Trophies (now with list of supported games)

  • Thread starter Scaff
I'm surprised no one else has mentioned these three...

  • Aerial Ballet -- While flying a jetpack, kill an enemy (who is also flying a jetpack) with any weapon other than the Rocket Launcher.
  • Are You Aim-Botting? -- Snipe an enemy who is flying a jetpack.
  • That Was Some Bug -- Kill an enemy who is flying a jetpack by hitting him with any vehicle or aircraft.

...which, as the list has been confirmed as real, give a rather large clue as to one part of the third update/DLC for Warhawk.

I believe that the Trophies update (1.5) is scheduled for August 27th with the new DLC being released at the same time or just after.
Source -


Im really gonna have to give in and buy all the expansions now, but theres no doubt in my mind it will be worth it.
Looks like you guy's will be able to catch up with my. My PS3 was "murdered" today, lol.

Sony's sending me a new one free of charge, so you've got about a 3 week time frame to get it in gear, lol. :P
Ouch. Sorry for your loss. What happened?

And where is your SONY IS THE SUXOR AND THEIR CUSTOMER SERVICE REP DIDN'T LIKE ME YELLING thread? I thought those came with all system breakdowns.

I'm surprised no one else has mentioned these three...

  • Aerial Ballet -- While flying a jetpack, kill an enemy (who is also flying a jetpack) with any weapon other than the Rocket Launcher.
  • Are You Aim-Botting? -- Snipe an enemy who is flying a jetpack.
  • That Was Some Bug -- Kill an enemy who is flying a jetpack by hitting him with any vehicle or aircraft.

...which, as the list has been confirmed as real, give a rather large clue as to one part of the third update/DLC for Warhawk.
I hadn't done much with the newest expansion so I thought I had just missed the jet packs. That is a heck of an update to add that, because those will require a whole new control setup.

Question: Can you carry a flag with a jetpack?


Anyway those Warhawk trophies sound great! It'll be something to take me away from COD4 for a while. The Gold ones look terribly hard (except the hosting one)...
Binoculars on a dropship sounds pretty easy. And we will have to see about the That Was Some Bug one.

Im really gonna have to give in and buy all the expansions now, but theres no doubt in my mind it will be worth it.
Expansions are not required for a platinum trophy. Just so you know. So that rules out any Dropship, APC, or jet pack related ones.

I have a few questions on some of these:
  • Ground Pounder -- Complete Ground Combat Training.
  • Pilot's License -- Complete Warhawk Combat Training.
Where is the combat training? Did I miss something?

And do any of these appear to be tempting people to act like a-holes?
  1. Secret Anti-Camper -- Kill an enemy in a Missile or Flak Turret after that enemy has achieved at least five kills in that type of turret.
  2. Secret Daredevil -- Get 100 feet off the ground in a ground vehicle. Does not count if the vehicle is being carried by a Dropship.
  3. Secret Hit List -- Kill every member of the opposing team at least once during a round.
  4. Secret Minesweeper -- Get killed by Proximity Mines five times in a single round.
  5. Secret Reckless -- Pilot Commit suicide in a Warhawk by running into your own Aerial Mine.
  6. Secret Vengeance -- Kill an enemy within 60 seconds of that enemy killing you.
  7. Secret What's That Green Line? -- Get killed by a Binoculars strike while piloting an aircraft.
  1. So, you let an enemy kill your teammates five times first?
  2. "DUDE!!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" "I want the Daredevil trophy" "But they have our flag!"
  3. Don't kill the guy pinning your team down, you already killed him. You need the one that's busy going for his Daredevil trophy.
  4. I am supposed to purposely step on a mine?
  5. A Suicide trophy?
  6. But your team needs help at a zone on the other side of the board. Although, this may help stop base camping.
  7. Is there a way to plan this without working with a friend?

This is almost as bad as Turok's teamkill achievement. Almost.

I hope some of these can be done on a non-ranked server. I would do a private game with a friend and go do all these kinds of things.

Thing is, I know from my noob days that I might already have a few of these.
FoolKiller - Actually, the service rep was really cool, and actually offered to replace my system, even though it was 8 days over the warranty period. I gladly accepted.

