I'm still undecided on if I want to attempt the VGT at St. Croissant. I should rephrase: I'm still undecided if I should attempt the VGT at St. Croissant. I already know I DON'T WANT to.

I ran the weekly challenge race there over the weekend and had no idea where I was going. Every 90 degree turn looked the same. I imagine this is the kind of track Hermann Tilke dreams about.
So I went back to the GT-R for tonight's session. I know I use the word "frustrating" a lot, but this is one of those combos. I will say it has grown on me, though. I've gotten used to the car's handling. And almost as importantly, I've learned how to get through turn 1. The frustrating bit comes in my usual incompetence being able to string together all 3 sectors in one lap. More frustration will be mentioned further down the post.
After all was said and done, my best lap was a whopping .013 seconds better than my previous. I lost a bunch in the final sector.
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Here's the annoying bit. I had two invalidated laps in the 33.0's and even a 32.9.
My 32.9 split which went red at the chicane. I must have cut it by one too many centimeters.
And a video of one of my 33.0's which I lost when the car decided to understeer into oblivion as I was exiting the final corner.