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A bit hard to make an assumption on something I have personally experienced, as have a lot of my transgender friends; and the transgender community at large. And it is not just people who happen to be male that potentially pose a risk to us, but also women.
That is just one example of what happens to transgender people.
You seem to be forgetting that I am open on this forum about been transgender, and this sort of rubbish is my life day in and day out.
She probably won't, but it'll be legal for him to be in there pretty soon.Your argument's a bit of a strawman. If you spend hours in a public restroom leering at women walking in, your defence of "I have a right to be there!" isn't going to hold. Because you'd still be acting like a creep and assault is still illegal.
I'm sure she won't be happy if she sees this man in the women's restroom either.
Technically it's already legal for him to be in there. He's biologically female. If the law passes it will be illegal for him to use the men's bathroom.She probably won't, but it'll be legal for him to be in there pretty soon.
Are we making excuses for criminal behavior now?
I don't really get what either of those things mean but you were asking why people who think they are one gender but look like another can't go to the toilets appropriate to the gender in their head. Perhaps you should read my response again but take the rabid persecution hat off.So what happens when the person in the center walks into a women's bathroom? He is biologically female by the way, does videos for Buzzfeed.
And how about this person, where is her protection and safety when she walks into a mens room? She is biologically male.
I don't really know what the obsession about going into public toilets is about nor how it addresses the thread question, but I avoid going into public toilets at all as it reminds me just why democracy doesn't work. I've no idea how so many people haven't grasped the concept of going to the toilet, but they all have a vote each too.When you go into a public toilet no-one knows what you keep in your underwear but you, and unless you habitually go to the toilet by stripping naked and taking a running jump at the cubicle, no-one will know. But if you look like a dude and go into the ladies, there will be screams and shouts of 'pervert' long before you can explain your gender status (if they even believe you).
I don't really get what either of those things mean but you were asking why people who think they are one gender but look like another can't go to the toilets appropriate to the gender in their head. Perhaps you should read my response again but take the rabid persecution hat off.
What about our safety? what about our rights? Are we not entitled to the same human decency, dignity, rights, privileges and protections as every other human being? Or are we to always continue to be treated worse than criminals, sexual predators, and the like for ever? Because that is how we get treated, not by everyone, but by the majority. We are used as the punchlines in jokes, even today. We are denied jobs, housing, even help from the government in some places.
I don't really know what the obsession about going into public toilets is about nor how it addresses the thread question, but I avoid going into public toilets at all as it reminds me just why democracy doesn't work. I've no idea how so many people haven't grasped the concept of going to the toilet, but they all have a vote each too.
In the end, the answer is the unisex bathroom. Which feels weird the first time you pee at a urinal with giggling girls walking behind you, but which feels perfectly normal the fifth or sixth time you have to go.
I agree, but this is a hot topic in the U.S' South as of now. To some conservative lawmakers one's gender equals one's by biological sex. Sure, this notion is fairly commonplace, but here the reaction is quite visceral. Transgendered and Transsexual individuals are automatically deemed perverts for using restrooms of "their" gender, hence the strong push for bills prohibiting such.
Because a 16 year old straight teen is going to change his name, request everyone to use 'her/she', change his entire look and wardrobe, go to school presenting himself as a girl, and deal with potential bullying from friends, family, classmates, coworkers and employers... just to look at boobs.
These lawmakeres have no logic at all.
Pedophiles are known to go to extreme lengths to spend time alone with little boys and girls. Given that there aren't going to be testing stations outside every bathroom in the state to determine the validity of your gender convictions, surely there should be a reasonable level of concern that it might open the door to abuse by some sick and some not so sick individuals.
We always get put into the same box as pedophiles and other sexual predators, and they are always used as the reason to deny us our basic human rights!
Do you really expect biological women who look like women, sound like women and in every other way a woman to be happy about what they see and hear as a man in the women's toilet? What about their safety? What about their rights?
Just recently a lesbian teenage girl had the police called on her and was thrown out of a Mcdonalds in Hull, and all because she used the toilet and other customers complained their was a 'male' in the 'female' toilet.
