3 I'm painting, i have to go into the livery editor to apply the paint, which happens to remove all the factory decals applied to the vehicle.
If the main point for you is not the cars, modification, the driving, races (whether they be made by you, online, or custom) etc., then I think your motivations for playing are way off base, and I don't know why you bought it in the first place. It's a driving game, not a savings simulator.
Then why is it the only way to get these things is by mechanically playing races over and over to get money? Because that's what is happening - and because the game very much wants, and expects you to get the money to get the high end vehicles within Brand Central, and especially the Legends Pavilion, people are going to be going for the path of least resistance. If Polyphony didn't want that to be happening - which they did, by way of Kaz's frankly pathetic and buck passing letter from a few months ago in the eye of the storm, where he said he wanted everyone to drive the cars they wanted free from the pressures of using micro-transactions (which he lied about, they're subtly wanting you to spend the money on it, that or artificially inflating play time by grinding with the Tomahawk, which they're now stopping and beginning to institute other measure to clamp down on money gaining options) - then they wouldn't have made car collecting a major focus to the game by giving you a Collector Level that goes up with every car you buy, and wouldn't have a checklist of all the vehicles in the game in the home menu.

That doesn't even get into the main fact that the racing (which you are doing for 95% of the game) is terrible by virtue of a terrible AI and even worse event structure that long ago wore out its welcome, and work in tandem to make events feel like a chore.

In my experience the AI make many mistakes. I've seen spins, crashes, offs and what have you multiple times.
I have never seen this in any of my time playing in the Menus or World Circuits. They did in GT Sport (to an almost hilarious degree) but not in this game. It sure doesn't take away from the AI being bad across the board.

They didn't take anything away from you, anyone will be able to get any car they want in game given time, they're not gone forever.
Too bad you have to wait up to a month to get the chance to buy said car...and hopefully you have the money to buy the car you want, just in case you spent your money on customizing vehicles!
I can't get a live preview of the car i wish to paint like in almost every single other racing game. I have to buy a paint color that is shown on a Toyota Supra, and if i do somehow think paint on a Supra looks like the M3 I'm painting, i have to go into the livery editor to apply the paint, which happens to remove all the factory decals applied to the vehicle.
Oh, for a minute I thought when you said it was "broken", it was actually, y'know, broken.
I have never seen this in any of my time playing in the Menus or World Circuits. They did in GT Sport (to an almost hilarious degree) but not in this game. It sure doesn't take away from the AI being bad across the board.
They do, but you have to watch them to see it happen of course.
You cant see it when you are half a lap in the lead.

If they wouldnt mess things up, then each time you start an event the results would be identical, but they arent. Neither are they always pushing the same lap time nor are they always finishing with the same placement.
They are not only making minor mistakes, they sometimes really make big mistakes (but not too often, just as a good driver should).
This doesnt make the AI any better, but at least it isnot as stupid/blind as many want to believe. The AI actually reacts to your car as long as there is enough time to, it will let you pass on a blue flag when it doesnt involve outright stopping at the side, it will try to pass you instead of blindly ramming through, but it needs some kind of basis to react to and here comes the player doings things he considers right but seeing irational to the AI.
Reading a few of the replies on this thread and I've come to the conclusion that the strong point of the Gran Turismo series has always been the variety of different way in which its player base choose to enjoy the game.

In this edition, we have so many promising opportunities but none have been taken to their full potential, and in many cases downright shot down just as they are getting going.

Like many have said... A game, which is a toy, which its meant to be enjoyed. I'm enjoying it, but I get maybe 5/6 hours in per week so it's a slow burn for me. I can't imagine how let down one must feel if their idea was to hammer the game with all their might. In fact, to think people are complaining at all about something that should be entertaining is absurd in this day and age. Especially from a massive established company.

I'm sorry for all of you.
to think people are complaining at all about something that should be entertaining is absurd in this day and age. Especially from a massive established company.