Like I always say, your attitude determines how everything will go from the very minute your service begins. They really aren't "obligated" to do anything for you, but be a good guy, and they'll go the extra mile because you're likely the first person who's genuinely nice to them, out of a pool of ass hats.
Like I always say, your attitude determines how everything will go from the very minute your service begins. They really aren't "obligated" to do anything for you, but be a good guy, and they'll go the extra mile because you're likely the first person who's genuinely nice to them, out of a pool of ass hats.

Always sound advice. We all feel that we deserve respect after all.
Well, I too have now entered into Level 3 territory thanks to Uncharted. And I don't even have one for Pixel Junk Eden yet.

I am going to start going back to individual chapters in Uncharted and looking for missing treasures when I don't have enough time to play through a whole level but have like 15 minutes free. I figure that if I am not concerned with dying or progressing the story and just spend time trying to go every where possible I might find more. I'll probably do the same for any trophies I have missing after my play through. This is one game where a platinum seems well within my reach.

Oddly enough, I stumbled on the Strange Relic completely by mistake. I went through the area and never actually saw it and as I was headed back toward the actual story path I saw the triangle pop up on screen with the treasure icon.

And some of the trophies, like headshots, are easy to get if you are just trying to play through properly. I got 100 headshots by just trying to get in one-hit kills to save ammo.
If you dont mind spoilers.
You can use this link to identify wich treasures you missed, and where to find them
I'll probably save it for when I have burned out on hunting every nook and cranny in hopes of finding the last 3 treasures I'll be missing.

Plus, going back I can replay any levels with specific weapons or that have the best layout for performing things like the hangman trophy.

I'm having troubles with weapons because at the end of the day I find the 9mm and AK47 (although I am loving the M4 right now too) to be the best general weapons and end up getting killed when trying to get kills with something that has very little ammo and very short range, like the shotgun or the grenade launcher gun that only has three rounds. Although I have learned that kills per weapon are cumulative, even if you die.
I'll probably save it for when I have burned out on hunting every nook and cranny in hopes of finding the last 3 treasures I'll be missing.

Plus, going back I can replay any levels with specific weapons or that have the best layout for performing things like the hangman trophy.

I'm having troubles with weapons because at the end of the day I find the 9mm and AK47 (although I am loving the M4 right now too) to be the best general weapons and end up getting killed when trying to get kills with something that has very little ammo and very short range, like the shotgun or the grenade launcher gun that only has three rounds. Although I have learned that kills per weapon are cumulative, even if you die.

Yeah, and with some weapons, i.e. the MP40, you get the trophy for only 30 kills with that weapon, as opposed to 50 kills with most of the other ones. Im having a hard time with the trophy for getting 5 brutal slugger kills in a row. Ive been trying to accomplish it on the very first level when you are on the boat, but I keep accidentally killing someone by punching them to death, but no brutal combo.
Yeah, and with some weapons, i.e. the MP40, you get the trophy for only 30 kills with that weapon, as opposed to 50 kills with most of the other ones. Im having a hard time with the trophy for getting 5 brutal slugger kills in a row. Ive been trying to accomplish it on the very first level when you are on the boat, but I keep accidentally killing someone by punching them to death, but no brutal combo.
I just hit square, triangle, square back and forth repeatedly until it did it.

I'm having trouble with the steel fist, where you soften the guy up with gunfire and then kill them in one punch, oh, and the Stealth Attack. I have yet to sneak up on a single guy.
I'm having trouble with the steel fist, where you soften the guy up with gunfire and then kill them in one punch, oh, and the Stealth Attack. I have yet to sneak up on a single guy.

Those two are a total pain in the butt, never managed to sneak up on anyone.

On the weapons kills, its worth noting that many of the very powerful 'on-hit-kill' weapons, such as the Desert Eagle....

only require 20 kills for the trophy

.....which does make them easy to do.

I do have to say that trophy support has really got me playing this again, I'd forgotted how good a game it was and just how good it looks.


Another Semi spoiler how to do the steal fist and sneakup parts.

