That's actually a pretty quick resolution. Maybe not as speedy as some, but there are cases where the jury has been sequestered for days on end before reaching a verdict.Yep, took the jury a fairy long time...16 or 17 hours
That's actually a pretty quick resolution. Maybe not as speedy as some, but there are cases where the jury has been sequestered for days on end before reaching a verdict.
After being rudely interrupted from the 9th inning of the Tiger's game to hear a verdict that was not surprising at all I feel like I want to comment on the trial.
This was another media frenzy case where the prosecution goes after the wrong charges and thus doesn't get a conviction. Second degree murder was going to be very hard to prove, but I bet if they would have started with manslaughter, they would have gotten him on it. I know the jury had the option to find him guilty of that, but that's basically allowing a handful of people with little to no law experience to find someone they don't know guilty on a charge they know very little about.
Same thing happened in the Casey Anthony case, trying to get her on first degree murder was stupid and was nothing they were ever going to prove. If they would have gone for second degree she would have been found guilty all day long.
From what I could tell with the case was the Zimmerman started crap with Martin for whatever reason, Martin retaliated, and when Zimmerman started to lose the fight he ended up killing Martin. I don't think Zimmerman ever intended to kill Martin, but in the moment he did ended up killing him, which would be classified manslaughter based on my limited knowledge of the subject.
Oh well, I guess now we get to hear endless conversation about the Boston bombing guy for the next year or whatever because you know, terrorism.
No. Their audio "expert" failed to differentiate the voices on the 911 call, and that evidence was thrown out for them. The defense "expert", an FBI agent at that, did managed to differentiate the voices on the 911 call, pushing that physical evidence in favor of the defense. All the prosecution managed to do was get physical evidence the defense was using thrown out - like pictures of Martin associating with known gang members, using assault weapons, other assault and battery offenses Martin committed, and a picture of Martin with a substantial amount of drugs. So all in all, the defense, even with its reduced physical evidence repertoire, was the only side with real concrete physical evidence on its side, leaving the prosecution with just hearsay. ...And yet people are still surprised that the murder charge was thrown outDid the prosecution prove anything though other than speculation?
Manslaughter was on the table for the jury to convict Zimmerman with, but Florida's "stand your ground" law allows the use of deadly force if one is in fear of great bodily harm or death....Great bodily harm could have occurred if he took a couple more blows to the head against the sidewalk.
Right, but that was giving the jury the right to make a call on a charge that the case wasn't built around. They probably didn't know enough to actually make the call for manslaughter.
any opinions on this?
Are you serious about that question?
Gonna go out on a limb here and say there was more to the respective cases than can be summarized by lik dis if u cri every time.
Actually I am, I haven't offered an opinion on it, I just wanted to gauge some of the opinions of this forum.
Yeah, it's someone trying to dumb down two separate cases and the circumstances behind them to try and depict a particular outcome as injustice because they have already determined guilt without considering all of the evidence.any opinions on this?
any opinions on this?
It's not that complicated, you don't fire warning shots out a window endangering innocent people.
It's not that simple either - what do you judge to be "threatening your life"? And was Trayvon Martin a genuine threat to George Zimmerman's life?It's not that complicated, you don't fire warning shots out a window endangering innocent people. You do fire shots into someone who is threatening your life.
It's not that simple either - what do you judge to be "threatening your life"? And was Trayvon Martin a genuine threat to George Zimmerman's life?
It is that simple, having your head bashed into the pavement is pretty not cool. Blasting rounds out a window that fly where ever is not cool.