I'm sorry for all of you.
People have been complaining about "something that should be entertaining" since the inception of entertainment. There is nothing absurd about it. What is absurd however is how high that high horse you sit on is.
Track roster demotivates me the most. I am astonished this game launched with ZERO original tracks, especially given it's a mainline Gran Turismo. I've been racing at High Speed Ring, Trial Mountain and Deep Forrest for 20 years, remakes don't count as far as I'm concerned. PD can keep Daytona as well. That Road course is horrendous, no flow at all.

Looking back we had... (not an exhaustive list)
GT Sport: Dragon Trail, Kyoto, Lago Maggiore, Alsace
GT6: Matterhorn, Silverstone, Brands Hatch, Ascari, Mt. Panorama, Willow Springs
GT5: Rome, Madrid, London, Cape Ring, Monza, Eiger

I remember getting GT Sport near launch and being blown away by the new tracks PD came up with. The game felt fresh and genuinely new as a result. Dragon Trail, Kyoto Yamigawa and Lago Maggiore, absolute bangers the lot of 'em. Even Alsace has its moments. This might be sacrilege but the return of Trial Mountain and Deep Forrest, though very pretty to look it, are overrated IMO. Especially with the new tweaks (why oh why did they add that hairpin bend at Deep Forrest). Playing GT7 and racing on tracks past and present just shows how much PD nailed the initial track roster in GT Sport (which only improved with time. St. Croix B for example, just love it). GT7 might as well be GT Sport 1.5. I was bored of it a few years back and I'm bored of it now.

Since deleted GT7 after 30 hours of play and doubt I'll be back for at least a year, providing the DLC is any good. Which given the current precedent doesn't bode well. Seriously 3 cars a month and no tracks this close to launch? What are PD doing? Doing more scapes and thinking up plot lines for a movie no one could give a hoot over?

Looking ahead, the idea of PD concentrating on remaking Grand Valley, Apricot Hill and Autumn Ring just fills me with dread for the longevity of this game. If they want to remake old tracks, at least give us Silverstone. Sure I know it's not confirmed and this is wild speculation, but a hunch tells me this is what to expect for the remainder of the year given the present focus on remakes.

So disappointed in this game. I've never felt as ripped off with a title as I have with GT7. Commiserations to those who bought the deluxe edition at £90. Kunos and Forza have a massive open goal if they want to take the Simcade racing crown. Good luck to 'em.
Bullet dodged. It actually scares me now how close I was to hunting down a PS5 to play this ‘so called’ return to former glories, for the first time ever I don’t have a Playstation console in my house and I’m not even remotely bothered as sad as it is to say that..this game broke the mould all those years ago but it hasn’t changed one iota basically since it’s first inception.. just very sad and I’ll stick with Flight Simulator for the foreseeable (1,300 hrs and counting so far)
This is precisely the reason I can't agree with you and many others reasons for not liking a driving game. If the main point for you is not the cars, modification, the driving, races (whether they be made by you, online, or custom) etc., then I think your motivations for playing are way off base, and I don't know why you bought it in the first place. It's a driving game, not a savings simulator.

I've never once picked up GT, another driving title, or any other game for that matter, thinking "how much money can I efficiently gain". In this game, it's about cars, and it's already been proven that the in game content provided is on par with many other huge titles, so I think your expectations and what you need from it set you up for disappointment before GT7 was even released.

I'm not saying there aren't many issues with the game, but you don't even seem to be able to enjoy the things it is fundamentally about.
So you bought the game to drive a civic from the used car dealer? Which car are you using?

I have clearly stated in in other posts that I would need to drive about 1000 Sport Mode races to get enough money to drive the McLaren F1. That's a little ridiculous, not to mention other cars that I would like to drive.

No, it's not on par. It's not on par with the last title in the series. Not to mention the lobbies are a mess.

So am I supposed to be content with just lapping by myself? If that were good enough, I'd still be playing GT5
So your complaint here is that you want 10 RCZs, but you also want other cars, and you can't have them all? I don't understand this line of thinking at all. And sure, there's a trophy, but if that in any way plays into your motivation to play it, then once again, I don't agree with that at all. Who honestly cares about meaningless trophies? You can also make many liveries for the same car... so why do you need multiples?
By extension, why do I need any? They give me cars for the Sport Mode races. Granted, I can't have any fun with liveries and such.

