Time Trial Discussion

  • Thread starter seadog777
Hi, newbie posting for the first time.

My best time on WG is a 1.55:907 using the Silvia. That’s me absolutely rinsing the max out of the car and driving the perfect lap to my ability. I’m sure there are players that will be better but I’m struggling to see how they are 3 secs better! Are the top times genuine?
Check this video.
Bronze in the Valkyrie. 1:23:204. I think ten laps and the first 7 were without boost. I like cars like this. I also don't know this track well enough yet. It's a fun one for me. I'll probably hit a literal and figurative wall soon. 😂
I find the Valkyrie such a strange behaving car, and for me it's not really pad friendly 🤣
There is NO deadzone on the throttle in mid corner, if I only smell the R2 trigger it understeers 🤣.... I'm jaleouse of you guys here that find it pleasant to drive.

This is going to take a lot of time for me to adapt and I hope that I am going to like it in the end....for now...... I don't know yet 🤣

Did a 18.5 but with TCS on 1, I have NO idea how these top dudes exit in second out of the hairpin without TCS, the clip of DG above makes it look so smooth, I'm on ice af. 🤣🤣

I have some study to do! 😁
I read somewhere earlier it was the R stick but push the button. I tried it. Ludicrous speed engaged. It actually mostly just keeps me from concentrating. I have enough trouble with these stupid buttons and new fangled analog joysticks. I really can't wait to get myself a wheel. It'll improve the hand eye timing. I'm a heavy equipment operator by trade so I'm good with the reflexes but man I have trouble with my abused hands on these little controllers. I've used them for hammers for too many years for them to be scalpels now.
Spent the whole evening lapping RBR. Lost count of how many times I spun but managed to improve my previous best by over two tenths. Now at 1:17.210. A sub 17 might be possible.

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Only 30 mins of play time for now and another 4 laps at BH got my time down to 1.42.5xx with a 1.41.8xx optimal so it's not too difficult I guess...I had a 1.43.6xx before so I thought it was going to be a whole lot more work. In any case, I'll keep chipping away at it to try and get gold and then I'll try the Valkyrie at RBR :)
I'm having trouble coming to grips with the Valkyrie. The best I've been able to muster is a 1:18.514. 2.6% off the #1 which does not feel safe and well off where I've been the latest TT's. I think what's hurting me in this particular TT is my controller set up. I'm still old school using X and square for gas and brake. It's nearly impossible to put down the power coming out of turn 2 3 because I can't be gradual getting on the throttle. Instead I have to continually tap the gas (basically 100% gas, 0%, 100%, 0%, etc), leading to wheelspin city. Add in overtake and the problem gets amplified.

I may go back to BH for a bit while it's still going on, not that it's any less of a struggle. I've yet to come close to my best time from day 1. That thing goes from loosey goosey to plowing tight at the snap of the finger. :boggled:
Was quite apprehensive about trying the Valkyrie, as I’m not a fan of the super formulas in the game and expected this to handle very much like them. I was sooo wrong. I think, dare I say, I kind of, maybe a little, like it.
Spent 9 laps struggling with it stuck at 2.99% and wondering why no matter how early I got on the throttle I was being left in the dust by the ghost. Then remembered……….DRS!!!! Idiot!!!!! Lol. 2 laps later. 🤦‍♂️

So anyway, long story short, it’s actually possible to Gold even without DRS. Lol. But it is worth at least half a second.
Also, remember DRS equals speed, which equals earlier braking points🤦‍♂️
First real stint with the Valkyrie, I did 165 km on BH this morning and almost 200 in the Valkyrie.

I takes more laps for me to get into the zone of consistency here for some reason, and never collected more penalties BEFORE the timer starts than here. Like we saw in F1 qualifying yesterday , it's just the same 🤣

I wanted to master the Valkyrie on DS4 with all here power, so started without TCS this morning, man i needed a lot of laps before I even could set a time, but after a few laps it got a little better trying to understand it's behaviour on power delivery..

2 things that I was doing wrong in the first place..

1: To early on the overtake button, just use it for speedbuilding, not during early exits...you get to much wheelspin without TCS...

2: I was driving it to nerveouse, still do..

Not a great lap but it's a good start, because this is a pain in the butt on pad!

@Dolph Drago if you can set a fast time as you always do on X throttle you deserve a real medal on this one , I already have the same problem on trigger, let alone the X button

1:18.276 for now

1:18.4 after a first long stint of 140km with Valerie. Quite the hand full and I really struggled to get under 1:19 for the first 100, but being less aggressive makes the car handle quite nice. Bit annoying having to restart every 3 laps when the DRS runs out – kills the flow.

Gran Turismo™ 7_20230701125932.jpg

Also, I really like how the car turns in after the left analog stick update. Steering feels a bit softer but more accurate in a way. Easier to keep stable but also easier to rotate. How's the controller update feel to you other pad users?
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Finally got some time to spend on the TT this morning. 18 laps split between 4 different restart. at BH, currently sitting at 1.41.2xx with optimal at 1.40.9xx. I got my best time after the in my second session so I kept trying to go below the 1.41 but I can't seem to nail all the sector when it matters....oh well, hope I'm good there for gold at BH. Time to go try the Valkyrie.