Highlight text if you want to read it.

The steal fist is best done if you use the the pistol you start with. Run Towards 1 enemy guy and press R1 once to fire from the hip ( Do not hold L1 also or it wont work), then quickly press Square and the guy will die from your fist blow.

The sneakup attack is done easy in act 4. When you just passed the climbing section and crawlup towards the area with all the traps, and 1 guy firing a grenade launcher from a platform. The first enemy guy after you finish the climbing section, will turn his back towards you. Just sneak up and kill him, then go and die, load game again and repeat 5 times.

You can use this tactic by killing someone and then die on purpose a lot of places in act 4 to do some of the more dificult tropihies. like kill 3 enemys with 1 explotion 5 times in a row.

I would not recomend using spoilers for anyone playing through the game for the first time, as they are really not needed. But after already having completed the game 1 or 2 times, maybe there are some trophies or treasures missing wich could be more easy found using some of these hints.
I do have to say that trophy support has really got me playing this again, I'd forgotted how good a game it was and just how good it looks.


Definitely. I am on my first run through but just having the trophies there is making me work hard to be a completionist.

I think these trophies are well done. The bronze, silver, and gold are balanced well by their difficulty and they encourage goals that are beneficial to the game as a whole, not just impossible side tasks that require some skills you will never use.

SSHD's trophies require techniques that are not required for general gameplay and the balance is slightly off on the difficulty. Pixel Junk Eden's trophies are more completionist based, but I think the difficulty balance is off.

PAIN's trophies that have so far been announced are off balance for the difficulty, but the skills required are actually a part of the general gameplay skills needed to complete the game and compete on the leaderboards.

Warhawk's seem well balanced and good for improving your own gameplay abilities, but I dislike the behavior a few of them encourage.

So, to sum up, overall I think that Uncharted has the best overall trophy setup so far.

Now if only it didn't have the occasional glitch, I jumped through a wall in the Custom's House last night.

Out of curiosity, I am playing through on Easy right now, but do the harder difficulties have more enemies? I am just trying to decide if I should wait to go for certain trophies when using a harder difficulty or not.

Oh and Klondike, regarding one of your tips:
You don't have to die to restart the section, just click restart checkpoint in the pause menu.
SSHD's trophies require techniques that are not required for general gameplay and the balance is slightly off on the difficulty. Pixel Junk Eden's trophies are more completionist based, but I think the difficulty balance is off.
Me and PSN games just don't get on, both SSHD and Eden make me want to stab my own eyes out, trophies are just not going to happen for me and these two. Until Buzz and Uncharted came along I was honestly starting to dispair about the whole idea of trophies.

So, to sum up, overall I think that Uncharted has the best overall trophy setup so far.
Quite agree. Buzz is not bad, but is more aimed at getting you playing the game than anything else. It is however a difficult title to put trophies to, that said some do push you, particularly the 10 correct answers in a row, 5000 points in single player, clean sweep (every question right) and three in a row answered in under 0.5 seconds each. These are a challenge.

Out of curiosity, I am playing through on Easy right now, but do the harder difficulties have more enemies? I am just trying to decide if I should wait to go for certain trophies when using a harder difficulty or not.
No idea, I played through on normal the first time and am doing the same again.


Foolkiller, Im almost certain that the harder difficulties dont have more enemies, just smarter enemies, and of course the damage done to you is more catastrophic. I see that you and I are pretty much neck and neck as we complete the trophies for uncharted, which is good, cause you being right there with me makes me want to keep on getting all of the trophies. haha.
Out of curiosity, I am playing through on easy right now, but do the harder difficulties have more enemies? I am just trying to decide if I should wait to go for certain trophies when using a harder difficulty or not.

Oh and Klondike, regarding one of your tips:
You don't have to die to restart the section, just click restart checkpoint in the pause menu.

Thanks for the tip :)

About playing it on easy. I played it on normal on my first run. That completed both the trophy for easy and normal. But I found out later that to unlock the Crushing dificulty you have to complete the game on hard. Had I know that to begin with I would had defenetly playing it on hard the first time. Now i have to play it through 3 times to get the platinium throphy, compared with 2 runs if I had done it on hard the first time around.