I guess I can just go back to that one civic and make 1000 liveries for it, right? It's the same thing, right?
In my experience the AI make many mistakes. I've seen spins, crashes, offs and what have you multiple times. The AI does suck, but more for their all-or-nothing "ability", complete blindness to your car, and terrible pit strategies. What you want is a more complex model like what should be coming from Sophy, so patience would be a virtue in this instance.
"All or nothing" is a setting. If you think Sophy will change the world of GT, you will be disappointed. As it is now, it is a rare mistake that occurs, like the AI can't drive in rain. In almost every race so far, the outcome is completely predictable. If I exit out and start the same race again, fresh, the race plays out in the exact same way.

Patience is a virtue? Maybe they could have tested my patience and it's virtue by very clearly stating that the single player would be terrible and that there would be massively disappointing microtransactions.
They didn't take anything away from you, anyone will be able to get any car they want in game given time, they're not gone forever.
I think you should sit down and do the math on the amount of time required.
It's telling that you equate the way you feel about a game with the attitude of a child, and I'm not sure why you thought that was appropriate if you wanted others to relate to your point. It surely makes sense when it comes to explaining the way you feel about a game that's no doubt given you well over $70 worth of entertainment and play.
Patience is a virtue, right?

Let's see how active this board is 1 year from now.
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So you bought the game to drive a civic from the used car dealer? Which car are you using?

I have clearly stated in in other posts that I would need to drive about 1000 Sport Mode races to get enough money to drive the McLaren F1. That's a little ridiculous, not to mention other cars that I would like to drive.

No, it's not on par. It's not on par with the last title in the series. Not to mention the lobbies are a mess.

So am I supposed to be content with just lapping by myself? If that were good enough, I'd still be playing GT5

By extension, why do I need any? They give me cars for the Sport Mode races. Granted, I can't have any fun with liveries and such.

I guess I can just go back to that one civic and make 1000 liveries for it, right? It's the same thing, right?

"All or nothing" is a setting. If you think Sophy will change the world of GT, you will be disappointed. As it is now, it is a rare mistake that occurs, like the AI can't drive in rain. In almost every race so far, the outcome is completely predictable. If I exit out and start the same race again, fresh, the race plays out in the exact same way.

Patience is a virtue? Maybe they could have tested my patience and it's virtue by very clearly stating that the single player woudl be terrible and that there would be massively disappointing microtransactions.

I think you should sit down and do the math on the amount of time required.

Patience is a virtue, right?

Let's see how active this board is 1 year from now.
Who said anything about one Civic? Do you only drive one car?! I can take any number of car out to any number of tracks in a lonesome time trial and have a blast. I'm sorry that you and so many others need the game to hand-hold your way to every single car in the game or multiples of the same car for it to be seen as anything more than "terrible". Bi-polar, all or nothing thinking is something I don't give much credit to.

I have 139 cars in the garage to use, 12.3 million cr sitting around, and that's with only doing 22% of the circuit experiences. Leaving MILLIONS of credits on the table yet to be earned and used. What does that have to do with you needing TEN of the same car... for what? Custom one make races? So GT is failing because you can't create your strange once make races? Ok. You can make multiple liveries for one car, so that's literally the only instance in which you would need ten of one car. That's a niche want, and in no way a slight against GTs pricing model.

If I wanted a legend car and didn't have the money for it at the moment, then I might resort to grinding, but I haven't yet, I'm lucky in that fairly normal road cars are the most fun for me, and I'm happy with a garage that's tailored to my needs and wants. If I had a need for some hyper-expensive legend cars, which for me hold little appeal if they don't perform, then I might resort to the grind, but I SURELY wouldn't be complaining that I can't get X because I had to buy TEN RCZs... or that I can't get Every. Single. One... that's just ridiculous.

I've gotten 129 hours of playtime so far, and I'm betting you're well up there too without any grinding , so where's all this complaining about this game not having enough to do coming from?! How much time does a $70 purchase owe you?