I applaud your post overall (very well done) but have to chip in for this bit; I actually know somebody who was involved in this incident - the group of youths (not an individual) were asked by police to leave the site because of an altercation that followed the "male in the toilets" incident. The manager of the McD's clearly acted very badly initially but I had to clear up the later point
Bear in mind that this McD's (not actually run by McDonalds, it's a separate franchise) sees a lot of problems of all kinds. There was even a shooting there recently, 'ow very 'Ull.
And yet I didn't say anything about sexual predators and paedophiles, so I don't know why that needs bringing up in response to my questions. To reiterate:as the direction of the discussion turned to that of "if trans people are allowed in the bathroom of their gender, then sexual predators and pedophiles will take advantage; think of the women and children!".
I can see no problems with going into the bogs for the kind of person you look like and loads of problems with going to the bogs for the kind of person you feel like but don't look like - regardless of what shape genitals you wazz out of (which no-one sees). I don't know why sex offenders have to be part of the discussion - except that's what might get shouted at you if you look like a guy and go into the ladies.When you go into a public toilet no-one knows what you keep in your underwear but you, and unless you habitually go to the toilet by stripping naked and taking a running jump at the cubicle, no-one will know. But if you look like a dude and go into the ladies, there will be screams and shouts of 'pervert' long before you can explain your gender status (if they even believe you).
Guess you didn't see one of my earlier posts? There is scientific evidence suggesting that transgenderism is a thing.All I can personally say is that scientifically there no such thing as gender-fluid let alone Trangender. Any authentic biologist would come to this conclusion, if not he's rejecting scientific fact/truths.
In the end anyone that calls themselves gender-fluid/neutral and transgender is merely just taking their behavior to next logical step and just acting out a fantasy.
That depends on which 'gender' you're talking about.I just spit my drink out. I'm not even sure what just was said. I guess this is my place to say that there is such thing as gender-fluid and transgender.
There's an important reason to have your genetic/physiological gender on official documents and not any other gender.If the legal documents say you are female (because it needs to say it on official documents apparently)
There's an important reason to have your genetic/physiological gender on official documents and not any other gender.
Your genes and physiology don't care what you think you are, you are what they say you are. If you are male your body acts differently than if your female, even if you have bits surgically altered or removed.
At its most raw, if you're a guy you can't have cervical or ovarian cancer. If you're a girl you can't have testicular or prostate cancer. Your physiological type is an all-or-nothing risk marker for these disorders. If your gender is reassigned surgically your risk for these cancers diminishes to zero as the bits are cut off, but not for others that are more prevalent in one gender or the other (some not for any hormonal reason). It's not just cancers, but every disorder you can think of. Whether private or public, your healthcare system needs to know what the people in it are actually at risk of, to budget, plan and invest in appropriate therapy.
But what if you can't be upfront with them in an emergency, due to not being able to communicate - say, if you're unconscious?Even though I was upfront with the staff at the local hospital, which I deemed to be the best approach to making sure I received the treatment needed and all risk factors taken into account. The blood clot still got missed by them, and in someways it is down to lack of training in how to deal with transgender patients; and the risk factors with HRT.
Who else could want to know that information for it to make any difference to them?So I fully agree that on the medical side, the medical staff at hospitals need to know everything. Everyone else, it has nothing to do with them.
Changing your gender on your birth certificate is a mere vanity. You may claim it's part of the psychological treatment for gender dysphoria, but you can't retcon your physiological and genetic gender and it brings no benefit for the increased risk to your health it has.And thankfully I live in the UK, where not only do the government treat me as female, but I can also have my birth certificate changed.
Maybe the psychological benefits of being seen socioculturally (and legally, in the case of a driver's licence) as one's preferred gender outweigh the potential health risk?You may claim it's part of the psychological treatment for gender dysphoria, but you can't retcon your physiological and genetic gender and it brings no benefit for the increased risk to your health it has.
But what if you can't be upfront with them in an emergency, due to not being able to communicate - say, if you're unconscious?
I agree that medical documentation needs to show that you are physically male in big bold red writing on your medical files.
Who else could want to know that information for it to make any difference to them?
Changing your gender on your birth certificate is a mere vanity.
You may claim it's part of the psychological treatment for gender dysphoria,
but you can't retcon your physiological and genetic gender and it brings no benefit for the increased risk to your health it has.
