Time Trial #62

  • Thread starter Doodle
I really don't wanna get involved in trying to cheat my way to the top by putting in extra downforce or having very dirty oil.

I can confirm this because Yinato did message me on PSN that he and Rajman are using the same setup. And I know that Yinato would never cheat.

I don't really care about dirty oil. If i have a drity oil car i'll use it. But using the hack for downforce is not a good thing. Aslong the game it self provide curtain things that benefit in lap time i'm ok with it but once hacks provide benefit of the car, it sucks big time and i have no respect for people how use it at all
I don't really care about dirty oil. If i have a drity oil car i'll use it. But using the hack for downforce is not a good thing. Aslong the game it self provide curtain things that benefit in lap time i'm ok with it but once hacks provide benefit of the car, it sucks big time and i have no respect for people how use it at all

PD could do something about the DF problem but I don't think their would be a quick efficient solution for it because the levels of potential DF from car to car varies so much. Things like the BHP, weight and grip hack are different though because they are just multipliers stored in the save, I have no idea why they are in the save in the first place because they don't change but PD's patch resets those.
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I don't really care about dirty oil. If i have a drity oil car i'll use it. But using the hack for downforce is not a good thing. Aslong the game it self provide curtain things that benefit in lap time i'm ok with it but once hacks provide benefit of the car, it sucks big time and i have no respect for people how use it at all

I completely agree with everything you said. Dirty oil is one thing, but when you start using other cheats to get your way up the leaderboard, that is just disgraceful. That is exactly why I don't do this Seasonal TT's anymore because it is just too easy to cheat and you never know who is using those apps to gain an advantage, big or small. I myself know that there is things that you can do to your car to give you an advantage without making it obvious. Those people that resort to that type of stuff are just pathetic.
I was using 4/6 but changed it to 3/6 because I was struggling to get the back end out into the slow corners.

Thanks, I tried this and went from a 1:30.191 to 1:30.064, helped in the hairpin, just need to clean up the right and left complex of turns (sector 2) and get a better exit onto the strait.
I completely agree with everything you said. Dirty oil is one thing, but when you start using other cheats to get your way up the leaderboard, that is just disgraceful. That is exactly why I don't do this Seasonal TT's anymore because it is just too easy to cheat and you never know who is using those apps to gain an advantage, big or small. I myself know that there is things that you can do to your car to give you an advantage without making it obvious. Those people that resort to that type of stuff are just pathetic.

I found this post interesting.

Cargo says he doesn't race in the Seasonals anymore because it is too easy to cheat in them.

So the question I ask is this, is it impossible to cheat (by any means at all) in the GTP WRS races which Cargo confines himself to?

And has it always been that way? Has the recent hybrid crackdown here had any bearing on the WRS races, caused any changes?

Cargo himself states he knows about things which can be done to to give one an advantage which would not be obvious to others, and I'm sure there must be some even cleverer fellows amongst the ranks of WRS etc drivers than Cargo (or perhaps not), so is it possible some are cheating in these more elite races?
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I found this post interesting.

Cargo says he doesn't race in the Seasonals anymore because it is too easy to cheat in them.

So the question I ask is this, is it impossible to cheat (by any means at all) in the GTP WRS races which Cargo confines himself to?

And has it always been that way? Has the recent hybrid crackdown here had any bearing on the WRS races, caused any changes?

Dude, seriously, why in the hell do you have to make a big deal about everything I post in these forums. Time after time, you continuously have to try to poke holes in everything I post. I'm really getting sick of it dude. You start crap with me about every damn thing I post. Why can't you just leave me the hell alone.

First, that is not the only reason that I don't do the seasonals. I told you time after time the main reason is that I just want to concentrate on the WRS events. Plus, I am not even online, as in I haven't updated to the current version yet. You'll probably want to make a big deal about that too I suppose.

Second. Yes, it is possible to cheat in the WRS, but since 99.999% of the people that run the time trials are quite honest, I'm not so much worried about it as I would be in the online Seasonals. Furthermore, the staff goes to great lengths to insure that there is no cheating in these events. They are real good at being able to spot when someone is cheating. For instance, if a D4 driver is running up with D1 or D2 drivers, then that is going to raise a red flag. Altho not fool-proof, I trust the system alot more than I do trying to police all the people running the online Seasonals.

If you bothered at all to check out the WRS, you would understand alot more of what I am talking about and how things work there.