Yeah, patience is a virtue, but what does that have to do with your hyperbolic opinion that single player is "terrible"? You also don't have to purchase microtransactions, so shady as they are, you're feet aren't being held to any fire here.

Once again, yours and many other opinions come off as viewing the past through rose colored glasses, and that anything less than perfection is "terrible". You act like you've never had any fun at all playing this game, and all the issues, of which I agree there are many, just ruin it, when if you actually liked the driving, liked cars, liked the basics of what GT is, then you might actually be able to use some nuance when thinking about what the game has provided you and its users. You might not have resort to self-comparison with children who's toys have been taken away, and could instead be seen as a rational adult that can weigh the bad with the good without breaking the scale.
Who said anything about one Civic? Do you only drive one car?! I can take any number of car out to any number of tracks in a lonesome time trial and have a blast. I'm sorry that you and so many others need the game to hand-hold your way to every single car in the game or multiples of the same car for it to be seen as anything more than "terrible". Bi-polar, all or nothing thinking is something I don't give much credit to.

I have 139 cars in the garage to use, 12.3 million cr sitting around, and that's with only doing 22% of the circuit experiences. Leaving MILLIONS of credits on the table yet to be earned and used. What does that have to do with you needing TEN of the same car... for what? Custom one make races? So GT is failing because you can't create your strange once make races? Ok. You can make multiple liveries for one car, so that's literally the only instance in which you would need ten of one car. That's a niche want, and in no way a slight against GTs pricing model.

If I wanted a legend car and didn't have the money for it at the moment, then I might resort to grinding, but I haven't yet, I'm lucky in that fairly normal road cars are the most fun for me, and I'm happy with a garage that's tailored to my needs and wants. If I had a need for some hyper-expensive legend cars, which for me hold little appeal if they don't perform, then I might resort to the grind, but I SURELY wouldn't be complaining that I can't get X because I had to buy TEN RCZs... or that I can't get Every. Single. One... that's just ridiculous.

I've gotten 129 hours of playtime so far, and I'm betting you're well up there too without any grinding , so where's all this complaining about this game not having enough to do coming from?! How much time does a $70 purchase owe you?

Yeah, patience is a virtue, but what does that have to do with your hyperbolic opinion that single player is "terrible"? You also don't have to purchase microtransactions, so shady as they are, you're feet aren't being held to any fire here.

Once again, yours and many other opinions come off as viewing the past through rose colored glasses, and that anything less than perfection is "terrible". You act like you've never had any fun at all playing this game, and all the issues, of which I agree there are many, just ruin it, when if you actually liked the driving, liked cars, liked the basics of what GT is, then you might actually be able to use some nuance when thinking about what the game has provided you and its users. You might not have resort to self-comparison with children who's toys have been taken away, and could instead be seen as a rational adult that can weigh the bad with the good without breaking the scale.
Well my patience for this just released game is taxed.

So, instead of trudging through the tedium of trying to reacquire cars that I had in GTSport,
I suppose I wil just revert to GTSport until the servers shut down, then wait for GT8, assuming they change course.
Imagine the grind-Haggerty model pressed to its logical conclusion: real world scarcity. Imagine "NFT" property and you get a few clunkers when you pay for the live service. They already have "limited stock" and soon(?) the ability to sell/trade your cars.

We all become used street car dealers with real world money and pink slipping, eventually only the talented or rich access the upper tier of Brand Central, certainly only the rich Legends. This caste has the best vehicles, including esport driving teams with owners, corporate sponsors, etc.

Perhaps PD's imagined Haggerty real life dream.

It's absurd.
Once again, yours and many other opinions come off as viewing the past through rose colored glasses
Who has said this? The older games were better because even with their problems, and their issues with bad game designs (of which there were many) you peel back the layers of the onion and there is still something to enjoy and be had.

Peel back the layers of GT7 and all you get is a hollow experience meant to wring you out of cash and your time, with very little reward or reason to continue playing once you're outside of the Menu walled garden. That many people are starting to realize this should say wonders about the experience that Polyphony believes was worth putting out onto disk, and telling fans (who, it should be noted, waited 9 years for another mainline GT experience in some cases) that this is worth their money and time.