Not all transgender males look like typical females, it is especially not a go-to-think on something that is based on opinions like looks. By that logic, Cross-Dressers should be allowed to use the bathroom of the opposite sex since they are meant to look like a typical person of the opposite sex.I don't see why a transgender person would need to use the restroom of which sex they were born. If a guy becomes a girl, he should use the girls' restroom, since he looks like one, and if he locks the door of the stall no one will ever know that she was a boy.
Not really - that's not how it works. If you change your birth certificate to a different gender, the top of your medical records (which contain your NHS number, date of birth, name and gender) will also change.I answered that before you even asked about it.
Here in the UK when you get admitted to A&E, no-one has the time to look up your medical history - what they see is what they know. If you've got boobs and your driving licence says you're a girl called Eileen, you're a girl. The first time anyone will know you were born as a guy is your autopsy.Here in the UK medical files are shared between our private GP and the hospital, unless you was stupid enough to opt out of it. So the hospital have full access to your medical history, all of it.
I have never gone into a bathroom and been asked what genitals I have. Nor have I ever gone into a bathroom and felt the need to announce my gender identity. Perhaps these two things are linked.Refer back to the debate about toilets, since everybody likes to be nosy Nellie's. Why do you think that debate even exists, because of things such as that.
One of the first questions I get asked when someone finds out I am transgender, is if I have a penis. Its the most insulting question to be asked, but it is the one that gets asked with the most frequency. Usually by self identifying hetero males.
For whatever reason people want to know what is in your pants, and I cant for the life of me work out why it is so important to them.
Not really.It is more than just Vanity, to be brutally honest.
Has anyone here treated you like dirt because you're transgender? Has anyone here treated any transgender person like dirt because they're transgender?You are looking at this from the other side of the fence Famine, and sure you may be aware of the medical risks and other factors. But you are not aware of what it is like to be like this on a personal level. To live like this everyday, and to be treated like dirt by people. And the same goes for most of the people commenting in this thread in regards to it.
If I met you in the street would I think you are a woman or a man? I don't know you, so if I met you in the street I would use the pronouns according to what I think you look like. No-one's going to automatically treat you as the opposite of what you look like without knowing you...Ive always said to people that if they cant treat me as a woman and use female pronouns, to just use gender neutral ones. And if you cant even do that, then to just stay away from me and other transgender people. Because that is all we want, is to be left alone to live our lives.
No I'm not, and I never said that you did. I said you may say that.I never said that, you just did though. You are making an assumption on my behalf on that front.
A psychological identity on a birth certificate is nothing to do with rights or protection.I believe it is just a happy side effect, and one that shows the UK government are trying with regards to the rights and protections of transgender individuals.
But again, it has nothing to do with hiding the information. The information simply isn't there on demand, like we're in some kind of Star Fleet hospital. If you're conscious and seen or admitted for a routine reason, the medical professionals will look your notes up (if you're lucky, more than 2 minutes before they see you). If you're not, they'll go by what they see. If they see a girl who has a document of record that says she's a girl, she'll get girl treatment. If she was born a guy, this might kill her - whereas having the physiological gender on the document will cause no harm whatsoever.Again, this is why I stated I fully agree with you, but only with regards to medical professionals having access to that information; i.e Doctors and Nurses at private practices and hospitals. Hospitals already have that information, unless you opted out of the shared information system they have between your GP and themselves. I always carry ID with me also, which has my picture, my name, and my address. As well as my medical alert card for information regarding the blood thinners I am on, which also states that I am transgender in the "other" section; along with which HRT medication I am on.
People are responsible for their own health care, and if some other transgender individual hides the information about their biological sex from Doctors and hospital staff, more fool them.
I don't see my birth certificate anywhere near often enough to be reminded of anything on it. My dad spent his whole life believing his birthday was March 22nd. His birth certificate said March 21st.Maybe the psychological benefits of being seen socioculturally (and legally, in the case of a driver's licence) as one's preferred gender outweigh the potential health risk?
The government may not care what letter is on a driver's licence, but I'm sure a trans person would. While it may seem like such an insignificant difference, but the incorrect gender (identity) would be a constant reminder of a life they don't want to live.
You've called me Famine several times. Do you think that's what is on my birth certificate, or is that just an identity that I go by?