TOCA Season 4.2 - DaxCobra, Paul Mack, VenoMMotorsports Champions!

  • Thread starter Furinkazen
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FlyingFox thats just you Marunda did a 31.6 in the Volvo. (Still too slow)
FlyingFox thats just you Marunda did a 31.6 in the Volvo. (Still too slow)

Haven't done a lap in it yet but I know I'm around the same pace as Ed so I'd be around the 1:40's as well..
QUOTE=DaxCobra Not a moan, just a statement.

VW: 4.26.6

Mazda: 4:29.0

Volvo about 4.40.0. Not a moan, just a fact!

@ PaulMac>>>>> Shut up, Just Shut up, Shut up

Yes, and that's why I am pushing for the Volvo to get a boost...

Honestly, the way you talk is like we do all this just for fun and to cause an argument
Not a moan, just a statement.

VW: 4.26.6

Mazda: 4:29.0

Mazda cannot pass VW on the straights in slipstream, as soon as the Mazda goes for the pass, the VW starts pulling away again.
Mate don't worry about it no VW will win.
We didn't walk it at Monza... and Honda have been fastest in testing here.
I could get a 24 in the VW I'd say
Probably. It was only my 2nd lap I think so I reckon I could go about a second faster absolute maximum. 👍
Am I really that fast that I can get a 4:28, on my very first lap, and losing a lot in Indianapolis? Me likey La Sarthe.:D
I got into the 31s with a bit of effort, I can manage 32s on a decent lap.
Flyingfox for someone who trys to make out they dont care you came over in your last post as a very agressive person and if im honest a bit imature for a 40+ year old...

I mean "@ PaulMac>>>>> Shut up, Just Shut up, Shut up" hardley helping the discussion here atleast im using facts not running my mouth all day long, seriously calm down man.
Flyingfox for someone who trys to make out they dont care you came over in your last post as a very agressive person and if im honest a bit imature for a 40+ year old...

I mean "@ PaulMac>>>>> Shut up, Just Shut up, Shut up" hardley helping the discussion here atleast im using facts not running my mouth all day long, seriously calm down man.

Your comment was a bit harsh though to be fair.

"that's just you"

He's been right with me on other tracks. :)
JB I couldn't care tbh, my testing is allways imparshall. I don't ever try to make out a car is faster than others without solid evidence. Heck in a series where I had the fastest car in a straight (CSTCC Mini 07) I agreed it needed to be pegged on the straights. So they did and I was still competitive and won a few more races and lost some too. Also for the other drivers it made them happier if they still lost cause they knew it was more fair.
I hear ya bro although for me nows the time to tweek things if its gonna happen,💡 Waiting until after Sarthe makes little sense imo surely here the problem will be exaggerated 10 fold.:crazy:
I dont care give volvo like 40 less kgs and the mini stage 3 weight reduction I want the slow cars to be as fast as possible. Then the stupidly fast VW to be pegged back in a some sort of way.

You can say as much tosh as you want the fact remains 11mph is too much for little if not no disadvatage in the bends imagine this. VW behind any other Toca car zooms past in draft going over 10-15 mph fast due to draft then the car trys to do the same but cant even draw level with the VW...

Thats the worst feeling a driver can have not even being able to keep up in draft therefore have no chance to pass. Its what I like to call a B:censored: to race. Again I say it doesnt matter if you cant win because your not good/fast enough the speed in straights and on laps is clearly there.

Toca irl would peg back the VW boost as they tried to do with the LGP ford when it was dominating up straights but wasnt really winning until the end of the season.
Still moaning? :rolleyes:

If its that bad, quit.
Flyingfox for someone who trys to make out they dont care you came over in your last post as a very agressive person and if im honest a bit imature for a 40+ year old...

I mean "@ PaulMac>>>>> Shut up, Just Shut up, Shut up" hardley helping the discussion here atleast im using facts not running my mouth all day long, seriously calm down man.

What I'm trying to say is this:

Everyone is now totally sick to death of you constantly moaning about something.

First it was Strawman Andy then it was about the VW's speed (which didnt really materialise at Monza) For God's sake man, at 19 your far to young to be bitching about everything.

And by the way, no one said I was a mature 44 year old, why the hell do you think I'm here?