You also don't have to purchase microtransactions, so shady as they are, you're feet aren't being held to any fire here.
This was proven false from the second that Polyphony put micro-transactions into the game's day one update, considering the fact that the micro-transactions are accompanying you with every in game purchase made with credits, you cannot turn them off, and even after the issues with the economy at launch, Polyphony did not remove them and instead seem primed on applying them a second time, in an even worse capacity.

Every major gameplay loop is more or less predicated on having micro-transactions be apart of the mix. That you can't disable them in game either is clear on that as well.
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Imagine the grind-Haggerty model pressed to its logical conclusion: real world scarcity. Imagine "NFT" property and you get a few clunkers when you pay for the live service. They already have "limited stock" and soon(?) the ability to sell/trade your cars.

We all become used street car dealers with real world money and pink slipping, eventually only the talented or rich access the upper tier of Brand Central, certainly only the rich Legends. This caste has the best vehicles, including esport driving teams with owners, corporate sponsors, etc.

Perhaps PD's imagined Haggerty real life dream.

It's absurd.
The legend car system as it is makes no sense when every player in the world is able to buy a "1 of 1" prototype car just by AFK grinding.

They really need to limit the cars to their real life production numbers. The availability and pricing should also be determined by the player's region. That way the dynamic pricing will actually make sense.

Without this level of urgency and FOMO come no sense of pride and accomplishment. Hence the lack of motivation of driving the same 4 WTC6/7/800 races day after day.
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Every major gameplay loop is more or less predicated on having micro-transactions be apart of the mix. That you can't disable them in game either is clear on that as well.
Kinda fun and sometimes even alarming how many people either completely don't understand this or choose to pretend they don't. Unless micro-transactions are purely visuals, which is a rarity, then game's balance and gameplay loop is always affected by those. No exceptions.
Either it will be halted experience/gold/money/drop rates in order to push some players to either buy the currency or/and exp/money boost in the shop, or in some cases just won't allow a player to play normally.

F2P games, especially mobile ones, being the best example of this. Many of them have either some kind of "energy" that gets depleted or artificial barriers, like a limited amount of entries to some events/dungeons/etc. All of that can be, of course, be avoided by micro-transactions.
And even some that don't have as obvious barriers just lock the progress behind unrealistic grinding hours. I remember playing a MMO where a top tier equipment at that time would either cost a player around 500$ or roughly 5k hours of grinding of the very same dungeon for the rare drops needed to acquire that equipment set. And even then some people on that game's forums still managed to say "but you don't have to pay, just play lol".

Now GT7 is not as bad (yet?), but it's still a good 200 hours of mind numbing grind of a few same tracks/races to get all the current cars after you finish with non repeatable rewards (Cafe, CE, Missions and Licenses pretty much).

Worst part that it's easily fixable by PD, if they wanted to. Add more races that pay enough, make it something like 2.5m/hour for the casual driving and 3-3.5m/hour if there's a challenge involved, add variety so it doesn't feel like a grind and that would make it so much better. But no, better make cars even more expensive by at least 8.5m in total, while throwing us a couple of 6* scam tickets with random rewards that most likely won't be more than 1m on average.
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They really need to limit the cars to their real life production numbers. The availability and pricing should also be determined by the player's region. That way the dynamic pricing will actually make sense.
This is following the logic in the absolute wrong direction. They shouldn't justify their bad decision with an even worse decision. Creating one problem just to use it to solve another problem they created later.

Under no circumstances should cars be limited like that. We should never have cars in video games where only a lucky few players can ever have them.
This is following the logic in the absolute wrong direction. They shouldn't justify their bad decision with an even worse decision. Creating one problem just to use it to solve another problem they created later.

Under no circumstances should cars be limited like that. We should never have cars in video games where only a lucky few players can ever have them.
It's a head scratcher then that these cars are getting a massive price hike when their value within the game hasn't changed since release.
As @Imari said, give it a try. It doesn't have to be every race.