You really need to stop concerning yourself with what I am doing all the time and stop trying to start crap with me everytime I post in these Seasonal threads. I am getting damn tired of having to explain myself to you everytime I turn around. You continuously try to make me look like an ass and I'm getting tired of it. Just leave me alone. You claim you don't have the time for the WRS, but you seem to have all the time in the world for harrassing me. Funny how that works. Now, I hope I have explained myself enough for you, please move on.
I found this post interesting.

Cargo says he doesn't race in the Seasonals anymore because it is too easy to cheat in them.

So the question I ask is this, is it impossible to cheat (by any means at all) in the GTP WRS races which Cargo confines himself to?

And has it always been that way? Has the recent hybrid crackdown here had any bearing on the WRS races, caused any changes?

Cargo himself states he knows about things which can be done to to give one an advantage which would not be obvious to others, and I'm sure there must be some even cleverer fellows amongst the ranks of WRS etc drivers than Cargo (or perhaps not), so is it possible some are cheating in these more elite races?

I was typing something similar about that myself. How are we to know that the WRS events are policed and better than the ones PD have served up to us in the past? Are their "sniffer dogs" any keener than PD's at finding the cheaters? Now would be a good time to hear from the organisers of these events to assure its participants of its its level playing field.
Yeah, expected that type of response from you Cargo. Would have been easier to just answer my questions and withhold the rest.

So the answer to my question is that it is possible to cheat in the WRS series but it's unlikely that anyone does as the scrutiny is very strong.

That was all I wanted to know. As for the rest, consider our engagement, off.
Yeah, expected that type of response from you Cargo. Would have been easier to just answer my questions and withhold the rest.

So the answer to my question is that it is possible to cheat in the WRS series but it's unlikely that anyone does as the scrutiny is very strong.

That was all I wanted to know. As for the rest, consider our engagement, off.

You expected that type of response because you know full well what you were trying to do. Everytime I make a post here, you always have something to say about it. As for the engagement, I'm thrilled you finally came to reality.

Bottem line, it is alot easier policing 30-35 people than it is the thousands that do the online Seasonals.
I was typing something similar about that myself. How are we to know that the WRS events are policed and better than the ones PD have served up to us in the past? Are their "sniffer dogs" any keener than PD's at finding the cheaters? Now would be a good time to hear from the organisers of these events to assure its participants of its its level playing field.

I'm not sure why the organizers would even bother posting in these thread since these are seasonal events and have nothing to do with the WRS at all.
Having ran the WRS my first week last week, you could tell if an individual is cheating. Although there is no fool-proof method to stop it, you have nothing to gain from winning a WRS week. It's basically friendly competition. Although I can't run with the top tier guys, I've ran enough TT's on other games to see where I was messing up by watching a replay and can emulate some sectors as fast as them from time to time.

Also, it gets tiring that every time cargo posts something in a seasonal thread, there's Dalone to give him a good nut hugging. I think it's time to give it a rest because its one thing when someone takes action that warrants behavior like that but it's another to just come out of the blue to talk smack. I guess I could block Dalone, but I'd rather it not come to that in the event that he ever has something worth posting to read.
Hey from Corbin. I asked a legitimate question ( same one that someone else was about to ask incidentally) and I received a satisfactory answer.

Sorry if you can't see the obvious connection between my query and the writer which prompted it.
I'm not sure why the organizers would even bother posting in these thread since these are seasonal events and have nothing to do with the WRS at all.
Having ran the WRS my first week last week, you could tell if an individual is cheating. Although there is no fool-proof method to stop it, you have nothing to gain from winning a WRS week. It's basically friendly competition. Although I can't run with the top tier guys, I've ran enough TT's on other games to see where I was messing up by watching a replay and can emulate some sectors as fast as them from time to time.

Also, it gets tiring that every time cargo posts something in a seasonal thread, there's Dalone to give him a good nut hugging. I think it's time to give it a rest because its one thing when someone takes action that warrants behavior like that but it's another to just come out of the blue to talk smack. I guess I could block Dalone, but I'd rather it not come to that in the event that he ever has something worth posting to read.

Ok,sure. Thanks for the reply.

I've never run the events and was under the impression that large hacks would be too obvious to use in the events but if smaller ones were implemented such as the extra downforce...etc then one could ever so slowly rise among the ranks and have it appear to be quite natural.I guess not.
It's nice to know that it's well looked after...👍
Hey from Corbin. I asked a legitimate question ( same one that someone else was about to ask incidentally) and I received a satisfactory answer.

Sorry if you can't see the obvious connection between my query and the writer which prompted it.