I am up to Chapter 4 on hard now. So far I dident find it anymore dificult compared with normal. Actually it was easyer because i knew what to to, but I expect it to become more dificult, and as you mentioned there will proberly be much more enemyes later on. There arent that much gun fight at the beginning of the game other than on the boat, wich was pretty easy on hard dificulty.
Me and PSN games just don't get on, both SSHD and Eden make me want to stab my own eyes out, trophies are just not going to happen for me and these two. Until Buzz and Uncharted came along I was honestly starting to dispair about the whole idea of trophies.
Well, Eden and Monsters are both supposed to get easier difficulty settings in a future update according to a story I saw on Joystiq yesterday. Maybe that will make Eden more appealing to you.

And don't feel bad, I have 0 trophies for Eden as well. It is a fun diversion, but I can't bring myself to focus too hard on it.

Quite agree. Buzz is not bad, but is more aimed at getting you playing the game than anything else. It is however a difficult title to put trophies to, that said some do push you, particularly the 10 correct answers in a row, 5000 points in single player, clean sweep (every question right) and three in a row answered in under 0.5 seconds each. These are a challenge.
So far Buzz is the only game with trophies that I didn't already have or plan to buy with trophies. It is the only defense I have to any accusations of being a trophy addict.

I got a Trivial Pursuit game for the PS2 and rarely play that, so I don't plan on getting Buzz. Pretty much the only time I do trivia is if a bar has it. As long as I ignore the fact that most of my competitors are drunk I feel incredibly smart as I storm the leaderboards.

Foolkiller, Im almost certain that the harder difficulties dont have more enemies, just smarter enemies, and of course the damage done to you is more catastrophic.
So, I would be better served trying to do stealth attacks and killing 3 people with one explosion on Easy?

I see that you and I are pretty much neck and neck as we complete the trophies for uncharted, which is good, cause you being right there with me makes me want to keep on getting all of the trophies. haha.
This is why I love trophies and how the Uncharted trophies are basically rewards for playing the game well. It adds a multiplayer competitiveness aspect to an otherwise linear single-player game.

About playing it on easy. I played it on normal on my first run. That completed both the trophy for easy and normal. But I found out later that to unlock the Crushing dificulty you have to complete the game on hard. Had I know that to begin with I would had defenetly playing it on hard the first time. Now i have to play it through 3 times to get the platinium throphy, compared with 2 runs if I had done it on hard the first time around.
I was aware that I would have to play through multiple times, but playing it on Easy has allowed for better opportunities to get some of the trophies that you won't get if you are needing to hide and shoot non-stop.

I am up to Chapter 4 on hard now. So far I dident find it anymore dificult compared with normal. Actually it was easyer because i knew what to to,[/quote]
Also, a bonus to playing through on an easier mode first. I won't be hunting for the best way to do something while other things are in my way.

There arent that much gun fight at the beginning of the game other than on the boat, wich was pretty easy on hard dificulty.
The boat is basically a training level, so I don't expect it to be too difficult on any mode.

Another question I have is how do you unlock the gun rewards? If you go into the Bonus -> Rewards in the start menu one of the lists is to allow you to equip a weapon. I don't have any unlocked yet, but I know I have been in situations where I thought that a weapon not provided on the level would be much more useful.

Also, has anyone tried the Next Gen visual filter yet? It adds a brown undertone to everything. Nice stab at other developers by Naughty Dog I thought.
You unlock the gun rewards, by obtaining enough medal points. Uasely 10 points for each bronze trophy. I think you have to complete the game at least once to open up for the lowest level gun rewards.
I just hit square, triangle, square back and forth repeatedly until it did it.

I'm having trouble with the steel fist, where you soften the guy up with gunfire and then kill them in one punch, oh, and the Stealth Attack. I have yet to sneak up on a single guy.

