@KCR my experience with Dualsense. Allow me to go back long in time, when I was driving Colin McRae Rally, I was using steering wheel from Microsoft. Life took some path and I was not playing for like 20 years. In the beginning of year I got ps4 pro and started playing GT Sport, on controller. I realised that after I used steering wheel for some time, even if it was long time ago, getting used to stick on controller, was a challenge for me. One thing in particular was when I hit some curve and I sense I am losing rear end, I kinda had hard time to correct it with stick. I realised that gt sport had also motion steering and decided to try. It took some time and I said to myself, it's like going to gym, first work out will not make me fit, but I need to repeat it many times.
With this long intro, I am not going back to stick and for now not considering getting steering wheel either. I got ps5.
I find it easier for me to angle curve and correct steering when needed. I can drive 1000km a day and not get tired (read again what I said about going to gym 😁)
I do however need to point out, there is a bug in motion sensor steering!!! In some combos of track and car, example Fuji Time trial with SF19, steering just get shaky for some reason. Try if you want, use cockpit view, that was previous time trial, maybe it works for you, but it looks like it's bug, but we know PD, impossible to send a bug report.
I hope I answered your question, even if it was a bit long, but I felt background story contributed to explanation.