It's perfectly fine to have a legitimate question, yet I fail to see how your legitimate question in a seasonal thread pertains to the WRS. He didn't mention anything about it, still you insist on beating a dead horse. I suggest that if you have any questions on how the WRS works to post in a WRS forum and leave the seasonal time trials to those that want to remain on topic. I'm not a mod nor do I want to act like one, but it has a direct effect on me when I have to filter through BS posts that you insist on 'legitimately' asking that have nothing to do with it.
Just as when people cheat in the seasonals we can see by watching the replay of the lap. Since the replay is required for WRS then nothing gets through the net, we know what lap times can be achieved and it is blindingly obvious from watching someones replay if something is out of place.
I love how people say that " he or they wouldnt cheat" . Presidents, premiere athletes, ....through history some of the most trusted people have cheated, knowing there could be severe repercutions. And we think that some kids or older wouldnt?
I love how people say that " he or they wouldnt cheat" . Presidents, premiere athletes, ....through history some of the most trusted people have cheated, knowing there could be severe repercutions. And we think that some kids or older wouldnt?

I guess you are referring to Lance Armstrong there? The point is, we know they cheated and if anyone does cheat in the WRS or the seasonal TTs it is blatantly obvious, we can see if they are fast because of their driving or if there is something funny going on with the car.
I guess you are referring to Lance Armstrong there? The point is, we know they cheated and if anyone does cheat in the WRS or the seasonal TTs it is blatantly obvious, we can see if they are fast because of their driving or if there is something funny going on with the car.

Point taken, but stuff like TT 56 where eppur_si_muove won by .002 (when the obvious cheating started) and has never been heard of before or after... just suspicious. When TT are won by such small margins, people will look for every advantage possible.
You know, the 1919 Chicago Black Sox cheated by sucking really bad at stuff... How come nobody ever thinks I'm cheating?
I don't know why GT_Rajman is acussed for cheating. I know him well and I believe he never used any cheats to get a good result in time trial. If he has cheated earlier, he would have better results in earlier TT's -> http://www.mygranturismo.net/rankings.php?online_id=GT_Rajman

I don't know Yinato well, but he was in GTPL and NO ONE was cheating in this team with cars from beginning to this time. They are very fast drivers, but Rajman likes to do a lot of changes in his setups, so maybe he found perfect setup at this time. And they don't need neither cheats nor perfect setups to be very fast.

I think Rajman for this moment has got the best setup for this car and this track, so I'll try his car on this event. But now I have issues with my network, so I don't know when I'll go on the track.
It's perfectly fine to have a legitimate question, yet I fail to see how your legitimate question in a seasonal thread pertains to the WRS. He didn't mention anything about it, still you insist on beating a dead horse. I suggest that if you have any questions on how the WRS works to post in a WRS forum and leave the seasonal time trials to those that want to remain on topic. I'm not a mod nor do I want to act like one, but it has a direct effect on me when I have to filter through BS posts that you insist on 'legitimately' asking that have nothing to do with it.

Sorry about the amount of filtering of BS posts you have to do to here, I can see how it would be so time consuming for you.

However you are wrong when you say Cargo didn't mention anything about WRS.

He has stated many times that he only races in the WRS, rather than in the Seasonals these days, for whatever reason strikes him at the time, this time because of the ability of some to cheat here.

It was very legitimate to ask if he thinks that anyone could cheat in the WRS races because it is one of the reasons he says he doesn't race here.

As far as Cargo is concerned, any mention of SRF, cheating, hybrids etc is usually followed by, "that's why I only race in the WRS now."

They are all mutually inclusive.
Managed a 1'28.849 on ssr5, not sure how much quicker I can go.

Found that using a 5 gear setup works quite well for traction although it is a bit slower on the straights it is easier to handle. Might try using the 6 gear setup on my next run.

I was wandering if anyone has any advice on how much ballast to use though. I've got 80kg at 50 currently, is it faster to use more?
Sorry if you can't see the obvious connection between my query and the writer which prompted it.
The only connection is the fact that Mitch posted something. If you followed me around pissing on my shoe, I'd kick you up the backside as well. You're skulking under the guise of asking a pertinent question of course but if you have a query about how the WRS is run and policed, pop over there and ask... "Hey guys, I was just wondering how you spot cheating in the WRS."

The answer is, its pretty easy to spot. The admins and the fastest racers have alot of experience. We know how much speed you can carry into a corner, we know how fast a car can go in a straight line, etc... And for things that are less easy to spot visually, the data logger fills in the gaps - using a baseline in the data logger, its fairly obvious if a car has an unusual advantage by way of extra grip or downforce etc. We have had only one member caught cheating so far and it was pretty obvious. He was banned.

