Track Creator Racing - ALL WELCOME!

  • Thread starter imalexi
I'll check in on this when I can. I'm Eastern Standard Time so I'd probably only be able to hook up with you guys on the weekends. I love the course maker and often spend more time there than racing. lol I have well over 100 tracks I've made, maybe 150. I'd like to check out your tracks and see what other people have made. I've added you guys, I'll stick my head in if I see you guys online with an open lounge.
Hey guys, did some testing on Eifel 11 440pp uptp 2,200cc and hit a target time of 1:39.776

Now get out there and break that time or just use it as a target to aim for. Hope to see you on track.

Definitely the man to beat.

I'll check in on this when I can. I'm Eastern Standard Time so I'd probably only be able to hook up with you guys on the weekends. I love the course maker and often spend more time there than racing. lol I have well over 100 tracks I've made, maybe 150. I'd like to check out your tracks and see what other people have made. I've added you guys, I'll stick my head in if I see you guys online with an open lounge.
I understand were you're coming from as I too could just spend hours on the track creator (to much) but we're looking for three sector's just a standard and trying to keep in with the GTP events. You're welcome to join us any time. We try to stick to a schedule were Mon., Tues., Wed (chat/discussions/talk) were we do testing to try find a car/cars for an event and then see if we can find a track suitable..... and then the rest of the week is looking for the best lap, best setup and to be crowned the best. We have an awesome bunch of guys that are racers and if you put a track in front them they'll race it which is great. I love it and without them it's just a track. So yeah come join us if you can.
Yeah, I saw the specs and already built a few 3-sector tracks that are between 2-3 miles with 20 or so turns. I told you I was addicted to the thing. lol
I have given the track to Jonathan (GTP_Joylord), and I'm sure he will make it available for downloading soon.
We will run a track that Ian has created Eifel11 so I'll share it through my community tracks ready for download and I'm sure Alexi will share it as well. Thanks guys.

TCR 2L 2Seater 440PP S3's (sports soft).

Lets go racing.

Edit: This is going to be a tough week for me as I've been thinking and not sure whether to sacrifice weight for bhp for this track. Tough one and I think I'm going to battle to be at the top end of the grid this time round.

Edit again: Thanks A_K I'm a bit dyslexic sometimes.
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U mean 'tough' ??? :D


i noticed the track is long and flowing so i'm assuming no wing too....hmm have to test
Hey I'd love to host a race for you guys on one of my tracks. I have a really great Toscana track that I've made that is about 5 miles long and just tons of fun. You can download it from me but if you'd like me to host and spectate I can do that too, I have a 22mb/sec connection.
Hey I'd love to host a race for you guys on one of my tracks. I have a really great Toscana track that I've made that is about 5 miles long and just tons of fun. You can download it from me but if you'd like me to host and spectate I can do that too, I have a 22mb/sec connection.

Wow 5 miles, it's a long one then. Well this week were are doing any 2 litre 2 seater at a performance points of 440 on sports soft. You're welcome to join.

Hi gents I wanted to do some testing and figured I might as well do it online, so I have a room open.

Room name: TCR-2seater 2L 440PP
Room no. : 1472-6118-4130-9221-4189

I wont be around all the time but feel free to come and go as you wish.
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We're getting a lot of people interested in submitting tracks for us to race on, so thought I should add this to the thread.

Thinking of submitting a track?
Ok, but please take note of the following.

At the moment TCR is in it's early stages, so we're trying to build up a following. In order to do this, we need to entice the casual gamer that just wants to switch on his or her PS3 (would be nice to see some ladies online for once) and join some guys for some competitive but clean racing.

The plan is to keep the lap times below 1min 40sec, which should make them quick to learn. They should only be 3 sectors long, as this is something that will come in to play further in to the series. And please remember tracks are always built and tested with a particular car/hp in mind, so check the thread for the current combo.

But be warned! We receive and test so many tracks, they have to be put through a highly scrutinised process, so please don't be too precious when submitting tracks, as only the juiciest and most tasty tracks get through... and then and only then, will the man from delmonte say YES!

Hope that doesn't put you off joining us though 👍
We're getting a lot of people interested in submitting tracks for us to race on, so thought I should add this to the thread.

Thinking of submitting a track?
Ok, but please take note of the following.

At the moment TCR is in it's early stages, so we're trying to build up a following. In order to do this, we need to entice the casual gamer that just wants to switch on his or her PS3 (would be nice to see some ladies online for once) and join some guys for some competitive but clean racing.

The plan is to keep the lap times below 1min 40sec, which should make them quick to learn. They should only be 3 sectors long, as this is something that will come in to play further in to the series. And please remember tracks are always built and tested with a particular car/hp in mind, so check the thread for the current combo.

But be warned! We receive and test so many tracks, they have to be put through a highly scrutinised process, so please don't be too precious when submitting tracks, as only the juiciest and most tasty tracks get through... and then and only then, will the man from delmonte say YES!

Hope that doesn't put you off joining us though 👍

Quality post 👍 Good addition also :) I'll see if I can get my sister to drive some laps with us next time ;) 💡
Thanks Bart, if your sister's half as good as you, she'll be fast enough!

Nice work Ian, thanks for posting the videos, even though I'm mainly on the grass. I wish I could get that MR2 to work during the race. I'm getting 1min 40s, so it's got the pace, but it's a handful and therefore difficult to keep it consistent.

If anyone has some tips for tuning an MR-S S Edition at 440pp, it would make a very sad man very happy indeed.
Thanks Ian for the video and honoured to be in them.

But this is what I love about this weekly series you get to drive cars that I probably would never drive and then see if you can find a setup to be competitive on an unknown track….. and I have know idea how to setup cars but I try, even though I was only doing 1:40.822 fastest and in the right hands I’m sure would achieve more and Ian was achieving 1:40.322 (I think it was) in the S2000..... It's such a challenge to find the car and then see if you can make it race competitive. Good fun.
I’d be happy to share my setup I have if anybody wants it.

And Bart we’re missing you.
Great videos. It would be nice to see some videos recorded from the chase cam perspective so we can actually see some of the track. I watched both videos and because it only focuses on the car it's hard to tell what the track's actually like. It looked like a great track on the map though!
It's been said already, but thanks to Ian for the continued posting of race vids. :cheers:

And once again some great action in TCR, a tough act to follow with plenty of close racing and, as always, a pleasure to compete with you guys 👍
Are u getting 1.40's without any slipstream Alexi? If so i needz to start tinkering with set ups :)

Yep, only just though. When I manage to string a few decent laps together in the race, they're usually 41's.

Who's about tonight?
If I will race tonight, it will be quite late; after 23:30 CET...
Darnit, I can't sign in to PSN and I really want to test a new 2 seater.
Anyway, since I cannot race, I made a 2 lap video from the chase cam, so people can see what the track is like.

I just tried to sign in and was unable. bloody hell.

Ian do more videos so we can pretend we're racing. lol.
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Thanks for the chase cam vid! Now that I see some of the qualities you guys look for in a track, I can keep those in mind when I'm making new ones.

BTW, nice track and nice driving! 👍

Like this. If you quote this post you will see the syntax for adding a video to a post.

Like this. If you quote this post you will see the syntax for adding a video to a post.

Ah thanks Ian. Just messing around today and thought I'd try out my brothers camera. It's a bit dark and the quality is not great but I did have it on the lowest setting.

First attempt.

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