With all trash talk about the space-ship on fictive French grounds i made the choise of starting a lap with it, each year i'm off to the south of France tanning up and have fun at the French riviera dreaming of nice slidy roadcars while hearing the sound of the sea and the seegulls...

... so i had to try because i'm baquette man....
Speaking of baquettes, the car has the same shap as is, and i was preparing for it to handle the same as one getting it barehanded fresh out of the hot oven...but....
It's not so bad after all indeed!, besides that i absolutely despice the track because of it's off camber blind corners and weird entrypoints i kind of enjoyed this morning playing with this combo.
First laps were all red, than finally had a first valid lap of 42.5xx close to gold but yet baquette length away....
Then started to understand the baquette a bit, .... it just needs patience and it doesn't like throttle midcorner, if you give some it makes you feel like a washingmachine, you can keep a little steady throttle midcorner so you can feed it more gently on exits, but jeezzz this is delicate without TCS.
Then finally had a sort of descent run, mist a lot of apexes still and don't even start on that last corner, i hate it, i have no idea where to brake, same goes for that full pull round corner at the end of the lap.....
But not to shaaaabbyyyy for a first look at 1:40.670,
@Dan_Tes come on man, you make us look stupid here
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