I'm just settling down for the fireworks.
There is a lot of moaning going on, but they are fairly justified in what they are saying. 11mph/3 seconds is a big difference, especially seeing as, from what I've heard, the Scirocco fares well in the corners too. This advantage is negated somewhat by the VW driver's ability (not meant as a personal jab, just using past results as a guideline), but I think it is the fact that someone with a good deal of speed could come in mid-season and decide to use the VW and dominate the field that riles people. If I had the DLC, I would of probably picked the car and signed up at the start of the season.
Everyone enjoyed TOCA Asia on Tuesday because everybody was kind, courteous and nobody was moaning constantly.

Surely instead of repeatedly dragging the thread back into this debate where everybody gets hot headed, it would be better to have a conversation with Furi via PM. You can talk in a civillized manner and come to a mutually beneficial solution instead of all this bravado and arguing.
People should only winge about the Scirocco if its constantly winning............and it isn't.
Everyone enjoyed TOCA Asia on Tuesday because everybody was kind, courteous and nobody was moaning constantly.

Surely instead of repeatedly dragging the thread back into this debate where everybody gets hot headed, it would be better to have a conversation with Furi via PM. You can talk in a civillized manner and come to a mutually beneficial solution instead of all this bravado and arguing.

Bravo Tom well said
I use facts only, I do not say anything unless there is facts to back up my statements. If the VW wasnt so fast in the straights then I wouldnt say anything.

But there is an advantage bigger than ive ever seen before in all my time of racing on GTP. I mean there was a time we used to say 3mph (My WSGTC S2 MR-S) was a big advantage in WSGTC with the closeness of the cars. For e.g the NSX dominated Le Sarthe (Bad handling, understeery and loose) but was only 5-6mph faster on straights and due to the high DF you could draft past it. Which meant it had the advantage ut it wasnt out of reach in draft and only around .5-.75 a second a lap faster.

Where as with the VW it has an even greater advantage in both lap time and straight speed with no DF to help you get past in its draft. Making it a real sod to race even if the guy in it is 2 seconds slower a lap. (The car should be 2 seconds faster here)

Its speed on straight counts for atleast 1-1.5 seconds on its advantage over the other cars which is the main problem as you don't need to have any skill to maintain that advantage just push the throttle.

That is the simple facts. Like them or hate them, I have had alot of experince in alot of series to know whats fair and unfair.
Everyone enjoyed TOCA Asia on Tuesday because everybody was kind, courteous and nobody was moaning constantly.

Surely instead of repeatedly dragging the thread back into this debate where everybody gets hot headed, it would be better to have a conversation with Furi via PM. You can talk in a civillized manner and come to a mutually beneficial solution instead of all this bravado and arguing.


People should only winge about the Scirocco if its constantly winning............and it isn't.

When the damage is already done? You can lower the speed of the car after but you can't lower the number of points earned fairly. Probably not the best idea to just leave it.
My point is, instead of putting all those above facts in the thread and fueling an argument, just talk to Furi directly via PM and discuss the problem, it would solve a lot of the issues around here.
I use facts only, I do not say anything unless there is facts to back up my statements. If the VW wasnt so fast in the straights then I wouldnt say anything.

But there is an advantage bigger than ive ever seen before in all my time of racing on GTP. I mean there was a time we used to say 3mph (My WSGTC S2 MR-S) was a big advantage in WSGTC with the closeness of the cars. For e.g the NSX dominated Le Sarthe (Bad handling, understeery and loose) but was only 5-6mph faster on straights and due to the high DF you could draft past it. Which meant it had the advantage ut it wasnt out of reach in draft and only around .5-.75 a second a lap faster.

Where as with the VW it has an even greater advantage in both lap time and straight speed with no DF to help you get past in its draft. Making it a real sod to race even if the guy in it is 2 seconds slower a lap. (The car should be 2 seconds faster here)

Its speed on straight counts for atleast 1-1.5 seconds on its advantage over the other cars which is the main problem as you don't need to have any skill to maintain that advantage just push the throttle.

That is the simple facts. Like them or hate them, I have had alot of experince in alot of series to know whats fair and unfair.

Andy left because he wasnt happy......................maybe:idea:
I have an idea. Every time someone moans about the VW you can add an extra hp to the VW maybe they will stop then. :rolleyes:

When the damage is already done? You can lower the speed of the car after but you can't lower the number of points earned fairly. Probably not the best idea to just leave it.

What's done is done. TOCA is evolving all the time so just ban the car for season 5 and replace it with the Golf.

Likewise the Volvo and replace it with a spacehopper. WOW the fun!!
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