Yes! I can help you! Ok, to do the first one, do the "run-and-gun" kind of move while running at some guy, shoot when you get close then press SQUARE when you shoot him once, thats how to get steel fist, to get the other one, do that like 20 times in a row i think, I mean 5 times. Stealth Attack, that one you can just cheat on. Ok, when you get out of the boat and you get that seen where Sullivan gets shot, and tahts all said and done, you will meet up with the girl, I forgot her name, you will see your first enemy, not the one you first kill with the guys behind you shooting at you. When you meet her, you will come across a cave, the one you entered and have to backtrack with her, the guard at the very front is (post break - sorry, my PS3 only lets me do so much typing) just chillen there with his BACK!!! towards you, go up behind him and press SQUARE, doing a stealth attack then die willingly, then you will be respawned in the same place with the same guard, kill him again doing the stealth attack, the game has a thing where if you die it still saves your kills and stuff, do that 20 times and you will get the trophy. Does that help?
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Reminder: Warhawk trophy patch rolls out tonight. I already made my plea in the Warhawk thread that we all try to get the host a ranked server for 4 hours trophy tonight (or soon) so we don't have months of thousands of ranked servers to sift through.

Also, on that note. I finished Uncharted on Easy last night. I have all the weapons trophies, all but six treasures, and only have a few gameplay related trophies to get (grenade hangman and stealth attack come to mind).

So, I will play through on hard next and in the process hopefully collect those last six treasures. I know for a fact I got caught up in game play in a couple of chapters and didn't even look for them, so I have an idea of where they are. If I don't find them all now then I will use a list on my Crushing play through.
I completed Uncharted last night on Crushing. I had some really lucky moments in Chapter 20 where I had no ammo, except for one grenade which I managed to kill a guy with then use his gun to kill the last person.

So now I have all the trophies for Uncharted... but I still have some remaining in Super Stardust HD. :)
An update on PAIN trophies: Delayed, with no date.

But they did list them all, and the delay is apparently due to readjusting some of the difficulties.…Community.aspx

  • King of Pain: Get All Downtown Trophies plus Trill and Grenade-a-Maid
  • Affliction Addiction: Get One 100 Million Points in Downtown (Change from 1 Billion)

  • Harder Dick’s Balls: Get all of Dicks Balls in the Block Party Dumpster w/o reset
  • Rodeo Clown: Use Ed to Explode 500 barrels in Clown Toss (Change from 5,000)
  • Ninja pwn: Hit the Target Stuffed Ninja in every Amusement Park Mode
  • 2 Mill Club: Get “Pain in the Park” and “D-Town Destruction” (Change from 10 Mil)
  • Trill: Get Painful Bullseye Trophy with Scurv Dogg or Hung Lo add-on characters (Instead of Tosser)

  • Dude Abides: Use “The Dude” to score 30 Strikes in Bowling (Change from 50 Strikes)
  • D-Town Destruction: Get 2,000,000 score in Paindemonium and Aftermath (Change from 10 million)
  • Pain in the Park: Get 2,000,000 score in Abusement and After Hours (Change from 10 million)
  • Combo Mambo: Get 15x Combo in Paindemonium, Aftermath, Block Party, Demolition (Change from 20x)
  • Horsin’ a Clown: Take the Clown for a ride on the Roller Coaster
  • Glutton: Make 30 “Eat It!” shots in “Call da Shot”
  • Constipated: Get 100 Strikes in Bowling (Change from 250 Strikes)
  • Pain and Mane: Play 100 Games of Trauma or Horse
  • Attention Spam: Get every type of PAIN (Groin, Head, Arm, Hand, Leg, Foot and Body) combo in Paindemonium, Aftermath, Block Party, Demolition.
  • Grenade-a-Maid: Get Exploded 200 times with any female launchable add-on character*(Change from 500 times)
Fallout 3 wont have trophies from launch

Thats really a shame. I gues i wont buy this game until they update it with trophies if they ever do.

Bethesda dont seem to bother much about PS3 users. Oblivion was never patched to fix the wampyre bug, nor was the expansions aviable at the PS3 store. So i have my doubts we will ever see a trophy patch for Fallout.

Its funny because no 360 game now would dare launch without achievements because it would be a commercial suicide but yet when it comes to PS3 its somehow not important.... just plain lazy.