The difference between the WRS and Seasonal TTs is that PD don't have race admins and members checking each replay in comparison with one they know is within the regulations, they have software that's supposed to detect any anomaly with the car stats. In the WRS, we're a pretty close-knit group and just like walking into a bar where no-one knows you, if someone seems to be upsetting the balance, everyone stops and stares.
Sorry about the amount of filtering of BS posts you have to do to here, I can see how it would be so time consuming for you.

However you are wrong when you say Cargo didn't mention anything about WRS.

He has stated many times that he only races in the WRS, rather than in the Seasonals these days, for whatever reason strikes him at the time, this time because of the ability of some to cheat here.

It was very legitimate to ask if he thinks that anyone could cheat in the WRS races because it is one of the reasons he says he doesn't race here.

As far as Cargo is concerned, any mention of SRF, cheating, hybrids etc is usually followed by, "that's why I only race in the WRS now."

They are all mutually inclusive.

Dude, seriously, give it a rest. I'm not sure what your infactuation is with me, but it has become downright scary. I can give you a whole list of reasons why I don't do the Seasonal events anymore, all of which I fail to see why they would bother you or make any difference to you.

Your quote.
As far as Cargo is concerned, any mention of SRF, cheating, hybrids etc is usually followed by, "that's why I only race in the WRS now."

To that I say, so what. Why are you making a big deal out of it? What does it matter? Is there something that says that I can't have more than one reason why I don't participate in the Seasonals anymore? They are all legit and my own personal reasons and I fail to see what the problem is. Please, find something else to do with your time other than following me around pissing on my posts every chance you get.
Wow, anyone would think Cargo was a little baby the way some of you 'ass kickers have reacted here.

Now, down to tin tacks. Our court jester reckons if I want to know how the WRS is run I should go to the WRS site. Fair enough, if ever I want to know how it's run I will do that.

But I DON"T. I just asked someone who talks about it all the time if there had ever been any cheating detected there as he was talking about cheating here and advised that cheating was the reason he doesn't race here anymore. That was all, no big deal.

Anyway he told me. And now you have added your 10 cents worth, without being asked I might add.

So here's a heads up son. You want to back up your mates from WRS, that's fine, even admirable, it's also fine that you guys are a close knit little group who don't like being 'unbalanced', but if you think it is you who decides who talks about what on the Seasonal sites I think you are mistaken.

And it's rude to stare at people by the way.

I see Cargo is having another crack at it too. Give it a rest son, you had your go, I haven't asked you any more questions.

Like yourself though I too fail to see what the problem is. I asked, you answered, end of story.
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I think we know who the baby is. :rolleyes:

The WRS isn't a co-dependent social dynamic, its a bunch of guys who like clean racing and can spot a cheater when they see one... but many of us are long term members and have been racing each other for quite a while, so friendships emerge... and a certain amount of solidarity :P You did ask, I chose to answer. You can no-more decide who answers your questions than I can decide what's discussed in the Seasonal forum you know.

It was almost worth it just to have someone call me 'son'. That hasn't happened for about 15 years or more. 👍
Wow, anyone would think Cargo was a little baby the way some of you 'ass kickers have reacted here.

Now, down to tin tacks. Our court jester reckons if I want to know how the WRS is run I should go to the WRS site. Fair enough, if ever I want to know how it's run I will do that.

But I DON"T. I just asked someone who talks about it all the time if there had ever been any cheating detected there as he was talking about cheating here and advised that cheating was the reason he doesn't race here anymore. That was all, no big deal.

Anyway he told me. And now you have added your 10 cents worth, without being asked I might add.

So here's a heads up son. You want to back up your mates from WRS, that's fine, even admirable, it's also fine that you guys are a close knit little group who don't like being 'unbalanced', but if you think it is you who decides who talks about what on the Seasonal sites I think you are mistaken.

And it's rude to stare at people by the way.

WOW, so now you have resorted to name calling.👎 Just because I have friends here, how does that make me a little baby? I didn't ask them to come on here and say what they did, but maybe they did so because they too can see how you continually want to go pissing on my posts all the time and are growing tired of your behavior. So please, end it here.
FFS you two, does every seasonal thread have to get clogged up with your petty, childish arguments... can't you bicker via PM?


Had another go in the NSX on Friday evening... managed to chip a few tenths off for a 1'30.483. Also had 1 lap in the Lambo - it's got quite a bit of understeer and oversteer :lol:
Time to get the thread back on track. PD time trials and WRS are not mutually exclusive. Enjoy one, both or neither. That's up to you.

But stay on topic here and stop the personal attacks... That's mandatory. Consider it a warning (to any/all) before further action is taken.

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