Sport Mode, in GTS, was great. It was a wonderful and meaningful update to the GT6 quick race. Now, it's getting a little old. Toss something new into the mix.

"Friendly" races is not the issue. People aren't worried about losing their SR from their own actions, they are afraid of others ramming the crap out of them. Also, everything is like a cup race because everyone takes the most efficient car for the race. A shuffle race, or no collision races would freshen things up.

Why? Sport Mode is a challenge of your skill versus the skill of others. Being able to perform well with any car if a true test of skill. They removed tuning, they removed brake bias, remove car choice as well.

As I said above, it doesn't have to be in every race, but it sure would make things more interesting. Heck, build it into the rental feature! If I go to Enterprise or Hertz, I get what they give me. GT's rental should be the same.
Because its random, tuning and brake bias is the same for everyone, randomised car selection is not. I dont want to rack up or lose sport mode races because of a car selection I had nothing to do with.

Besides, Shuffle racing is supposed to even out the field which is exactly how DR is supposed to work anyway.

To me shuffle racing should be in the game and was GT5s best feature. But it doesnt belong in sport mode.

Another good thing about Shuffle Racing lobbies was that you could plough through five races in half an hour, which isnt compatible with sport mode at the moment.
Looks like I hurt some feelings, judging by the poo emojis I got on my op....

Sure the game economy makes no sense, but the argument some of you make about having to "grind" too hard for credits is a spoiled opinion that's got nothing to do with facts, because the few repetitive high prize races allow you to still cash out daily.

I got 2 kids under age of 5, so I'm only able to play a little before bed, thus I only have 180 hours (55 hours driven) in the game since bought on release.
And yet I've managed to spend 63 million on cars with another 13 million on tuning (43% car collection 120 cars total)
My Tomahawk only has 8000km on it, I'm sure most of you got much higher mileage than that.
But I've gotten pretty much every good car in the game I possibly want, got 11 milli in the bank right now waiting for that AMG GTR which is basically the last car on my wanted list.

With that said I agree the game is a mess overall and the direction they took is way off the mark of what we expected and what was promised to us, so yes like many of you I'm pretty pissed as well because this isn't a "traditional" Gran Turismo experience in many ways.
Must be an American thing. When I’ve rented a car in Europe and East Asia you choose the exact model and you get it. Of course you choose from what they have but you know what it is. You don’t select a class of vehicle like you seem to suggest is commonplace.
Must strongly disagree from experience here. A few years ago I booked a Ford Focus from Hertz at Heathrow and ended up with a VW Polo. Near enough so I away I went.

It then got really heated in Cologne when I was on my way to the Nürburgring and ordered a BMW M3 from Hertz and got a Volvo S60 diesel station wagon!!!! All of a sudden the staff couldn't speak English >:-(

When I got back to Australia I sent some very nasty letters to Hertz and they did refund my money BUT still maintained that a Swedish tractor was in the same class a German Sports car.

So no, I doesn't seem to me you get what you order and only what they want to push on you. I should add, Americans are far more accommodating with rentals IME.

I should add driving around Germany in a Swedish tractor was not fun. I just wish I had a sports bike on some of those magnificent roads ;-)

BTW I did do 5 laps of the Nordschleife in a VW Scirroco race car so it did make up for the tractor ;-)
I mean, the grinding was very bad as is, but with the recent update, not even the Tomahawk race works anymore. With the best grinding method NOW you're only at 50% of what you could grind with the Tomahawk. Yikes.
THEN there's the FFB "update". Seriously: I thought yesterday that my wheel is broken. I was about to contact Fanatec. It is that bad.

So considering all I do in this game is hotlapping, and grinding, which I need to buy all cars, to be able to hot lap them all, both of these recent "updates" COMPLETELY destroyed the game for me, and took ALL joy and fun away from it. I am literally at a point, where I want to give up on this game entirely, although it is literally the ONLY game I play. So yeah, just a lot of disappointment, anger, frustration and resignation on my side.

How do you feel about all this?
Maybe consider finding a different way to play - join a league, Sport mode - or don't play if you don't enjoy it.